Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 945: 46 levels

Among the countless masters of Heroes Invincible Master Chapter 945, Chapter 4 and Level 6, among the counties and towns, the strongest cultivator is the expert level.

In the level of cultivators, this is a level of backbone.

The main force of the group fighting is at the expert level. The combination of well-trained cultivators can exert great power regardless of whether they use hot weapons or cold weapons.

The world has not always been dominated by a single strong man. This is a very watershed layer, and countless people are eager to enter the realm of cultivation.

For many practitioners, entering the expert level means being able to participate in many positions with special needs and lead a more decent life.

This is a threshold, enough to eliminate too many people, no family heritage, no adventures, only rely on talent and water milling skills, ordinary people want to enter this level, at least forty years old, which basically means almost the end of practice .

People who have been firmly at this level all year round have a certain level of proficiency in Qi practice, mystery, martial arts, and even many Qimen weapons. This is an extremely complex level. If you cannot detach, you can only plan more methods. .

In the advanced stage, many cultivators are like a little white lotus, thinking of entering a higher level, concentrating on practicing Qi, and beginning to practice martial arts.

However, entering the level of experts, the practice has entered a state of slow progress. Even if you find the vitality of the world, you need a large amount to fill up the internal energy. This extremely time-consuming practice makes people have to find more fighting methods and means. , Used to meet the daily adventure journey, or turn to commercial activities, spending huge amounts of money in exchange for what it needs.

The cultivators at this time are extremely complex, and there are all kinds of people, from young people full of youth and expectations, to old men who are old and close to old age. They have a great age and have different abilities. the same.

Xu Zhi broke through, and it was natural, and he had enough quality and quality. For many advanced understandings, he was not lacking. He had to open his eyes after several times of internal and external air movements.


"Red envelopes."

"I'm so jealous."

"Brother Congratulations."

"I'm going crazy, God, help your faithful believer Bolivar, and I want to enter the expert level."

All the friends in the villa, including Bolivar, who came to the door to seek a battle, congratulated Xu Zhi on entering a new level.

"Then let's celebrate with a toast and pull all of us in the group. It's still early today, and I'm going to be a full man seat."

"What's the full banquet?"

Gu Yuxi's eyes blinked, and Xu Zhi hadn't been in the kitchen for nearly half a year, but listening to his description, it seemed like a cuisine.

"An adjective that forms how delicious a dish is, as well as a lot of cultural heritage, I just use this word to brag."

"The word is a bit weird, as long as you cook, I would like to say, I want to eat braised beef, stewed beef, stir-fried beef, steak, sauced beef, braised beef, and boiled beef, the little red beef in the red soup ."

"Haha, Sister, you can really eat it."

Xu Zhi wanted to take back his talkative words. Why did he put a bull character at the end to make Gu Yuxi think of so many people? Just go to the restaurant and eat together.

Shang Qianqiu on the side was quite able to observe and comment. The bunch of food about chicken, duck and fish practices in his mouth did not say anything.

"Straight brother, if I had eaten some of my big snakes, my blood would spit out."

Wang Zhongwang is talking about a kind of medicine snake, like a cow, eating grass and milk is squeezed out. While eating a **** food, the medicine snake also likes to eat some low-level medicinal materials, and the body will gradually form a higher level. The medicinal properties are hidden in flesh and blood.

Every third, the king of the king will go to let his medicine snake release the blood and blood. Several medicine snakes took turns drinking and drinking for him, which lasted for nearly half a year. Although the feeding was diligent, these medicine snakes were all over the past six months. Not long at all.

"Don't, you can keep yourself to drink, according to Uncle Wang's vision, it is not easy to get a few medicine snakes, maybe you can get to the expert level by drinking snake blood."

"Let's go back to buy the first cow today, and the stir-fried, roasted, boiled and cooked food are all in order."

The full banquet of Manhan became a feast of cattle. In addition to showing his craftsmanship, Xu Zhi had to contact Tuo Guhong to ask about the Hou Tu Xuan Jing.

He succeeded in practicing on the third floor, and seemed to be able to try to practice the fourth floor, with the advancement of the Xuan Jing of thick soil. The eighth floor of Changchun Zhenyang Gong seemed to beckoning. Surgery is expected.

The quality of the Qi in this high-level Qi practice is far better than that of Changchun Zhenyang Gong. Relying on the rapid practice of Changchun Zhenyang Gong, at the basic and advanced stages, Xu Zhi has the ability to overwhelm his peers, but when he enters the expert level, he faces It is far from this age level. If he can enhance more, he will fight for more.

"Hey, Brother Tuo."

Consulting this kind of thing, it is natural to say that it is more appropriate. If you can, Xu Zhi also wants to go to visit.

Yunling City and Tieshan City, where Tuojia is located, are hundreds of kilometers away. Xuzhi’s mobile phone signal is online. I just connected Tuoguhong’s phone. A humming sound came Xu Zhi felt that it was not the right time to make this call.

"Haha, Brother Xiao Xu, it's rare that you find your brother. What's the matter, Yu~"

"Brother Tuo, this is the case. I have repaired the thick earth mystery to the third floor, and I want to keep trying."

"Huh, why is it so fast, you have done everything for several years in these months, have you taken any medicine?"

"Maybe the copper whale Dan oil taken before has some effect."

"A bit possible."

Tuo Guhong just thought about it for a while. A burst of gasping approached the microphone. Xu Zhi moved away a little. You can still hear the dissatisfaction of a female voice. You surname Tuo quickly.

"Brother Tuo, why don't you do inter-class exercises first, I'll wait, don't worry."

Xu Zhi's face turned red, and he wiped his sweat. This kind of communication could not continue, and the crit damage to his orphan was too serious.

"I'll send you a message. You can look at it first. Follow up to see if there is any need for guidance. You can call me at any time after one hour."

Less than a minute after hanging up the phone, a short message was sent to Xu Zhi's mobile phone, account number, password, extraction code, website address, which is a piece of stored information hidden in a server somewhere.

Times are changing, and a lot of information has been moved to the server as a backup. Although it is not developed in the previous life, this method is still the choice of many practitioners. It is highly secretive and can be stored in sections and can be extracted when needed.

Xu Zhi silently looked at the thick soil mysteries from the fourth to the sixth floor, a flash of enlightenment flashed from time to time in his mind, and many of the lessons he learned were constantly confirmed.

From the fourth floor, there is a clear difference between this Qi Qi practice and Changchun Zhenyang Gong. I want to chat "" with more like-minded people. WeChat pays attention to "Reading Literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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