Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2156: Encounter Selron

When the sky was twilight, many messages began to be sent back one after another.

Knowing a coordinate point position, but to find the portal on the coordinate point, or destroy the portal, it will take a long time.

If it is an ordinary grandmaster, perhaps Selron has already cut his head under the sword of the raid.

The rapid movement of muscles and muscles calmed down the injury. Xu Zhi gently wiped the oozing golden blood and settled a heart.

Xu Zhi exhaled in one breath, and he stretched out his slightly tingling arm, and also looked at the blood stain cut into his neck by nearly half a centimeter.

"You didn't go to Besib Michael to ask, who took the holy weapon?"

Seeing Xu Zhi's body burst into a flash, and backed off again and again, when Selron put his mind down, he also asked about his most important items.

"Return to the holy grail of our Krigan."

When Selron swept out of the blow, he apparently recognized this human being with several sides.

"you again?"

When Xu Zhi lifted his stick, the opponent had stepped out one after another, and he shuttled directly from a height of several hundred meters.

Just a few moments later, Selron has entered a state of battle.

Xu Zhi's expression was slightly bitter. He just pinched the communicator's emergency call for help, and he saw that his body more than two meters high suddenly swelled.

The chance of the grandmaster and the team leading the crowd to survive is extremely low.

Grandmaster Brudo hit Selron.


The two eyes crossed, and Xu Zhi had already sensed the comer.

When Xu Zhi looked down, he could also notice someone looking down.

After the demon, there are also a huge number of strong evil spirits, evil spirits, three-headed dogs...

The ordinary demons have the strength of master cultivators, while the elite have the means of the masters. The top demon is the level of the master.

This is a huge amount of data.

Just a glance away, Xu Zhi can perceive that this is the number of nearly 400.

Unless the world collapses, rules are weak, and immortality is difficult to enter into the ruins, many of these creatures will be qualified as immortals.

Although the fertility rate is extremely low, it is also a long-lived creature, and the rich food resources in the ruins are superimposed with a long period of time, allowing the number of such terrible creatures to accumulate.

It is not a demon creature.

The devil of the top level of life.

This is a demon.

When Xu Zhi kept flying high in the sky, he had seen the tall and strong legion that was creeping underneath.

There are master levels, there are also guru levels, and even grand masters.

On this day, the blood of the big cultivators began to flow on the ground in South Australia.

Jingmen Damu has already begun to command the detachment to step out of the city to clear up.

This is a creature that is far more harmful than jumpers, seeing one must kill one.

For South Australia, where the climate is hot, arson is unbearable.

It is a monkey creature with an adult height. It can throw fireballs freehand, and like to ignite dry flowers and trees.

Although the portal device of the Union of Hatut was demolished at the earliest, there were still some other survivors on the ground at this time.

It was not jumping, but the remnants of the ruins.

Trying to fly high above the sky, through the military telescope, Jingmen Damu has seen some red figures.

The top level of the opponent needs to have high-level combat power to deal with, and the other is their task.

He has no right to command Dongyue's army, but he can also command the city's guards and patrols.

Halfway through, he growled again.

"Everyone is up and moving, don't let the survivors have any chance to break into our city."

He looked at the scorching sun in the sky as if he had seen some great masters go away.

There is nothing wrong with the choice of the two, but Jingmen's eyes are empty.

This position is a little farther than Margaret's, but if Grand Master Dongyue frees his hand, there is the possibility of rescue straight.

Xu Zhi directly chose Brudo's position.

Perhaps it is because of the nearest distance, thinking of quick battles and quick decisions, or feeling that Grand Master Taishu Kang is incapable of being on the third ladder. In comparison, Margaret and Brudo are more at ease.

Wen Renweiyang reached the point where Grand Uncle Kang went.

Among the three unanswered positions, Margaret and Brudo were included.

Qingchuan Shenhuo was seriously injured, and Nancy Pi was shot by an extremely huge giant crossbow vehicle, plunging into a circuitous battle situation.

But then it seemed that he had encountered repeated dooms.

Among the Shenshan Alliance countries, Wen Renwei was the first to solve the problem.

Jingmen Damu looked at the direction of Xu Zhihua's streamer and knew exactly where Xu Zhi went.

"Master Margaret was abandoned..."

Xu Zhi took a look at the zone and also explained a few words. When he stood up, he turned into a streamer of the sky.

This obviously has given up.

When Xu Zhi responded, Wen Renwei had already quickly reported where he was going, which was the nearest choice.

"That's how it is, if it's not enough, it's their life."


"Can you go somewhere?" Wen Renweiyang said.

This made Xu Zhi hesitant and Wen Renweiyang hesitated.

But perhaps, at some point, a message arrived again, making the previous judgment wrong.

There is no time to delay.

At this time, it's more like catching up.

The three portal destruction missions also correspond to the three Grandmasters.

Wen Renweiyang replied to the last one, and then there was silence.

"Choose one of three..."

However, Tumhang Province is the closest to Dongyue, and it is quite far away from the South Australian countries. The Dongyue Grand Masters have limited aid areas and belong to the nearest aid.

With the gradual rush of the masters, the masters gradually vacated their hands.

Several grandmasters squeezed Maris, and this female demon could become an immortal light anymore.

The earliest schedule in Tumohang province also ended at the earliest.

"Does Wen Renkui have feasibility suggestions?"

While waiting, Xu Zhi gave Wen Renwei Young the right to choose.

"Grandmaster Dongyue has completely requisitioned the fighting power, North Xinjiang is overwhelmed, Xiliu is reluctantly coping with it, Ying Kingdom has been dispatched, and the Kingdom of Motian Tuo is still in struggle."

If the rescue is wrong, it not only wastes the power of Wen Renwei, but also may cause the grandmaster who is in the midst of trouble to fall.

One of these three must be at stake.

But Selron has not yet appeared in many messages.

Different situations also correspond to different treatments.

It is difficult for these teams or Zhou Xuan to send a message, or the whole army has been destroyed, or there is no signal of communication, it is difficult to contact.

Wen Wang, the king of Wenyang, was pinched in his hand, but the information was still insufficient.

Xu Zhi's expression nodded slightly bitterly.


"There are no other messages coming from Xu Mansion," the commander on the side reminded.

Some Grand Masters need to work around and contain, and some Grand Masters are dispatched to certain coordinates by him, and they start to carry out the aid.

Xu Zhi can only see tricks.

Because of the existence of wild areas, a lot of information is obviously delayed.

Even the information center in the military area ~ ~ has given the greatest privileges, intermittent communication and signals are still a big problem.

What makes Xu Zhi even more headache is the communication conditions in South Australia.

Need to explore and fight.

But the location and location of many portals are indeed remote and hidden.

Xu Zhi couldn't understand Selron's idea.

Cultivate the adaptability of the legions to the real environment, hoping to figure it out slowly, or many legions gather to occupy a certain area.

Michael Besib was responsible for making comments, and also provided some coordinate points, but Selron shuttled into reality, and there were more choices under exploration.

There are caves and caves.

It also exists in remote canyons.

Some exist in the underground space.

With the protection of inner qi, the master-level glazed gold body resisted this blow.

Anyway, he has a hard capital of survival in Selron.

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