Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 907: harmony

Heroes of the Invincible Grand Master Chapter 907 The second star axis of Harmony is more than six hundred miles away. When he showed it from the map of Bagula, Xu Zhi remembered his position clearly.

There is Yan Xingxia, the journey is not troublesome, and the more difficult point is to find the exact location of the building.

Yan Xingxia carried the two people back and forth several times, and then noticed the star axis in the dark.

Relying on the magical energy recovered during the flight time, Xu Zhixing's light pulling ceremony was released again.

A little bit of red light flashed on the star axis, and then pulled down with Xu Zhi's gesture, falling on Yan Jinbai's body.


With a cry of pain, Yan Jinbai clutched his ribs abruptly. There, the thin arm has been re-exposed. Compared with the first time I saw, this arm seems to be thicker, and it is also close to his flesh. A lot.

Grabbing back and forth several times, Yan Jinbai raised his head pale.

"Remember this feeling."

Yan Xingxia squeezed his third hand and couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

"This is not a disease, it is a rare gift, a strong ability, and even above your first gift."

"We Dongyue had a strange man nicknamed the four-armed king hundreds of years ago. With his talents released, he can maintain his four-armed state for nearly twenty minutes and fight fiercely."

"His two talented arms are not afraid of damage at all, after being cut and broken, the talent will grow again when starting next time."

"Some people count that a total of 436 hands were cut off in his life, almost creating an incredible record."

Yan Xingxia pinched several times, and constantly measured, apparently extremely satisfied with Yan Jinbai's state, this is not a sudden mutation virus.

"Perhaps to withstand the stimulus of your virus outbreak, and a certain talent in your body has awakened. You now have to master the method of releasing this talent, and you can start this talent normally and feel good."

"Okay, Grandpa, can you put the knife down first."

Yan Jinbai looked at Yan Xingxia holding the knife in tears. Everyone had something to say, what to do with the knife one by one.

This is not a bad thing. Everyone put down their worries, and the second talent is only a characteristic of a few lucky people.

Under extreme torture, some people occasionally burst into incredible abilities, but most of these abilities are short-lived. It is extremely difficult to repeat, which is what Yan Xingxia said is easy to die.

But with Yan Jinbai's talent reappearing for the second time, this situation seems to have stabilized a lot, and an extra arm that is not afraid of damage is self-evident.

Yan Jinbai was happy and worried again, watching Yan Xingxia hang the knife back, and then he fell into his mind with one heart, thinking about the opening of this second talent.

"This red light is really amazing."

Seeing Yan Jinbai's irradiation finished, Xu Zhi pulled another one, Yan Xingxia who watched the whole journey couldn't help feeling.

"This is the essence of the sun, moon and stars. Through different orientations, angles, references, and the use of architecture to pull down, the wisdom of these ancestors is really extraordinary."

"At night, these negative energies are harmlessly absorbed and used by the body."

"This is a treasure trove that opens a treasure trove of human body's infinite potential."

"Unfortunately, Xiao Xuzhi has insufficient capacity, Master Ye can't enjoy this benefit."

If there is a certain degree of proficiency in the traction starlight ceremony, Xu Zhi feels that he is insufficient in proficiency, and he wants to affect the body of a grand master. His craft is likely to have to enter the tenth level.

He has made rapid progress. He has succeeded several times in the past, and now he can be drawn to the starlight once or twice. Perhaps in the near future, these buildings will also have an impact on those who build to a higher level.

"Master, rest assured, I will study hard and work hard in the future to strive to honor you as soon as possible."

Xu Zhi shook a little clever, rare Yan Xingxia so actively talked to him kindly.

"You are already very good. You were also credited for killing the Grand Master of Northern Xinjiang yesterday. Master Ye is very pleased now."

"Xiao Xuanzi was scolded by me on that day and was scolded by me fiercely. People in their 60s are so unstable. How can the feeling of master and apprentice be reliable? It also requires a long-term investigation and blending in with each other. It is only possible to practice as a master.

"I always think that you can't do much without the master, but now it seems that you are far better than Xiao Xuanzi's requirements and beyond my imagination."

"My dog ​​eyes, look down on people, which master cultivator can save me, can help me kill a grandmaster."

"A lot of people can do these things, but who has this opportunity."

Yan Xingxia occasionally vomited himself twice, but he could see that he was quite happy.

Yan Xuankong's luck apprentices, in his opinion in the past, are completely nonsense. How can a person's luck can rely on a few things to determine, if you press the luck to accept the apprentice, directly go to each lottery one Is it easier to find the winner of the prize?

Many outstanding people, after they have achieved success, then look back at his life, only to feel lucky.

In the early days of cultivation, no one can determine the fate of this life. Countless noisy and energetic juniors fell on this Instead, they were some ordinary and unremarkable characters, and finally killed the encirclement and climbed the peak.

Yan Xingxia was originally dissatisfied, but now he only feels at ease. Even if Xu Zhi has no achievements in this life, this incident alone can be included in the Yan family's merit spectrum.

"When we return to Dongyue, our father and I will go to make up a ceremony again, not to mention telling the world, that would have to be vigorous and let many elders in the cultivation world pass by."

Yan Xingxia touched his beard. In the past, Xu Zhi was not very pleasing to the eye. It was just that Yan Xuan was closed. He would not be biased. Many Yan Jinbai's treatments were also given together.

As the words are so clear, Xu Zhi faintly knows why Yan Xuankong did not take him to an introductory ceremony. He repeatedly declared in the circle of Dongyue practitioners that Yan Xuankong was also forced.

I originally thought it was Yan Xuankong who did not pay attention to the red tape.

It's a good thing to be at peace now, and Xu Zhi nodded heavily.

Yan Jinbai is feeling his second talent. Xu Zhi also has a lot of practice problems to consult Yan Xingxia. Since the attitude of the old man is so kind, he will not miss the opportunity.

Grand Master is a character standing on the Pyramid of Practitioners. Many experiences and abilities go far beyond the mentor of the academy. Occasionally, some words make Xu Zhi feel uncomfortable.

The two were talking in full swing, and suddenly heard Yan Jinbo next to them yell.

I saw him with a pale face, standing there staring blankly, holding a knife in one hand and a white arm faintly disappearing in the other.

The child finally got cruel and set off on himself. Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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