Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 947: Admission ticket for life

In July in Yunling City, it was very dull. A thunder flashed in the sky, and the big raindrops fell down.

Xu Zhi stretched out his hand, staring at the drops of water in his hand.

He has never felt the world so seriously, remembering those things in Gu Changying's discourse, not only Xu Zhi's silence, but everyone also has their own ideas.

Although the climate is abnormal, everyone seems to be used to it. The human survivability is very strong, constantly adapting to changes in this world, and accepting some things very quickly.

What Xu Zhi knows about the generation of relics is probably more than many high-levels, but how these relics constantly appear in the real world, and how they operate and hide, is also a mist for him .

Completely like a mirage, the ruins do not know when and where they will appear. Apart from what has been discovered, no one in the world knows how many places they have never understood.

Perhaps they appear in the wilderness mountains and rivers, there are large ruins, there are small debris, some will be just a few minutes, and some will last for several days.

Some people will occasionally find out, maybe die in the ruins, some will be regarded as a dream, while others will be regarded as their own back garden and take some adventurous actions.

Xu Zhi felt that he was far away from these things, but closely connected.

Whether it is the old world, the new world, or the real world in which he lives, it is a real world, with inextricably involved.

Everyone did not look for the spirit of Bagongshan. From the sketch, Xu Zhi didn't have the impression of the spirit in his memory, and he didn't know each other, which made him relieved.

If it was like a pearl, a sprite like Bei Shaofen came out, he really didn't know what to do.

Without the ability to communicate in language, the difference in appearance and style is difficult to integrate into the society at one time. If they are not informed by them, they may only be able to travel through the jungle like a wizard like a wild man.

"In the past two days, our credits have been counted and scared a lot of people," Gu Yuxi said happily.

The credits for the gold coin exchange by the three of them are not used up, and there are still a lot of survivors. This makes them top in this grade. In addition to the test courses that can be announced, there are hidden items, which makes many people interested. source.

There are also some people who guessed that the relics were produced, and the members of the familiar eight-family buildings were almost sure, but it was confirmed that the status of several people was too bad, and no one envied this kind of thing.

The members intend to work hard to strengthen their strength and means to try their luck in this relic after graduation.

"When I was young, I was expecting a lot of credits, but now I don't know how to use them."

Xu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, except for the loss of various facilities within the school, they all retained nearly two hundred credits, and the entry can completely offset the ordinary cost.

"You can find a master from the cudgel academy alone to tutor. There is no other guru named in your academy, and it is worthwhile to exchange one hundred points for another education."

Gu Yuxi's suggestion made Xu Zhi deflated, and in this way, he used credits very quickly.

"Although Master Qiao's stick technique is strong, he is still a little bit worse after all. You can find more stick masters to communicate."

If Qiao Mu is present and listens to Gu Yuxi's words, he doesn't know whether to cry or laugh, but he is despised by his juniors.

"Your idea is good."

Xu Zhi gave Gu Yuxi a compliment. Now his cudgel technique is accessible and he is in an ascending channel. If he encounters obstacles, Qiao Mu’s order cannot be solved. He said that he must invite other masters to go out. a good thing.

"The National College Elite League in October may be a good opportunity for us to win the award. Are you ready to play in the senior four?"

"Of course, Sister, would you like to come to the senior group, let's take another tie for the first place."

"You are still tied with Yan Jinbai, I might try the junior group."

The National College Elite League was mentioned by Lu Shengan. From July to July, this news has been disclosed. For many students who are interested in obtaining a place, this holiday is not easy. In two months, if it is If you do not run, you may soon be overtaken by others.

The impressive appearance of Dongyue's highest research institute appeared in the sponsors, which made many people excited, and many people were rewarded by the research institute.

No one wants to miss the opportunity, but Wang Zhongwang and Shang Qianqiu are also fighting desperately. They are excellent in Hua'an City and can occupy a seat in Xiangbei Province. The most outstanding group of members who want to win the top ranking will fall behind if they are not struggling.

The advantage has always been a little bit of accumulation, relying on the Provincial Games, the ruins, they obtained the first rise, this is the second opportunity for upward.

Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbai have seen the selection criteria of Northern Xinjiang, and Dongyue's rules are likely to be close.

Both of them are hohuo sharpening their swords, only to be slaughtered when the time comes.

To take rewards, of course, is to win the biggest awards. This is an opportunity for them to work hard with hard work.

Although the mouth is easy to vomit, in fact, if they really participate in the senior group, their pressure is not light.

Various public competition selection activities are related to many things. If you want to step into the core, obviously you can only step by step. Even if they are the children of the Yan family, this is not only related to prizes, but also one. Admission ticket for Zhang Shengsheng.

"Look at my uncle Yan's thirteen knives."

"Take me a stick."

"Hahaha, my outsourcing, my monkey steals the peach."

"Yan Jinbai, I will tell you that your third hand will be beaten to death."

In the villa's drill field, Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbai are performing regular martial arts, and everyone is watching from the stage.

Yan Jinbai’s route became more and more strange, leaning on the hidden dragon claw, his third arm's move was completely in the direction of the evil gate. This claw skill was like Xu Zhi, and it was crooked. Facing this situation, Xu Zhi also Unable to Said the good three swords and three swords are nowhere to be seen, jiàn) playing on the road one after another, go wherever it is inconvenient, pierce the nose and pierce the inseam, there are many patterns .

Yan Jinbai's ability does not need to be hidden. The sudden activation of this talented ability lasts a long time. It is unpredictable. The more people you know, the more you fight with him, but the more you have to divide your mind to guard against it. It is very cheap.

"Anyway, you have reached the level of experts. My moves can also help you exercise your responsiveness of internal gas and external gas. Thank you soon."

"I thank you egg."

Xu Zhi hugged his inseam and did not want to talk to this little b at all.

If he can get a green steel stick, he will have the preemptive attack state every ten minutes. The first three sticks have to ask this guy to lie on the ground and call his grandfather to spare his life.

The power of the prop stick is limited. Yan Jinbai is not afraid of his quick stick at all. The power of the stick method can be supported by the Xu Mi secret technique.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

"Hey, you guys are so proud of me."

Looking at the time of the mystery is coming, Yan Jinbai is also in a hurry to take off his clothes and take medicine. His secret surgery is a bit similar to the fake talent triggered by Wang Zhongwang’s injection of medicine at that time, but it will not erupt, but the sudden injury recovered. The pain caused is also huge.

Wang Zhongwang, who is familiar with Lu for a long time, is helping to count down, and everyone is waiting for the effect.

"Three, two, one, cry quickly."

"Aoao~, Xu Zhi your uncle, I'm so ruthless."

"Don't you know that the retribution is finally here, I am happy."

With a breath, Xu Zhi felt a lot more comfortable.

Like them, countless people who have confidence in their own strength in Dongyue colleges and universities at this time are constantly enhancing their preparations in various ways.

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