Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 895: A little information

Chapter 895 of the Heroes' Invincible Grand Master's Scroll A little bit of information? Ever since he was embarrassed, Xu Zhi has been doing daily punch reports in the dream world. If there are no special things, he rarely goes to the lower bound.

It's not just physical influence. The curse on the armor also makes his emotions unbalanced.

It wasn't until he took the jade lotus tea that his mind was completely silent, and he began to review many things he had to do or could do.

Advanced dispel magic is not completely useless for his physical recovery. It is a magic that can be released against enemies. It is not like a bee colony. It can only be released against others. Maybe he can find Mist Barma to get a dispel. Learn about parchment.

From the Luo family ruins, he left more than 30,000 experiences on the property panel.

Heath was killed once by him. The old lich contributed 9,000 experience, second only to the immortal Schonke, and the defeat of Vedina also gave him 2,500 experience, plus wisdom The grant of the stone, the many skeletons, zombies, dagama, dark knights, and many tauren, the dark elves, and the scorpion lions also killed several times. Xu Zhi’s experience savings reached for the first time. This appreciable degree.

These experiences are enough to easily dispel this first-order magic to the top.

In addition to seeing if he can learn to disperse, he can also make some preparations in advance, such as finding learning books for life magic and magic parchment in this regard.

Among his many skills, only combat learning, he has Ken Lohag books, can be directly promoted to the expert level after promotion, other learning is still a lot worse, especially death magic, and even child skills No.

There are still many things to do, Xu Zhi re-energized and gently opened the door.

In the village, Somra is teaching old Greenskin and some other melee warriors to fight. There are also Dapam, Grid Little Greenskin, Maggie and other Greenskin listening to Somra's magical explanations about the new world.

Somra's story is very simple and basic, but this is what the jungle goblins need. Xu Zhi listened for a while and felt that it was much better than what he explained. The skin has been brandished and is no longer hacked.

Dadam is unleashing the magic of his newcomer and is excited.

This is the magic that Somra has parsed from Wright, a half-goat. This old monster has recovered a lot of his own state. Several magics he has learned are hand in hand. Some simple magics can also be slowly taught through explanations. .

This ability to learn is comparable to his study of parchment. If the basic books of magic theory are limited, his ability will be further improved.

"Good host, I have cleared the game and I have finished reading the book."

Somra stared at his eyes and looked straight at Xu Zhi. He didn't ask for it. The meaning was quite obvious. This made Xu Zhi a little bit of a headache. Somra's learning ability was quite strong, and he was also worried. What about skill books for learning?

"I will work hard."

"Come on, master."

Somra raised his fist and gave an encouraging gesture. He just wanted to float away, and Xu Zhi suddenly remembered something.

"Xiao Suo, tell me about the arrow of the Titan."

Xu Zhi felt that it was necessary for him to understand the details of the artifact in detail. Tragedies such as the cursed armor could not happen again. Whether it was the Titan Arrow or the sacred blood bottle, if anything was messed up after the completion of it, this painstaking effort It is very hurtful.

"Well, my immortal soul has said, master, do you want to merge artifacts?"

Xu Zhi nodded and told Somrasu about the accident of the cursed armor.

"Sandru guy" Somra thought for a while before continuing: "He has too many eyes, he can't defend. There are so many strong men at that time, many people want to imitate the cursed armor, but no one has ever succeeded, you Failure also makes sense."

"The arrow of our Titans is different. As long as we ask a Titan to wear the four components, read the fusion spell and provoke the Sky Thunder, this artifact will inevitably fuse."

Xu Zhiming nodded for a while, which was not much different from the introduction of Somra's Immortal Soul. He thought about it and suddenly recovered.

"Titanium, this thing will be put on by Titan Giant?"

"Yeah, yeah, this component is huge, we can’t put it on, but it’s convenient after the fusion. That shrinks the artifact a lot. It’s only half of our height. There is a suspension system on the artifact. The weight is removed, and it’s light. It can be used by many people, and I waved it twice in those days, and the power is great."

"By the way, you have to find a Titan electric pendant for Titan Giants. They can resist Sky Thunder, but they are not immune to Sky Thunder. They will be hacked to death after a long time."

Some of Somra's words, Xu Zhi only felt that he had drank another jade lotus tea, and his heart was cold and cold.

"Then, have you heard of the Holy Blood Bottle?"

Xu Zhi swallowed his saliva, counted his inventory, cursed his armor and scrapped it, the fusion of the Titan’s arrows was as difficult as the thunder, and there was a sacred blood bottle component that was nearly scrapped. If possible, he would go Ask the big guys to see if it is possible to get the last component.

Indistinctly, he seems to have heard of Euphorin that the red dwarves can build components. This can also help Mist Barma. Casa has a bunch of red dwarf scientists.

Perhaps, the fusion of the Divine Blood Bottle will depend on the point, that is, the insufficient amount of energy makes him a little worried.

Take out the Vitality Vial and the Ring of Vitality, and Xu Zhi's eyes stare at Somra.

"This is the bottle of vitality. I remember it was used by Dracula at the time, and was later taken by Gru, and later merged into a great treasure. Is it the holy blood bottle you said?"

Xu Zhi nodded and pointed at the parchment again.

"If the Vitality Vial is normal, it should be okay to press the parchment to fuse, but I am worried that too little blood in life will affect the fusion effect and cause such failures."

Originally planned to be at the bottom or use the blood of life as they did with Evoritin. Now it seems that as long as it can be a little more normal, he must seize this opportunity.

"As long as there is the foundation of the embryo, the artifact can be fused, but the duration of the fusion of the artifact may be short-lived, or even weak."

Somra's words made Xu Zhi feel a lot relieved. As long as he can integrate, he is a person who can accept even the horn of the harvest. He can be promoted to the commander. As for the power is not weak, it is the second. Time is short, and it can be punished. Admit it, just be absorbed by the property panel.

This is not the age of the ancients, he has little choice at all.

On the portal, Doug Wuger reported his little news as always.

The trio was chased by the hands of light, and chased by flying dogs and dogs. Elita Ivante, who was angered, had to recruit a large number of helpers by means of money, and was looking for light in the kingdom of Dalashan. They also awakened the bewitched King Dalashan.

Today's form is completely reversed. The organization of the light hand was beaten to hide in Tibet. This guy is now very happy. He is crying for war every day, and he is also harvesting his wealth. He must demand Xu Zhi. The gambler's cards are completed.

He doesn't have too many gamblers' cards. To deal with Karl's demon marks, he may have to lose a dozen of them, and the demand is very large.

In addition to this cowhide king's contract, today he was surprised by the content of the contract of Mister Barma.

Mist Barma’s special contract: The king’s achievements are immortal. Come and congratulate me. Bring the baby. Bring the baby. Bring the baby. Important things are said three times. Don’t come empty-handed.

Contract: 666 gold coins

This guy was promoted to immortality, and it was totally unreasonable. Think of Mister Palmer's lazy, practising magic as a prison sentence. This makes a lot of old men who learn magic and how hard it is to practice martial arts.



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