Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2159: Urgent news

"get out!"

  Under several blows, Xu Zhi could no longer bear it, and his figure fell quickly, and then disappeared into the commander's army.

   "Find him out!"

   Xu Zhi will not only play Doppelganger but also sneak.

   Selron is also difficult to find a straight track at this time.

  In his eyes the red mansions skyrocketed, and he was staring at every abnormal shadow in the underground while commanding the legion to move quickly.

   "Great general, that stranger is not afraid of magic lock" has a big demon report.

   "Find me hard!"

  If he can do the lock, Selron has already used the Demon Tinder to lock Xu Zhi.

   He roared angrily, and his eyes became more fierce.

   The other party seems to be covered with some kind of immune magic.

   Any special spiritual introduction, the origin of which can be summarized as magic.

   Even if it is a martial arts ability, it is no exception.

   Locked several times, he was completely ineffective.

   Selron didn't feel at first that he would fight Xu Zhi in a continuous battle and a chase battle.

   Not many people can escape the chase of the demon shuttle, and his strength is also unmatched. In this open space, he can restrain many people.

   Even the powerful stranger group was killed under the army of demons.

  But he didn't expect that he couldn't help each other at this time.

   can carry his blows, and is as slippery as a loach. Under the avatar, he will also squint. At this time, it involves extremely high-end sneak.

   "Lord Fiona is good at reconnaissance and will surely find this alien."

  In addition to Shenshandongtian, there are sixteen large cities, and there are sixteen castle portals, corresponding to sixteen teleportation locations.

  If it is possible, Selron naturally wants to start from a single zone.

  However, the number of people transmitted by the gate of the castle is different for each lord.

  The portals placed in this world also have a limited lifespan, and the more they are used, the more likely they will fail.

   This is caused by the difference in world rules.

   Even he can hardly come up with a two-way solution.

   There is even a time limit to the source of the countercurrent, and the transmission time seems to be only maintained for two months.

   This makes it difficult for many demonic creatures to concentrate on a city and continue to advance towards this world.

  The suggestions at this time are more like nonsense.

   As the lord Fiona has entered the world from another portal, how can he assist them in finding strangers.

  When the power of the real world is dispersed, the power in the ruins is also dispersed.

   "Grow your eyes wide and see the shadow under your feet" Selron growled.

   From the moment Xu Zhi fell, he divided and marched the legion.

   Xu Zhi must be locked in a certain legion.

   The scope at this time has been reduced to a certain extent.

   He is also a member of the Legion within the command range to carry out a rapid shuttle, using the instantaneous time to get rid of the shadow of the underground.

   For example, the space transmission and shuttle of the devil, can instantly get rid of the stalker.

   And a certain degree of rapid movement, if the opponent can not keep up with the rhythm of speed, there is a high probability of revealing traces hidden in the shadows.

   At this time, the sun was shining, and it was extremely difficult for the stalkers to find the shadow, only crawling under the members of many legions.

   Even some thieves and assassins can find the developer...

   Selron keeps inspecting and tracking.

   As his eyebrows grew tighter, he only listened to the demons in the distance stepping on the shuttle.


   "Urgent report!"

   "Huo Xun!"


As he marched, the demon kept making noises.

  Occasionally, the demon hit, also snorted, without furious counterattack.

  This is a messenger.

  I just didn't think there was an urgent news so early.

   "Report, Lord Fiona has been attacked by a top alien team and has been defeated!"


   Selron had a very bad conjecture in mind.

   The team strikes he encountered were not unique.

   As a general who ruled many lords, his soldiers were all carefully selected and belonged to the strongest group.

   But there are certain lords whose legions are not as strong.

   For example, Fiona who is good at training hellhounds.

   Especially Fiona's strongest **** three-headed dog, Gerberus, was devoured by the red dragon and lacked the protection.

  Fiona is the first one, is there a second one, or a third one...

   The legion at this time has not yet seen the city, has not been captured, nor has there been mutual contact and oversight assistance.

  The expedition was unfavorable to this extent, and a shadow came out of Selron's heart.

   "Where is Lord Fiona currently?" Selron asked.

   "Lord Fiona may still be in a state of recovery at this time, but just sent personnel to summon, and may come later."


   "Urgent report!"


   Selron was at the time of the interrogation, and suddenly heard a loud voice in the distance, and the cloud on his face shrouded.

   "Lord Maris was defeated, the outbound strike army was basically overthrown, and the teleportation positioning device was destroyed, making it difficult to invade this world."


   This world's indigenous creatures reacted much faster than he thought.

   It was only a day or two before invading the world at this time. They were also in the environment and preparing for the legion, and then they were hit by the other party.

   Many location choices are extremely hidden, far away from the outside city.

   Selron couldn't understand why he was captured so precisely.

   "General, you have to make the decision for me, my husband and the goblin of Ogtavia have run away! I don't want to live!"

   When Selron's face was somber, he heard a huge mumble from afar.

   This is a powerful assistant, but also a headache assistant.

   Selron looked at the fat demon who was constantly running in the distance.

  This is Mary Devil Lord.

  At this time, Marys didn't even consider the defeat of her army, but touched on the broken thing at home.

   "What's the matter with Karl He and Octavia?"

  Looking at Mary, who was still weak, Selron only felt a sulking heart, but he had to ask the situation again.

   "They are gone, I just died, and I want to find Karl to comfort me, who knows that there is a demon who said that the unconscience run with the old fire girl, wow wow wow..."

   The **** demon burst into tears.

  This makes Selron's heart mixed.

  Lianlian's defeat message, as well as the powerful aliens lurking in the legion, he still has to manage the affairs of Mary's mother-in-law at this time.

   "Can you change a man, I think Isis is very good."

   Things were not clear, and Maris was crying there again, and Selron felt too difficult.

   "He didn't fight Carlnet, I don't want it, I want Karl," Marys shouted.

   "I'm too lazy to care about you..."

   Selron just wanted to let go, and then heard the sound of a three-headed hound roaring in the distance.

   "General Selron beware, someone is lurking near you."

   There was a rapid roar of Selron's beheaded sword swung sharply.

   behind him, an explosive roar immediately exploded.

   Selron didn't expect that the other party had quietly shifted his position and sneaked to a place near him by the time of the messenger and Mary Sapar.

   This is thinking of assassinating him.

   "Find out the trace of this strange person!"

  The two demon beings were cut off with a sword, and Xu Zhi entered the sneak after being attacked.

  If there is no one to restrain, this will be an enemies with unshakable spirits.

   When Selron drank, he also looked at the three headed hounds that came quickly.

  The hound was sitting with a woman who was not tall.

   This is Fiona. He is good at domesticating **** hounds and is the best scout master in the kingdom.

   But at this time, Fiona's complexion changed greatly.

   originally rushed towards Selron, and she quickly turned around.

   "He came after me!"

   has a keen eye and is good at reconnaissance, which brings her unlimited convenience, but this is also the source of the trouble.

   She is the first target of stealth assassin.

  Fiona clearly saw that when Selron slapped with a blow, the other party stubbornly resisted, and Yu Li escaped to chase her down.

   This is not inferior to how much master Selron.

  At least she couldn't beat each other.

  If it is hit, Fiona feels that she is likely to die.

   thought that he had just resurrected by immortal means.

  Fiona's heart sank.

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