Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 500: This is a disease

The gray-bearded old man surnamed Tan, the person in charge of a certain bureau, was responsible for the selection of basic cultivators in the four-country exchange competition.

Xu Zhi's performance was too lacking in virtue, he was directly passed, and Gu Yuxi was also suffering, and both of them were eliminated.

"Master Zong, is there any benefit to this replacement, don't give me a substitute, you won't get any benefits."

Xu Zhi whispered to Lu Shengan, showing strength, no problem, as a substitute, no problem, but if there is no benefit, then there must be a problem.

"Is it good to win glory for the country that can be compared with other benefits?" Mr. Tan is displeased. You guys are not thinking enough.

"Senior man, you only let the cows milk the cows, don't let the cows eat the grass, it's no good which one goes up, no motivation."

"Cough, it's really mad, Mayor Lu, it's not that my old Tan doesn't give you a face, this kid can't realize it."

Old Tan's beard is chaotic. How many young handsomes he has seen, one more, one less, and many less. If Lu Shengan had the position of guru and belonged to politics, he was too lazy to take care of this kind of troublesome thing.

"Lao Tan, this kid is really good, at least very smart, you don't have to regret it then."

Lu Shengan didn’t take a deep look at Mr. Tan. Xu Zhi said that there was no problem. Cultivators want to fight, at least they also fight for an interest. For example, they are young and have limited abilities. Grass, whip can not move.

"Jin Bai, you try his hands and feet. If he does, I will not be stingy. If not, I will lose a hundred points to this kid's impression."

It is revealed that the strength does not need to fight a life and death, a few tricks to each other, the general situation can be understood, Lao Tan still has a certain degree of caution to Lu Shengan said, everyone's strength is growing, these champions of the Provincial Games No one is slow. At least he has to see Xu Zhi's difference. If it is similar to other people, why not play him.

Mr. Tan led the team and was very familiar with all the newcomers. A young boy quickly ran out of the team.

"Yan Jinbai, the top 64 players, has the strength to reach the top 4."

A brief introduction, Yan Jinbai’s strength is suddenly higher than Xu Zhi’s mind, the young tiger’s eyes are raised, the thick eyebrows are raised slightly, the facial features are as sharp as carvings, the face with angles and angles is beautiful and abnormal, and there is no stranger to hide the hidden spirits. I can hear a lot of gossip about this person, and there is indeed a wave of capital in appearance.

"If you can tie Jin Bo to prove your strength, if there are players with insufficient strength, it is your chance to play for them, win the opponent, the reward belongs to you, and the substitute player rewards us separately."

Lu Shengan frowned. This old Tan really picked a good opponent out. Yan Jinbai's strength was the strongest among this group of people. To be able to tie Yan Jinbai's strength, then it needed to compete for the forefront.

Xu Zhi obviously had a chance to play. Dongyue only had seven players in the top 64, more than half of them eliminated, and then played a wave of the top 32 again.

"no problem."

It’s easy to say that you can get the prize, the replacement status is better, and you can save a lot of hard work in the previous period.

"Is it a rule for this bench to play?"

Xu Zhi doubted whether there would be any problem with this play. Whether people admit it or not, this is not Dongyue's words, and there are several countries involved.

"Of course compliance is legal, and there are substitutes everywhere. This kind of stimulus to the battlefield is very psychologically or physiologically uncomfortable for players. There is no problem in replacing a person. If you can win, you can win, and you can’t say what you lose. Both parties signed and agreed to apply before entering the venue."

Tan Lao's words were finalized, and the rules were clearly explained.

Now, what Xu Zhi wants is qualification.

"Play here?"

"Go to the battlefield, where you can do your best. I have heard of you, Xu Zhi."

The teenager looked up and looked at Xu Zhi with a smile on his face.

"It just so happened that I also heard about your name."

Reaching out without laughing, Yan Jinbai has no hostility on his face, Xu Zhi is also safe, and his face is smiling.

"My grandpa said you were lucky, making money is a good hand, and losing a good hand is also a good hand. The martial arts are not bad."

The teenager stopped talking and stared at Xu Zhi staringly, no longer speaking.

"Dare to ask your grandfather's surname."

Xu Zhi didn't want to understand when he touched his head. When he was crowned with such a hat, he didn't know what his grandfather was.

"Of course surnamed Yan," the teenager said strangely. "After all, I am all surnamed Yan. He couldn't possibly have another surname."

"What about the full name."

"Yan Xuankong."

Xu Zhi sipped his lips. He didn't expect Yan Xuankong to be a grandfather. It's easy to misjudge if the cultivator's appearance is not so old.

It's no wonder that Yan Jinbai didn't say much about martial arts. His set of hidden dragon claws came from Yan Xuankong. Changchun Zhenyang Gong was also exchanged from Yan Xuankong. Nearly half of his foundation came from Yan's family.

Now this is to make a move with the official heir of the Yan family. Yan Xuankong vowed that he would use it alone in the world. Xu Zhi didn’t believe in half of the punctuation marks. After all, he waited for Xiao Wang to enter the basic cultivator level. He changed hands and sold another 10 million.

Yan Jinbai would be very normal with this claw technique.

"By the way, where have you heard my name, what do other people say about me."

Yan Jinbai was suddenly interested. Since everyone is an acquaintance, you can talk casually. This makes Tan Lao a little frustrated. I didn't expect to catch one and it is known by others. Don't let it go after a fight.

"It's a bad embryo to say that you like to tease a little girl. It's not good to fight, a bad guy."

Xu Zhi looked at Yan Jinbai strangely, and did not know whether he liked or disliked this evaluation. He still heard the news from the tabloids from Zangyou Zangling.

"Who, so clear, Lao Tzu, you told me that I was sold by Uncle Ruan Er, or the ten-year-old boy in Bo Santong, his mouth was the most broken."

Xu Zhi was speechless, young man, how can you be so frank, just recognize it, so to speak, those small newspaper kiosks also sold real information.

"Forget it, don't care about this kind of details, I am bitter"

"Our Yan family loves waves, and they die quickly, and people are not prosperous. From the generation of my grandfather, we have the mission of inheriting the lineage. After we get married and have children, how do we go about it? I just make some preparations in advance and often ask those Can a pretty girl have a baby for me."

Yan Jinbai's information made Xu Zhi's head a little ignorant. The people in your family are really quite special.

Wave is a disease that needs to be cured.

Mr. Tan, who has greeted him, obtained the right to use a You have to work harder, whether it is to earn a face for yourself, or to leave a face for me. "

Lu Shengan said quietly, his opponent was Yan Jinbai, and his confidence in Xu Zhi was not enough.

The family has a grand master, a grand master, several masters, and Yan Jinbai's network resources are enough to make people scared. For this young man, when he was young, he obviously would not have the possibility of lack of cultivation materials. Everything is based on the most The best guide forward.

It can be said that Yan Jinbai almost represents the highest level of Dongyue elite among his peers.

In Xu Zhi’s session, Dong Yue’s peer learning object was Li Chuyang, but he could move forward for another two years. At that time, it was all about Yan Jinbai.

He is the only full score student in the high school entrance examination.


On the battlefield, Yan Jinbo clenched his fists in front of a piece of green grass and looked away.

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