Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 836: Signs of war

For the jungle creatures in this area, this day is probably a disaster, and for the outside entrants of the dead earth, the time is not too good.

Caught among more than one hundred elves, Xu Zhi is not conspicuous. Since the first arrow was released, he will synchronize the arrows with the elves in the remaining time and retreat synchronously. The legion is not a place where personal heroism can be achieved, let alone There are not many places for him to play.

Seeing that the centaurs and dwarves that had fallen before turned into skeletons one by one and slowly stood up, the tears of elves such as pearls fell down.

For the undead, stripping the corpse after death is an unbearable behavior, and for the elves, it is also an unforgivable event that the former companions transformed into unconscious undead in the battlefield.

This is an endless battle, and the opponent obviously wants to keep these people here.

There was a thunderous sound in the sky, a corpse witch had just raised his staff, and was immediately split into ashes by the lightning that followed.


Pearl was overjoyed, and saw Mary Gray standing not far behind the line, pulling with her magic wand, just as the flash of lightning came from her.

"Babble, Mary Gray, can't think of you like a yellow-haired girl coming out to fight the battlefield, are all the elves of the jungle dead?"

On the hillside, a deep laugh sounded, and it was clear that the other party knew Mary Gray.

"Securi, those of you who died in the Legion should go to hell."

The other party's words made Mary Grey angry, and waved at the elves, indicating to continue to retreat, and the magic wand in her hand began to condense magic elements.

"Kill her"

When Securi said, the vampires in the yellow robe instantly opened their wings and flew down the hillside. At the same time, a black robe figured out on the hillside and the magic wand in hand was heavy magic Cohesion.


Corresponding to the vampires flying in the sky, there are arrows of elves.

In the rain of arrows, these vampires are like shuttle Swifts. The arrows are dense in the eyes of outsiders. For them, there is a huge gap. Occasionally, there is a medium, and they fall instantly and pounce into the centaur and dwarf. Grabbing, a little red light flashing, these vampire bodies quickly recovered.

It was the magic released by the black robe on the hillside that really turned the battle down.

"Death Ripple"

As the spell in the opponent's mouth was finished, shouting the name of the magic, a layer of red magic ripples suddenly spread like a wave of water.

Xu Zhi was deeply impressed by this magic. At the beginning, he was hit once by Nags. His body was repeatedly retreated, and Shang Qianqiu even vomited blood.

This is a targeted range of magic, and it will not hit the undead who are also within the magic range. It is only effective for the living. The range of the lower order time may not be too wide, but the power and range of the advanced level seem to have Some horrors, nearly 200 meters in a circle, people turned their horses upside down for a while, and even the elves in the back row also attracted many people. The weaker ones fell down one after another, allowing the vampires to further accelerate the killing.

Picking up leaks and picking up into a big escape, Xu Zhi never thought about this situation.

The army of elves, centaurs, and dwarves is huge, and there is a 10% winning percentage guaranteed by the pearl vows. Unexpectedly, as soon as he participated, the ten-year-old horse became zero, and the water of this winning percentage was too great.

Mary Gray can’t stop this trend. The battle has been doomed from the beginning when the other party’s intentional ambush was met, and the other party is a member of the elite legion. A dozen of ten is not a problem. For these ordinary centaurs, dwarves and Elves are simply slaughter.

As long as they are calculated, they are not difficult to ambush along the road.


Elder Lobos the Treeman did not know when to flash out of the woods, raised his hands to the vampires who were chasing them, and several vines suddenly wrapped around the other's body.


The vampires screamed sharply, and the entanglement would not cause damage to them, but it would undoubtedly be a headache. Seeing the other party quickly dig into the jungle, these vampires reluctantly roared several times.

"Huh, how could the Dryad clan be here."

Secret said coldly, but did not move under his feet. He also had some headaches for these tree elves. Once fixed by the twine, what was waiting for him was undoubtedly the heavy blows that followed, even if they were out of flee. It will not miss this opportunity to kill the main enemy.

"The opponent has a high-level tree demon, and the talent spell is very strong. I need to send one or two more senior necromancers to assist, or call 20 Vampire members of the Guards to complete the lossless kill."

He waved his hand, and a vampire nodded, spreading its membrane wings, and fluttered away.

"Humans in different spaces, chattering, interesting, they really know the secret of Lord Vednina's artifact." Scory's scarlet tongue sticks out, and he keeps tiǎn) coming and going on the corner of his mouth, looking thoughtfully, Inherited in the greatest necromancer in the ancient history, Sandru, the two artifacts that almost brought the prestige of the necromancer across the mainland and became a powerful direct synonym.

Witches who have been seeking power for a while turned to the undead. Many people tried to reinvent the glorious history of Sandro, but without exception, they did not succeed. Sandro’s strength is not only because of his strength, but more importantly. With the two undead artifacts, only with the cooperation of the artifacts can the undead exert its terrifying power.

"If there is a chance"

Cisco Rui thought floating, if you can know the real secret, no one will be unmoved, he thought only a little thought in his mind, and suddenly remembered the thousands of people who were burned to death by Vedina during thousands of years, many of which have strength Powerful, these people are refined into corpses controlled by cāo), or become members of the Dark Knights who only know the killing ~ ~ one of his cautious thoughts.

"His Excellency Verdina has lived for thousands of years, maybe I can live longer than her, and I will have a chance only then."

Scouri thinks about it and thinks that this is the safest way. As an undead, it is better than who survives longer and who can tolerate this boring and boring years.

The three major villages have never suffered as much damage as they are today. Among the soldiers, the young people are the mainstay, and the adults have a small amount of assistance. The elders follow, as long as there are no undefeated masters on the side of the undead, the elders are watching in secret. .

But this time, the strength of the undead was beyond Mary Gerry's expectations. The Guards of the City of Death is the most elite army, even if it is only a small part, it is not the strength of these villages that they can resist.

"Why did Tiga's undead defy the rules and undermine open rules."

The pearl was rubbed into the body by the death ripples, and the injury was not light. She murmured in her mouth, and the many companions that had accompanied him for decades had disappeared into life in this way.

"Never believe the rules laid down by the undead. As long as the benefits are large enough, they dare to break any covenant. This is more than once in the past few hundred years."

Mary Gray said in a deep voice, looking at the elves with half of the deaths, the almost destroyed Centaurs, and only less than ten dwarves left. Her heart was heavy, and I wonder why the old witch in the city of death went crazy today. This time It is many years earlier than before.

"Benefits, they only have benefits in their eyes."

Looking at the far-away messenger bird, Mary Gray's eyes flashed through the sparks of hatred, and she hooked up countless new and old hatreds. She only waited for the Kingdom's elite Pegasus Knights to come here and join the invading undead. All annihilated. The content of the chapter is being restored, please visit again later.

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