Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2132: Change in the world

The red dragon is flying high, and there are prisoners in the world.

Countless lightnings permeated, continually winding the red dragon.

This is a counterattack in the real world.

This is also a natural behavior.

Just like a falling star, the world will cause friction in the atmosphere, which will turn into meteorites and ashes.

Just like the spirits of other worlds go to a certain planet, they need to be subject to certain restrictions, even the suppression of ability.

This is the case for the creatures heading to the world of the four elements Lord God. Immortal qualifications are deprived, magical power is difficult to use, and there are various malicious curses.

The more powerful this targeted creature is, the more malicious it becomes.

This is especially true when the two worlds are at war.

Dragon God is clearly beyond the normal tolerance range.

It is like a large tumor in the world.

When the avatar of Morill was abolished, some realities were lifted, and everything that belonged to it suddenly broke out.

This is also rejected by the world.

The sky was clouded, and countless purple lightnings kept falling.

The Dragon God wants to escape, only to fly upward continuously until he reaches the planetary ring in Deken's calculation.

There, there is their world.

It can also temporarily avoid this kind of destruction.

But a lot of lightning entangled, it was difficult to fly at this time.

"You've already calculated me."

"You are counting me."

"I'm not convinced."

"I don't want to turn my life into a bedding for your battle against the planet."


The red dragon roared loudly in the sky, and countless guesses appeared in his mouth.

Its body is breaking and melting.

The master of refining the body is also difficult to resist the continuous lightning.

This is not ordinary lightning.

Its voice gradually began to disappear.

The sky was full of thunderous thunder, the lightning was entwined like a golden snake, and the dragon danced wildly.

"There seems to be something in the lightning."

Nancy Pi shouted, attracting everyone's mind.

Li Duohuang on the side was about to rush to the sky and was detained by Xu Zhi.

"Youdao is seeking wealth and wealth," Wen Renweiyang groaned for a while, and shook his head again: "Whoever takes it will take it."

Among the great masters at this time, he is undoubtedly the strongest, but if it is about fighting against the treasure, Tuo Guhong will obviously be better.

Wen Renweiyang felt that his ability was a bit lacking at this time, not enough to take risks to do such a big thing.

In the thunder of thunder and lightning, the body of the Red Dragon began to shatter, turning into countless red blood mist.

In the center of the blood mist, a golden light began to appear.

Xu Zhi felt that it was like the drop of Zulong blood picked up by Li Duohuang, but the center of Zulong blood contained a black mass.

Like a glowing radiant, this black is releasing light.

"Uncle Xu, don't you look down on that baby? That must be the baby left after the failure of the monster to rob," Li Duohuang whispered.

She was addicted to her thoughts and saw that she couldn't help but want to grab a bait.

As for who will be the master in the future, Li Duohuang's head is rarely considered, at least when things are in hand to do those calculations.

"Why, you want to turn into a second Mollier, take it into a monster and be killed by someone shouting," Xu Zhi smiled.

Li Duohuang, the little girl's skin, suffered a big loss in the act of calculating hardship, but also got a big benefit.

This made Li Duohuang even more determined to seek wealth and insurance.

Xu Zhi feels that Jiangshan is easy to change, and Li Duohuang's nature is difficult to move.

Until now, he had no idea of ​​education and transformation, so he watched it when the mother-in-law fell into the water, so as not to die inside.

"How can we become monsters."

"That's what the weird books describe."

"Hehehe, you have seen..."

Li Duohuang murmured a few words, and his voice went down again.

She looked at a few people around her, and felt more and more that she was too poor. She even asked others to win a treasure.

In many occasions where the Grand Master robbed, she really did not have her share.

But Xu's thighs seem to not support it, which made her a little discouraged, feeling that she was busy and came over to hit the soy sauce.

When dissatisfied with his own strength, Li Duohuang also stared closely at the sky.

Whether you can get it or not, it's good to have an eye addiction.

She glanced at it for a while, only to realize that the thoughts of several people around her were low again.

