Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2095: Unconsciously No. 1 in the world

Grand Master is almost comprehensive development, it is difficult for anyone willing to be a helper.

Among the Grand Masters, not many people are good at combined operations.

When confronting, it is often one-on-one.

Many people betray hardships more like a wheel fight.

When one person stepped forward, many people remained moving in all directions to prevent the beaten from escaping.

The Dongyue people were in charge of Mu Yongzhi, the North Xinjiang Zhuxiong besieged Huang Pujin, and Nan Ao was eyeing Zuo Qingchan.

The injured Zuo Qingchan was pierced into the chest by Wen Renweiyang, and pierced his limbs. He was the first master to be subdued.

During the battle with Qingchuan Shenhuo, Qingchuan Shenhuo did not make any handoffs, except that the hole card Poaluo Gong did not appear below the mark, Qingchuan Shenhuo almost did his best.

This caused Qingchuan Shenhuo to suffer a great deal of damage, but Zuo Qingchan also suffered a lot of injuries, and was eventually won by Wen Renweiyang.

This is a triumphant start.

But the loss of Situ Xuankong and Song Zhongkai made many people's hearts suddenly tighten.

Even Wen Renweiyang is no exception.

Situ Xuankong cleared the details, how could he step on the other side with a high spirit.

The two fought a bit in the air, and Situ Xuankong squeezed the blood bag on his body, but was slightly injured in his hand.

"Can it be that the slightest injury I gave to Stuart Laogui was a big deal?"

After all, he was still a bit careful, he inevitably shot three points while acting.

"Or is Song Zhongkai's crippled strength not restored in place?"

Jiu Ji and Di Xing were the prestige of killing.

As long as the old Grandmaster is a little bit old, there is almost some kind of shadow. At this time, when the myth is shattered, I can't help but feel terrified.

Situ Xuankong and Song Zhongkai landed, and Huang Putu started to raise the gun.

The two grand masters of the Yan family guarded. In the vicinity of the siege of Dongyue, Macron, Amelia, Salman and others also gathered in silence.



When Xu Zhi rushed over, they just landed for a few seconds.

Two points of ice came out of his fingers, and the ‘rebirth’ magic, which was good at continuous healing, was also released.

"Master is really old!"

Situ Xuankong breathed a sigh of relief, and also took the dragon and tiger big return Dan in Xu Zhi's hand to swallow.

"Mu Yongzhi is too fierce, and his gloves, almost all weapons can be changed."

Song Zhongkai said something, and couldn't help but snorted in pain.

"Don't talk, you can't go back. You really have to use a wheelchair in the future."

Xu Zhi looked at Song Zhongkai's waist and abdomen, which was almost cut in half, and even the stomach and intestines could be seen clearly, and even the bowel was twisted. This is a serious injury to everyone, and the Grand Master is no exception.

"If it wasn't for Situ to rescue him, I'm afraid it would be cut by his waist."

Song Zhongkai made a low cry of pain, and his forehead cold sweat kept overflowing.

But Xu Zhi's continuous brushing in his hand made him comfortable, and he barely spoke.

"Can't fix him, why can't I fix him! How is this possible?"

When Song Zhongkai cooperated with Situ Xuankong, he relied most on "Three Secrets".

Correspondingly, there are three methods of cracking the big uncertain.

Xu Zhixiu practiced the three small indeterminate methods. Under the reverse derivation, he barely knew the principle.

This is the use of special mental primers for impact, and the impacted person will fall into the situation of stabilization and paralysis of thinking.

In the war, this situation is fatal.

This is also the capital that he and Situ Xuankong had in the world.

One person is in charge of mental shock, and the other is physically attacked.

But now, their combination is broken.

It was not that Situ Xuankong's sword was not sharp enough, but that his secret art began to be weak and he did not control Mu Yongzhi.

"Hahahaha, I defeated Situ Xuankong and Song Zhongkai. It turns out that I am the first in the world today."

"None of you can beat me!"

"I can come whenever I want, I can go whenever I want."

"You will all die in the future, no one can have an exception! Hahahaha!"

In the air, Mu Yongzhi didn't care about the several sword wounds on his body. His voice was rejoicing, he was also crazy, and he even had a revenge like jealousy.

This is the true state of mind of this suffering leader.

Extreme desire to control, also has a strong desire to retaliate, forbearance, careful, like a viper waiting for opportunities.

Grand Master's death fights are rare, and he needs to hide, which makes it very difficult for Mu Yongzhi to correctly position his own strength.

Strong, strong.

It is difficult to prove to what extent.

How far is it from Situ Xuankong, the world's first?

This will only come out after the contest.

This is something he has never tried.

Until this moment, he really defeated Situ Xuankong and Song Zhongkai.

Mu Yongzhi awakened suddenly, his strength is invincible, and there are almost no opponents at this time.

Huang Putu's shooting is the ultimate killing, but it is hard to have power in his hands.

