Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2079: Akiko's love

With the continuous advancement of the four-nation exchange competition.

Site selection, equipment erection.

As the date gets closer and closer.

At the border, there were many cross-border battles, and the provinces in southern Yunnan also gathered contestants from different countries.


All omissions need to be plugged.

But Xu Zhi didn't expect the omission to come so fast.

Among the participants in the four-nation exchange competition master group, a master cultivator of Mollier appeared in South Australia.

In general, Xu Zhi does not think much.

But if Akako Harukawa brought Mollier to meet, Xu Zhi could not help but scold his mother when she saw a real person.

Compared to meeting a few years ago, this woman appears to be a lot more civilized.

At least she is not wearing a fur coat now.

But this is not the point.

The point is that this woman will turn into a red dragon after her transformation.

Of course, it is also very powerful that the opponent does not turn into a red dragon, and the flesh is as strong as a master body cultivator. At least Molier is an opponent in the master group.

No matter how talented the ancient bags are, they can't beat this monster.

Xu Zhi didn't know how this kind of person successfully registered.

Age, cultivation status, nationality.

None of these meet the specifications.

Harukawa Akiko was blatantly cheating, and Xu Zhi had a headache when he saw him.

He had to take care of his life at this time, lest the woman change her voice, spur the fire down, and burn him through.

"Are you the one that Akako said he can cure?"

Molly also clearly has an impression of Xu Zhi.

He was beaten back to the prototype by Xu Zhiyi. The two had a fight, and the other party suffered a loss under Xu Zhi.

Of course, Xu Zhi was terrified afterwards and fled in a panic.


Xu Zhi responded cautiously, looking at Qingchuan Akiko, and his body also leaned back.

Once Morill suddenly turned and transformed, he could not control anything, the first thing was to escape.

Then give everything to the Grand Masters who are constantly coming to Dongyue.

On the occasion of calculating hardships, if it becomes Tu Long, Xu Zhi feels that he and Wen Renweiyang will cry.

"Xu Zhi, didn't you treat me to the woman in your head? Treat Molly as well, she also has someone noisy in her head," Harukawa said hurriedly.

The situation in Dongyue and Nan'ao is very complicated. Even if he dare not contact Xu Zhi more, he can only ask for help on this occasion.

The time is short, and the exchange between the two will be limited.

"What kind of thing are you looking for?"

Xu Zhi felt that Qingchuan Akiko was sick.

No matter how he can cure the dragon god, he can treat Qingchuan Akiko's mental disorders at best.

If it wasn’t for Mollier, he really wanted to beat Haruka Akako and check his head to see if it was full of seawater.

The target of treatment this time is beyond the outline.

He only dealt with a super-class Gwen-Magnus, and he didn't want to meet other characters beyond his ability.

"You do have the possibility to treat me," Morill chuckled suddenly. "Ako said it was a coincidence that he introduced me to a very unique doctor."

She has a low voice and is magnetic, although not crisp and sweet, but for some people, this voice is very attractive.

Looking at the small face of Qingchuan Akiko enjoying and worrying, Xu Zhi felt there was a ghost in it.

"Can you know it before?" Qingchuan Ako asked.

"I don't want to know her, and you better stay away from her."

Looking at Qingchuan Akiko, Xu Zhi is like seeing Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian in the legend of the New White Lady. This cross-species relationship is best to be less.

Physiologically speaking, Xu Zhi is quite opposed to the love between man and demon.

"Don't be like this. Although we are heading towards each other, let's be friendly." Akiko Harukawa said with wide eyes.

"It is because of our friendly relationship that I persuade you not to fall into the **** pit," Xu Zhi looked at Morill cautiously. "Don't end up in a situation where you are swallowed up with dead bones."

"Say what, Mollier is the smartest and most powerful woman I have ever seen. Although she has been swaying in the wild area since she was a child, who can't order it, and the Pido ring phoenix is ​​always entangled with you..."

Harukawa Chiko Barbara's comparison suddenly made Xu Zhi clear.

Although I don't know the reason, Qingchuan Akiko no doubt thought carefully.

A straight steel man like Harukawa Akiko, a careful thought is written on the face and language maintenance, as long as a little chat will be directly seen.

"Could you like Mollier?" Xu Zhi asked.

"You... your question is a bit awkward, I think, I think..."

Harukawa Akiko wriggled a few words and glanced at Mollier again before continuing.

"Little Maury and I have the same experience. It is normal for us to be sympathetic. You are right. I am a little bit, ah~"

Qingchuan Akiko's expression was sentimental, and Xu Zhi gave Xu Zhi a "you know" look, and finally hammered it down.

"I really appreciate Akiko, if possible, I am very willing to be with him."

Compared with Harukawa Akiko, Morill spoke much more directly.

"I know something about your past, aren't you playing with Qingchuan Akiko?" Xu Zhi warned: "If you exist like this, I think..."

Standing in front of Xu Zhi is the Dragon God, who is also the Queen of the Old World Nigong Dynasty. It is far from the appearance of Morill.

"Couldn't I have normal human emotions?" Morill asked rhetorically.

"what are you guys saying?"

Ever since Morrill and Xu Zhi met, Akiko Harukawa felt that the conversation was moving in a weird direction.

As if these were two people who met and knew each other, Xu Zhi seemed to know Mollier far better than him.

This makes Qingchuan Akiko feel a little sad, and also has a little vigilant guard, afraid of Xu Zhiheng's love.

"Are you a human or a dragon god?" Xu Zhifa asked: "I feel like you changed a person after you transformed. If you can't control your behavior, you really shouldn't have normal human emotions."

Between Molier and Qingchuan Akiko, Xu Zhi felt that he had assumed a role of'Fahai'.

But he couldn't watch Qingchuan Akiko fall into this big pit.

No one knows when Moril became a dragon body. With the thickness of more than two hundred meters, Xu Zhi felt that Qingchuan Akiko might collapse.

And he has an agreement with Wen Renweiyang.

If the cooperation is successful, it will inevitably kill South Australia's jump.

This Dragon God's food may be insufficient in the future.

What will you eat?

Will Mollier feed and clash with the encircled people?

When Xu Zhi thought about it, he felt that this kind of relationship would be best ended immediately. Taking advantage of Morill's consciousness, it would be better for everyone to make a cut.

"Who, Dragon God?"

Harukawa Akiko of the question mark face is completely confused.

"This is why I am looking for you," said Mollier: "What power do you seem to have released to me, to divide my soul into two parts."

"Huh, Xu Zhi, are you... Did you get out of Little Maury's disease?"

"Let's talk about the business, don't intervene first," Morill frowned slightly.

Seeing that there were many doubts, Xu Zhi immediately closed his mouth.

Love is really a blinding Looking at Qingchuan Chizi, Xu Zhi seems to see the humbleness of love, the blindness of love, the numbness brought by love...

This guy lost his face.

Xu Zhi criticized countless sentences in his heart, and then looked at Morill who continued to speak.

"I hope you can accurately divide my soul, and let the part that does not belong to me continue to be divided, making it difficult for him to recover."

"Your request is too high, I can't do it."

Xu Zhi, who has only two experiences with split divine art, said it was completely impossible.

Splitting not only spells character, but also has a long recovery period.

What is even more terrible is, what happens if another part of Morill wakes up after a medical accident?


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