Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 890: Water **** shoes

A pair of boots.

Weird boots.

The long tube and brown leather upper is not the focus of attention. The two white wings on the heel of the shoe are the reason for the special style.

These little wings seemed to be alive. At this moment, Li Duohuang was there with his head scratched and headed down, and the little wings suddenly became straight, but they softened again within a few seconds.

"Liar, if your vision is really good, then look at what this baby is for?"

Excluding the reasons for the beauty ability, Li Duohuang feels that Xu Zhi is likely to be a bit of a real learner, perhaps with some natural sensing and recognition capabilities for the objects in the ruins.

Such people are scarce. Even if they have talents, it is difficult to dig them out. Without contacting a certain amount of relics, they have no idea of ​​their abilities in this area.

The appraiser's business does not rely solely on a talent to be able to take all directions, involving many types of items, old and new, material, level, or source and so on. This requires years of recognition and experience accumulation.

In major empires, the identification of relics has always been a difficult problem, and it is difficult to fully tap their true abilities.

Xu Zhi and the appraiser are not at one side, and the rest may just have some ability to sense. Li Duohuang thinks about Xu Zhi's previous observation and guessing of the Thunder Helm's words, and he is more certain of his guess.

Yes or no, it will be clear for her to try.

"Selling half a million is not for sale."

Xu went straight over the boots and made a bid without raising his head.

"Thinking about the beauty, I just grabbed it after a ruthless fight. It must be a big treasure, at least 50 million."

Li Duohuang said proudly that he had never seen a pig run and had eaten pork, judging the strength of the treasure, and sometimes the difficulty of seeing it could make a guess. She was quite sure that the boots in her hand were a good one. baby.

"A boot will cost 25 million yuan. It's really expensive. Please take it back. I dare not take it. By the way, do you see that this boot has no effect?

Just got a little induction in the hand, the data of Li Duohuang's shoes came to mind.

Water God Boots: Allows you to walk on water.

Note: It is limited to daytime use, and the maximum weight is 200kg

Very simple attribute, but this is really a pair of magic boots, and the ability is still very good. Xu Zhi thought about it. If there is a large area of ​​water in the ruins, these boots will be comparable to the artifact, even when the n arrives at the level of the master. Are still useful.

The limitations are great and the ability is super strong.

If it is cheap, Xu Zhi bought it, and Li Duohuang made a high price again. She just collected the shoes.

"Don't you do the identification of relics? Hurry and see, can you sense anything?"

"The appraisal fee is 5 million, pay first, and then explain that if it is not allowed, the double fee will be refunded."

Xu Zhi rolled his eyes. Li Duohuang, the little girl's skin, had a pretty good idea. She didn't know if he wanted to test his ability or really wanted to identify the items.

"You, where are you quoting, Xu Zhi, are you crazy?"

"No, no, you're crazy first."

Xu Zhi smiled, and the appraisal fee was one-tenth of the fixed price. This is something that some special-level appraisers can do. Li Duohuang reported a price of 50 million yuan, and he also determined the appraisal according to the market price. fee.

"Hahaha, actually, one million worth of these broken shoes are not worth it. If you can really tell the effect, I will give you 100,000, and you will not lose a point."

Li Duohuang looked at Xu Zhi's face and gave out a string of silver bell-like laughter. Seeing Xu Zhi's eyes clear, a smile-like expression stared at her, and the laughter lowered with guilty conscience.

"This boot is very capable? Doesn't it feel special to wear it on your feet? Need to put it on your head, or let's reach in with your hands, Xu Zhi, if you know it, tell me quickly, the old lady has been studying for two years, you know This shoe will automatically scale, so it fits everyone."

Li Duohuang carried the boots and automatically adapted to the shape of the feet. This is a very good ability, but if there is no other function, the boots are funny.

Perhaps this was customized for certain giant-legged creatures. She thought a lot in her head for a while, and began to think about the various creatures she had seen in the past few years.

"One million that I am willing to buy, count me to increase the price, one million, I received two boots."

The price of one million is acceptable. There will never be too many treasures. Xu Zhi thought about it and reached for his two boots in Li Duohuang's arms.

"Don't, I don't sell one million, don't sell it, Xu Zhi, let me go."

Thinking about saving a little appraisal fee, I didn’t expect to wrap myself in. Li Duohuang regretted to give her two mouths, but she also knew at least one thing, this baby is valuable in her hand, but there is no imaginary value, see Xu Zhi's small expression was clear.

He can make three million dollars in a 30 million bathtub, and one million dollars in these boots. Does that mean it is worth ten million dollars?

"Ten million, ten million I can sell you, pay with one hand, delivery with one hand, how?"

Knowing the approximate price, Li Duohuang had a heart in his mind and looked at Xu Zhi with a look of expectation.

"Collect your baby, then, one million appraisal fee, no two price, if you want to appraise, please contact me at any time."

Remove the miscellaneous adhesive strips on the Thor's helmet and separate it from other fixed parts of the bathtub. The helmet of the Titan giant can see the real appearance faintly. Three million harvested a possible artifact component, Xu Zhi I think it's worth it. If it can't be merged into an artifact, under the condition of finding a bone breastplate, this helmet of Thor can still be used like Li Duohuang.

By the way, the golden thunder helmet was held up by Xu Zhi. The weight of the helmet was about fifty kilograms, and the length of two meters was much higher than that of people.

Xu Zhi nodded with satisfaction, Li Duohuang was hurting her brains. Looking at Xu Zhi, she just seemed to have opened another residual price. The appraisal was still not appraised. Li Duohuang thought for a long time, and finally pulled out the black. card.

Unclear function, worthless.

After knowing, it may be for personal use or sold, Li Duohuang think about it, no matter how you do it, you will not lose money.

The demonstration of the water **** boots is too simple, especially in the bathroom.

Xu Zhi put on his boots and jumped in the pool full of water. The two white wings on the heels of the **** of water boots fanned like chicken blood and fixed him firmly on the water.

"Can walk, run, jump, good baby on the water."

"Ah, a million, why haven't I tried it on the water."

Li Duohuang is crazy, and ordinary people take their boots, and probably won't put them on the water to tread on. After two years of research, the boots have never been treaded on the water like this. This function has not been discovered by her.

"In the future, if you find a baby like shoes, you must go to the water and step on it."

She seemed to have some experience under her heart, but Xu Zhi at this time received a message from Yan Jinbai.

"The Northern Xinjiang Empire is good at healing, Grandpa invited two powerful North Xinjiang shots, you and I went to Northern Xinjiang." 11

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