Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2114: True God and Grand Master

Roar! "

The roar of Xu Zhi's soul incarnation rose from the mouth.

His eyes touched the sky, and he could already see the dragon in the mist.



But he was no longer shocked when he first met.

The fog was raging at this time.

This is the power of real world obstruction.

It is also the power that has been guarding the world and preventing the coming of ruins.

The mist entangled the dragon's body, making it difficult to get close to, and even unable to directly occupy the world.

"It's time to cut off the positioning of the magic eye!"

Inconsistent with derivation calculations, Deken began to borrow the power of the real world.

He continued to shout crazy.

But at this time, Deken also discovered anomalies.

At this time, Xu Zhi's black dragon body began to turn white, and the dragon scales fell together, apparently having begun to metamorphose.

This is under the influence of the dragon of time and space, and the soul is transforming into perfection.

"Don't turn it into it."

"You will be assimilated by it."

"It will choose you as the projection of the lower bound."

"I will definitely use you as a weapon to kill me."

Deken's voice growled wildly.

He looked at the huge black dragon soul outside, which was like a huge, huge soul that turned into a heaven and earth like him.

At this time, this soul has slowly evolved, constantly advancing towards his fearful appearance.

It is difficult for the true God to enter the big world, but this does not include the coming.

As long as there is a suitable opportunity, he can get in.

Even a brief moment may cause irreparable harm to him.

For example, maintaining the positioning of the magic eye.

Let the ruins collide with the big world into reality.

Under the collision, everything will be destroyed, and no one can escape.

And he will inevitably fail.

When he was desperate in his heart, he saw a giant tree in the sky protruding from another world.

"I'm going to regenerate the feng shui, the fire and the earth, the world tree can borrow you."

A calm female voice came softly, Deken seemed to remember something, but it was difficult to recall the other party.

When he stretched out his hand, a bit of colorful light fell.

A giant tree was also caught in his hands.

Across virtual and reality, World Tree also has the ability to convert between reality and reality.

This is a young tree, but also a world tree that has lost its soul.

Being dragged into the world, the colorful brilliance in Deken's hands also began to burn onto the tree.

This dead world tree began to grow insanely.

Like his previous body, he continued to expand to support the world.

The huge tree that covered the sky began to fill the sky.

Deken waved the world tree. When countless branches and leaves were destroyed, the giant tree began to sweep up to Xu Zhi's soul.

"Cut off the eye positioning!"

"You can't be a projection avatar of the dragon of time and space!"

The deafening voice sounded, and Xu Zhi, immersed in the transformation, was startled.

He looked at the vast white scale armor in his body, and his soul was changing, but the direction of the change seemed to be wrong.

He has never really seen the true form of the dragon of time and space.

The other person's body was wrapped in mist, that was the part he had never seen, and the part that was difficult to condense.

Deken's voice made him more alert.

He did feel a certain gaze at this time, and this gaze even guided his consciousness to transform into the dragon body.

The body locked on the seabed moved quietly, and the magic eyes in his hands had been crushed.

At the same time, Xu Zhi suddenly refreshed, a little red revealed.

In his life, he has also seen another ultimate form of dragons.

Dragon God.

Although the body of this red dragon is not perfect to be flawless, it is also a rare dragon he has seen. Xu Zhi is also very familiar with the shape of the other body, and can mimic when the soul changes.

Layers of white scales began to turn red.

In the Dragon Continent, Deken began to breathe a sigh of relief.

Xu Zhi's soul began another transformation.

The Dragon Continent he is in is also beginning to borrow the power of the real world

This continent was not only held up by him, but also kept rushing to the sky.

"I now have the power to achieve the true God. How can you hang on top of me? Since I have come to my kingdom of God, just stay here and think about it."

The arrow of the Titan waved. This artifact was thrown away by Deken, and suddenly turned into thunder and rushed to the sky.

A cry of wailing sounded.

