Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2065: dispute

The latest website: Returning to Kyoto will inevitably be reprimanded by Song Zhongkai.

Knowing that there is a great master in suffering education, and still so uneasy, Song Zhongkai felt that Xu Zhi should shrink to the head office of the inspection department.

Even if you travel, you need to be a little secret.

There are too many killings in the province of Galt, this is a target that is too conspicuous.

"Why do you like jumping so much, killing jumping is so fun? You are so stunned!"

Xu Zhi is good at everything.

But when a shortcoming came out, Song Zhongkai only felt terrible.

Just take a few jumps and you'll get it. What's going on when you get bloodshed?

Think of Xu Zhi's past in South Australia, and it took two months to kill him. Song Zhongkai felt that there was really a problem with his head.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to get into trouble.

Thinking of this, he could not help but introduce some of his mentality after he got into trouble.

How to avoid getting into trouble, and how to deal with the problem of your own mentality if you get into trouble.

"I just like to kill and jump a little, and contribute my own little power to the biological disaster in South Australia," Xu Zhi quibbled.

"You're not like it, you can't call it interesting, you're a jumping demon..."

Song Zhongkai read and talked, and Xu Zhi listened to him preaching for a long time before returning to the head office of the inspection department.

"Master Master, Master Li has visited you, I think he..."

"I already know her things, no need to worry, she should be able to survive, this is her chance."

When Fan Tiexin came up to speak, Xu Zhi nodded slightly, indicating that he was fully aware of all this.

She can learn the Thick Soil Profound Scripture, and she can also learn Boaruo Gong. As long as Li Duohuang calms down and has enough opportunities to view the demonstration, she is likely to steal the top-level practice of hardship.

Position hardship and verify whether Lu Shengan is involved.

Perhaps Li Duohuang could give him a definite answer.


"The personnel transfers in the four provinces of Southern Yunnan, Tumo, Skard, and Galt are all brought to me."

"it is good."

Fan Tiexin had already heard Xu Zhi's next command when he thought for a while.

He murmured lowly and quickly turned around to look up information.

Many murders occurred in Xinxing province, and many officials in the Dongyue system were killed.

Xu Zhi wants to take a closer look, whether this is to mobilize people to die and fight against dissidents, or is a force majeure factor.

If it is the former, and Li Duohuang has confirmation there, he will arrange for people to suppress Lu Shengan.

Just after the four-nation exchange competition ends and the action is initiated, the other party will be arrested immediately.

In the latter case, Xu Zhi will give each other a chance.

If Lu Shengan is not part of hardship, that is the best situation. Xu Zhi doesn't want his friend to be caught in it.

"General House, Lu Fuguo came to visit, you see it or not."

When Xu Zhi thought about it, Fan Tiexin quickly returned.

"I'm out of the customs, of course I have to see you."

Xu Zhi let go of his thoughts. When his face changed, his face was no longer abnormal.

When he greeted him with a smile, he saw Lu Shengan also greeted him.

"I read the message and learned that you have done a big deal in the province of Gart" Lu Shengan said.

"It's just boring at home, and went out for a hunt," Xu Zhi smiled.

"You can't hunt," Lu Shengan shook his head. "Some people just doubt the truth of the matter, but there are also many people who are interested in why you can be tempted to so many jumps and kills."

If the heart is hard enough, it is not surprising how many jumps are killed, and one person can't stand the relay.

But there have never been so many jumps to kill.

One or two alone are common, there are more than ten litters, but hundreds and thousands of large jump groups are rare.

It is rare if tens of thousands are involved.

And like Xu Zhi, who could gather and kill millions to jump, and the body stacked into a blood river of more than ten kilometers, this has never happened.

When someone criticizes for fake news, others constantly go to the scene to check the truth.

When the authenticity is dialectized, the rest is countless curiosity.

But Xu Zhi's identity and status are too high, and most people seem to be unable to enter.

Interested are some higher layers.

For example, many leaders of the South Australian Union, or Grand Master.

