Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2085: 1st position let 1 let

Compared to the chaotic master battlefield, even in areas where someone has already started.

The crisis in the Chamber is fatal.

Wen Renweiyang was obviously not just moving his mouth at this time, it was likely to move.

"Wen Renkui, please calm down," Salman said anxiously: "This bet wins if you lose, you have to look at it."

In the past he had to read a slang to ease, and now he can't take care of so much, and started to dissuade directly.

"Don't be impulsive, Wenrenkui."

McLon exclaimed.

He knew early on that there would be big problems in this four-nation exchange.

But as the grand master of the West Liuguo's voice, he had to come to Dongyue.

Think of Amelia, the mother-in-law pushed away too fast, and McLon's heart was like a pool of bitter water, only to feel that she was doing all the hard work.

"Song Zun."

On the other side, Liu Shengzong opened his mouth and dissuaded Song Zhongkai.

Song Zhongkai's mouth is powerful, but it is just a disability.

The battle of mouth fighting wins quickly, and the stronger the mouth gun, the easier it is to be beaten.

Liu Shengzong Yuan felt that Song Zhongkai should not spur Wen Renwei at this time.

"Why, just let him win in South Australia, and don't allow me to win in Dongyue? Can South Australia lose that way? Or is Wen Renkui the first loser? Should my surname Song be unlucky?"

Song Zhongkai sneered and sneered.

Occupying emotion and reason, this feels great.

According to Xu Zhi's arrangement, Wen Renweiyang is going to be a negative character.

Even if there is only a 30% chance of becoming a villain, Song Zhongkai doesn't want to be at all.

It's too tiring to do this job.

He is still accustomed to Wei Guangzheng, cursing people.

"Song surnamed, it is obvious that you replaced this site deliberately with such a dragon gate array, deliberately scouting us in Nanao, I asked you, what happened to the machine, you explain to me how the machine went wrong..."

The ready reason is at hand, and Wen Renweiyang is too lazy to think about other methods.

For them, any reason that can be used as an excuse is fine.

If you want to get entangled, just grab a question.

Even if he didn't hear Renxi release the power of "roaring", he could still find the problem of venue replacement, and even made a fuss with the Mollier fake match.

Why not place it near Kyoto.

Random replacement of the venue makes the contestants unacceptable.

As long as he can take it out, he will pull the skin and eventually trigger dry.

"It's because your God Mountain's machine can withstand the crit of master cultivators. I want to explain to you a watermelon. You are a rogue, a rascal..."

Song Zhongkai started a personal attack, and Situ Xuankong couldn't shoot, and no one could cover his mouth.

Of course, the same is true of Wen Renweiyang.

Amelia didn't arrive, and Turanto didn't come. Wanting Wen Renwei to close her mouth, only Situ Xuankong hit her.

"You are dead and crippled, and you still have a face to say to me. You said that you squatted in that position. You didn't do anything day by day. For 40 years, who is the real rogue, everyone must be very clear. Lai Zaizun The top position..."

The two of them started fighting each other again.

This time the situation is more serious.

This is not a diplomatic dialogue, it has already met offline.

There are very few people in this country who do this kind of scolding, not to mention offline scolding.

This is likely to stage a fight.

"Headquarters Xu!"

Lu Shengan felt chills for a while, watching the situation escalate step by step, he was helpless, and he was already anxious to the point of uncontrollability.

But he was only here for the first time, and it was difficult to know whether this was the case or only today.

The backroom was far worse than he thought.

Lu Shengan, who was on the international stage for the first time, felt a bit hesitant.

What should I do?

"There is Grand Master Situ here, what are we afraid of?" Xu Zhisheng said.

His voice slightly stabilized Lu Shengan's heart.

As long as Situ Xuankong, the patron saint of the empire, exists, Dongyue will remain stable, and Wenren Weiyang will not let it go.

But then Wen Renweiyang's words chilled his heart.

"You didn't want to challenge me two years ago, come on, Situ Laofu, to see who we can compete for, the position of your first person should have given way."

Wen Renweiyang pulled out a long thorn from the back, and took the initiative to declare war on Situ Xuankong.

This caused Qingchuan Shenhuo on the side to stand up slowly, and a long whip slowly pulled out.

"If Wen Renkui is killed in battle, I will wash Dongyue blood and return from here."



Xu Zhi shouted and just wanted to give a boost, Situ Xuankong had already scolded at the same time.

"Dongyuelun did not reach Nan'ao, the old man's long sword had not been stained for a long time, and he didn't mind the death of two grandmasters."

"Why is this happening?"

Salman twisted his head, looking at this from time to time, and looking at the other one from time to time.

A bet that shouldn't be played has triggered things that are constantly difficult to clean up.

If there were no plans to bet on the alliance countries, everything will not happen now.

If South Australia does not jump, Dongyue and South Australia can still get along peacefully.


There are many assumptions in Salman's mind, but if there is no result, then there is only reality.

"Xu Zongfu, please help me to connect your Majesty Turanto in northern Xinjiang with the fastest speed, and also send it to the Xiliu Parliament to find the leader of the Amelia Parliament. what……"

Salman murmured, and he just wanted to attract some characters who could provide enough voice.

Anyway, it must be stopped.

"Wen Renkui should not forget that this world is not the world of South Australia. Anyone who disregards the declarations made by the four countries, we and others can fight against it," Yelv Hongfei said.

"It's up to you" Wen Renwei said coldly: "If I kill you, it's only half a tea."

"Wen Renkui..."

Wen Renweiyang's remarks clearly showed that he had declared war on Northern Xinjiang.

This is a broken jar.

Yelu Hongfei's expression was cold, and a long knife was pulled out.

"If you can't kill me with half a cup of tea."

"Hey, then one tea, two teas, three teas, chasing the horizon, until you are killed."

Yelu Hongfei just screamed out, and was immediately killed by Wenren Weiyang.

The leader is obviously dependent at this time, no matter who intervenes and hands, there is no good end.

"Wen Renweiyang, you are not relying on that strength," Situ Xuankong said: "If you are crippled, guess how many people want to kill you."

"Stuart old man, there are far more people who want to kill you than you want to kill me. You still care about your own head."

When the scene boosted, everyone's performance was great.

Even Situ Xuankong gradually integrated into it.

Xu Zhi gave Lu Shengan a slight glance, and he was also very angry when he saw the other party, and he was relieved.

There is chaos in the battlefield of the masters. Several masters have begun to scold, and there seem to be signs of war.

This made Wen Renwei's eyes glance slightly.

"Old man, come here, you are not the first master of self-proclaimed Grand Master, today I heard people Weiyang laid down their lives to try, do you have the ability to kill Grand Master!"

He put this down, but pushed the nature of mutual learning one step further.

To learn from each other is to count casualties.

Salman just thought about two years It was a slack to put down the bow and arrow, and thought it was all ironic.

He stood slightly towards Dongyue.

I saw that there were many great grandmasters left with changes.

Whoever breaks the rules first will obviously lead to consistent treatment.

Wen Renweiyang is no exception.

Beside him, only Qingchuan Shenhuo was alone.

"Too much help, but no help, Wen Renweiyang, this is not the day of death in South Australia, you South Australia has chosen a dead end, no one can complain."

A long sword popped out of his hand.

The word "Emperor Star" on the sword is particularly striking.


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