Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2083: The most special emotions

Morel's entry triggered a small wave, but it quickly fell silent again.

The loser is out of the game and no further changes are possible.

Whether it is the symptoms of haloblood or the reason why Xu Zhi said that IQ is not enough, Morrill loses no doubt.

Harukawa Akiko is beside Mollier, and this can be pryed back by Xu Zhi, and that's the same.

"Look, Yi Chuan is not bad!"

In addition to irregular geniuses, normal young geniuses were gradually seen in the four-nation exchange competition.

Yi Chuan.

A cultivator who had worked alongside Xu Zhi.

At this time, his expression was calm, and the shot was still simple.

Uncomplicated gun skills have a power that is difficult to resist.

Removed the fancy, but also got rid of the complexity.

The purest point of all return.

This is the avenue to Jane, and the most difficult one.

No one can rely on basic gun skills.

Without the accumulated knowledge, it is difficult to climb higher.

Yi Chuan can do this, but he can simulate the gunshot.

Just like Tuo Guhong can simulate Xu Zhi's magic, Yi Chuan can simulate a kind of shooting concept through long-term contact.

This kind of artistic conception continues to improve with his cultivation, and his talents are strengthened.

Among them, he benefited a lot.

By now, he has become a small figure, became famous, and began to enter the quarterfinals.

"He simulated the gun intention of Master Yi Zhongdi. If he wants to go further, he needs to improve it."

"Master He Taichong in the military area is good at gunfire. If he is a teacher, he will certainly be able to go further."

Yi Zhongdi ranked 43rd among the masters, while He Taichong ranked ninth. These are two very different fighting strengths, and they are also spaces for Yichuan to improve.

"If he can continue to grow in the future, simulating the gunshot of Grand Master Huangpu is bound to have great future, maybe another Yuanzong Bokong."

If you do not go out of your way, the highest achievement of the simulator is the type of Yuanzong Bokong.

It is difficult to achieve great grandmaster, but there is also no one in the grandmaster and Yuan Zong Bokong's combat power.

This is not a disparagement to Yi Chuan, but a great cultivator who can achieve Yuanzong's emptiness. He is already a top cultivator and can be called a legend in a certain region.

Xu Zhi and Lu Shengan bowed their heads in conversation, and inevitably put forward some players' future directions.

"It's better to have more time," Lu Shengan regretted: "This era is very unfair to them, and it's hard to have time to grow."

Eight into four, Yi Chuan began to be eliminated.

The new semi-finals began to be released.

Ancient bags, Wenrenxi, Uyabagula, Jingmen twelve orders.

"The times are fair, everyone faces the same problem," Xu Zhi replied.

It is reported that the last massacre of Renxi and MacArthur, in this session, the weight of the ancient bags was directly amplified.

It also made this exchange match not encounter the Wulong Bureau, so that the seed players of Dongyue and South Australia met prematurely.

In the semi-finals of the top four, their opponents came out one after another.

Gu Baobao faced Uyabagula, Wen Renxi faced the Twelve Eyes of Jingmen.

Uyaba Gula knows the importance, when fighting with ancient bags, he is obviously the main discussion, do not want to intervene in the final game of ancient bags and Wen Renxi.

"May the North Xinjiang and Dongyue be peaceful forever, and hope that we have the opportunity to discuss normally."

Uyabagula's long stick stayed for a while, and then he was wiped from the throat with a knife.

His eyes were calm, and he had no regrets. The first two sentences whispered into light and shadow fragments.

"I'm waiting for you in the Grandmaster Realm!"

After taking off the equipment, the ancient bag raised his hand at Uyabagula, which made Uyabagula's face hurt.

Today, he is thirty-two years old, and he belongs to the top master of the younger generation.

But compared with the Yan family, he looked glorious and bleak.

The Yan family's entry into the master's realm seems to be as simple as eating and drinking.

Although the fighting is extremely strong, he feels that he is still a long way from the grandmaster.

In the past years, he and Xu Zhi stood side by side, and Yan Jinbai had to chase back, with great advantages.

Now I want to be side by side with the ancient bags, they are not waiting for him.

Uyabagula had a headache when he thought about it.

But he looked at another player who heard Wen Renxi, and he instantly balanced.

Anyway, Wenrenxi is much worse than him.

On the other platform, Wen Renxi and Jingmen's twelve eyes fought, but they did not give way.

The twelve eyes of Jingmen did not admire Renxi, but also had the ability to disobey Renxi.

In eight into four, he directly eliminated Margross.

This is the grand-granddaughter of Grand Master Margaret, which is the object of key training, and finally participated in this four-country exchange competition.

Despite repeated participation and repeated defeats, no one questioned the strength of Margross.

This also proves the ability of Jingmen twelve purposes.