The giant eyes of the Dragon Continent squinted suddenly, and a tear began to fall at the corner of the eye, and instantly turned into a giant lake on the ground.

The momentum held by the Kingdom of God can no longer be stopped.

"My **** is named Zhou, and I control Thunder. You and I are destined to see you again..."

In the soul, Deken's voice came from afar, and he waved gently at Xu Zhi from afar.

Xu Zhi only felt that the colorful brilliance had fallen, and there was suddenly something in his soul.

The red scale armor began to turn into colorful colors.

This is a multicolored element derivation, if condensed into reality, it will become a substance like rainbow crystal.

Xu Zhi obviously couldn't hold a pile of crystals in his head.

When helping Deken become a god, Deken also gave corresponding gifts.

He even gave Edney who helped him become a god.

The Dragon Continent hangs high, and this continent continues to evolve, becoming completely different from before.

Strange flowers and plants, mountains and rivers, and the stars that can be seen from a distance.

Xu Zhi just glanced at it and focused on his own transformation.

The body of his soul began to become weird.

There are white dragon claws imitating the dragon of time and space, and the form of the dragon god, and the elemental glory of Deken pushing the fall.

This made his body colorful.

It seems to be dangerous from a pure-colored snake to a colorful viper.

Xu Zhi sullenly accepted his form.

As long as it can be transformed, there is no avatar that has become a dragon of time and space as Deken said, and everything can be accepted.

He did not pursue perfection, and he could endure this imperfect state.

What's more, the power of soul transformation succeeds, and power is even better.

When Xu Zhi waved his claws, he only felt that he was infinitely powerful at this time.

This is a sense of vain brought about by the transformation of the soul.

For a period of time, you will think you are invincible.

Xu Zhi felt that if Mu Yongzhi stood in front of him, he dared to raise the stick and knocked over, as to whether it would be a different matter.

After the reverse scales were generated, Xu Zhi's claws demonstrated the fighting technique, and then he entered the body sinking on the bottom of the sea.

It felt as if the tide had faded.

When returning to the body, feeling the reality, and lying under the icy cold sea, Xu Zhi suddenly felt small.

The soul can be infinitely strong, but the flesh has its limits.

Xu Zhi felt that at this time, he seemed to be squashed into a cake, embedded in the boulders on the seabed, and he was in pain.

It was not until his consciousness returned that his body began to relax actively and slowly returned to normal.

At this time Xu Zhi's body also began to rise rapidly.

At sea level, the waves were rolling at this time, but the traction of the ruins was lacking, and the waves left only Yu Wei.

Xu Zhi's inner air gushed out, and his body flicked, and he had already jumped up from the water.

The heavens and the earth repeat the clarity, and the mottled sunlight shines through the constantly overflowing clouds.

Only then did Xu Zhi realize that his body shone with a faint luster.

He raised his hand and saw that the palm of his hand instantly turned into the colorful color of glass.

This is the body of refining the body that is no different from the gold-colored body of Tuohonghong.

When he sank the ocean, he was tempered by the power of heaven and earth. The golden glass body of his master climbed into the guru rank unconsciously, and he has undergone two times of earth and earth tempering. This is a rare opportunity, which also makes him and ordinary practice There is a slight difference.

But in comparison, another layer of transformation is worth rejoicing Xu Zhi.

As he stretched out his hand, UU read a feeling of space control from the heart.

This is the realm.

Formed by the transformation of artistic conception.

It is also a manifestation that spiritual power affects reality.

The field can be as small as touching the body, or it can expand to the limit of self-support and affect others.

In this state, they can greatly reduce the impact of the outside world.

For example, it can make long-distance flights easier.

From the distance of the great master cultivators across the provinces, they began to enter the point of transnationality and oceans.

Compared with the speed of the guru, the guru is undoubtedly even higher.

Qi Xiu is still the same, but everything has changed qualitatively.

Even their fighting power is completely different.


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