Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2127: Cognition

What about Calindra? "

Thousands of kilometers back in the channel, many talents began to look around each other.

Among the people, Carl Lindra, the Grand Master of South Australia, was gone.

This is the grandmaster of the third staircase. The melee is close at the touch. If you do not follow the exit, you will probably suffer.

This made Margaret, who counted, count heavily.

"Mr. Xu, what do you mean? Withdraw when you say withdrawal," Nancy Pi said displeasedly.

The countries are now in a honeymoon period, and Dongyue is still the main force strangling Nanao. Although he has suffered a great loss, he can't lift the table at this time.

"Wen Renkui should be able to perceive clearly that if he had not just withdrawn, we should have destroyed most of them at this time."

Xu Zhi replied.

He just didn't want to get caught in the melee between demons and red dragons, avoiding uncontrollable factors.

But the Red Dragon's release of "Roar" gave a legitimate reason, and it made their retreat seem extremely correct.

The Dongyue people escaped the earliest, and jumped out of that palace as fast as possible, including Li Duohuang, which was not damaged much.

But the South Australians inevitably suffered a loss.

Grand Master Kalindra's life and death were unknown, and Wen Renweiyang was also full of liver pain at this time. When he woke up, he called the killer kung fu and pierced through the dragon.

Of course, the weapon was not recovered, and it has been stabbed in the body of the Red Dragon.

"Xu Zongfu is telling the truth, and Shenhuo was almost robbed."

Although Xu Zhi suddenly made trouble and wanted to withdraw, he was very arrogant, but he took all the Dongyue people away and had to say that he did the right command.

Wen Renweiyang could not speak with conscience.

If the collective swarms to fight, then I am afraid that most of the strokes have been made.

Such a small space can easily cause mass destruction.

At this time, Qingchuan Shenhuo's body was still trembling, and his body was lagging behind. He was also snarled positively.

If Wenren Weiyang hadn't fished him out, he might have turned into a dragon's belly.

"The voice of the dragon was terrifying. I was stunned at that time, and I felt a great sense of fear in my heart."

Qingchuan Shenhuo took a deep breath, and after several breaths, he completely dispelled the influence.

At this time the roars of the demons and the roar of the dragon were still there.

But at this time, many people have lost the desire to explore and excitement when they came, just thinking about how to deal with this existence.

Whether it is a dragon or a demon, this has come into reality, and it is no longer in the category of adventure to take advantage.

In addition to jumping, other creatures are likely to emerge on the land of South Australia.

Just think about it, many people think the situation is serious.

"What should we do now?" Margaret murmured.

It was just at the request of Shirakawa Akako, and based on the information of Li Duohuang and others to go to the first countercurrent source point, but the matter exceeded Marguerite's original estimate and was far from her control.

"Mr. Xu must know a lot of things, why not wake us up?" Wen Renweiyang looked at Xu Zhidao.

His eyes kept glancing back and forth on Xu Zhi, and the image of the jungle fairy monarch continuously overlapped with Xu Zhi.

Situ Xin, who hasn't shown up for a long time, has been responsible for Xu Zhi, who has been encircling and suppressing bitterness education, and Xu Zhi has become a grandmaster.

The combination of various factors and the previous suspicions, the standard of judgment in Wen Renwei's mind has shifted significantly.

He combined the two worlds to play the advantage of 1+1 greater than 2.

And Xu Zhi is likely to be a quadratic advantage of 1+1.

"I'm just at the invitation of Chi Zi to come and cure Morill, everything else you know already knows, and I don't know if you don't."

Xu Zhi replied and dumped it completely, which made Wen Renweiyang secretly scold the mother, feeling that the other party's chicken thief, as always, did not recognize his identity.

But he didn't make any mistakes, and this matter was forced, and he didn't have any evidence, just by feeling.

"You said to cure Morill, what about Morill?" Margaret asked.

"Fight in there" Xu Zhi replied.

At this time, the demons roared less and less. If they were not killed, they would obviously have returned to the ruins.

"Fight?" Margaret said curiously: "Molly can insert this fight?"

