Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2135: Swing

Affected by the divine division, Morill was not awake for long.

She has limited knowledge of the Dragon God's "Sink".

But Xu Zhi hopes she can have a rough idea.

You don't need to go into every detail, just be a little clearer, probably knowing some places is enough.

If it is difficult to find everything, you may eventually need the help of Besib Michael, the troublemaker.

Besib Michael caused a lot of trouble, and Xu Zhi backhanded him with a charge of stealing the power of the Sacred Demon God. Xu Zhi hoped he would be happy now.

"Bring this stone back to Dongyue."

The patchwork Shenshi still lacks some small fragments on the surface, and the shape is roughly patchworked, but no special effects occur.

When everyone was disappointed, Xu Zhi also entrusted things to Li Duohuang.

"Why, I still want to find those small pieces of stone, where to find this vast world?" Li Duohuang said.

"It's easier to find than to find a pair of gloves, isn't it?"

Xu Zhi said the last sentence, Li Duohuang suddenly fell down.

"I will get those two gloves when I find them?"

The broken glove is difficult to convert all kinds of weapons, but there is still one intact.

Li Duohuang thinks that he can only live with this glove in this life.

Mu Yongzhi's relics are also soldiers of the Grand Master of Mu Yongzhi's battle against the heroes.

This is not only suitable for her, but also belongs to the top difficult soldier.

Regardless of repairing the damaged one, as long as it is intact, Li Duohuang feels that he is the master of the master.

"Recovered and stepped into the Grand Master. The two conditions are indispensable. Otherwise, the glove will be ruined. Of course, I am in a good mood."


Li Duohuang responded dumbly.

"What are you doing?" Li Duohuang asked.

"Of course I want to contribute my meager strength, and I have been killing for two months."

At the beginning of the Vulcan Festival and the end of the Vulcan Festival, there will be more jumps from the source of the countercurrent.

Xu Zhi inevitably moved his thoughts, trying to fill up his vacancies.

The world is constantly changing. If he can fill his strength, he will fill it to the limit.

Like the Dragon God, many Grand Masters have no choice but to rely on the power of divine rules.

If he encounters the existence of such super life in the future, he will have some means.

"Go kill again..."

Li Duohuang murmured and began to languish to find some small fragments of Shenshi.

On the other side, there are people who are ready to explore other sources of countercurrents.

"Xu Zhi, are you really going to kill and jump here?" Yan Xuankong also asked when he left.

"It's possible to fight around casually," Xu Zhi said with a smile: "You can beat as many as you can in these two months."


The top character jumping is a pretty bad preference, it is easy to be caught by opponents.

But now the hardships are over, and not many people can help Xuzhi.

Many top masters are still in an alliance with each other, and Yan Xuankong can't find any reason to control Xu Zhi.

After all, I'm growing up, and I can stand alone.

Nowadays, they are dispersed and act independently.

Xu Zhi also re-entered this piece of countercurrent tracing source.

After the dragon **** rebuilt the terrain in the back part, many small passages were all melted into glaze. At this time, there were quite a lot of jumpers in the passage, and they did not get into various trails.

The newly created Grandmaster's long stick is once again contaminated with blood.

"Sometimes you have slaughtered the dragon! It doesn't count as burying you."

Xu Zhi muttered a sentence.

Fighting a poor life is a humiliation to the Grand Master's soldiers, and the Dragon Slaughter is a glory.

After all, these weapons need to see the world more often, and fight everything.

When constantly called, the soldiers of the Grand Master are filled with internal energy, and the practitioners not only use it more and more smoothly, but even have a certain sense.

When Xu Zhi held the stick, there was no uselessness.

He rises from the grass roots, and these magical soldiers are born to be at their apex.

Starting from the metaphysical mentality, Xu Zhi felt that he needed to smooth out the high sharpness.

His stick is not an emperor star, and he needs to take it up and worship it. It is only used when beating a strong enemy.

Whenever the stick comes out, all the big and small sprites need to be smoothed out.


Holding a long stick to keep clearing the jump, Xu Zhi also named his Grand Master's soldiers.

It's not elegant, but Xu Zhi feels very in line with his mind.

As a weapon for fighting, his wish is quite simple.

Fighting back and forth for dozens of days, when Xu Zhi entered the underground palace again to rest, he only listened to a red skin jump in the pile of corpses and suddenly opened his drowsy eyes.


"Come on!"

Red skin jumped and heard Xu Zhi's mental energy vocalizing, and immediately closed his eyes with peace of mind.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the image of Besib Michael came into Xu Zhi's eyes.

This time the pseudo-god did not seem to be smooth, Xu Zhi had seen the arrow hole in his body.

"Why? Injured? Would you like two healing magics?"

"I don't want your magic, I hurt my heart, there is no rule of law," Michael Besib said dumbly.

He closed his eyes and knew that the guy in front of him was framing.

But the demons have always started first, and then talked, and he will not be able to explain for a while.

After a beating, he also drilled the remains and returned to the world.

"I heard from Sellen that there is a bad guy who has positioned our world. Selren is probably going to join our world?"

"Hahaha, the demons are liars, and there is no credible words to say," Michael Besib laughed awkwardly: "The Selron guy is the best at cheating and concealing, he can't believe every word in his mouth, he is now You can also drill into these places through the reverse channel, maybe the coordinates you choose."

"That's right, the demons are big liars. When I find the bad guy who added trouble to us, I have to slapp him to death" Xu Zhi nodded.

"That's right, my life is also the most disgusting creature that destroys peace. That kind of guy will have to fight hard when he sees it."

Michael Bessip took a sip of water. He felt his throat was a bit dry. Taking out an avatar and seeing Xu Zhi was completely correct.

"What's the matter with you looking for me this time?" Xu Zhi asked.

"I am very interested in your method of achieving the true God. I want to come over and ask if you still want to summon jumping, I can call you an area Let you kill a happy heart" Michael Besib was a little nervous.

"I think there are enough jumps here."

Xu Zhi opened his mouth, and suddenly let Michael Besib shudder, feeling that this little thief was too difficult to serve, but he still asked for each other.

"Your true God's method will not work, Tanan is the Son of God, may not know the way to achieve the true God," Michael Besib tentatively questioned.

"You have been too closed recently, maybe you don't know that Deken has become a true god," Xu Zhi said with a smile: "I still have his God's name."

"Deken has become the true God?"

Michael Besib's eyes glared, and then his face was filled with heart.

Although Xu Zhi is a pitman, he likes to talk nonsense, but he did feel an abnormality this year.

The sky is out of phase even in the ruins.

It's just that his heart is difficult to be sure.

After Xu Zhi said his own words and mentioned the time again, Michael Besib was determined.

"True God didn't kill him. He must have picked a rare opportunity. My heart hurts."

Michael Besib's distressed gesture.

Like everyone's practice, the trajectory is difficult to copy, and it is difficult for him to reenact Deken to become the true god.

Even the method is difficult to use for the second time.

But he was somewhat reluctant, and Michael Besib felt that he had to at least know the truth.

"Hero, please call me whatever you want, and I will do whatever I want."

"You are too polite, I also have some questions to ask you, such as how to repair the **** core..."

The dragon god's core is in his hand. If it can be repaired, there is no difference.

As the road to the Nether is getting narrower, Xu Zhi doesn't mind the jungle goblin being a demigod when he needs it.

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