Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2152: 3 point positioning

"When B1542`H2465 is used as the second anchor point, the third portal location is derived based on the information provided by Ogtavia."


   "There are fourteen options at this time."


   "You must locate the third portal to make the next derivation."


   "Otherwise, we need to explore 196 places to find the fourth portal. We can't bear this kind of deduction, let alone calculate the fifth portal."


   "Some of these places are not countercurrent sources."


   "What if those points have not been detected before?"


   Two points are not enough to locate, but the two points bring the method of derivation and calculation.


  Combining the position of Li Duohuang, the speculation of the portal's location suddenly entered the right track.


   is not only the place where Ogtavia sent the fire monsters, but also the area where Li Duohuang hit.


  There are at least 14 such transfer points on the land of South Australia.


   Every place is very important.


   Judging from the number of survivors in Li Duohuang's portal area, the situation is extremely urgent.


   Unable to cut off the portal, it means a ruin, the remnants of a continent will swarm out.


  The number of top high-level survivors is naturally limited, but there are still a lot of cannon fodder.


   That is an innumerable number of creatures.


   is also a remnant of countless jumping creatures that continue to multiply to provide meat and lead to a skyrocketing number.


   When these two are combined, it will bring countless troubles, and even multiply rapidly in the real world.


   This is an unbearable weight, this potential harm must be strangled in the cradle.


  The portal must be smashed.


   Many counter-current traceability points must also be controlled.


   Only by cutting off the source can this kind of harm be eliminated.


  To rescue Li Duohuang and his brothers and sisters, he also needs to crack the information provided by Ogtavia.


   Xu Zhi is in a dilemma.


  Tuo Guhong and Yan Xingxia have gone to rescue.


  In the information exchange center of the Northwest Military Region, only he and several commanders remain.


   However, there are several faces on the screen of the information exchange center.


  Nan'ao people, northern Xinjiang people, Xiliu people, Ying people, Motuo people......


   The appearance of various faces on the screen is the same, all waiting for Xu Zhi's position to crack.


   They can hardly understand the information in Xu Zhi's hand.


   At this time, it is impossible to discuss the truth of the data and what trust to study.


   The catastrophe is coming, no one has the guts to hide it, and must discard any previous mistrust.


  The first portal zone was discovered by Xu Zhi and others.


   And the second portal is in the province of Tumohang.


  The next third, fourth...


   The lowest jump has made South Australia unbearable. If more and more powerful and viable remnants emerge, what will this world be like?


  When South Australia fell, what would Dongyue do, and could Northern Xinjiang avoid it, other countries?


   These creatures are not as weak as humans when they are born, and they need to work hard to grow, and some creatures have a natural starting point.


   is like a black dragon.


   Wenren Weiyang frowned.


   Even the newly born Black Dragon is more powerful than ordinary adults and can kill several battles.


   By the time the black dragons reach adulthood, this power is stronger.


  Hundreds and thousands of ordinary people are just food in the eyes of an adult black dragon.


  If powerful creatures practice, the level that the other party easily achieves is a possibility that many people need to struggle for a lifetime.


   is in another similar world, Wen Renweiyang has enough knowledge, he knows everything he needs to face.


  No one wants to fight the survivors like the northern frontiers.


   A war will cause the economy and technology to regress for decades.


   The successive years of war will not only dissolve the coalition of South Australia, but even cause all countries to collapse, and they will become refugees from then on. At that time, South Australia was difficult to find a safe place.


   "The third portal came out, and there were countless three dogs in the cave, and someone was holding a long whip and continually whipped in formation."


   When the third photo was released, it also accompanied the arrival of a new coordinate.


   This is Grand Master Macron's personal exploration.


   also accompanied by crazy killing.


  Three-point positioning.


   Start with detailed three reference coordinates.


   Xu Zhi suddenly also clear the next derivation goal.


  Step by step deduction, the remaining 13 coordinate points will be clearly displayed.


   "South Australia is willing to make up for all the losses you made on this trip. If someone died in this turmoil, I heard that Ren Weiyang would be willing to engrave his head and kneel himself."


  Wenren Weiyang dispatched the Legion to support McLong. He covered his hand with a normal anti-dragon thorn. It was difficult for him to use any advantage to induce at this time.


  According to Xu Zhi's information, a portal is the top force of a ruin.


   Among them, there is a strong enemy of the Grandmaster, and some people also possess all kinds of magical powers.


  Like the karst cave at the location of the third portal, this is an area that is not suitable for combat by the big cultivators, and it needs to pay a large price.