However, the fireworks between Song Zhongkai and Wen Renweiyang were very strong. Between the two of you, I have spoken a lot, and there have been countless turbulences on the border.

The four-nation exchanges suffered a terrible defeat. The South Australians have turned this defeat into a shame. When the indignation is filled, it is also full of hostility.

If South Australians were to ask for help at this time, it would become a difficult task.

"Let's kill more, kill more, and wait for jumping to seek revenge," Xu Zhi casually said.

"It would be so simple."

"Anyway, killing and jumping is a matter for South Australians," Xu Zhi said with a smile: "They are still thinking about invading our Dongyue, and the jumping disaster is no more harmful, and it can alleviate some of our pressure."

"That being said."

Lu Shengan sighed.

Xu Zhi is a knife mouth, tofu heart.

If it were really like Xu Zhi's mouth, Xu Zhi might not have kept his hands on the Rams in the four-nation exchange competition.

Xu Zhi obviously wanted to resolve this dispute and contradiction.

But many situations lie ahead, and no one can do anything about it.

South Australia is still attacked by jumping.

And Dongyue was also pulled into the quagmire at this time, and began to expend energy to conduct a large-scale sweep.

There is also a stalemate at the border.

If it weren't for Dongyue's 33 provinces to support these three new provinces, it can be said that it is not too difficult to move forward.

But what makes Lu Shengan more worrying is the future.

This contradiction intensified, and one day it might break out of control.

"If you can, you should persuade him to choose to quell the conflict as much as possible, rather than intensify the conflict," Lu Shengan said.

"Shenshan Alliance is all pushing on our noses. It's a little hard to make Zun Shang swallow this breath."

"It's difficult. I tried to persuade him, but it didn't make any sense."

Lu Shengan only feels that diplomacy seems to have reached a certain desperate situation, and the national power has reached a very dangerous place. Just like being on a cliff, it takes only one step to step out of the abyss.

"If I can say that Weiwen and others like me, I can only calm down with respect to that tone," Xu Zhidao said.

"How can he make sense."

The most familiar Song Zhongkai didn't make sense, not to mention the unfamiliar Wen Renweiyang.

You are the auxiliary country, but the right to speak at the top is not as strong as you think.

Lu Shengan has the right to speak domestically, but not the right to speak internationally.

This is what Xu Zhi has been thinking about for a long time.

Xu Zhi even saw the essence of it, and wanted to make what he said had weight, and needed fists to have strength.

The breath of the mouth stems from the strength of the country, but also from the strength of the country, but also from its own strength.

Lu Shengan could hardly speak in this, so he had to lobby him to seek a higher voice and strive to change the current situation.

"This is not a good phenomenon. There are many difficulties in the country and we can't fight South Australia at all. We don't have the certainty of winning. Everything is not yet time, at least let us be strong enough..."

"Then when do we need to be?" Xu Zhi interrupted Lu Shengan's words: "Who would be so hard-headed, when we are strong, everything is settled, and everything is sure to challenge us?"

"But war is not a good thing," Lu Shengan explained: "It's not good for anyone."

"You should be clear that this is not the war we want to wage, we are just passive bearers."

"But we can stop this possible war, and only we can stop it, as long as we give in a little."

"How to stop, evade Sanshe, give up the three provinces? Even send out the provinces of southern Yunnan?"

"We should be able to find a compromise ~ ~ there must be other ways, even if you don't put oil on the fire can delay the arrival of war."

"Looking down will only lower our morale, and the arrogance of the enemy will be more arrogant."


Between Lu Shengan and the two, there was a real argument for the first time.

Such controversy conflicted with Xu Zhi's radicalism and approval, and Lu Shengan's evasion and tolerance.

Not only did Lu Shengan not persuade Song Zhongkai, but even Xu Zhi did not persuade him.

He finally left with a serious look on his face.

And Xu Zhi was relieved.

This dispute will not only involve Dongyue and Nan'ao, but will also involve the showdown and power grabbing of hardship.

After all, Lu Shengan was reluctant to see that situation.

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