Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2139: steal



  The soul is shocked.


   Spirit Shield [Artifact] The pub where it turned into was suddenly broken.


   Hexis stepped out of the tavern and looked towards the sky.


   It was a dragon that covered the sky and sun.


   Silver-white sharp claws, red dragon legs, colorful body.


  Just looking up, Hexis felt the extreme danger.


   "Protect yourself well."


   When Hexius looked at the dragon, he only heard the message from the dragon.


   familiar tone and familiar tone.


When    stared again, the dragon had already shot.


   didn't growl anymore, but was a hard fight.


   At this time, the white mang was also manifested, and a pale white dragon appeared.


   "This is the prototype of your real body!"


   Xu Zhi growled, and the other party had already fought back.


  Whether in the world of the dragon of time and space, or in the world of the four elemental master gods, the dragon family is inherently strong and occupies an unmatched advantage.


   Even in ancient times, the dragon tribe once established a kingdom and established a dragon kingdom.


   Some people say that the dragon race is the most beloved race of God.


   Judging from the incarnation of the true God, this may indeed be possible.


   Xu Zhi's expression was cold, and he constantly relied on ‘striking technique’ to fight.


  The same is true of the dragon with a pale white face. There is no emotion at all, and no more words.


  When fighting each other, it is also the technique of fighting, Xu Zhi even perceives that the other party's fighting technique should be more condensed, beyond his level.


   But the other party lost in the power of the total soul.


  When the technology is not good, Xu Zhi takes the clever way.


   grasped hard with a claw, and Xu Zhi's faucet then bit the opponent's neck.


   entangled like a python, both sides flapped their wings and began to roll continuously.


  Hexis swayed around in the sea for a while, and fled continuously, only to see that the body of the whitish white dragon came apart, turned into a white awn, and disappeared again and again.


   "It escaped!"


  Xu Zhisheng sounded like Hong Zhong, and when Hexius stared again, he saw that this colorful dragon also shook his head and disappeared from the sea of ​​knowledge.


   snorted, Hexis woke up with a headache in his head.


   Until this time, he did not feel the return of life.


   "Why didn't the spirit shield block it?"


   This dragon soul is weaker than Tanu's soul when he first attacked. Xu Zhi felt that the spiritual shield [artifact] should be able to play a role.


   This is not the advent of the true God, but only the thought of the other party.


   is still in the four-element main **** world at this time, belonging to off-site warfare, and far from exerting its due energy.


   Just like the mobile phone's signal in Dongyue is very strong, but in Xiuliu, the signal should be weak and even cause unbearable delays.


   An artifact of spiritual and soul protection can play a role.


   "It has stolen my memory, and also knows some secrets of this artifact," Hexis said bitterly: "It's just that it didn't get the core content."


   "Erase the back door of the artifact" Xu Zhi shook his head and said: "The artifact that can be targeted is not an artifact. This time is good luck, and I may not be able to come in time next time."


   "Really erase."


   Hexius nodded, and his eyes suddenly widened, making a startling sound, and hugged his head tightly.


   "I... my part of my memory is also lost."


   He looked at Xu Zhi with a pale face, and suddenly made Xu Zhi think of the theft of memory mentioned in the Hexis contract.


   This is far more powerful than Tanu's engraved divine art.


   Tanu is just a replica, this time it is more like a memory cut.


  Like picking dishes, flip the other party's memory over and over, picking up the useful or important ones, and leaving the ones that are not needed.


  If it is an ordinary ordinary person, he will only think that he has suddenly forgotten something, and it is a pity and a vague memory.


   But to the extent of Hexis, it is very clear which of them is the memory imprinted in the soul.


   This loss is not normal.


   was stolen directly.


   "You... what else have you lost?"


   The forgetting of memory is a terrible thing.


  The back door controlled by the artifact can be explored slowly, but Xu Zhi is more worried about other content that Hexis has forgotten.


   "Forgot...forget...forget all..."


   Hexius raised his head, and he stared blankly at the many containers and objects in the chamber.


   This is not a polar island, but his small castle originally located in the Kingdom of Brakada, but now belongs to the great Akan.


   is also where he was resurrected.


   In the old days, it was the alchemy equipment that he was so skilled that he could no longer be skilled.


   But at this time, a strange feeling came.


   He opened his mouth. At this time, it was difficult for him to call out the names that were once familiar, let alone how to use them.


   Cultivation strength is still the same, but his strongest point seems to be deprived.


  Alchemy, biological transformation, casting, smelting...


  In the memory of Hexis, many of his abilities that he once found difficult to find opponents have been difficult to remember.


   He looked at his pale hands and made a roar of unwillingness.


   In the polar islands, he had discussed with Xu Zhi, Somra and Immelia how to avoid the destruction of the world.


   This involves investigating high-powered people and top experts.


  But Hexis didn't expect the other party to find him first, and stole his most proud capital.


   "How can I have the ability to destroy the world? The world is so big, how can I destroy it..."


   Hexis groaned loudly.


  He was once recognized by Misterio as a catastrophe to the world, but Hexis felt that his activities had always been fixed in a small area. Those were just some of his works during his research, far from destroying the world.


   was approached by the true god, and even he was caught off guard.


   "What will it set off?"


   looked straight at Hexis, and many abilities about Hexis appeared in his mind.


  He didn't know what kind of situation he would meet.


   The war behind the scenes?


   Or the rapid spread and reproduction of all kinds of bizarre creatures.


   Hexis undoubtedly has the power to cause headaches.


  When this power is not restrained and freely exerted, anyone will have a headache.


   "Where is it now?" Hexis asked.


  Hexis knew that the white mang flying in the sea, it was difficult for Xu Zhi to trace, and I didn't know where the other party was.


   But Xu Zhixin could be sure that this white mango is unlikely to find Hexis again.


On the one hand, Hexis has the capital to fight back, on the other hand, Hexis does not have much exploitable capital, and even Shenjiang is difficult to pick and choose, and has many opportunities to possess it. It is difficult for the other party to be safe. Choose him.


  When many abilities are deprived, Hexis is just a powerful cultivator at this time.


   There is no power of there is no invincible ability.


   "Don't know" Xu Zhi shook his head: "But it shouldn't come to you again."


   "Will not come to me again."


   Hexis responded lowly.


   Bibi guilt.


   knowledge is among them.


  When his knowledge is stolen, there is no more value available.


   The other party will most likely find other possessions of spirits and turn this ability into a real destructive force.


  When Hexis got a headache, he also put a heavy load on his heart.


   Anyway, if knowledge is gone, you can learn it again, and if life is gone, then it is truly gone.


  Compared to the fact that the other party has destroyed the world with the help of the body, leaving behind a thousand years of infamy, Hexis feels that his current fate is already very good.


   He groaned for a while, and then slowly stopped the cry of pain in his head.


   "No matter how strong the **** is, we must abide by the rules in our world."


   "You have to pay the price and you must get out of our world."


  When all of them are involved, the idle hermit can no longer be idle.


   There is a high probability that the other party will use his ability to do evil. Hexis thinks for a while and thinks he should do something right.

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