Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2092: 9 minutes

Xu General Mansion! "

"Headquarters Xu!"

"Master Xu!"

"Surnamed Xu, huh... hum~"


Watching Uyaturanto's father and daughter chase away, Xu Zhi was relieved a little.

Even with the preparations, he did not expect that hardship education could gather so many people.

When the four heavenly kings died dead and wounded, Nei Zhuang Baiqiu who forcibly picked up the big beam played enough importance.

Many contacts and commands are operated through Zhuang Baiqiu, which also allows Xu Zhi to arrange the game safely and complete the game.

The mission of Li Duohuang was to borrow the identity of Tu Moxing Provincial Superintendent to deceive Yan Jinbai of Tu Moxing Provincial Inspection Department Shaofu, and kidnap Yan Jinbai as a backup threat if necessary.

It must be said that Mu Yongzhi's crooked routine is not qualified.

During the game, Xu Zhi has been walking in front of Mu Yongzhi.

At first, Mu Yongzhi took the initiative to play chess, and then he fell into his rhythm.

Including cultivating Li Duohuang, it is difficult to go to the lobby because of insufficient time, and it can only be used for coordination.

"Long time no see, Aunt Zang!"

Among the hard-working and chaotic parties that all people are committed to, there is no lack of Tibetans.

Thinking of climbing the position of Grand Master, Zang Suxin finally failed to change his life.

After going round and round, she wandered with Tang Sifang for several years and was finally contacted by Zhuang Baiqiu.

This is the last chance and the only chance for them to get out of control.

"Master Xu!"

Zang Suxin pulled off the black gauze and lowered his head slightly. Tang Sifang on the side no longer had an arrogant look, and he dropped his head together.

Someone came back like her, but finally entered the camp of bitterness and lay on the ground.

One step wrong is one step wrong.

At this time, if they stepped in the wrong rhythm, they would also lose their lives.

According to Zhuang Baiqiu's information, the only hope is to invest in Xu Zhi.

This is the only way out.

It is also the way they have long thought about.

Zang You and Zang Ling are still in Xuzhi Mansion.

Zang Suxin finally made up his mind.

As an ambassador, she and Zhuang Baiqiu had so much anonymous information that they attracted nearly 80% of the people who were in hardship.

Dozens of people fell to the ground together.

There are guru and master cultivator.

In the past, they hid in the crowd and changed their face. They were good at riots. They were shot by Xu Zhi and killed several people. Zhuang Baiqiu, Zang Suxin, Li Duohuang and other inner ghosts attacked and killed. The casualties were heavy. Many people could only go around flee.

"Xu General Mansion, you can do well, save my old sister," Zhuang Baiqiu said bitterly.

"Xu's surname, you will give the old lady antidote, I will never be greedy for cheap food."

Li Duohuang on the side was also mumbling.

The controlled ending is too miserable. She feels that it is impossible for her to go for a cheaper price and collect everything.

The few months taught by the bitter teacher was simply a very painful lesson in her life.

The cost of gaining the trust of a hard teacher is too high.

Li Duohuang never wanted to hurt a second time.

Listening to Zhuang Baiqiu's opening, she keenly perceives something.

"You are not greedy and cheap," Xu Zhiqi laughed: "You don't ask Zhuang Baiqiu how rare this antidote is, how much does it cost."

Having said that, Xu Zhi still took out the secret box behind his back.

Three pieces of ice were taken out.

One Li Duohuang, one Tibetan Su Xin, and one Tang Sifang.

"Fifty dollars?"

Looking at the five fingers of Zhuang Baiqiu's right hand, Li Duohuang hummed and offered a low price.

"Multiply by one million Zhuang Baiqiu's right hand!"

Xu Zhi's words made Li Duohuang shivering, and immediately swallowed Bing Linglong who had the hand.

"What right hand, what antidote, ha ha ha, hiccup..."

Li Duohuang eats cleanly, wipes his mouth, does not recognize people, and plays stupid.

Xu Zhi was too lazy to care about this woman, anyway, he was used to his temperament.

Li Duohuang could not break away from the bad habit of taking advantage.

"This antidote tube doesn't work!"