While waving his hands, endless changes are constantly emerging. He seems to use all kinds of weapons in the world, and he can directly restrain the other party to death.


Huang Putu slammed with a spear like a dragon, ten thousand points in the air, and the surging waves like the sea shocked the ears of many people.

Like thousands of waves, it condenses into a long silver waterfall of three thousand feet.

The gentian bright silver gun was struck with endless power.

"Stupid, your gun was directed by Huang Pujin, how could it hurt me."

A right hand turned into a claw and protruded, and the spear spear suddenly bent to nearly 180 degrees, rebounded back instantly, and stabbed into the body of Huang Putu.

"Another change!"

"Did he really reach the realm of the emperor's true scriptures? Any weapon in his hands is just a play."

Situ Xuankong and Song Zhongkai spoke again and again, and Huang Putu groaned and began to land.

At this time, the father and son of the Yan family started the relay.

"Master Huangpu, let's get a pill. The old medicine produced by Luoshangfu. I also have an antidote. I'm afraid you will have to take one, so you won't be able to resist the poison when you get it."

Huang Putu's injury seemed to be lighter and heavier than Song Zhongkai.

His guns were merciless and the blows were extremely extreme. When everything rebounded back, the damage was also unspeakable.

At this time, his chest exploded directly, and countless silver-colored internal air surged wildly at the wound, tearing his body constantly.


Huang Putu groaned, just shook his head and reached into his pocket, then his eyes rolled, and he fainted.

During the fierce battle, he was alone, without another Situ Xuankong to help.

Xu Zhi looked at Huang Putu, put a healing medicine in his mouth, and put Bing Linglong in again.

After an ice secretion operation, another shot of regenerative magic was taken, and Xu Zhi had no choice at this time. He could only return Huang Putula and left him beside Situ Xuankong.

"If Laoyan and Dayan can't control Mu Yongzhi, we don't have Dongyue..."

Situ Xuankong forcibly propped up his body and sat back with a mumble, quickly adjusting his body.

Although he saw the machine very quickly, he was also stabbed by Jiu Jijian's counterattack and struck his stomach with a sword. At this time, he also had a hole in his body, and his stomach was cramped.

The five grand masters of Dongyue, but the three of them are lacking in combat power, and only Yan Xingxia and Yan Xuankong are left.

Compared with Mu Yongzhi, he is more worried about the situation Dongyue may face.

Even if Mu Yongzhi turned against the sky, it would be difficult to face the wave of waves of Grand Masters, and he would eventually retreat.

But what about South Australia?

What did Wen Renweiyang and Song Zhongkai agree?

Once negotiations, without the suppression of the Grand Masters, who can withstand Wen Renwei's conditions.

How to prevent Mu Yongzhi's sneak attack in the future?

Thinking of this, even Situ Xuankong is also a headache, I don't know what to do in a while and in the future.

"President Xu, what about Turan?"

"He chased and pulled Yijian Grand Master."

Song Zhongkai asked Xu Zhi about Uyaturanto, and then fell silent again.

Xu Zhi has already fought a big battle, and even eliminated unexpected accidents, but Xu Zhi is not a panacea.

No matter how good he is at mobilizing all forces, he will be able to meet every source, and he also has difficulties to reach.

Now it's just a matter of toughness and strength to make a decision.

"Grandma Grand Master, please replace my master and master. If I can cut off Mu Yongzhi's hand, I will release the whole Wang family and send them to Xi Liuguo safely."

When Song Zhongkai was silent, he saw Xu Zhi's figure flashing slightly, and then the sound of Xu Zhixuan's amplification sounded in the air.

"Wooden surname, please lend me an arm first."

After Xu Zhi opened his mouth, Amelia clearly could not bear it.

She waved the great sword in her hand, and a strange light flashed in her eyes.

No matter how strong it is, there are limits.

The realm is not released indefinitely, and the internal energy will be quickly consumed during high-intensity fighting.

Situ Xuankong and Song Zhongkai jointly killed a wave, and Huang Putu took the relay again. Now it is the Yan family's turn to attack.

Amelia feels that Mu Yongzhi is At this time, the standard must have been pulled down.

The task of cutting off one arm should be no problem.

"It seems that my obedient child should be here too, and only he has such calculations to benefit him."

When Xu Zhi opened his mouth, Mu Yongzhi suddenly thought of Wang Dong.

Only when Wang Dong noticed something clearly would he encourage Amelia to pretend to come to Dongyue, and wait patiently in secret until the last moment.

It was just that the other party had betrayed hardships and did not give him any reminders at all, causing him to suffer the bad luck.

He then thought about another Xu Zhi who completely pulled him into the water.

When Yu Guang glanced, he saw no straight figure on the ground.

Mu Yongzhi could not help but groaned slightly.

The head office of the inspection department really protected himself, and did not give him the chance to kill.


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