Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 967: Olive branch

Chapter 967 of the Heroes' Invincible Grand Master's Script Chapter Olive Branch won Yi Chuan hard, and Xu Zhi thought about something.

Struggling in the first game, fighting in the second game, to the strong side of the third game.

The abilities of the two have not changed, but the outcome of the fight has become very different.

"Which one is better, Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbai?"

"If they don't crash, will they be able to win the championship runner-up."

"In addition to doing something under the means, the sword of Deng Tuozi is still very powerful."

Even Lu Su has to admit that the fight for the championship and runner-up in the senior group, or the fight for third place, is very good.

Once the identity of those who broke away from the authorities, from the perspective of justice, even Yan Jinbai was impeccable.

"They are sophomore."

"Xu Zhi skips the stage."

"You can't be so fierce against the Yan family."

The exchange of small voices reminded people of some things. The same level of competition, and Xu Zhi’s body is almost the same as them. It is easy to ignore the age level of the other party. Even Yi Chuan can’t figure it out. Why did the hard training lose in this ring.

Remains, he had gone.

Life and death, he also experienced.

Yingtian Academy emphasizes military education, and his practice has been advancing in accordance with the strictest rules.

His talent is already top-notch.

Why lose.

Still being picked off by people over age.

If Xu Zhi is 22 years old, how long will he be able to persist.

"It's the watershed at Chengshi Zongzong. At the expert level, it will never be a watershed."

For a long time, Yi Chuan gritted his teeth and silently jumped off the ring.

"Yes, really good, old Li, I think if your grandson can keep up with the slow pace, that's not a loss."

"Cough, that little thing toss with him, I don't care."

Li Huaien coughed a few times. When a system was born, it was easy to produce a few leaders, or benchmark figures, who were later admired. His grandson was obviously a fan.

There was a grandpa who was the third master, who looked down upon him and actually targeted another young man.

"He has a good grade, and while he is young and motivated, don't keep hitting him. Your educational methods are outdated."

"Who said, my education method is good, that little thing is not cherished."

Obviously, Li Huaien still has some uneasy feelings about Li Chuyang's running to Yunling College, but looking at Li Chuyang's achievements in the larger group, his thoughts have temporarily fallen, not ashamed.

"Brother Xu, Brother Yan, you are amazing."

"You played very well, sixth in the year, not bad."

A large group of raptors crossed the river this year, pulling away a large number of the most outstanding high school students. In addition to the strong students in the original high school group, the battle was fierce. Li Chuyang was able to enter the sixth place, which is already very powerful.

"He crashed with the little prince and should have the strength to take the top three."

Shang Qianqiu ranked 16th and was very happy, which was much better than her expected ranking.

"Second, good."

Xu Zhipai patted Wang Zhongwang's shoulder. His way of practicing held back Gongsun Kang's breath. Wang Zhongwang endured the humiliation from the Zhao family in Liaodong.

Every family has their own affairs. The pressure from young age did not become the last straw that crushed them. Instead, they grew stronger and stronger, with the help of Yan Family and Gu Family, plus Wang Xing was willing to spend money , Wang Zhongwang's ability **** many people.

Not only did this guy not fall behind, he jumped up and even suppressed Li Chuyang.

"It takes effort, I don't want to be thrown too far by you."

Wang Zhongwang smiled bitterly, the second in the year group and the first in the senior group. Not only did the gap between him and Xu Zhi not narrow, but it went further.

But the pursuit has not been completely useless, and now he has ushered in some unusually difficult opportunities, not only a large amount of credits awarded by the college, but also a direct assist of Dongyue Research Institute's experimental drugs.



The group of people at Bazonglou played quite well, not only in the one-year group, Yuan Bo and Bei Chenan in the second year group, Gu Yuxi who participated in the three-year group competition, and the results were very good.

"Gu Xiaomei killed all that expert cultivator. What did you eat? Do you want to be so powerful?"

Sixty-nine Qiu Ying, in the junior group, she was eliminated in the first wave, a few points worse.

"That person takes a little more medicine than me."

Gu Yuxi blinked. If she entered the level of an expert cultivator, she wouldn't fight in the junior group. In the final round, she and an expert cultivator competed at the primary level. After three rounds, they successfully won each other. .

The other party is very powerful due to the medicinal properties. In the family, this kind of person is not widespread. As long as the body can bear it, it will borrow medicine to a certain extent, take advantage of early advantages, win some important competition awards, and then go back to repair its own defects. Keep polishing.

This kind of cultivation method is more radical. If it is not its own diligence and talent, experts will have to add countless troubles after the cultivation stage.

Zhao Xinmeng stopped the ninth in the senior group, and encountered Yi Chuan when he was in the 13th and 7th. Around the sixth place, this is a little different from the expected ranking.

"Xu Zhi, Yan Jinbai, Zhao Xinmeng, Gu Yuxi, you come with me."

Luo Jiahui's face was smirked. This time he was a little bit happy in the National College Elite League. In any case, the student's good ranking, his face was also glorious, and he had to walk a lot on this occasion.

As for Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbai, he also had concerns about whether the two used the drug to force the sprint expert to practice. Now, it seems that the two people have a solid foundation, which is much better than their peers.

Too many people have accumulated in the expert training Only by far surpassing their peers, can they compete with those people, otherwise, they can only rely on time to slowly grind, the new people become old people, old people, Only at this stage is the capital struggling to gain power.

The National College Elite League is used for testing one day, and one day is a formal competition. The time is very short, but there are many things that can be decided.

For the top students, in addition to rewards, they also face an invitation.

From the recruitment of various functional departments.

"The fourth division of the Northwest Military Region is short of a sturdy young man like you. How about, after graduation, we went to practice with us for a few years. If we are satisfied, we can still take the military and military route and rely on military advancement in the future."

"Lao Yan has stayed in the Northwest Military Region. Dayan was also a military commander at that time. You didn't go to Yingtian Academy. You have to go to the Northwest Military Region for graduation."

The first invitation to Xu Zhi was a sturdy middle-aged general with Samsung on his shoulders, and his position was of a rather high level.

"Chen Houyi, there is no trouble in North Xinjiang. Your Northwest Military Region is very idle. What can you do to get them over? You are not kind."

Next to Chen Houyi, a civilian middle-aged man with flat-frame glasses refuted.

"Xiao Xu, you should consider our fourth military area. We have both the land, sea, and air forces, and there are many places to hire. From time to time, we have some minor conflicts with Yingguo. It is convenient to get military merit."

"You didn't go in and said that the seven-star position started, I can make sure that after signing this contract, you are the person in our fourth military area."

In addition to the prizes donated by Dongyue Supreme Research Institute, an extra olive branch was given to them.

If they are willing, in the military system, this is a high-end.

There is obviously a big difference between being invited and applying on your own, or recruiting for an interview.

This is a faster path.

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