There are Wen Weiyang's openings, and Xu Zhiwen's attitude is still.

Even Yan Xingxia didn't talk much, but just kept looking at the sky.

In the golden light, low voices kept coming.

The voice is solemn and emotionless, like a **** whispering.

Xu Zhi put his ears together and was about to listen carefully. The sky suddenly exploded like a thunderous thunder. He was suddenly startled, and the people around him were shaking and his face pale.

A white torrent began to fall in the sky, flushing with the purple light in sync with the purple thunder.

The ray of light rose suddenly, like a small sun, radiating infinite light.

The sky's blood mist began to gradually become clear.

Only white torrents and wild dances were left.

Eventually, a drop of rain in the dark clouds began to fall, and then the heavy rain shook down.

The Union of Hatut is located inland, and there are only a few large rivers. It has been rare to see such heavy rains for years.

When Xu Zhi reached out to catch the rain, he saw that there was still a little red in the rain, and there was a light blue, orange, and blue feeling.

He flew away, but he did not know how far the rain spread.

"There are plants growing on the ground."

Wenren Weiyang called underneath, Xu Zhi stopped flying and fell.

"We have only seen the sight of the growth of everything when Dongtian was formed."

Wen Renweiyang holds a ball of mud in his hands, and the soil grows in Verbena, which is very common in South Australia.

At this time, this wild grass grows at a slightly visible rate.

It's like bamboo shoots in the spring rain.

Visual inspection does not yet feel that if you put a ruler on, it will have a completely different contrast after an hour.

This growth is too slow compared to the changes during the formation of the sky.

But compared to the normal growth of Verbena, this growth rate is more than a hundred times faster.

Wen Renwei looked at the land, which were sparse and surviving plants.

In this heavy rain, they will grow more lush.

"It's fine today, wait, it's raining heavily."

"The temperature is thirty-eight degrees, the sun... there is rain."

"Today the weather is cloudy and there are thunderstorms."


When privileges were enabled, Margaret's communicator suddenly heard the sound of thorns and thorns, constantly broadcasting real-time regions and weather everywhere.

When I talked to Xu Zhi directly in Kyoto, I asked the meteorological department to broadcast it on the spot.

"It actually spread so far."

"Hatute has heavy rains throughout the country, Aljiang, Livman, Yinlan thunderstorms, Shenshan, Saldos, Luojia moderate rain."

"Tumo, Skard, Galt, southern Yunnan, four provinces have heavy rain, and there are 11 provinces that have suddenly fallen Many people continue to verify the information through special channels. At this time, everyone His face is also ugly.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think?" Wen Renweiyang said.

"I seem to be aware of something that belongs to the environment of the ruins."

Xu Zhi went back to Wenren Weiyang and dialed continuously.

"Rinhe Kitajima, who is linked to the king's royal family."

"Eh, Mr. Xu, why did you call me here? Your three generations of communication equipment are too expensive. Lower your price..."

In the communicator, Kitashima Renhe was a little stunned, and then he started chattering.

The signal of the Union State of Hatut appears extremely weak, and along with the squealing current of the communicator, there are also intermittent voices from Renhe, North Island.

After Xu Zhi shouted several times in a row, Renhe Beidao began to reply to other content.

"Yingguo is raining, just a little rain."

"I can use a fireball to rub a small flame and light a cigarette."


"I just turned the flame into a fist-sized fireball and my hair was burnt."

"My spell-casting skills haven't skyrocketed, do you know what?"

The voice of Renhe Prince's inquiry came, and Xu Zhi looked at Yan Xingxia and others.

"Our world has changed."

For Dongyue's senior officials, Ying Ying's royal family is inextricably linked to the inheritance of Dongtian, which is not a secret.

And other countries have speculations.

This is especially true with the announcement of Ying Guodong Tian.

The failure of a world tree to promote a false **** created a change in the four seasons.

The Dragon God has changed the world's large-scale environment.

Some magical elements began to merge into the world and began to transform the original ecology.

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