Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 575: Damage attribute radiation

Second-level rehabilitation medicine: Life +10 (medicine effect is only applicable to first-order elite creatures or second-order ordinary creatures), can remove the poisoning and plague status below the third level.

"Quite powerful potion"

Xu Zhi, who detected the effect, raised her thumb, which is a small blood bottle, and can also remove two curse magic effects.

"I'll just say, Archmage's potion is very powerful."

"Great man, if he can guide me to become stronger, I will post it in my life"

Old green leather can tie such a thigh, it is lucky, even for this kind of medicine that the other party can't see, come a few more bottles, as a pure blood tonic, it is not too small.

Xu Zhi's hemostatic agent and healing cream only treat outside, not inside, and have no blood-enhancing effect. Obviously, rehabilitation drugs are much higher-grade.

"I'm going to fish for experience."

Xu Zhi thinks about himself. He has almost nothing to think about in terms of skills. Perhaps he can also ask Mist Barma about parchment with orderly magic, but his experience is always a big problem. The Magic Society will not upgrade, and the future will be useful. It's getting smaller and smaller, and the magic that has been tempered to the top is obviously that even the guru can influence it. This effect is even greater.

Suddenly tumbling over the portal, Xu Zhixuan looked at a seemingly strangely cut mission and drilled straight in.

As for experience, he is hungry for food. As long as there are strange and chopped off, it is rushing, and half a skeleton will not let go.

On this day, Xu Zhi, who was desperately working hard to pick up the blame, finally reached the 25th level. The accumulation of experience was so slow that Xu Zhi burst into tears.

At nearly two thousand experience levels, Xu Zhi suffered terribly. As a silver-class creature, he had a lot less choices. He wanted to kill the weak chicken monster. It became extremely difficult. Fortunately, he had a crossbow. The auxiliary summoner blocks the gun's eyes, releases the lucky technique, and can use crossbow arrows to rob monsters. Xu Zhi upgrades to level 25. Doug Wug's broken crossbow made a great contribution.

Level 25: 4-4 damage, +5 health.

Xu Zhi would like to thank God that his single-digit damage attribute now has double digits, with a total damage of 11-12, and the ups and downs are very small. Up to now, he can finally test the effect of the damage attribute in reality.

With a giant power magic that can increase by 12%, the increased damage attribute can be converted into a little, which makes him have a difference in radiation from the damage attribute in reality.

The powerful effect brought by Copper Whale Dan Oil is still in the digestion. Xu Zhi turned over and got up. This wave of damage attribute enhancement radiation has almost no effect on his body in reality. The body trembles a little and it has been restored. Over here.

The boxing force tester has been placed in a public place, and Xu Zhi pinches his fist.

Strength grows every moment, whether it is Qi training or body, there is no small room for growth. Now he is not only relying on the assistance of the dream world, but the growth of strength in reality is almost the same.

The ribs and skin membrane, the continuous training of the internal organs, can make Xu Zhi exert his full effect when attacking.

If you use certain comparative terms and everyone has upper and lower limits for attack, now Xu Zhi can properly play his best upper limit.


A fierce punch came out.




After hitting three consecutive boxing fights, Xu Zhi has been very clear about the limits of his physical boxing strength. In addition to the five-point attack radiation from the improvement of combat skills, there has also been a certain growth in reality.


Exhalation sounded, Changchun Zhenyang Gong was running, inner Qi was running to the arm, and Xu Zhi's heavy blows came out continuously.




The effect of three combos is good. The higher the foundation, the more Qiqi can be improved. This is just the integration of Qiqi. If martial arts are added, Xu Zhi feels that he should be very close to the attack strength of advanced cultivators. The output of 2,500 kg of force is not too difficult for him now.

"Come out, giant power"

A green light spilled into a strong and sturdy arm, concealed in Xu Zhi's arm.

Xu Zhi closed his eyes a little and felt it. It seemed that there was no special change in his body.

Probably, qi and blood will fill up, and Xu Zhi touches his head. The strength of the giant is not only an increase in the percentage of damage, but also a percentage of the increase in life.

Know it when you hit it.

Xu Zhi now does not need to figure out the increased ratio, but only needs to verify some of the inner thoughts. The damage value of 11-12 is increased to 12-13. This difference is not large, and the difference in the effect of waving may be very small. Difficult to make some kind of accurate statistics

But if the damage has a certain auxiliary effect on the internal air output, this is very worthwhile.


After exhaling again, Xu Zhichangchun's Zhenyang Gong was working and punched hard.





Xu Zhi, who has verified his inner thought, is almost excited to high-five. The damage is to improve the output of internal energy. With the difference between the upper and lower, the comparison effect of the punching force comes out. This damage value has a significant improvement in the output of punching force. .

Relative to Xu Zhi’s output of 1,600 kilograms, these dozen kilograms of punching strength are not dazzling, but this is just a change caused by a little Xu Zhi has 11-12 Injury, so to speak, 10% of his punching power output is based on the damage radiation. Changchun Zhenyang Gong did not give him double punching effect.

Think of the hundreds of damage properties of Mistreo, Xu Zhi’s heart and hair are heated up, and one day, his damage will also increase, and the strength of the giant will also increase. By then, his improvement will definitely be more.

Compared with some families who are more sophisticated in Qi practice, Changchun Zhenyang Gong has certain deficiencies. The practice of Qi practice to the ninth level is only for people to enter the first stage of master cultivators. The gap between leveling and grinding and other Qi training can be insufficient in the later period, and the radiation effect of the damage attribute makes up for this situation.

"I will definitely find better Qiqi in the future."

Xu Zhi did not appear anxious. Gu Changying, the master, did not say that the housekeeping skill of practicing Qi is willing to teach him.

Although Gu's Qi practice also has shortcomings, it can be many times better than Changchun Zhenyang Gong.

The understanding of Qi Qi, the stable operation of the Qi Qi route, and the materials needed for cultivation are not things that can be done overnight. Xu Zhi obviously has to make a lot of preparations if he wants to change Gu Jia Qi.

And Changchun Zhenyang Gong has all kinds of medicines for cultivation, and Yan Xuankong explained the professor in detail, and can continue to practice. After a while, Xu Zhi does not need to be replaced.

He is too far from the realm of the master cultivator.

"Brother Xu, we should start."

Gu Yuxi's message came from the phone, Xu Zhi looked at the window, and the sunlight in mid-May began to get stronger.

Now, it is the time they agreed with Yan Jinbai.

Explore the remains of werewolves.

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