Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2130: Body fragmentation

Qingchuan Shenhuo's coldness is not only due to the change of Red Dragon, but also from Xu Zhi's killer ability.

Many Grand Masters have no choice but to kill the Red Dragon. When Xu Zhi's killer comes out, the Red Dragon will explode.

Who can bear Xu Zhi's killer skill?

When holding the regiment retreat tightly, the masters of South Australia's grand masters looked dignified.

Everyone even turned their gaze to the distance, and Tuo Guhong, who was swept by the dragon's tail for 100 meters, also had Xu Zhi, who retreated farther.

"Xu Zhi!"

When Tuo Guhong shouted, he saw that Xu Zhi wiped a little blood from the corner of his mouth, and began to shake his head, and his body quickly rose to three meters.

The color of the glazed glass continued to diffuse, and the long stick in his hand began to flash a little black light.

"It worked..."

With the abnormal change of the red dragon's body shape, this is obviously not normal, and it is likely to have suffered the damage of divine magic.

In addition to the splitting of the soul, splittism can also cause the splitting of the body.

There is clearly a chance that the magic arts that have the chance of being realized will be hard to hit.

Xu Zhi speculates that the reason for the successful release of the Divine Art may be due to the state of the subject.

For example, Gwen Magnus took the initiative to separate the soul and played double-line control before being caught.

And Mollier and Dragon God already have two souls, and even two bodies.

This is hardly the cause of other metaphysics.

Xu Zhi felt that one month later, he could find only a jump to do the experiment. If the release is successful again, it will be regarded as the emperor's metaphysics.

At this time, he was also curious about the effect of the split body.

Unlike the mentality of many Grand Masters, he is not worried that the Red Dragon will explode.

The red dragon's body swells, and the swollen parts are more in the abdomen, rather than the rapid expansion of the body in all directions.

Splitting cannot be an explosion.

But he still seemed very careful.

If the time is too tight and Wen Renwei is still on the scene, he even misses two magical self-defenses.



From the red dragon's mouth, Morrill's high painful voice came from time to time, as well as the dragon's painful anger.

With the divine art, it is difficult for the two souls to spit out other sounds.

The constant screams also accompanied the constant expansion of the Red Dragon's abdomen.

"Ako, save me!"

A faint, tiny gasp came from the Red Dragon, and Qingchuan Akiko in the distance couldn't help it anymore.

He also roared, his inner air was frantically condensed, and the golden whip suddenly shone in his hand.

The golden gleam flashed in his eyes, and he was about to look at Qingchuan Shenhuo, and then he heard a sigh of Qingchuan Shenhuo.

The shackles of his body lightened, and others had rushed towards the giant red dragon.


When Qingchuan Shenhuo murmured quietly, the golden inner air instantly turned into blood red.

He took out his long whip, and countless golden flames fell around him, keeping everyone nearby away.

At the same time, other people have opened their fields.

Or be prepared, or attack, or rescue.

"Monster, return my Morill."

When Harukawa Akiko lashed down hard, Xu Zhi also shook his body.


The huge body began to wave a long stick.

Nearby Tuo Guhong's eyes turned black, and the past remnants of the past seemed to reappear.

And he is the struggling creature in the ruins and the real world.

When the ruined continent fell, he stepped abruptly, trying to avoid this world-destroying scene, and the sense of destruction in his perception had already flown away.

"That red dragon's body is not as strong as before."

Qingchuan Chizi hit the long whip with a blow, not completely ineffective, but left a deep trace on the neck of the red dragon.

Xu Zhi's long stick immediately started, and the grand masters in the distance also began to raise their legs.

If Qingchuan Akiko can move, let alone the Grand Masters.

If the possibility of a possible explosion is ruled out, this is the best time for them to strike.

Xu Zhi's long stick pressed the top.

Breath of destruction is heavy.

