Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 942: Hexis eavesdropping in the corner

Learning that Somra was in the elemental world, he could not come down, Hexis sighed for a while.

"It seems that this is a big man of the ancient times, living in the elemental world. It is a pity, it is a pity."

"Why is there no magic to call the lamp god, even if it is to construct the altar call, I am willing."

Xu Zhi felt that he was still far away from the artist's field. He didn't feel any 1024 lightning strikes at all. If it wasn't for Somra's explanation, he didn't understand it. Of course, he still doesn't understand it.

From this point, Xu Zhi felt that he was no different from the old green skin with the wrong painting direction.

The eldest brother does not laugh at the second brother, both of them are amateurs of art.

As you can see, Hexis really liked the painting, and he was reluctant to look at it, and wanted to take a look at it seriously, but he was afraid of being cut again.

"The highest level of art is to resonate with the soul. I believe that if you have the strength of Somra, you should be able to understand his painting."

"This should be the experience of Master Somra, so it will have such a power to feel the human heart. My paintings always float on the surface, unrealistic, alas~"

Hexis sighed, and Xu Zhi continued to watch him muttering to himself, he could not intervene in this kind of topic, and he used the word "children's grade" to describe Somra's paintings. This is awkward.

"Ten minutes, work hard."

Xu Zhi thought about it for a while, and felt that there was a serious problem in his vision. If he didn’t know Taishan, he would buy Zhuanhuazhu. Any adjective could be thrown on his head. Fortunately, Hexis knew the goods, Somra. Not angry.

But Somra's painting was so easy at the time, he didn't feel anything strange.

"Maybe I can deepen a little bit of artistic cultivation in the future."

Liberal arts students have such courses. Xu Zhi thinks when to go to read books, or listen to the explanations of these courses, to improve his artistic temperament a little bit.

"Sir, you ask the master if I can collect his masterpieces."

"I really like this "Land God's Despair in a Thunderstorm". Any transaction is an insult to this painting."

"I have a Staff of Need for Injury here, which is a very good staff for those who have the power of lightning."

Hexius chanted a mantra in his mouth. After more than ten seconds, a fiery red wooden stick was added to his hand, and countless magic patterns circulated on the stick. The top of the stick head was inlaid with a big yellow fist. Gemstones, some magical elements continue to surround the gemstones, exuding a yellowish light.

"This is the top grade sycamore wood I recently collected on Long Island, plus a fine chaotic gem. It took a week of hard work to produce it, which is almost the highest level of my art."

Hexis was a little anxious, looked at Xu Zhi, and whispered: "When the time comes, please ask Master Somra to correct the axe to see what is inadequate for this staff. I can correct it later."

Damage Staff: Chaos magic damage increased by 48%.

The simple and rude genus, for chaotic magic, the pursuit is also simple and rude. It only requires the maximum output and increases the power by almost half. This staff is very good.

Looking at the **** of Hexis, it seems that he still occupies a big bargain. Can he collect "The Despair of the Lamp God in Thunderstorm"? Of course, don't ask about this. Somra was for Xu Zhi as a gift. give away.

"Today is really my happiest day."

Hexis, who was holding the painting, was delighted. If there was Xu Zhi, he found the frame very cherishly, and then found the transparent glass, and carefully framed it.

"Look carefully every week, and time can't be less. This kind of painting is to immerse the mind in order to realize the beauty of it. Perhaps, I can also understand the true mystery of lightning."

After summing up the harvest this time, Hexis felt his head, always feeling that he had forgotten something.

For a long time, he touched the vampire ears he installed later, and suddenly remembered.

"Sirre, I heard that the emperor of Casa wanted to deal with me?"

"Hahaha, where did you listen."

Xu Zhixin was shocked. The news of Hexis was that he wanted him to stand in a team and choose one of the two. This is not because the emperor of Casa wants to engage you, and the forces of the five kingdoms want to engage you. .

"The ear I put on you, although you can't feel the sound of the elemental world, if you are in the lower realm, when someone mentions my name, you can hear some words."

This is really a good ear, especially for eavesdropping on the corner.

Xu Zhi thinks it's really good not to say bad things behind Hexis. He has never liked chewing people's ears.

If you really look at others as fools, you might be pitted if you are called by a special agency.

"I don't know very well about you. I've been running errands for others in the past few days, playing a lucky technique, or acting as a guard for others."

Xu Zhi vaguely recalled that it seemed that Bob had indeed talked about this matter, and the bio-transformation of Hexis seemed to cause some catastrophic accidents.

"If your majesty Ruiou can deal with you, you can fly over and fight for yourself."

"That's right, the old wizard is quite powerful."

After thinking about it for a while, Hexius said, "Are you familiar with Rio?"

"A little My son and I know each other well" Xu Zhi replied.

"That old guy has a weird mind and can't guess. I didn't take the side with him. They all hid in this corner and actually wanted to mess with me."

"I heard that he is pursuing longevity, so I have to stumble."

Hexis was also very simple. When he heard the wind, he opened it directly, and he was not polite at all. He didn’t guess what happened, Xu Zhi, the two mermaids in the Royal Palace, if one day asked about it, he There will be a big trouble.

"My Excellency Hexis, you are all immortal, how can you pursue longevity?"

Many creatures in this world have surpassed their imagination, that is, their jungle goblin family, who can eat well without disease and disaster, and can live for nearly 300 years.

Rui'ou is 1,246 years old. They are all of this age. They seem to be only middle-aged. The ghost knows how long it can live. This is already a long life. Xu Zhi's head turned slightly and quickly. Divert this topic, let's talk about longevity together, this topic is also very good.

"I didn't pursue longevity, I still have longevity, it's Ruiou who is pursuing longevity."

"Any life has a longevity, a century-old person, a thousand years of immortality, a thousand years of gods."

"As a human, the old thing of Ruiou has lived for too long. It is already a long life among the immortal. Perhaps only two or three hundred years will be alive. It is normal to pursue longevity."

"Although he is a little better than me, he is an emperor of a country after all. He is afraid to make things bigger and will not take the initiative to come. It is possible to send some people in private."

"Oh, squeaky lord, who is he using to challenge me."

Yes, the topic diverged and turned back again. Xu Zhi thought about Master Bob, and then talked like this, saying that he would sell the old man's information. The content of the chapter is being restored, please visit again later.

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