Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 910: The value of information

The value of the information in Chapter 910 of the Heroes' Invincible Grand Master's Volume Yan Xuankong was originally a funny look, but as Xu Zhi spit out a few words about the power of the ice and snow cave, he looked serious.

Many sources of information of Yan family, it is not easy to sell a piece of information into their ears.

Like Yan Xingxia's appearance fee, there are not many events worth their shots. There is no huge interest in them. They will not go out and use anti-aircraft guns to fight mosquitoes.

"He is not there, how are you sure?"

Somra left the ice and snow cave quietly, and even many Grand Masters of Northern Xinjiang did not find out that how Xu Zhi learned it was a problem that needed to be proved, not to mention that he was far away in Hua'an at that time, and did not enter. Tunguska City, Northern Xinjiang.

This kind of things, mysteries, and talents are difficult to understand. They are not in the same space. Any prediction ability is beyond reach. Moreover, the other party's level is too much than Xu Zhi, and the low-level ability cannot be perceived at all.

"If I can prove that, can I offset the master's shot fee this time?"

Xu Zhi looked at Yan Xuankong pitifully, not to mention that Yan Jinbai couldn't afford it, and he couldn't afford it because he was quite surplus. The more debt he owed, the richer the enterprise, and the stronger the boss's thoughts did not exist in his mind. .

Compared to those big bosses, he still likes the lives of ordinary people. He has enough daily life, with a few dollars left in his pocket.

"Feasible" Yan Xuan empty nodded.

"Great, look at my phone."

Xu Zhi took out his mobile phone for a while, and there were two photos of Somra in his mobile phone. The environment of the elemental world is completely different from the ice and snow cave. It can be seen directly.

"Old man, you should have read the data on the ice and snow in the northern Xinjiang, and compare it."

"Angry, joy."

Yan Xingxia looked at the photos on the phone, zoomed in from time to time, looked at each detail location, compared with the image of Somra in the ice and snow, and the images and the images in the video of North Xinjiang overlapped and exchanged one by one.

For a long time, he said: "It is indeed the same person. It seems that he left the ice and snow cave, but I don't know if he will return."

"I heard you entered a ruin during the Chinese New Year. Could it be that he was found there?"

"Poor, almost."

Xu Zhi thought about it for a while, and then he would be dumbfounded.

It's impossible for Somra to return to the snow and ice world. Jumping into the new world would toss him an artifact, and then jump back to him without the skill and resources.

"This is an opportunity, but the uncertainty is too great."

Yan Xingxia kept tapping his fingers on the table, and his mind was obviously deep in thought.

"Do you want to get that one in?" Yan Xuankong couldn't help asking.

"There is only one Xuan Bingwu in the cave. If Zhong Kai can go in there, he will be able to recover for at least three points with the injury caused by his ill-fated injury with several days of medical treatment."

"Thinking of how eager he was to be able to partner with your uncle, and the two swords are overwhelming the world, he is proud of himself, and he can't take the opportunity to change the territory for this kind of healing."

"But now it's different. Turanto was seriously injured. He didn't want to beg. Ai Yuli Ba Li Ba Da was killed. When he fought this relic last year, that Yelu Hongfei was not badly injured. enter."

"This is his only chance to change his life against the sky. If we go to the ice cave, Turanto will inevitably agree, and even pay a high price."

"Will this blue skin drill back? If fighting breaks out, Zhong Kai will not say heal the wound, and his life is difficult to guarantee, and he has a headache."

Yan Xingxia slowly outlined some of the considerations in his mind. The Northern Xinjiang Empire did not know that Somra left the ice and snow cave. This is an opportunity. If it is operated properly, it will have huge benefits. If it is wrong, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Being able to be so cautiously described by Yan Xingxia, the character Xu Zhi, who is named Zhong Kai, can guess how much, in addition to Fu Guo adults, Jian Guo adults, at the very top of Dong Yue, there is also a Supreme Master who controls the real power , Who has the right to mobilize and command Dongyue's entire army, which is a person with almost the same status as Turanto.

The strength of this man is also a great master. His message of getting into trouble is not news. It has been spread all over the country. His strength has been greatly affected, and he has been living in Kyoto.

"Although people say nothing, that blue skin really won't return to the ice and snow," Xu Zhi whispered softly, "He can't go back."

"Interesting" Yan Xingxia suddenly smiled and said: "Xiao Xuzhi, Grandpa Master believes this time, if you want us to go to the ice and snow cave, would you dare to go?"

"Of course, no problem."

Xu Zhi patted his chest, and the only thing in the snow and ice cave was Somra. He searched for a year in that cave, and he didn't find any other kind. There was no risk at all and it was very safe.

Only in time, entering the ice and snow cave will form a conflict with the high-altitude ruins, but if there is a demand, he will slow down the high-altitude ruins for one year before entering.

"That's good, taking advantage of your apprenticeship ceremony this time, I invited Zhong Kai, and he should leave Kyoto for breathability."

"It's up to him to decide whether to take a risk or to sit in the small courtyard and feel the spring and autumn."

Yan Xingxia finally settled on the speech. This topic has passed. Xu Zhi's entire body has been relaxed a lot. The debt has been taken back. The debt that has just been pushed over is finally gone.

Yan Jinbai followed the same This guy flashed excited little eyes, and his expression was a lot of excitement. Although he didn’t know the details of the talk, it was just a debt-free, but he inevitably owed Xu Zhi some kindness.

In Yanrenzhuang Town, everyone's faces looked happy, and copies of hot stamping red stickers were continuously issued.

There are many outside disciples of the Yan family, and many high-level cultivators in the town are more or less the outside disciples of the Yan family, but the disciples of the heirs are rare. , With master's high-level cultivation ability, the combat power can enter the top twenty of Master Dongyue, which is also a remarkable character.

And Yan Xingxia also received an heirloom in his early years, but suffered an accident. Since then, he has stopped thinking of accepting disciples.

Formal apprenticeship to learn art is not a trivial matter for the Yan family. This time the apprenticeship ceremony, the Yan family is very cautious, and many of the bronzing scarlets invited are heavyweights of Dongyue.

Red lanterns were hung early in the town, and there were people in many places to paint.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Zhi also visited all the instructors in Hushan.

"Xu Zhi, I envy you so much. You will definitely be able to catch a lot of oil and water this time during the apprenticeship ceremony."

"How many gifts did Brother Qiantong receive?"

There is a precedent, Xu Zhi feels a good reference. As a second apprentice, his acquisition may be less than that of Qian Tong, but it should be roughly calculated.

"Uncle Qian Tong" Yan Jinbai thought for a while, and his vague memory turned out many years ago. "He was crying all the time at the time, and I don't know how much he took."

During the chat between the two, Xu Zhi's heart suddenly moved, more than seven days later, his feelings in the dream world finally recovered, and it seemed that the promotion of the jungle fairy had succeeded. Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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