Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2263: Fall

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

At some point, this concept does hold true.

For the four elemental gods, Xu Zhi is a timed bomb, which will mess up the order of the original world and even weaken the power of the elemental gods.

It is not difficult to guess the purpose of the time-space dragon roaring boost.

Silently, Xu Zhi felt that he had enjoyed a little bit of the benefit of the competition between the two sides.

But Xu Zhi is very clear that the Dragon of Time and Space can assist and fight.

If he weakened the four elemental gods to a certain extent and achieved the other party's purpose, he would have no other use in the eyes of the dragon of time and space.

It was his turn to smother the elemental gods.

"The outside needs to be settled first," the red dragon growled: "Trip, you will kill this alien first."

"Hawkins, you can't withstand his impact, and you will fall again if you encounter it again."

The orange dragon Tripp replied, which made Xu Zhi's heart a little stable, and the elements evolved silently.

He could gradually feel that his body was strong enough, and he even began to have the power to travel through the dark void to reach the other shore.

But going out at this time may not be a good idea.

The world is a kind of imprisonment, but it is also a kind of protection.

The sudden shock may appear in another world, but Xu Zhi feels that he has a high probability of being beaten.

"I'd rather fall away than see the world dominated by a lowly species," Hawkins growled loudly: "Look, that's just a low-level creature born from a tree, or a two-legged creature. It's weak. hit."

"His appearance will inevitably share our strength and make us weaker."

The languorous blue dragon also spoke.

"Even if he was given a chance of detachment, he couldn't resist Sridio and would only be swallowed."

"Canchem, what do you think?"

"Qiao Wan, we have changed the order, how did he..."

The voices of the elemental gods quickly dropped, and there was a circle of ripples in the space.

"Promoters, come up with your true strength, otherwise we will choose to kill you!"

When Xu Zhi continued to evolve the four elements, he only heard a dull trembling sound in his ear.

He looked up and saw that the orange dragon Tripp had come out silently.

"You have a chance to prove yourself!"

"The waste does not have the qualification to exist!"

"Only the strong can stand on the top of the world, not the wandering in the world like the weak."


In the sky, there are echoes of the voices of the other elemental gods.

When the elemental gods stared, Xu Zhi also looked away.

He waved his arms and felt that although he had the magical heritage and the ability to stir elements in the form of jungle goblin, he did look a little weak.

But he has another form.

That is his stronger form.

It is also the form of his soul fighting.


Feeling the power of the more turbulent elements in his body, he growled.

A trace of evolving elements in the body began to ignite.

Just an instant.

The silver-white dragon claws, the giant legs covered with red scales, and the colorful dragon body suddenly appeared.

The sole of the foot sank slightly, and Xu Zhi felt the elemental world shake a few times.

He flicked the wings on his back slightly, which stabilized his body.

"You said I am qualified! Roar!"

Roaring sound, Xu Zhi is also stirring the sky and clouds.

When the body was transformed, Xu Zhi realized that there was no difference between being in the elemental world and being in the sea.

This is the realm of the elemental gods.

It also became his place of control.

Countless magical elements continue to converge around the body, and powerful forces fluctuate in every space.

As the realm of domain control comes from the heart, Xu Zhi feels that he is erroneously taking control of the elemental gods.

Even if he blocks again, he can break through and get what he needs to grow.

The four elemental master gods seem to have no power to release divine art, and it is difficult to hold him back at this time.

He looked up at the four elemental gods.

"It turns out to be your scourge!"

The elemental gods have not spoken yet, and far away, Siridio, who is concerned about the changing world, suddenly glared.

In the long river of memory, he is no lack of the other person's image.

Perhaps I hadn't thought about the underworld creature wearing a helmet and armor and shooting a bow with an axe.

Perhaps two realms apart, the reality he felt was limited.

Perhaps in the memory of Sridio, more is the memory of the dragon's body shape.

It wasn't until this time that he showed the good things that the other party did.

Let his son fall, kill the **** descended into Gariba, cooperate with Deken to become a god, destroy Rhonis, and even put a breath of evil in his world...

He stared at the figure inside the four-element main god's world, which involved the continuous time and space lines circulating in his body, which also let him learn more related things.

This is an insignificant existence, but it is also the culprit of repeatedly destroying his good deeds.

The plan to destroy the world is defeated, and the act of occupying the new world is also ruined. It is completely a **** stick.

"kill him!"

The four elemental gods haven't settled yet, and Sridio has roared a familiar tone.

"The gods rebel!"

"Shut up, this is not your world!"

Orange dragon Tripp responded dullly.

As Yu Guang swept across the dragon in the world, he only felt a sharp tingle.

In his self-controlled world, everything has changed.

"In my ability in time and space, no one can help you."

The silver dragon slowly wriggled its body, and began to enter this world full of countless exotic metals.

"Unless the last minute, who can win or lose."

