Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2166: against

"According to preliminary statistics, Oro City has 62 people left, and the number of deaths may be between 3.2 million and 3.8 million."

  The dead bodies piled up in the city, and the blood was everywhere.

Some were directly killed, some were bitten by demons and **** three-headed dogs, or even swallowed, some were trampled, and others were collapsed and buried by buildings, and some died of fire and smoke from buildings, and even died in fear... …

  Many kinds of death methods can't count the death figures normally.

   At this time, only living people can be counted, and then the number of residents in Oro City minus this part of the living people, and then the approximate number of deaths is known.

   3.2 million to 3.8 million.

   This is a huge number.

   Ten meters high demon can trample several ordinary people when they step on it.

  This is completely different from normal war.

   "Will they come again?" Nancy Pi shivered.

   One arm of this grandmaster has been cut off in unison, and the two double-edged short knives have become just holding one.

   Death is not just in Oro City.

   There are other things.

   For example, forcibly destroy the various teams of the portal.

   also has a legion of encirclement and suppression.

  On this day, countless large and small wars took place.

  Except for the portal that Xu Zhi and Tuo Guhong initially dealt with, fierce wars occurred in 15 other places.

   Some great masters fell, some great masters died, and some master practitioners died, expert practitioners...

   Old partner Brudo never came back. The body was lying more than a hundred miles away. Nancy Pi's face was dazed and a little frightened, worried that he could not bear the mentality of seeing Brudo's corpse.

   Such as Grand Master, not to mention other people.

  On the periphery of everyone, there was a cry of wailing and crying in Oro city.

   "Xu General Mansion, can you express your opinion?"

   Wenren Weiyang groaned, when he got up, he obviously pulled his wounds and had to sit back.

   As the chief commander of this dispatch and support, he could not have any more demanding requirements on Xu Zhi.

   All scheduling and support are no different from his imagination, even better.

   And Xu Zhi also had a pioneer, and fought all the way until Chi Chi came.

   Many people died, but no one can blame the commander.

   If there is no straightness, there may be more deaths, more than one Oro city.

   "I don't know how to say" Xu Zhi shook his head: "There is not much difference between what you and I know."

"It's not them who died, it's us who died" Margaret said painfully: "Any relics we see must be cleared at a fixed point. We can't be passive, we need to counterattack, kill them in the ruins, and kill them all. ."

   The former dynasty of northern Xinjiang was rushed into the ruins with the retreat of the remnants, and a lot of beheadings were completed.

   But that kind of price is too high.

   In the middle of the Three Emperors Cave, there are three kings buried there.

  This caused the powerful dynasty to collapse, and the recession was destroyed.

   But this era is not hundreds of years ago.

   has more developed transportation and more developed communication than hundreds of years ago.

   At this time, South Australia is not a single country, there are other countries to support.

   "We are different from Northern Xinjiang. The relics of their battle are separate, and the location of the ruler of the other party is also determined. The relics of these relics can be transmitted to each other as a whole."

   Wenren Weiyang shook his head.

  Marguerite thought, he can also think clearly.

   is related to each other's destiny, this is the best time to use strength, you can use Dongyue, North Xinjiang, Xiliu, Yingguo, etc.

   This is the most powerful moment in South Australia's history.

   Missing this moment, it is difficult for them to be so cohesive again.

  But their ruins are not the same as in Northern Xinjiang.

With the constantly gathering information, there are also many survivors who are synchronously drilling out of the portal. Wen Renweiyang is very sure that this is a whole relic, and has the ability to communicate and transmit shuttles. This is not simply solved by rushing into the relic and killing problem.

   "Which portal did you destroy directly?" Margaret suspiciously.

   Among the many actions to destroy the portal, there are points of fiasco, points of great victory, and points of continued battle.

  Marguerite mentioned the way of sweeping northern Xinjiang.

   This is a hard push, all the way to fight, starting from the periphery, with the big cultivator and the stationed legion killed by force, until pushed to the portal.

  This also keeps the portal.

  In addition to Oro City, there are also many cultivators on the other side sending gatekeepers to wait for rabbits, slaughtering the remnants of the drill, and also waiting for subsequent instructions.

   "They are confused about our world, and we are also confused about their world. At this time we still have to chase down the leader of the survivor."

  Wen Renwei's voice made Margaret silent.

  The survivors have a lot of power, and even led a powerful legion. Even so, they will eventually be destroyed in reality.

   If they counterattack into the ruins, the end will not be much different.

   At this time, Selron still wanders in the real world and also needs to be found for killing.

"Their elite army has been lost, and will be able to invade again at one and a half times, and the great commander will be difficult to go against the sky." Yan Xingxia frowned: "The current focus is to control all the countercurrent sources and not give them the opportunity to build portals. , Or strangled to death if there are signs."

"You also need communication equipment in South Australia, this battle is too bad" Yan Xuankong also added: "If the communication is timely and effective, it can also kill many threats in the bud, and it is more suitable for killing each other. "

   He looked at the exhausted Xu Zhi and Tuo Guhong, and thought of the piercing signal in the previous help message, he had a headache.

   is difficult to communicate, and even more difficult to communicate in a timely and effective manner.

  Adapted to Dongyue's communication, and it is unbearable to return to the 20th era of communication in South Australia.

   He could not bear the possible consequences, and watched the death of the two heirs who guarded Dongyue.

  Can kill Brudo, the chief commander Xu Zhi and Tuo Guhong will be far more powerful than the survivor leader they are targeting.

   "Xu Zongfu, I heard that your uncle has a big company that manufactures three generations of communication equipment?" Wen Renweiyang asked.

   "My recommendation can be discounted in thousands of dollars."

   "Then your face is too useless."

  Wen Renwei Young just started a tone and was pushed out by Xu Zhi.

   Thousands of dollars that discount is too stingy, a device can probably reduce a dime, said and did not say the same.

   But South Australia does need a batch of three-generation communication equipment.

  Not mentioning the laying of the entire Union, but the need to go to the source of upstream counterflow everywhere.

  Dongyue's civil communications have obviously risen to the level of military communications in South Australia.

   Dongyue is the third-generation communication to completely replace the second-generation communication, while Nan'ao will be the second-generation communication with the third-generation communication.

   At this time, the best way is only like this.

   Everything needs them to survive this difficult transition period.

   Encirclement and surviving creatures【】It will continue, and the construction of communications is also imminent. Even when it is linked to the South Australia Alliance, all the people are soldiers to accelerate all advancements.

   It is inevitable that ordinary people will fall into death, and it will inevitably have various economic losses, and even the national strength will regress greatly.

  But compared to the miserable situation of Oro City, it is worthwhile to let the survivors continue to recover and develop.

  Last people eat and jump, South Australians can also eat and jump.

   Only by snatching the food of the survivors, will these survivors' creatures fall into slow growth and weaken to the other party.

As    continued to discuss, some strategic opinions also came out.

   Xu Zhi occasionally participates in some discussions, and more often adjusts to rest.

  Real-world targeted strategies, and he also has internal divisions among the demons.

   Karl and Ogtavia seem to have led the legion away.

   The more important thing is to confuse Michael Besib.

  If the other party takes action to destroy the castle gates of many cities, this may cause irreversible troubles for many ruins in South Australia.

  Not to mention many major events, Xu Zhi is interested in a private matter at this time.

  Dragon blood.

  He got a little useful information from Selron.

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