  At this time, although the countries dispatched cultivators and even the legions to Nanao, not many people were in place.


   The homeland of the various countries still needs to maintain peace and order. In addition to suppressing the grand masters of the military area, many grand masters and powerful masters still stick to their own countries.


   Whereas the previous goal was strangling and jumping, far away from the need to use the great master of the strong individual.


  Although the forces of various countries gathered in South Australia, they suddenly encountered this unexpected factor and were caught off guard.


   "Fighting next time, the primary task is to destroy the portal."


   "Whether it is a hard push, or induced or sneak attack, you must cut them off, take the teleportation stone, or destroy the portal."


   "Army and cultivator groups at all levels follow up the encirclement and suppression."


  When deducing the calculation, Xu Zhi also made some additions.


   "According to Xu General Mansion" Wen Renwei nodded.


  He stared at the red book in Xu Zhi's hand at this time, and the coordinate points that were constantly marked were also accompanied by continuous calculations.


  The survivors are a method of calculation, and Xu Zhi is another method of calculation.


   It's just that there are comparisons and references for inferences.


  He can understand Xu Zhi's calculations, but it is difficult to understand the books of his survivors. He knows that the time is urgent. Although he is anxious in his heart, there is not much way.


   At this time, with the calculation, the fourth transmission coordinate point is released.


   "Ying Guo barely has some ability to get it. I will lead the crowd to destroy the portal, but the Legion of Legions need your help to strangle, please make arrangements as soon as possible."


  The opening of Liu Shengzongyuan on the screen of the information center immediately took off the destruction mission of the fourth portal.


   flashed in the screen of his silhouette, and then the screen dimmed.


   "Block 5."


   "This area is within the control area of ​​North Xinjiang, Albu Gumala is willing to go, we North Xinjiang will only fight hard, will lead the legion to go, and for a while it will be difficult to have the ability to support other regions."


  Albu Gumala stood up, and the light of Yuehua Shovel, which he was carrying, flashed, and then the loud noise of the entire team was heard from the information center.


   "The sixth portal."


   "We will go to try to push down the portal. If it is weak, we will lead the crowd to fight and fight. There are few people from the West Liuliu Kingdom. Master Macron has explored again. Please forgive me."


  The voice of Grandmaster Yahibun was uploaded on the screen of the information center, and the other party also started to quit the group chat.




   "I'm turning at this time, and the Kingdom of Moguotu can rush to this location. If an emergency occurs, I hope you can give me your help and avoid my retreat."


   The remote master Salman began to take over the task.


   "Block 8."




   "Dongyue's garrison in Tumoxing province is scarce. Their top fighting power has already gone to support. How to match the remaining portals?" Margaret asked on the screen.


  In addition to the first batch of explorers, the countries have already taken over the tasks, and the small-scale cultivators of small countries are not enough to shoulder the heavy responsibility.


  Dong Yue, the most heavily invested in South Australia, had some problems at this time.


   The earliest encounter with the Legion of Legacy, Dongyue military also did the fastest response.


   destroyed one of the portals of the survivors, and was now fighting the second portal.


   The transfer of the second portal is based on the rapid attack of the master practitioners, using the top advantage to strike.


   At this time, the remaining three major legions are difficult to When top experts are lacking, there will be big omissions in this collision.


   At this time, the Dongyue Legion is mainly to assist the mopping up of the remaining remnants, or to wait for the return of several commanders to form a sharp attack.


   "In the end, we still have eight hands-on, this is our own business, we can only stand on our own" Wen Renweiyang frowned.


   When Grand Master Kalindra was devoured by the Dragon God, his serious injuries were not healed at this time, and there were eight Grand Masters left in South Australia at this time.


   corresponds exactly to a portal.


  As the host, South Australians can only desperately complete the other eight portals, and do not have the qualification to retreat like other countries.


   But the grand master of South Australia has strengths and weaknesses, and the power of the survivors also has strengths and weaknesses. At this time, it is difficult to know who will be encountered.


   There is a high probability of solving the problem when the strong touches the weak.


   It is very likely that there will be anti-killing when weak and strong.


   "We have informed the grandmasters who have traveled before that we will continue to gather the latest information to the information center, and we will also invite General Xu to dispatch and provide assistance as appropriate," said Wen Renweiyang.


As the chief leader,    has the strongest fighting power and also bears the heaviest responsibilities.


  If it is an ordinary time, he will sit in the center of the center for scheduling.


   But at this time, he also needs to attack.


   can only pay for comprehensive dispatching and support.



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