Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 545: Death rule

"The incarnation of the death rule, may you add to me."

Baron Feng Tajin uttered the last word on his mouth, and Xu Zhi threw a green light on the other person's head, which made Grick very satisfied, and Green Skin caught the time well.

A huge staff was born out of thin air. At the top of the staff, a purple gemstone shone slightly.

Xu Zhi only felt a sharp sink in his hand. This staff was more than two meters in length. It was so heavy that he could barely hold his hands.

Saint Staff (Superior): All healing spells are increased by 100% and have a 20% chance to resurrect life units [minimum life master magic is required to activate this function. It can be released twice a day. The time of death of the rescued party must not be More than two hours. ].

"This is a god, an artifact."

Xu Zhi has never been in contact with such a high-end staff. The effect of the staff is overbearing and unreasonable. Even if Xu Zhi has not been exposed to the magic of life, he cannot prevent his prediction of the effect of this staff.

Greck, how generous this is, this kind of baby is thrown away at random, or that the warehouses of these bigwigs can't accommodate this kind of superb quality, Xu Zhi feels that it is necessary for him to re-know the world and know more Brother, only the garbage thrown by the real brother can arm him.

Mysterious Mist Palma bosses, His Majesty Leo, who hasn't communicated in depth, and San Theo, who are pitting together, now have one more Glick.

Grick, the big guy, sees life as a mustard, but others are generous, which is extremely dangerous. For this kind of big guy, Xu Zhi is very complicated, loves and hates, and accidentally afraid of being killed by the other party, But the oil and water flowing out of their fingers is enough for others to break their heads.

After the task was completed, he just wanted to return to the elemental world. An evil and cold breath suddenly filled the whole neighborhood. Not only did he not move, but his body slowly crawled down.

As strong as Baron Feng Tajin and Glick, they knelt in front of this breath.

"It's not just their shot."

Xu Zhi just flew into the sky with a heart, and then fell to the bottom of the valley, only to rest assured now, it is not that they took advantage of this opportunity to shoot.

Summon the creatures to complete the contract, get the contract product, affected by the contract rules, about 1-3 seconds of protection time, used to break away from the possible combat state, and prevent being targeted by a malicious technique, quickly return To the elemental world.

At this time, this kind of rule was broken. Xu Zhi originally thought that the strong men such as Baron Feng Tajin and Glick disregarded the power of the rule. After all, the strength attribute panel of these two people could not be detected in detail. In front of this breath, people are just like him and have to lie on the ground.

"Death Rules"

Xu Zhihu suddenly remembered the words of Baron Feng Tajin, only rules can contend with rules, and only rules can resist rules.

The contract rules are disturbed by the death rules, and it is very likely that there will be some delay or some kind of impact.

A cold, evil breath shrouded nearby, and Xu Zhi's body shivered, and in front, Baron Feng Tajin's bones crackled, while on the right, Glick's face was sullen, his eyes were open, his left and right hands were struggling on the ground. , The armor on his body kept shaking.

"The feedback on this sacrifice is much more than I expected, Grick, maybe you can follow the light and feel the greatness of the death rules."

Baron Feng Tajin murmured low, he tried to make his bones bigger, trying to feel the rule opportunities contained in it.

"The incarnation of the death rules, may you add to my body" Glick gritted his teeth, with the permission of Baron Feng Tajin, he also began to give up his resistance and feel the rules of death carefully.

"I finally got the guru death magic, hehe hehe."

Baron Feng Tajin lay down on the ground, feeling the power of the death rules. He achieved the most desired result and was extremely happy in his heart.

In order to be promoted to the guru death magic, he did not know how much time and materials it took to construct the altar of death, and in order to consolidate the rules of death, it was necessary to sacrifice the souls constantly. Collison's entire kingdom, except for the jungle behind him Fairy, no more intelligent living creatures.

At the cost of the kingdom’s wise creatures, he was promoted to the death magic of the master. Baron Feng Tajin felt very worthwhile. Even Baron Feng Tajin also thought about whether his neighbors needed to plan a war to acquire more souls and land.

"Be patient first and raise the "Hand of Death". With this near-regular magic, no one can underestimate my Feng Tajin."

He grinned straight, his hands clasped, half loud, and his body did not hold up. Although the thick rules of death were much thinner, he was still not stubborn. With just a few rules of pressure, he couldn't stand up.

"Grick, how do you feel?"

Baron Feng Tajin's eyes are booming. As the second leader of the undead country Cresson, the leader of the undead creatures, Grick's death magic power is also excellent. This time can at least enhance his level of master magic power.

"I felt the know-how of the master's mysticism, and the thoughts in my mind told me that my strength has improved a bit. Thanks to my great master, Baron Feng's tone is as always as docile, Even with the sudden improvement of his strength, he did not have any expression and remained indifferent.

Baron Feng Tajin is accustomed to this. He nodded with satisfaction. The improvement of his subordinates is also a good thing for him. As long as his strength can hold the opponent steadily, he is not afraid of any undead being disobedient.

The two bigwigs lay on the ground for a long time before Grick said indifferently: "Master, the rules of death do not seem to dissipate."

"It may have been too much fuel lost."

The fuel in Baron Feng Tajin's mouth is the creatures of the Collison Kingdom. He didn't expect that the sacrifice would have an overweight day, which made him uncomfortable.

A trace of death rules was under pressure and he couldn't stand up.

Within the scope of the rules, people outside can't get in, people inside can't get out, he and Glick can only lie on the ground, maybe a year, maybe two years, maybe ten years, maybe a hundred years, this thin death The rules will slowly retreat.

Thinking of being on the ground for so long, Baron Feng Tajin's good mood broke down again.

"Green skin, feel the greatness of the death rule, understand it."

Glick's indifferent face turned to Xu Zhi, if there is any creature that can help, maybe, only this jungle goblin lying on the ground.

"Yes, we still have a jungle goblin. If he learns the magic of death, the power of this rule will definitely dissipate, so that he doesn't have to wait for years."

Baron Feng Tajin was overjoyed and was a little thankful.

Lucky tricks at level 10 are really interesting and lucky.

As for whether there is a jungle goblin in this world that can kill magic, he doesn't care. Such a powerful sacrifice sacrifice, the power of the rules it leads, even if it is not talented, it must be stabbed.

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