Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 954: Forgetting and sending

   Volume 954 of the Heroes' Invincible Grand Master Chapter Forgetting and Teleporting Xu Zhi first saw the official fight of the high-level teachers.

  Dirner Division is a lord, guarding the border, and his strength is practical.

  Master Bob is the president of the Casa Magic Society. He is proficient in many magics. Although he has been intensively studying these years, he is still engaged in adventures and learning magic around the mainland more than ten years ago. He is not a master in the ivory tower.

  Although this old man is a little pitted, his ability in magic is very powerful.

   Both are masters of lawful magic. This series of magic is mostly controlled by spiritual magic.

  Whoever releases the magic quickly, and who interrupts the opponent's magic is unfavorable, regardless of the level of magic and the amount of magic, they may lose.

  Spelling spells and judging the type of magic are all masterpieces of mages.

  Xu Zhi held the nomad black bow and stood far away more than 100 meters away, watching the two old men's magic light flash from time to time, and the magic fluctuations subsided from time to time.

  Drner didn't take it lightly about Bob's two summoning creatures.

   The magic wand in his hand can instantly release attack magic, used to deal with Bob may be far away, but there is no problem for summoning creatures.

But the jungle goblin who raised the bow in the distance still brought him great pressure. The jungle goblin pulled the bow to shoot arrows. This seems to be a joke. Even if Derner is not a master in the field of natural magic, he knows that the other party has a low-level lord. Perhaps, in addition to the lucky technique, this jungle goblin also has another special skill, such as archery.

   The purple division hat maintains the magic light. With this magic hat, his body will always be shrouded in a fuzzy state, and his body and shadow are heavily stacked, which is an extremely troublesome state for the archer.

   At this moment, Xu Zhi was really confused by this state, and the other party’s body and shadow were indistinguishable, especially when walking around, shaking more and more.

  This almost doubled the difficulty of hitting the target.

  The archer is extremely restrained by the magician, but for countless years, the magician's precautions against the archer are also endless.

  Using the sight card orientation, or using Bob as a resistance, when Derner's footsteps move, all timings are well grasped.

   The fight between the two divisions was not earth-shattering, or flying around. It was as simple as the ultimate position, magic release and impact interruption, or just the right mental impact.

   seemed to be understated, and there was some hilarity. The two old men kept walking or running with the magic wand. Occasionally, there was a muzzle in the mouth, flashing the magic light, and then quickly closed the mouth.

   In the face of the interruption impact, it is necessary to quickly stop the spell he released and prevent the magic from backlashing. The two people have a very good grasp of the scale.

  Some occasional shocks, such as magic punch, magic arrow, or ice archery, were also successfully dodged.

  Derna has a familiar terrain, strong adaptability to the ground, and a strong body. Bob has many advantages in magic. Occasionally some unknown magic in other departments makes Derner quite passive and will actively interrupt.

  Xu Zhi is waiting for a chance to shoot an arrow.

  In addition to waiting for the time limit for Derner's auxiliary magic to come, he was also staring at several repeated places that Derner ran through, and also had to escape Derner's attack range by walking.

   The twitching goblin was illusioned by two people while flying, filling the magic bullet several times. Now the little goblin shook even more and landed on Xu Zhi's hat.


   Xu Zhi's whistle blew in his mouth. The sound of archery made Derner's spirit tighten. His body jumped and his eyes just turned, only to realize that the other party did not shoot.

   A big magic hand descended from the sky, pushing the old mage to a stagger.

   Derner just wanted to climb up, and there was a whine in his ear again, this time, the arrow sounded sharper.

   is a real arrow.

   looked at the ground that was inserted more than twenty centimeters behind him, and the arrow was almost halfway into the soil. Derner suddenly felt that his armor was not reliable.

  If the opponent does not shoot him in the ghost, this arrow may hurt him.

   The other party is too threatening. Bob almost invited a high-level archer to help, playing one in two.

   The long-range strength of the jungle goblin is far stronger than he thought.

   He got up quickly, with words in his mouth, just turned his position, a magic arrow suddenly nailed to his place.

   "Pay attention to running, Derner is staring at you."

   Bob yelled that he and Derner could maintain the rhythm of magical interruption and casting and dodge. If Derner went after the jungle goblin, did Xu Zhi have the ability to dodge.

  He had just shouted, and suddenly saw a blue light swayed from Derner's hand, and his heart was tight, and there were words in his mouth.

That’s Derner’s forgotten magic. This is a third-order law-abiding magic. It allows archers to forget about any means of long-range shooting for a period of time. This is a temporary curse seal, which is very restrained for archers. effective.

  Bob releases the magic to dispel and hit the flexible Derner. He is also quite troublesome, and can only fix the magic on Xu Zhi who runs a small distance in the distance.

   released his surprise, and also temporarily judged the direction of Xu Zhi's running, and the concealment released by Derner's magic was effective.

  Xu Zhi only felt that there was something missing in his mind. The nomad black bow in his hand was unfamiliar, and his fingers were so difficult as before, he could shoot the bow flexibly.

   curse: forgetting

   Disables the victim from making long-range attacks. Duration: 60 minutes.

The thought in Xu Zhi’s mind had just turned, and the state of that duration instantly became thirty minutes There is something unsatisfactory.

   Derner's magic is quite high in order and level, and can avoid the influence of his expert's anti-magic. When Xu Zhi runs, it is also a dispel magic to take a reverse shot on himself.

twenty minutes.

  The dispersal of the seventh level still needs to be released twice. He knows clearly that his legs and feet start to run. Compared with the general mage, he releases magic faster.


  Derner's mind just relaxed, and a feather arrow hit the air.

   "He has advanced dispel ability, and the forgotten magic is dispelled."

  Bob can't possibly get rid of the oblivion magic he is good at with a single magic, it's only that this green skin is saving himself.

  Looking at the feather arrow shot through the green armor, Derner's body took a step back, and there was a feeling of pain in his body. He knew in his heart how powerful the arrow was.

   "Magic Fist"

   "Ice Arrow"

   Facing Bob's magic once again quickly released, Derner did not hesitate to release the magic counterattack contained in the staff.

   "Move again, I shot through your head."

  Derner just wanted to move, a cold voice came from his ear, and a sharp arrow hit his head.

   Obviously nearly 100 meters apart, when this jungle goblin got behind him.

   "Teleport, he was so proficient so quickly."

  Bob more than ten meters away has complicated eyes and possesses royal transmission magic practice information. The magical progress of this jungle goblin is amazing. Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~


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