It seems that the grinding disc, which is enough to destroy the world, continues to rotate, and the countless stars of the long stick flow, falling down together, constantly rubbing the head of the red dragon.

This is the hardest part of the dragon.

Dragon horn, dragon crown, dragon tooth.

It is also the most dangerous part.

The dragon roared violently, and when he looked up, the red rage rushed towards the long stick that fell from the sky.

Compared with the dragon's size, the three-meter-long stick is far from being seen.

Even with the dragon's mouth open, the hot red furnace is below.


Xu Zhi growled, and in his field, a huge dragon began to appear.

Silver-white sharp minions, red dragon-scale limbs, a colorful body with feng shui, fire and earth elements.

When roaring, his long stick fell with the starlight and rushed into the giant mouth instantly.

The sound of countless explosions suddenly exploded.

The sounds of the red dragon and Mollier roared suddenly.

"who are you?"

"Is that old thing specifically for you to deal with me?"

"Only he can get you to the rules."

"I am not a traitor, not..."

The collision of destruction, the dragon's breath of the red dragon, was also accompanied by its angry and desperate voice.

The worn-out flesh and bones are still accelerating rapidly, but the sound of despair has not diminished.

It strives to fan the huge dragon wings, raging winds, and a wide range of blows are also produced. When the head is looked around, it constantly drives the humans who are constantly assaulting.

But its fear stems from inside the body.

Numerous dull explosions are heard in the body, and the abdomen is as painful as a knife twist.

In the big world, having a body also has flaws.

Compared with the pain and damage of the body when it is constantly being hit, it is the most lethal effect to bear the magic.

Before everything in the world is clear, it needs a cover and an identity, rather than being rejected and cursed by this world.

Molly is clearly this identity.

It's just that this identity will soon follow.

Its abdomen has condensed into another body, and it is imprisoned in the body of the red dragon, which is difficult to transform.

At this time it is like a pregnant woman waiting for delivery.

"Layer-by-layer like peeling cocoons, how can there be such a magic technique?"

When he looked around blankly, he only felt the tail slam open, as if some giant had been excreted.

The belly was suddenly empty, and the body became lighter.

Including the little thief killed that day, it was also sprayed out by it at this time.

Although his body was weak, he gradually became normal again.

But there was no joy in it.


When the power of "roaring" was released blankly, its body had retracted to more than ten meters in size, and it wandered towards the outside of the cave quickly. The excrement, there is also a giant egg, the remains of a huge three-headed dog, all burned to the almost deformed dying grandmaster Kalindra.

A flame slammed to the ground, and then turned into countless flames.

In the firelight, a little fire elf turned into light and shadow.

"Everyone's things are indispensable, first chase the Red Dragon, it has been drilled out."

Wen Renweiyang held a curved counter-dragon thorn, and when he looked dignified, he slightly relaxed.

Not far away was Xu Zhi, who was staring at the dome with steam rising, and Qingchuan Akiko, who was staring closely at Xu Zhi.

"Xu Zhi?"

Harukawa Akiko just exited eagerly, and saw Xu Zhi gently holding the stick on the dome.

Layers of crackling came.

Among the giant eggs, a pale hand stretched out.

Layers of subtle dragon scales appeared in the hands and gradually disappeared.

Numerous transparent liquids poured out of the eggshell, and a special smell of rotten eggs filled the air.

The air in that hand rose, a little golden flame ignited, and hoarse voices began to come.

Harukawa Akiko just stepped forward and was stopped by Xu Zhi.

"The two souls are already indistinguishable, so you are not afraid that the red dragon that rushed out is Morill. The talent here is the body of the red dragon?"

Xu Zhi said the last time, Qingchuan Chizi suddenly lost.

If the red dragon that rushed out was hiding Morill's soul, how would he do it...

"Noble gods will not admit that a mortal is a lover, but Chi Zi is my lover, you should be assured of my identity at this time."

With a sound in the shell, Akiko Harukawa suddenly fell in love.

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