Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 805: Beep beep

Heroes of the Invincible Grand Master Chapter 805 Chapter Beep Beep Rooting The local indigenous people are far more aware of the Luo family ruins than Xu Zhi and other foreign households. I have heard some winds more or less, just like the original Tiger Mountain ruins. , Shang Qianqiu and Xia Tienan are quite clear about the training camp selection.

Qiu Ying was more familiar with the Luo family ruins, and she knew some inside stories. At first glance, Xu Zhi chose such a good weapon, and thought that Xu Zhi also understood some things. When he was preparing ahead of time, he found out that something was wrong.

"Please enlighten me."

Xu Zhi held his fist. They were completely blindly speculating about the Luo family ruins. It was unclear what selection criteria Luo Jiahui was. If there was some information from Qiu Ying, many things were not so confused.

Even the Yan's family is too far behind in southern Yunnan Province, and they don't know much about some important secrets.

Lu Shengan, for example, heard it a little bit and did not know the details.

"These messages are secret and valuable, don't tell."

Qiu Ying pursed her lips, internal communication was ok, and the outside had no access.

"I can play with you, use prop sticks, how."

Xu Zhi looked at Qiu Ying quite funny, and all matters will be announced at the end of the day. It is only a matter of time. If Qiu Ying told them, they can naturally make some preparations in advance. If they hide it, it is not a major loss. See It's nothing.

"It's a word, I'll type it first, and then I will send you a message to your newsletter."

After half a year of hard training, I waited for revenge and hatred. If the other party did not accept the move, Qiu Ying could not help but Xu Zhi. Now, Qiu Ying feels that it is worthwhile to give some information.

"Quickly, call out all your fellow party members, I'm going to abuse you, hahaha."

Speaking of fighting, Qiu Ying is quite confident. She not only possesses the martial arts of iron ruler, but also the poison weapon with one hand is not bad.

Regarding Xu Zhi's strength, she feels that the other party is in Bozhong. In the past six months, she has inquired about Xu Zhi's information from time to time and learned that the other party is busy studying on the paper all day long.

"Oh, there are too few people, too few people. Forget it, my aunt and grandma will suffer a shortfall this time. After all, it is really difficult to gather so many people in the new birth meeting."

Holding two wooden rulers, the clothes were filled with various wooden needles marked with poison words. Qiu Ying was full of confidence.

Xu Zhi turned slightly with the wooden stick. The wooden stick of more than ten pounds seemed to have nothing on his hand. These weapons were specially immersed. When they hit the armor, they produced a white mark, which is suitable for marking.

"Who can talk about Brother Xu's relationship with this woman? How do I feel a little bit in love and kill each other."

"Look at the stick, look at the stick, the soul is weak. Isn't your focus on weapons?"

"The price of 800,000 sticks, I see what Xu Brother paid, and my heart was trembling."

"Mom, every time you hit a stick, it's money."

The bachelor party's comments seem to be a bit skewed. Compared to women, this group of guys are currently more interested in the valuable green steel sticks.

This made Qiu Ying gritt her teeth for a while, and she only shouted ‘Look at me and see me’ on the stage.

"Come and come, let's fight."

Seeing that Qiu Ying was a little bit out of the sky, Xu Zhi quickly reminded him that he was still on stage and was distracted. This was not right.

"Ahhh~, I'm going to beat you, come on."

Yunxiliu acted as a referee. Seeing that both were ready, the referee whistle was blown.


For each fight, Xu Zhi has always been extremely sincere, and the whistle sounded, and the wooden stick in his hand instantly changed and hit a four-fold wave of sticks.

"Pap Pap Pap"

An intense sound like a shower came and saw Qiu Ying's figure swaying from right to left, and then fell backward.


Yun Xiliu wiped his eyes hard. He didn't even twist his head. He looked at Qiu Ying, who was clutching a wooden needle tightly, and Yunxi Liu quickly blew again.

"Hey, are you finished?"

"what happened."

"We also want to watch the fight."

The bachelor parties murmured for a while, saying that the good dragons are fighting the tigers, and they are entangled with a hundred tricks. After they heard the whistle, they began to turn their heads.

"Not counting, me, I'm not ready."

Qiu Ying looked at his right hand. If he used a wooden ruler, how could he attack first for a while? Facing Xu Zhi’s stealth was indeed a strategy. The secret weapon would have to be used secretly and secretly. Qiu Ying only knew I grasped the essence of things myself.

"There are four news in total. Now you win one, and there are three others, one at a time."

With a slightly sly smile, Qiu Ying threw out his back, and the battle could come one by one, and the news could naturally be changed one by one.

"Anyway, then three more news."

One fight is a fight, and four fights are also fights. If Qiu Ying doesn't pay attention, the four fights will not add up.





"How can this be, you, you are too fast."

Qiu Ying felt that she couldn't play anymore. For three consecutive times, she was picked up by Xu Zhi as soon as she started. Whether it was the first four sticks, or the subsequent two sticks and one stick, this can only prove that she was beaten by one. Stroke seconds.

"Let's make it slow."

Xu Zhi asked slightly, the **** the opposite side was still quite strong. She lost three times without changing her face. She used a light wooden stick. For Xu Zhi, how much did she feel the power of Anne Sophie's fast swordsmanship. If it is a real sword fight, the stick will turn into several There is no power at all, this quick stick technique is useless.

"Can you still slow down?"

Qiu Ying lost her face, feeling like she was hit in the head, and she was all muddled. It shouldn’t be such a result. There is no reason to be able to make seven or eight moves six months ago. .

"Surely no problem."

For Xu Zhi, to switch to a slower fight, as long as the crazy devil stick method is replaced by the supreme stick method, or you can use the overlord stick, the old Qiao family’s crazy devil stick method takes the speed flow, if the weapon is It's lighter, but the power it exerts will be slightly higher.

Of course, this also distinguishes between opponents. If a lightweight weapon can’t hurt the opponent, it’s useless soon, just like Lao Qiao went to Hao Tuohong. Old Joe had to lie down and call his grandpa.

"You are definitely not a trick."

Qiu Ying felt that she was a broken heart, and she faced a three-to-zero record. Her original self-confidence turned into nothing.

In the final analysis, Xu Zhi experienced too many hits and kills. If he could hit a deadly one, he would not use the second move. As long as he fought with sincerity and sincerity, he must have frequent moves, Qiu Ying During the past six months, Xu Zhi has made progress faster. The extension of various theoretical foundations has given him more control over his martial arts, paving the way for many blind spots and mistakes.

And the constant killing in the dream world and the real remains of the ruins, what he knew and contacted, far surpassed most of the students in the academy.

At the same time that Hidden Dragon Claw formed his own style, his three types of sticks also began to have his own prototype. Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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