Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2106: Troublemaker

In the huge underground passage, there are countless jumps that go out for food, and they also continue to multiply.

Even more jumped by the breath of the dragon's breath, turned into food in the other's mouth.

Holding the attitude that no one cares about anyone, Xu Zhi is constantly killing at the source point of the current.

The passage was very long, and the Red Dragon couldn't get in, and he was too lazy to spit through the fire and chase him.

The other party looked down on him so much, Xu Zhi had to do something bad.

For example, kill each other's food.

When the red dragon breathes, it drives a turbulent hot airflow, but most of the inhaled are jumping corpses.

Xu Zhi has heard countless angry growls.

The other party was very unhappy, Xu Zhi was very happy.

The terrain is pretty good, and there is a place to escape if it is used to heal Mollier.

But Xu Zhi felt that he was too happy.

There were more than ten days of waves in the passage, and Xu Zhi never heard the roar of the Red Dragon again, even the turbulence of the airflow.

This time Xu Zhi suspected that Red Dragon came out and blocked his way.

Carefully investigated for a long time.

Xu Zhicai was sure that the red dragon seemed to have gone to other places, and he didn't endure the little anger he gave him.

"Can you go to other upstream sources?"

There is no trace of red dragon in the huge underground palace.

Including this location, Xu Zhi only knew the location of the two countercurrent sources.

It is not too convenient to kill and jump in such a place.

Although there was no excitement from Besib Michael's call to jump, which required him to keep running, but it was also one of the few good spots.

In the distance of the Liulidi Palace, there is a passageway that is three or four meters high. After waiting for more than three hundred meters, it will enter the passageway excavated by the jumpers.

"How did Sellon get here."

Even Deken needs a treasure in order to position himself in reality.

When Xu Zhi was in the elemental realm and lowered the realm, he used the summoned druid as the anchor point to transfer the lower realm.

But Xu Zhi wandered around and found no treasures.

"This dog thing is definitely playing with a crooked idea."

Xu Zhi will inevitably think of Besib Michael.

He felt at this moment that this guy was unscrupulous, and was trying to squeeze the secrets in his mouth while he was playing with various bad ideas.

For example, let Selron and other great demons lead the relics into reality.

Then the goods told him how to destroy the anchor point, in exchange for how to achieve the true God.

Based on the character of Besib Michael's qualified politician, Xu Zhi felt that this guy definitely did such a thing.

This is a good price for selling Selron.

If Xu Zhi didn't know the whole story, of course he was grateful to this guy and thought the transaction was very cost-effective.

"It's because the war tunnel they built has not been completed, but just forcibly shuttled here by the previous reverse channel."

Xu Zhi thought about it for a while, only realizing that his reasoning was probably correct.

If the war passage is completed, there will be more than three big demons coming to kill the dragon.

"What a troublemaker!"

War passages elsewhere cannot be managed, but the positioning of this war passage must be eliminated.

This is the territory of the Hatut Union State, and it is also the area where Dongyue is responsible for annihilating and jumping.

Xu Zhi couldn't imagine how many demonic creatures rushed out of the ground.

It's already very difficult for them to cope with jumping. If coupled with the powerful demon creature, who knows how many people are going to die.

Xu Zhi sulked and jumped for a while.

Looking at the huge underground palace, this is obviously not a place where he can fill it with stones.

Must find Besib Michael, this guy can only solve this matter.

In this year, Xu Zhi did not find Besib Michael, and Besib Michael obviously failed to contact Xu Zhi.

Although he is a jumping king, the area under the control of Besib Michael is limited, and all he knows is the continuous communication and collection of jumping people, and the information has a significant lag.

At this time, the jump here is gradually becoming scarce.

Vulcan Festival is over.

"I will come to this place to investigate next year!"

As long as the upstream source point exists, there will be inexhaustible jumps before the jumping habits are changed.

This is the best place to jump and jump, and it is also the place where Xu Zhi figured out the situation.

If killing in this place, forming a fixed place, Besib Michael may also take the initiative to come over.

Xu Zhi's figure finally disappeared in this underground space.

For many people, this year is a year of great changes in the world.

The world seems to have entered an era of peace.

Dongyue and Nan'ao are no longer opposites.

No matter how many civil grievances and disputes there were, everything calmed down.

At this time, Dongyue's army had already entered the South Australian Alliance.

Including legions, but also practitioners, there are countless ordinary people who come up with a force.

This even includes the "border frontier corps elite" in northern Xinjiang and the guardian corps of the Kingdom of Motuo.

There are also practitioners from all walks of life in countries such as Xiliu, Ying, and Sri Lanka.

Countless people are annihilating this big thing.

This kind of action has been carried out in South Australia, but it makes no difference year after year. South Australians have given up this kind of annihilation and turned to conservative defense.

It was not until the Dongyue Military Region and the great practitioners strangled together that they knew that the world had become different.

The jumpers have evolved, and the jumpers have begun to return to normal reproduction.

As long as the fertility declines, this biological disaster may be suppressed.

Thumaw province is an example, Skard province is also an example, and Galt province.

Year after year, these regions become significantly different.

Constant science popularization is also accompanied by constant intensive voices at the top and leading the way.

In just two short months, countless messages have been continuously delivered.

It even suppressed the shock caused by the previous four-nation exchange competition.

But there are also many people watching this exchange match.

All changes started from this exchange match.

If the ears are heard correctly, the exchange time has opened the mobilization order for the Dongyue War.

Although in the end it was a war towards the jumpers in South Australia, everything seemed strange.

Anyway, Dongyue's war machine has begun to run slowly.

This battle will be very long and will take years.

But as long as the catastrophe of the jumpers subsides, everything is worth it.

If there is a war between Dongyue and South Australia, it will also take several years, and even decades to subside.

Some gossip began to circulate among the people.

Including more than a dozen masters who died inexplicably, dozens of master cultivators, as well as the personnel transfer of the inspection department, the champion of this four-nation exchange competition.

Everything has become a mystery in the hearts of many people.

Some of them also talked about gossip in the mouth.

Compared with Xu Zhi's inspection of the merits of hardship education in the head office of the inspection department, the practitioners are more willing to talk about Xu Zhi's other things.

For example, in search of the northern Xinjiang emperor Uyaturanto who has been unable to go straight for a long Finally, three cups were smashed in the headquarters of the Kyoto Inspection Department.

Another example is the dispute between Xu Zhi and Qingchuan Ako's girlfriend.

And who is Xu Zhi's confidante in the end?

But what shocked more people was that with the end of the Vulcan Festival, Dongyue started a big event.

Song Zhongkai abdicated.

Song Hanwen, who has just succeeded in becoming a master and soon after inheriting the position of supremacy.

And Situ Xuankong also began to retreat, and also withdrew from the top-level discussion circle and voting rights.

Accompanied by military and personnel adjustments.

Many people gradually discovered.

Dongyue has already begun handover and alternation.

Young people are high.

Another era has begun.


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