There is no humility between the twelve eyes of Jingmen and Wenrenxi.

Wen Renxi was out of the game twice in a row and it was hard for him to trust.

But he ended up short.

"I'm not convinced. If I have the conditions for you to listen to others, how can I step here and let Nan'ao go to such a place..."

Forty-six-year-old Jingmen has twelve eyes. This is the last time he participated in the four-nation exchange competition.

The same is true for Wen Renxi, who is forty-four years old. After two years, it will be difficult for him to participate in the competition because of his age.

The chest was smashed by a sledgehammer, and the unwillingness of Jingmen's twelve eyes turned into light and shadow fragments.

Wen Renxi on the stage opened his mouth, and finally only sighed slightly.

Compared to him, Jingmen's twelve eyes are not far behind.

Not as good as him, not as good as Uyabagula, and has a gap with ancient bags.

The twelve eyes of Jingmen are fighting each other only with the disapproval in their hearts, and even risk taking medicine while practicing.

Just like he lost to Yan Jinbai.

Only then he came out.

Mentality began to return to normal.

The Yan family myths were created one after another, and not many people believed him again.

But he is indeed the strongest master cultivator in South Australia.


Wen Renxi remembered growing up and has received the most reviews.

This word is also suitable for Yan family.

It is an irresistible existence.

To lose is to lose, he has no dissatisfaction.

But his strength is advancing more steadily.

Until now, Wen Renxi felt that he had reached the end of his efforts.

Even the same-order player Jingmen Twelve Eyes, any fighting behavior is controlled in his rhythm.

This is the limit of his life.

It's hard to go further.

After this battle, no matter whether he wins or loses, he has no reason to remain in the master stage.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

When playing again, Wen Renxi spit out his first sentence since he entered the game.

His voice was hoarse, and it seemed that he hadn't uttered a long time.

This is a battle that determines fate.

At this time, the stadium was quiet, even in the meeting room behind the scenes, it was silent at this time, waiting for the result to be released.

"You can relax a little bit. Brother II said that you have a heavy burden. This kind of heavy weight should not be borne by you."

Gu Baobao wiped a tear before speaking to Wen Renxi.

"Dongyue's burden is not on you either."

Gu Baobao’s reply was not a battle statement such as ‘I have been waiting for you for a long time’, but an ordinary chat, which made Wen Renxi ask.

"That's different. I'm a brother and sister taking turns. The relays are one after another. Although the burden is heavy, it's nothing compared to you."


"You have been pressed on your shoulders for three consecutive years. You must have been suffering very hard all these years."

"It's a bit!"

"It's hard to go further with a hundred feet, the pain of cultivation is nothing. It is difficult for people to understand is the situation we really face."


"Uyabagula just said..."


Above the ring, as the two opened their mouths, the countdown to the engagement, and then to the engagement, the two did not directly confront each other.

On the contrary, with the guidance of Gu Baobao, Wen Renxi began to fall into conversation.

This seemed to make him open his heart and began to say something.

Including Weiyang's special training for the heard person, there is never much leisure, and the time is arranged like a clockwork.

Failure to achieve the goal will result in more severe punishment.

He also talked about the constant encouragement of words and deeds, which seemed to be an incentive in Wen Renweiyang, but Wen Renxi thought it was more like stimulation, making him nervous to the point of infinite tension.

Wen Renxi once suspected that she would die suddenly.

This made Wen Renwei of the Chamber of Deputies sullen.

"Xu General Mansion, your sister did not seem to be sad? She has already shot."

Wen Renwei Young uttered a voice, while Xu Zhi shrugged.

"I have always paid little attention to the cultivation of teachers and siblings. You should be clear that our teachers are completely stocked."

Xu Zhi shoved away.

Normally, it’s appropriate for the crying person to practice the "sorrow" of the white tiger.

The more sad you are, the stronger you cry.

This is the case with Yan Xingxia.

Once the grand master wept, it was Wen Renwei who had to take it seriously.

But the ancient bags are not mourning.

The appearance is soft and the heart is strong.

Gu Baobao finally chose ‘love’.

This emotion originated from gratitude.

The meager strength of her parents and elders did her utmost to support Shimen's grace, so that she entered a new world.

Many brothers and sisters have brought together countless friendships that are difficult to count.

As the youngest sister, when Gu Gubao became stronger, she also grew up in a very loving environment.

Thanksgiving love.

With the expansion of her insights, she also began to spread this emotion out to many other places.

This is one of the most difficult emotions in Baihu Qisha.

It is also the weirdest kind of power.

Part of it even has some similarities with the charm of Immelia.

Even when it comes to words, it is possible to get people to move, let people loose their precautions, to remember the memory of love in their hearts.


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