Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 535: Secret Collection Hall

This is the secret pavilion of the Daimingya Academy, almost to the door. The man who jumped out suddenly surprised everyone.

Without a word, the half-height vase was not big, and he didn't know how the other party got into it.

"Your hiding technique is really awesome, even practiced to the point of being contained in a bottle."

Li Demin stroked his beard and gave a burst of admiration.

"Hahaha, of course, Dongyue people, you have vision."

The man was only wearing pants on his lower body, and he was less than one meter six in height. After he stood for a while, shaking his head, his body gradually grew taller, and he stopped growing up to one meter seven.

"Combining the clavicle, shrinking the meat, and shielding the breath, it's amazing," Qiao Mu then exclaimed.

"Hahaha, my little Maori Goro is the most powerful, Dongyue from afar, please come in."

Little Maori Goro clearly knew that several people were visiting the Secret Collection Pavilion, and wanted to give everyone a chance to get off the horse, but Li Demin couldn't bear to boast, and his face turned from green to red now, leading everyone to walk around the house.

Reaching out his face without laughing, Li Demin's old fritters are extremely well done, and Qiao Mu's burst of assists makes Xiaomaori Goro even more beautiful.

"Damingya Academy's Book Collection Secret Pavilion has a total of 12,000 volumes of books, summarizing the mysterious techniques, martial arts, Qi practice, and light skills of the high section of our country, as well as sources and collections of previous ancestors."

"Two young people, you have chosen the greatest country to practice, tell us which one you want to choose."

"Your authority can choose second-rate quality martial arts or a certain secret technique, but there is only one chance, I hope you can think clearly, the machine here can query the catalog of the secret bookstore of the library, you can check it at any time, after the selection, I Take the book to you."

Entering the Secret Collection Pavilion, Li Demin and Qiao Mu no longer spoke, Xu Zhi and Gu Yuxi could not feel it, but their bodies felt as if they were on their backs. In this case, the Secretary of the Book Collection cannot make a choice to interfere with the exchange student, nor can they go to the election, or even to do it instead.

Banners of various high-speaking words in the Secret Collection Pavilion of the Book Collection are hanging, which looks very new, and seems to be dedicated to entertaining this wave of exchange students.

"I want to see the martial arts of Dongyue's previous ancestors, about stick technique."

"I choose boxing."

Xu Zhi and Gu Yuxi glanced at each other and determined their choice.

Gu Yuxi first walked to the machine, then frowned again, and touched the screen machine, a pile of Ying Guo characters, so she didn't know how to check for a while.

Moreover, the person who designed this program seems to be full of some kind of maliciousness. The cancel and confirm buttons on the interface are the settings opposite to Dongyue. If you are not careful, you will need to select books that you don’t need.

"Is there no interface in Dongyue text version?"

"Little girl, here is Yingguo, you know? Technology and the development of the times are changing with each passing day. You can use the means to adapt to survival and adapt to local conditions."

Although Maori Goro no longer spoke back against Li Demin and Qiao Mu, he couldn't prevent him from taking the other's words to run against the two young men.

"Sister Gu, let me take a look. It happened that I know some Chinese characters."

"it is good."

Gu Yuxi simply retired and let Xu Zhi play. Before he came, Li Demin and Qiao Mu talked a lot, but did not talk about the other party's setting machine selection.

After glancing at the interface, Xu Zhi smoothly turned into the Dongyue martial arts collection, and then entered the cudgel column.

More than 20 volumes of stick martial arts with different names are placed in the category.

""Crazy Devil's Stick Act""

""Magic Cudgel Act""

Xu Zhi looked at the name with surprise, and then looked at Qiaomu again. The principal, while describing ancient history, was extremely distressed by some generous cultivators who leaked secrets. Two mouths, now my own skills are leaking, is this going to plan the grave of the ancestor?

In addition, what kind of ghost is the magic crazy stick method? If it is not Xu Zhi who is proficient in Ying Guo script, he really wants to be stunned by these two names. The Ying Guo script has a certain prototype of Dongyue, but the order, habits, and performance techniques It's another style.

If you don’t know anything about Ying’s language, or if you judge according to Dongyue’s common sense, if you want to go crazy, you have a 90% chance to choose the devil’s crazy stick method.


""Stick King"

At the lowest level, Xu Zhi discovered the goal of this trip. The books with positive and negative names are very close. Xu Zhi's eyes are different in color. If it is such a book, it is better to say that there are such cases in consecutive books. That only shows that the Ying people are playing tricks on this, or that this infamous martial art is a corresponding restraint martial art.

It's just that it's hard to say how much the restraint martial arts have. Anyway, exchange students have only one choice.

Checking the Bawang stick, Xu Zhi chose to submit, and he was very fast, which made Xiaomaori Goro quite surprised.

After reading the cudgel technique, Xu Zhi chose to enter the Dongyue boxing interface. Nearly forty kinds of boxing techniques were reflected in his eyes. He closed his eyes slightly and was silent again. The names of various boxing techniques came to his mind.

The machine can only accommodate one person at a time, and Li Demin and Qiao Mu are standing far away from the boundary, it seems that they are subject to some kind of restraint. Xu Zhiming is clear that Gu Yuxi wants to choose the right boxing skills, only rely on him Memory.

"What kind of boxing do you want to learn?"

""Half Step Fist"."

"Thirty-second option for boxing."

Xu Zhi was silent for a moment, filtering out the memories in his mind.

The three major styles of Gu's family, lead phoenix, killing and slaughtering, are stronger than one. One thing that can not be ignored is that these three major styles are more restrictive. Compared with similar martial arts, it has serious shortages in output. It is very necessary to seek a suitable output martial art.

Half-step collapse, maybe Gu Changying’s suggestion, maybe Li Demin, there is no problem to fit these three styles. With reference to Li Demin, the master of boxing, Gu Yuxi is likely to get started within a few months. Even master this martial art.

The qualification for this trip is not some children of the big family with a complete heritage, this opportunity can be used to see the high-level martial arts of other countries and expand the world, but the two have I just want to make up for my shortcomings in martial arts.

"Okay, congratulations to you, two little guys, with good vision."

As Gu Yuxi came out, Little Maori Goro came with two books, this is the secret of the martial arts they selected.

"Please note that you can watch it in the secret bookstore, no excerpts, copying, cross-reading, loud noise, daily reading time should be controlled within two hours, you can come to the secret bookstore five times a week, the learning time lasts two Months"

"Do not conduct martial arts exercises indoors. Once discovered, you will be disqualified and you will be expelled from the Secretary's Cabinet."

"The other two companions, please feel free to wait, okay, I wish you a happy time, and there is another great guy here."

Xu Zhi turned his head and saw Yan Jinbai and Ruan Fei stepping back and forth, stepping into the secret bookstore.


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