Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 813: Arrowman

The sound of a crazy collision sounded, and the rusty iron sword crackled on the undead shield. The skeleton here is much more sturdy than that in the ruins of Tiger Mountain, and it is not comparable to those crippled guys in the ghost world. The skeleton has a strength close to that of an adult man.

Stretching the rusty iron sword and smashing a skull's head, Xu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. The centaurs finally came after the charge. The raised spear continued to wave, and every time it penetrated a skull, the skull was raised high. Lifting up, the body began to orbit the flanks.

It’s very easy to kill adult flesh-and-blood creatures with a spear, but it’s troublesome for creatures like skulls. Unless we break the neck or break our head, these weird lives will really die. If we break our arms With the broken leg, the opponent can continue to fight as if he is okay.

The many gaps in the skeleton's body made some stabbing, piercing, and stabbing movements completely useless. Watching the Centaurs lift the skeleton high, and then throwing it out, Xu Zhi also began to learn something.

This way of fighting not only disperses the dense formation of the skeletons, but also saves a lot of effort. Falling at high altitude can also damage them. It only needs to throw back and forth a few times, and a skeleton will fall apart, leaving a head in Rolling on the ground, constantly biting his teeth up and down, stepped on the hoofs of the centaur, these skulls shattered into scum.

Of course, his biggest thought still lies in defense. He has good experience in how to protect life effectively in this chaotic army battle, avoiding the iron swords cut together, or avoiding the phosphorous fire arrows from the raid, Several tall centaurs made him a human shield.

When there were occasional gaps, he shot out one or two skeletons, or made up half-dead prey hit by a centaur.

Generally speaking, he played all kinds of small movements coquettishly on the battlefield, neither too eye-catching nor completely unproductive. This single skeleton is a pile of visible experience.

Thanks to the previous information from the academy, he did not regard these jungle creatures as enemies, and the other party was also in awe of him, a guy covered with arrows, and from time to time a centaur shouted at him.

"Good job"


Every time a centaur yelled, Xu Zhi shouted a word "kill the dead" to reply.

The slogan shouted, the better the attitude of the centaurs. When a group of gasping dwarves with small hammers ran over, this wave of battle was coming to an end. The dwarves most like to beat the half-dead skeleton, iron hammer With one strike, the head was smashed directly.

"You wait, I will gather a bunch of undead to come and fight you."

Earlier, the voice of Yin Xiao apparently had some anxiety and corruption, but listening to the other party's tone seemed like a child's grudge, and Xu Zhi didn't know how to say it. Could it be that you are really playing in the war.

Leaving a half crippled skeleton creature, the ghosts drifted back quickly, and disappeared in a short time.

"Karon, you ran too fast."

A bunch of long-eared elves wearing green robes also came over. These elves seemed to be stronger than the elves in the rain city, and the power from the arrow was not weak.

The long-eared elf headed with a golden helmet has a small round face, and the childish face looks quite young.

"Oh, pearls, you are too far apart, and the archery distance is not long enough, and none of the skeletons hit."

The Centaur Commander replied a little, and then shouted at the other Centaurs. More than 20 injured people in the team he took this time needed to be treated, which was far greater than the previous injuries.

"Who knows that Sidison's guy ambused so far."

Pearl reluctantly said that during this battle, the elves made a major mistake. Both sides must review themselves. Of course, in the end, they won. The result is still good. Pearl is very satisfied. There are not enough undead stored in Sidisheng. Often playing sneak attacks, it is natural to be defeated positively.

"Let's recycle the arrows. The arrows made of whirling trees can be used several times."

The pearls were muttering, and Xu Zhi was robbing the crippled skeleton with the dwarves. Compared with the dwarves, he slapped a skeleton. Xu Zhi felt that he was very inefficient. Every time the relic long iron gun strikes, it sometimes does not kill the skeleton The effect, the opponent is not dead, the dwarves have nearly thirty times his number, the effect of cleaning the battlefield is completely incomparable.

"Why is life so tenacious."

Xu Zhi stepped out and stepped on the head of the half-shattered skull. The thigh bone of the lower body of the skull struggled a bit, which turned into a pile of white and gray.

"The skeletons at the bottom have such strength, and the ruins are indeed dangerous."

Pulling out a few arrows inserted in the clothes and trousers, Xu Zhi looked at the pile of twittering jungle creatures, more than one hundred centaurs, more than thirty dwarves, nearly two hundred elf shooters, and Xu directly swallowed If you swallow, according to the estimation of the property panel, these biological experiences will be broken.

The elves were very sensitive to malicious feelings, and Xu Zhi instantly put down her little thoughts and began to become like a white lotus.

"Like nature, love the jungle, hate the dead."

The nagging thought moved, and Xu Zhi ushered in the first words of the long-eared elves.

"Hey, Arrowman, can you return the arrow in your pocket?"

What, call me the arrow man, Xu Zhi black face, put the broken backpack in his arms, these arrows were confiscated.

"There are so many arrows on his back that he can be called a porcupine man."

"Tough guy, shooting so many arrows is not dead."

"Really a powerful shield warrior, is your shield in your rucksack?"

The elves speak frankly, and Xu Zhi can't get angry with these true temperament guys. This is probably related to the nature of his jungle goblin, or he often gets together with elves in the dream world. Of course, the main reason is that the other person many.

In the absence of conflicts of interest between the two parties, they can still maintain good communicative relations.

Looking at the iron buddy's ring in his hand, the slight white light flashed, Xu Zhi felt that this might also be part of the reason for peace between the two sides.

"Arrow, mine."

"Shield, mine."

Xu Zhi's language is not proficient, and the expression is fairly clear. Some simple communication can barely be achieved, as long as the words are extracted from the other party's words.

"Where did you come from? It's really weird."

"I heard that there are human villages far away."

"Anyway, we find some weird humans every few years, digging around to pick up stones, and sometimes they can find small gems."

"Human archery skills are very poor, return the arrows to us, don't waste it."

Centaurs, elves, dwarves, three creatures with completely inconsistent heights from time to time curiously come there are strange and straight clothes, and some of them tell their own stories, of course, they are still trying to ask for arrows Sticks.

"Me, archery, okay."

Xu Zhi gave a thumbs-up to himself. Self-promotion and boasting were probably rare. The elves had some stunned eyes. They found the elf who wanted the arrow. Xu Zhi took the bow from the opponent's hand and took the elves. The arrow made of whirling tree instantly pulled the opponent's bow and arrow to a full string state, twisted his head around, and didn't seem to see any good shots nearby.

"Take a long shot to show you."

It is impossible to demonstrate accuracy, and it is still possible to demonstrate long-range shooting. The long-range archer needs a large market. It does not need many accurate heads on the battlefield. It can be shot out. When you encounter a crowd of people, there are people who can shoot.

The arrow struck a beautiful arc in the air, Xu Zhi's long-range shot was very slippery, and his performance could hit 90 points.

"Oh, someone shot me, dying, dying."

More than a hundred meters away, a voice hurt loudly there.

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