Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 593: I will definitely be back

Two gunshots sounded, and the werewolf village began to be confused.

The old werewolf who peeled and cut the pieces fell instantly, Gu Yuxi hit the front, Yan Jinbai was the wing, and Xu Zhi was on the other side.

The fast-arranged battle plan was quickly launched. The full-energy Gu Yuxi was responsible for leading most of the werewolves, Yan Jinbai was responsible for another part of the werewolves, and Xu Zhi was going to enter the werewolf village and carry Chen Yingzhuo out.

In terms of speed and physical fitness, Xu Zhi has an impeccable advantage in this regard, and it is clear that he is more suitable to save people.

Another two shots, Gu Yuxi and Yan Jinbai submachine guns continued to fire, constantly attracting the guards of the patrol regiment in the werewolf village.

After a noisy sound, hundreds of werewolves rushed out of the village gate and chased in the direction of the gunshot. As long as the crowd gathered, the werewolf leaders did not die, and the werewolves did not fear death.

Even for unknown killings such as firearms, the werewolves didn't have any idea, and the punch should be very brave.

Pinning the submachine gun behind him, Xu Zhi picked up the iron rod. This wave of wolves rushed out, and this was his chance to enter the village.

Lucky technique, protection of stone skin, acceleration, terrain recognition, giant power, Xu Zhi added all the magic of the fight, and he who rushed into the village is likely to face the most serious situation.

The wolves who were about to rush out ran more than two hundred meters away, and Xu Zhi struck his legs, maximizing his speed.

The old wolf people in the middle of the village were holding knives, their eyes were blank, and they were still cutting their prey in a hurry.

The two werewolves of the patrol supervisor touched the shot old werewolf with their hands, and could not feel any vitality on the other body. .

The old werewolf twisted the corpse, and the peeling knife quickly cut through. The old wolf skin of the werewolf companion who had just been busy was pulled off directly.

Xu Zhi didn't have time to be surprised. In fact, he overheard some conversations of the werewolves, and had a preliminary understanding of the many habits of this group. Werewolves never waste food, no matter what other race, or their own race, as long as they can Eat, all hands are put.


The patrol supervisors apparently found Xu Zhi, an uninvited visitor, and they slammed the flail, and the patrol supervisors were physically strong, not as strong as the werewolf soldiers, but much stronger than the ordinary werewolves.

Xu Zhi's luck sounded, and the iron bar swept across. The two werewolf supervisors were beaten in four segments and flew out, and a blood rain started in the air.

Frowning, he twisted Chen Yingzhuo lying on the ground lightly and began to move towards the village entrance.

Although he is fast, more than ten seconds of kung fu is enough for the left-behind members of the werewolf village to react.

Two werewolves more than three meters high roared and drilled straight. The werewolf leader of this size was not easy to provoke, the endurance was very fast, and the speed was quite fast. As for the strength, Xu Zhi did not test it. The previous werewolf leader was He immediately extinguished the musket, how could he know that he could continue to encounter such powerful creatures.

According to his guess, the strength of this werewolf is likely to be slightly better than that of the Gaoyan giant wolf. If it is linked to the real world, it has the strength of a high-level or higher level of the basic practitioner.

With the dying Chen Yingzhuo, it was impossible to engage in battle. Xu Zhi was doing his best at this time, just thinking about breaking through.

In addition to a numb, indifferent skinned old werewolf, old wolf who made clothes and fire, and the remaining strong werewolves in the village, a swarm of bees rushed over to be the little werewolf. At this time, they were also eager to try. Howling.

Five werewolves were blocked at the door, and behind them, there were two werewolves at the gate of Guancunkou. This is to kill Xu Zhi in the village.


Xu Zhi twisted the stick with one hand, the iron bar clicked, hit, stop, and non-stop transformation, two werewolves were directly killed, and the other three were just shocked.

The attack methods of these werewolves are more hunting methods, simple and practical, whatever means can be used, Xu Zhi was just hit a stone by a werewolf, and the chest was numb.

Not only did these werewolves parry him, they also did not let go of the dying Chen Yingzhuo, which made Xu Zhi somewhat passive, and the iron rod had to be used as a parry.

Behind him, the wolf sea is vast. In addition to the two big werewolves, there are a bunch of ordinary werewolves more than two meters high plus werewolf barbarians.


Facing the two werewolves who closed the village gate, Xu Zhi did not hesitate, his internal energy increased, and a steel bar swept over to complete the double kill.

The lock made of the winch, Xu Zhi used a break, began to roll slowly, and the heavy wooden door opened a gap.

At this moment, the speed of opening the door is too slow, too slow, within ten seconds, this large wooden door simply cannot open enough width.

"Chopping these humans."

"Big leader, the second leader hacked him."

"This is the food delivered to your door."

"Bash him into meat sauce and come together."

"Aoao, **** him."

When the werewolves ran, they kept talking and clamoring for a while. For the humans who were tossing them for a day, the werewolves had no good feelings. Only by making food can they relieve their tyrannical emotions.

"Hum, trying to trap me, no way."

Xu Zhi jumped up and sandwiched Chen Yingzhuo, his body rose straight up suddenly, a large wooden door five meters high, but within a few seconds, he jumped up.

"You're dumbfounded, Ye can fly."

Looking back, Xu Zhi was very satisfied with his magical effect and entered the werewolf ruins. He relied on flying magic to leap into the werewolves' trap and slaughter dozens of werewolves in their sleep.

Now, relying on flying magic, he carried Chen Yingzhuo over a wooden door that was more than five meters high. This magic is simply awesome. It is impossible for another senior cultivator to come to the rescue.

"Eresnu protects and disperses."

In the distance of the village, an old werewolf with purple hair missed a word, holding a gray crystal ball in his left hand, and pointed a finger with Xu Zhi in his right hand.

After an unnatural contraction of his body, Xu Zhi only felt that the possessed magic had removed several things, including flying.

The feeling of weightlessness came and clicked, and Xu Zhi fell from the air.

"Open the door, hurry, you idiots."

The werewolf leader, who was also blocked by the door, began to scold.

It fell too fast at a height of more than five meters. The flying magic had not yet been evoked again. Xu Zhi fell to the ground and touched his head without any loss of his body. At this height, UU read books www.uukanshu. Com didn't hurt him.

It's just that Chen Yingzhuo in a coma spit out a blood, and it seems that he was injured twice.

"I'll pour you energy fluid in a while, buddy, you're a little bit stiff."

Xu Zhi murmured, immediately turned up, and ran away with Chen Yingzhuo in between.

"Smash, throwing all the stone tools in your hands deadly outside the door."

In the crack of the door, the two werewolf leaders watched Xu Zhi unscathed, stomping his feet in anger, and the flail in his hand kept swaying up and down.

"I raised your uncle."

After running for more than ten steps, Xu Zhi, who was knocked on the head by a stone, shouted aloud, and nearly a hundred different stones flew into the sky, making Xu Zhi's scalp numb.

"I will definitely come back"

Mumbling, Xu Zhi slipped away. ? You are here, help you find a book! Really true


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