"Moryl has become that dragon," said Qingchuan Ako bitterly: "Another soul came out of her mind."

"Akako, are you sick?" Nancy Pi said, "You have had the symptoms of split personality before. Don't think that other people also have the symptoms of split personality. If you split, you won't be able to get a giant dragon."

"That is, if you think about it, you haven't become a woman yourself," Brudo added.

The two have always sung and reconciled, and Akako Harukawa listened.

Although his three views had already broken apart, he did have some doubts, and a little other hope appeared.

For example, Xu Zhi discovered the dragon and temporarily placed Mollier somewhere.

"Believe it or not, go around."

Xu Zhi looked at the cave passage three meters high and more than two meters wide, and felt that this place was unreliable.

The dragon is difficult to cope with it.

He wanted to find a suitable place to fight, but Dragon God was not stupid, and it was impossible for him to chase down to the set point for them to cooperate in the fight.

Thinking about his magic of half a bucket of water, Xu Zhi reluctantly gave up the small plan.

"Why are you going, the dragon is so huge, and you can't reach our place, let's work together to slaughter the dragon together?" Nancy Pi muttered.

"Who said it couldn't get in," Xu Zhi said dully: "When its tail waved, its body shrank from more than two hundred meters to ten meters in length."

"Xu General Mansion, the current enemy, please tell me the truth," Margaret said in a deep voice.

If the relationship between the two sides is limited, Marguerite feels that she will jump up and hit Xu Zhi's head, and when they are still talking nonsense.

"I am telling the truth, do you believe it or not."

The world view is different, and there is no way to communicate. It is said that it is completely blind. Even his partner Qingchuan Ako has signs of treason.

"He is telling the truth, we really need to withdraw enough safety distance first."

Wen Renweiyang frowned, thinking of Orang Marassa's transformation ability, his heart suddenly tightened.

The transformation of Aurangmarassa does not reduce the combat effectiveness, but different body types correspond to different environments and can be suitable for combat on various occasions.

If that red dragon could get into this passage.

He just thought about it, and he was palpitated.

The demons roared less and less, and the Red Dragon seemed to have a high level of fighting at this time, and the continuous collision during the fight made their channel tremble.

The huge battle wave is unbearable.

Wen Renweiyang even thought of the dragon symbols on Heilongdao.


The mental power speaks.

Fighting technique.

This is the ability that Red Dragon is using.

Maybe there are others?

"This passage is made by the burning of the dragon's breath. It can indeed penetrate here. This is a very high-level dragon, which is different from the dragon you imagined." Wen Renweiyang explained: "You can't drop it. Any carelessness, this is far more dangerous than the battle of our grandmaster."

On the other side, there is only one Orang Marassa.

In reality, this red dragon is likely to stand at the top of the creature.

It may even be more fierce than Orang Marassa.

Without the entanglement of the ethnic group, this is a lone dragon, but also a brazen dragon.

And there are many top creatures of the Devil Department.

At this time, the demons roared in a deep roar, seemingly mixed with countless unwillingness, the voice began to sink slowly to disappear.

"Xu General Mansion, you came earlier, can you introduce more information about the dragon."

Wen Renwei's face tightened, and he also had to consider the possibility of the Red Dragon chasing and drilling out of the ground.

"This is the Union of Your garrison is here, our fate at this time is also implicated," Wen Renweiyang said.

"It is physically tough enough to have no opponents. The Grandmaster is usually hacking and it is difficult to hurt the Red Dragon. And the recovery power will be faster than you think. It's no problem if you are a Physical Master."

Xu Zhi casually mentioned something.

So much he knew.

And Yan Xingxia and Yan Xuankong on the other side have fully understood how Mu Yongzhi died.

In the same rank, the master of physical training still occupies an unparalleled advantage, not to mention such a huge dragon.

At this time they inevitably looked at Tuo Guhong.

This is also the master of physical training.

Silent for nearly half a year to make adjustments.

If it were not for Li Duohuang's rumors, Tian Tuohong was still closed in southern Yunnan.


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