After a while, she was upset again.

Xu Zhi on the side ignored her.

Xu Zhi at this time stared at a sword submitted by Zang Suxin.

This sword is quaint and old, and the sword handle is slightly worn.

The sword body is peculiar, like a nine-section whip.

"It's hard for our couple to have a long thing, but we found a long sword while drifting in Nanyang. This sword is very strange, it seems a bit like Situ..."

Xu Zhi extended his hand to take over the long sword and waved it a little, his heart burst into anger.

I saw the white sword on the long sword soared, and the nine-foot-long sword burst into flames.

"Sure enough it is Master Jiujian's sword."

Xu Zhi slightly stretched out the palm of the anti-seismic numbness, and gave a slight gesture to Tuo Guhong who was in charge of it. He had already jumped with his long sword, and his body moved forward suddenly.

While flying over the tall buildings, Xu Zhi could also see Huang Putu's slightly lonely and lonely figure.

He murmured several messages in his mouth, and he saw Huang Putu stand up.

"Are you serious?"

When Huang Putu asked, Xu Zhi had already fallen.

At this time, many grand masters in the venue were surrounded, constantly locking and clamping.

Many weapons have been unsheathed, and the hands-on scene is obviously on the verge.

"Xu General Mansion, you are playing this big game behind your back?"

Mu Yongzhi obviously also noticed Xu Zhi and Huang Putu who came behind.

He never regarded the inspectorate as an opponent, but he never thought he would plant such a big lead on the inspectorate.

Song Zhongkai and Situ Xuankong are willing to cooperate in the show, and South Australia has cooperated vigorously.

Pulling the power of several countries is just to suppress the suffering.

Mu Yongzhi couldn't believe that the inspection department could accomplish this kind of cross-border generosity, which made him puzzled.

This should not be the power of the inspection department.

It is also a force that the Inspection Division cannot use.

The support of North Xinjiang is reasonable.

How to make Song Zhongkai lean down?

How to make Situ Xuankong willing to let go of the status of the world's largest guru, and humiliated by Weiwen Yang?

How to let Wen Renwei Young do his best to cooperate with the play?

How can this trust be given?

How can this price be paid?

This is a difficult question for Mu Yongzhi.

"Master, your sword is back!"

Xu Zhi ignored Mu Yongzhi and moved forward with his sword.

Jiujian sword crossed an arc, and fell firmly into the hands of Situ Xuankong.

This changed the look of Situ Xuankong holding the Emperor Star Sword.

When he waved his hand, he saw the sword on Jiujian's sword filled with air.

"My three-meter sword is back."

A trace of different colors flashed in Situ Xuankong's eyes, as if the old tree was in spring, and it was full of vitality.

"Emperor Star, Jiujian."

"it is good!"

Not far away, Song Zhongkai, who was in a wheelchair, took a right-hand shot, and the master's long sword with his hand threw it on the ground.

He began to get up slowly.

"Mu Yongzhi, you seem to want to take a risk just now and take my life directly?"

"Are you pretending to be paralyzed?" Mu Yongzhi's eyes narrowed.

"I have waited for you for many years."

Song Zhongkai's voice seemed to bear countless humiliating loads, and it was only then that he felt comfortable.

When he got up from the wheelchair, Wen Renweiyang took a small step back.

If Situ Xuankong is the first grand master in the world.

Song Zhongkai cooperated with Situ Xuankong to be an unstoppable grand master the two swords converged, there was no other choice but to escape.

This was the status of Song Zhongkai and Situ Xuankong killed in those years.

Not only the great master of the west, Actor, but also the great masters of North Xinjiang, South Australia, and Yingguo.

There are many unbelievers.

But to this day, Situ Xuankong has collected several master weapons.

When the two sat in Kyoto, no one dared to offend.

What makes people more afraid is Song Zhongkai's forbearance.

If Xu Zhi did not submit Jiujian Sword, then Song Zhongkai could hold the Emperor Star Sword at this time, and he must have calculated Ji Mu Yongzhi in a wheelchair.

Stand up now.

It's not that he can't be tolerant, but that he no longer needs to be tolerant.


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