Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 928: Level 1 Magic 3-Teleport

Heroes of the Invincible Grand Master Chapter 928 Chapter 1 Third Tier Magic-Teleporting the magical foundation stone of the third level to the East Village, there are a total of eight magic in the lawful series of one, two and three.

A wooden tower stood up in the Oriental Village.

Perhaps the protection set on the magic foundation is too thick. Xu Zhi confirmed again and again that he could not learn successfully. He could only rely on the shrine or magic parchment.

The magic cornerstone portrayed by Master Bob has magical protection. It is not afraid of wind and rain, or it is hit by heavy objects, or the impact of certain magic. Unsuccessful stealing can be understood. The property panel has not penetrated mandatory learning. Skills.

As for the green skins who build wooden towers for magic foundations, their thoughts are roughly the same as ordinary people's filming on mobile phones.

This is a new building in Dongfang Village. Some of the green-skinned people who have longed for magic are going crazy, turning around the magic foundation every day.

Somra is also immersed in these magic symbols. The difficulty of learning magic at each level is different. He needs a lot of time to find out.

It's still good to take the home theater as a favor. At least Xu Zhi rubbed an important magic parchment in Mistaba.


In order to play Xu Zhi’s high-stakes entertainment, Mister Barmar worked hard last year to practice teleportation magic. This magic is very useful for escape. After the spell is released, it can be easily teleported at a distance of tens of meters.

Along with it are also some experience books on teleportation magic, "How to Learn Teleportation Magic", "Twenty-one Secrets of Teleportation Magic", "The Experience of Teleportation Magic", and "Rioo Teleportation"

This is the magic that Xu Zhi has been thinking about for a long time. This kind of magic that can complete the instant transfer after the operation is awesome.

"Rarely the father agreed, this is a precious piece of magic parchment, please do not flow into the hands of others."

Mist Barma's face is very serious, the third-order magic, the ability is more prominent, some magic even has a strategic role, it is not surprising that the strict control, can use parchment to record, to some extent, It is better than carving on the magic foundation.

"No problem, this magic parchment will remain in the elemental world until it turns into ashes" Xu patted his chest reassuringly.

"It's fine if you know it. The father has moved a little bit when you converted the contract. If you really bring this parchment paper to the lower bound again, you will suffer."

Mister Barma whispered quietly in Xu Zhi's ear. He didn't want to lose such an important business partner. He spit a little secret between the corners of his mouth, which made Xu Zhi's heart tight. His Majesty Ruiou was really careful.

For Xu Zhi, the emperor naturally showed a certain kind of precautionary psychology, which is by nature and not a deliberate target.

If there is no major contribution or the friendship between the two parties goes further, Xu Zhi feels that the fourth-order magic of the lawful series does not need to take the initiative to speak. The other party is willing to take a look at his theory books. It is very good.

The higher the law-abiding magic, the more severe the conditions of learning, the more powerful the knowledge is protected and monopolized, and the ability of certain magics to play to the extreme, the performance is good, and may also change the outcome of a war.

I learned from Mister Barman that this type of magic based on mind-control spells is very confidential and even far exceeds the life magic practiced by the human empire. Any high-level law-abiding magic leaked and spread, once it is not Controlled may cause some disasters.

Many mages only have three or five kinds of magic in their lifetime. Xu Zhi has some luck. His luck in magic is very good. He added more than ten kinds before and after. Although the collocation is developing in the direction of very meat, it has really gained a very good Great convenience.

"If you need to arrange the materials to connect the magic circle, please go to the father or the teacher."

Mister Barma finally made an advertisement. On the magical cornerstone of the Oriental Village, there is a lawful third-order magic that is to return to the city. In addition to the magic construction, the most important thing about this magic is to arrange the access circle.

From the miniature towed magic circle to the giant towed magic circle, the gold coins spent from millions to tens of millions, Xu Zhi once suspected that this magic is set up for those gold coins in his pocket.

This time, Xu Zhi got such a kind of magic parchment. In addition to the orderly series of magic he wants to learn, Mister Palmer has no collection of other series of magic parchment. In his words, one or two orders The low-level magic parchment has not yet reached the standard of his collection.

Xu Zhi wants to learn new law-abiding magic, there is also a place, division Bob, as the president of the Casa Magic Union, has learned a lot, each category of magic is involved, and is good at making magic parchment. .

Named by His Majesty Ruiou, maybe Bob will be summoned to him when he may be. Maybe Bob is also undertaking the task of checking Xu Zhi’s magic.

For reference by Somraillo, this magical parchment was turned into ashes by Xu Zhi.

Teleport: Teleport the subject to the designated location, currently movable distance: 10 meters

[Note 1: Magic can bless the caster itself, and can also be forced to teleport to other units. 】

[Note 2: Forced transmission will shorten the moving distance by half. 】

[Note 3: Magic resistance will affect the distance of forced transmission, depending on the strength of the opponent. 】

[Note 4: Forcibly teleporting certain large creatures will increase mana cost. 】

This is a magic mixed with blessings and cursing abilities, which can strengthen itself and can also be made for the enemy.

Unlike most magics, the effect of teleporting magic is short, and the probability of being dispelled is very low. Once the trick is taken, it can only be teleported away.

It can make people out of danger, and it can also make the enemy into danger. Compared with the magic of many arrangements that need to be carried out on the return trip, the transmission of this magic is simple to construct, only requires magic power, and it is very convenient to use. No wonder Mistaba Ma is very cautious, even if Ruiou is also guarded.

It is okay to use it on your own, at most to escape, or to obtain convenience on certain terrains, but if it is aimed at others, this magic can become a kind of big killer.

Teleporting opponents with long-range strikes directly back to or teleporting them into traps are some of the tips for using them. These features are described in the experience book of teleporting magic.

After reading a series of teleportation experience books, teleportation magic has been raised to level 5, and the movable distance has also been increased to fifty meters.

Xu Zhi did a little calculation. The promotion of the third-order magic to the top level requires a minimum of more than 30,000 experience, which is more than 10,000 more than the second-order magic.

Click on the experience and upgrade to level 7, Xu Zhi stopped his hand. For him, for a period of time, the level 7 teleportation magic is enough to target most people, whether it is dream or reality, or remains. It was enough to play, he was still thinking about improving his talents, and thinking that one day he could find some magical rainbow fragments, so that he can save a lot of experience.

Teleport: Teleport the subject to the designated location, currently movable distance: 90 meters

In the void tavern, Karl drilled out of the teleportation circle, and there was a murmur in his mouth: "Tavern boss, I will not come next time. I find it more interesting to scold with the newly promoted immortal."

"No problem, you're happy, Lord Carl."

Xu Zhi smiled and watched the demon Karl's contract sign change, and the state of Karl's immortal soul was also very happy. This mandatory contract was finally completed.

The seed of the devil's fire in my mind turned into nothingness, which relieved Xu Zhi's spirit.

After nine days of continuous scolding, Mister Barmar was very powerful and strongly attracted Maris.

Then Mister Palmer still scolded Mary, and Carl couldn't care where he was going. Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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