Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 951: Magic is a magical ability

   compensation, second-order life magic.

  Xu Zhi looked at this skill, and after a while, he was not sure whether he should upgrade.

   is said to be remunerated. It is more appropriate to describe it as retaliation. This is a magical ability to fight damage when being beaten.

   has nothing to do with the amount of damage taken. The damage of this magic is only related to the magic level.

   Damage value is slightly smaller.

   Compensation will also cause the enemy to take some damage when attacking the subject. The current anti-damage is 0.1, duration: ten minutes.

   "That is to say, I was beaten ten times by others, and people only lost a little life."

  Xu Zhi thought secretly, this magic is a little pitted. According to the theoretical calculation, if the opponent has a hundred lives, he has to be beaten a thousand times before he can be shot to death.

   This number can be continuously reduced, the higher the magic level, maybe he will suffer three to five hundred times, or one or two hundred times to rebound the opponent.

   The question now is whether he can withstand the opponent's so many blows.

   This is the reason why Xu Zhi is hesitant. He is not ready to be beaten, not only his thoughts, but also his ability.

   "Which anti-beating magician invented this."

   Xu Zhi looked up at the sky and felt that this second-order life magic was incompatible with his character. After the magic went on, he added another controversial magic.

   "Magic is good magic, but can you let me read the book first, Master?"

   Somra looked at the magic book of life with one page missing for no reason, and was very distressed.

   "I am used to it, I am used to it, I promise to pay attention next time."

  Xu Zhi is a little ashamed. He has never learned and is capable of learning magic parchment. As long as the venue is suitable, he likes to take a shot and turn it into gray.

   This behavior is a bit like the news on the newsletter. Once he finds a message between normal friends, or pushes a message, he has to click it. This is a problem of thinking.

   "The magic of the New World is amazing. In our time, there was no such magic."

  According to Xu Zhi's description, Somra slowly inferred that the use of this magic can be treasured and placed on this magic book, and it is impossible to have no use value.

  According to the conversation between Baron Feng Tajin and Glick, this book of life magic is also a treasure of the Holy See in the Kingdom of Xia Nong, and does not record some useless magical abilities.

   "Experiment is the only way to verify the truth."

   Somra was full of face, and he was quite interested in the new variety of magical energy.

   "Good idea, but let's call Maggie and Grid to try it."

   Watching Somra come up with a stick, Xu Zhi shivered, and quickly threw the pot.


   Somra reluctantly put down the stick and began to yell at two small green skins.

   The two little green skin looks miserable, and after a while it is normal again. After Xu Zhi explained that this magic has nothing to do with the attack strength, as long as it is a malicious attack, it can be lighter during the experiment.

   Otherwise, dozens or hundreds of beatings, even small punches, they will also hit half dead.

   "You take a shot, I take a shot, oops, Grid, you lighter."

   "Maggie, you just made it harder."

   Xu Zhi pays close attention to the life status of two small green skins. Compared with Somra, his data monitoring method is more accurate.

  In addition to fighting, there are also equipment. As for magic, Somra is willing to cooperate with one another. Xu Zhi can release magical punch, which is a relatively powerful attack.

   Every ten times is a round of testing.

  The items of the process have passed, and the data has gradually become clear. Only two small green skins have developed from experimental tests to fights. Xu Zhi can only be helped by them. It will stop when he is tired.

  Although it has nothing to do with the amount of damage received, at least it must be determined to be a malicious attack, or to allow the subject to feel pain, this magic has room to play.

   "This magic is very magical. It can't be said in one word. The founder of compensation magic must be great and often beaten."

   After watching it for a long time, even Somra couldn't help but vomit. This may be some kind of qualitative magic, or it really needs a person who can resist beating and not afraid of blows.

   "Some warriors equipped with heavy armor and large shields may prefer this magic."

   Finally, Somra made a conclusion.

  Xu Zhi raised the level of this magic to level 5. Firstly, he didn’t need much experience at the lower level. Secondly, he might use it at any time. Level 5 magic can at least make his real body bear the effect.

   Compensation will also cause the enemy to take some damage when attacking the subject. The current anti-damage is 0.5, duration: ten minutes.

   "Maggie, let me tell you, as long as you dare to punch me forty punches, I can bounce you to death without fighting back."

   Xu Zhi's compliment spells of complacency. Level 5 compensation spells are still useful for some crispy skins. Like Maggie, he is beaten very few times.

   "Squeak King is the most powerful."

  Despite the swollen nose and blue face, Maggie was very popular.

   "The goods that can be solved with one punch, why do you have to get forty punches yourself?" Grid small green skin grumbled.


   Xu Zhi looked up to the sky. What could he do with such an embarrassing magic? Anyway, it would be a damage skill. Give him a chant when there is a lot of magic.

   "I think this magic is quite good. The magic engraved on the cornerstone of the magic you brought back is embarrassing."

   "First-order magic has a powerful and speechless magic fist to disperse, go on."

   "Second order stealing magic can steal auxiliary magic on the opponent, energy consumption, let others consume a little more when releasing magic, and a slow magic to slow down the enemy. This is probably the most useful."

"One of the third-order magic is eviction, which can fight summoning creatures, reduce their time in the lower realm, or destroy the corpse made by the undead, and there is also a return to the city magic, very useful, but the material It seems not cheap."

The engraving on the cornerstone of orderly magic is obviously not very good. This is a general type of magic for the general public. As long as there is money, the magic society will visit it. Most of this type of magic is mainly based on auxiliary capabilities and is provided for ordinary people to learn.

It is not surprising that Somra Tucao is originally a knowledge-monopoly world. Complex and powerful magic will not be widely spread. This is the same as cold weapons but encouraging the development of martial arts. All behaviors are all Must be within controllable range.

   This is Xu Zhi's passive purchase of goods. If you don't buy it, Xu Zhi has never had the luxury of expecting it, but Bob's seal is too bad.

   Perhaps, Rio and Bob never thought about it, they also have great god-level figures like Somra in the elemental world.

   In their conception, they probably thought that the green skins learned a magic boxing, even if it was a great skill.

   A few days later, Xu Zhi discovered the Hexis' contract when he punched the report.

   Hexis’s agency contract: I have a beautiful art event to share. After thinking about it, the most suitable listener is indeed squeak.

   Contract: Level 5 rehabilitation potion.

   It seems that Hexis's heart is very good, and it is a gift at hand. Xu Zhi likes it most when he is a listener or something.

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