"I took the power of the source, and you without the magic arts are not worth mentioning."

"Your divine magic also seems difficult to activate."

"But my soul is stronger than your combination."


The violent fighting struck, and Tripp also felt bitter when he was fighting dullly.

"With the power of our dragons, it looks pretty good!"

The fiery red dragon Hawkins wanted to kill Xu Zhi first, and also changed his mind first.

He stared at Xu Zhi of the dragon form below, and felt that the opponent had four legs.

"His body is a little weird," said the blue dragon Qiao Wan.

"His soul is also weird," said the blue dragon Kanchem.

"Trip, what do you think?"

In the brief message of the three dragons, I saw orange Tripp's body tremble, and the body immediately poured countless golden shimmers.

As the soul drifted, with the golden light gleaming, the body of the orange dragon Tripp gradually began to disappear.


Hawkins yelled out, and a whine passed immediately.

As long as the time is long enough, the true God will also age and fall, but he will die to death. This situation is not uncommon in the world.

For the true God, they are in a complementary relationship with the life planet.

While guarding the planet, they also rely on the planet to shelter from the wind and rain, avoiding the damage in the world.

Each true **** has its own territory, following the operation of the world.

Even if you can't beat it, you can still take the planet away, even abandon the planet and escape.

But time and space is a wonderful energy.

The creator of this world is usually extremely powerful, it is difficult to see the power failure, has always maintained the strongest fighting power, and also has the ability to be like a tarsus, once they are accurately positioned, they can continue to chase to a certain A life planet.

But controlling time and space, they also have fatal flaws.

Compared with the true gods of other worlds, their world lacks the elements of stability, and the world collapses and declines extremely fast.

Controlling the power of time and space and also abusing the power of time and space, the true gods of these time and space worlds are far shorter than the lives of other true gods.

There is a true **** who once laughed.

"The way to defend against the true gods of time and space is to let them die."

But the more common way is to improve your ability to a considerable degree, with enough strength to resist the other side.

Four thousand years ago, the four elemental gods moved their hearts to power.

Before ten thousand years, Sri Dior also wanted to change his destiny.

A deal was concluded.

The endless scourge is also left behind.

until today.

The earth element dragon Tripp has fallen in it.

"Asha, you are guarding order and justice, do you want to watch your brother and sister die from the same source?"

The cyan dragon Kanchem stared into the distance of the world.

There is infinite darkness.

With Canhem's voice, countless lights in the darkness began to flash.

A black dragon emerged.

The dragon has lacquered black scales, but there are countless lights shining on the skin like stars.

Her eyes gleamed with a soft silver light, but she could also instantly emit the bright light of the nova.

She spread her wings and let go of the world she wrapped.

"Canhem, you shouldn't be greedy. You should take advantage of your own strength."

Asha's soft voice came and responded directly to the question.


"Inside your world, there is still the power of time and space."

"But he also took away our original strength," Kanchem said.

"You have all taken advantage of forces that are not your own, and you need to bear the endless consequences yourself."

When Asha's voice fell, her body had returned to darkness.

"When you are strong, you can launch a militant battle against me. Why, I can't fight back?"

Seeing that Asha didn't intervene, the time and space dragon Sridiou suddenly felt relieved.

He stared at the remaining three elemental dragons, just like the lamb to be slaughtered.

He didn't care about the divine pattern on his forehead.

When the body was shaking, everything on his body had returned to its original state.

"We bear this cause and effect, and you will certainly pay the price in the future," Kanchem exasperated.

"I can live in the moment."

The dragon of time and space stared at the three elemental gods holding the group, stimulating the waves in the long river of time and space. While pacing, they were also looking for the best angle of attack.

"He recovered his internal injuries in time and space!"

"I'm going first!"

When the blue dragon Qiao Wan started to remind, the red dragon Hawkins let down a word and swelled the endless red torrent, rushing into the empty river at that time like a ray of light.

The long river of time and space suddenly became fiery red, countless fire and rain fell, and ripples circled in the universe void.

"Canchem, see if you have a chance..."

The blue dragon Qiao Wan whispered, it also caused the blue torrent to rush into the empty river at that time.

The endless explosion sounded instantly in the feet stepped in the elemental world, Xu Zhi felt that there were a lot of elements diffused in the sky, countless orange, red and blue elements fell, which made him The body swelled more and more.

Unless he has wings to sway the wind and clouds, his body is likely to make the elemental world shake and even fall into the void.

Boundless magical elements continue to converge and expand his body.

Xu Zhi feels that he already has the power to drill out of the world. Even if he appears in another dimension of the world, he has a high probability of surviving.

Compared with Deken, Edney and others who became gods at that time, he was far stronger at this time.

Thinking about whether he held the God high and stepped into another world in one fell swoop, Xu Zhi saw thunder and thunder in the sky.

In that distant place, a small world began to break through the barriers of the world and rushed directly.

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