Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 973: Barbarian Civil War

Xu Zhining could take the contract of Agrinel first, but there is a reason for not seeing Bob's contract. Kuangsha Literature Network

Bob did a great job, and the division is now fighting the barbarian lord Oreha.

This is not a small-scale battle, and the barbarians' internal fighting has spread to thousands of people.

Behind Oreha is the support of the Grand Priest of the Shannon Kingdom, Alberton. Violet’s army also has the shadow of the Slat Gulf Lord Derner, and is assisted by the division’s friend.

Alberton seems to have received information from the royal family of the Shannon Kingdom, which allows him to bring out extremely rare treasures, which he can't bear.

If Bob was killed in the Civil War of the Barbarians, Albertron did not need to hand over his treasure at all.

In this civil war, Albertron intervened a lot. Some garrisons took off their armor, painted and dressed up, and began to join the barbarian army. There were also injured barbarians who were continuously healed by them and re-entered the battlefield.

Violet’s army also received support, and the Slat Gulf Garrison provided some magic potions. These potions were mainly restricted and killed, causing considerable trouble to the barbarians on the Oreha side.

The contract called Xu Zhi, and Bob was purely looking for a cold arrow.

The risks of battlefield contracts are relatively large, but the distance that Bob Division maintains in the battlefield is very good. As long as Xu Zhi guards against the long-range means of some strong men, in case of something going wrong, relying on teleportation and flying magic, escape is always okay. .

But the old mage wrote an empty check on the contract, and after defeating Alberton, he had the opportunity to enter the life library.

Bob’s Special Contract: Lord of the Jungle Fairies, we have waged a war with the barbarian lord Oreha. After seeing the contract, please join me. If you can defeat the other party, I can take you to the Life Library of the Flash City. Traces of life magic, explore the mysteries.

Contract object: gold coins x1.

The Life Library is a unique collection in the Xia Nong Kingdom. It contains many books related to the magic of the life department. There is one in the Flash City, and the entry conditions are extremely harsh.

Bob seemed quite angry that Albertron intervened in the barbarian civil war. If this battle was won, he would have to enter the city where the opponent was stationed.

The contract did not end, it still seems to be at war.

But the contract product is a very serious problem. Before he could fix Albertron, Xu Zhi had only such a gold coin.

It's hard to say when this battle will be fought. This is not directly proportional to the pay. It is also natural for Xu Zhi to be unhappy. It is more likely that he will go to white labor, which is worse than doing the contract task for Doug Wurg.

Bob's tricks on borrowing chickens to lay eggs.

Looking at his heavily armed self, Xu Zhi put on protective magic and entered the danger zone. It's okay to be careful.

"Group blur"

Xu Zhi had just traveled through the lower realm and heard the sound of Bob's chanting spell. Above him, a phantom suddenly appeared.

In front of him, a large group of centaur hand shadows overlapped and looked dazzling.

This was the method that Derner used in the first place. Xu Zhi didn't expect that the old mage would still use Legion magic.

"Disperse, hit freely."

"The first goal, the opponent's cyclops."

Violet's voice was shouting, and the woman's voice appeared high and high on the battlefield.

Looking around, there were broken corpses scattered on the ground.

More than a hundred meters away, the crazy rage was hacking and slashing with an axe. The nomad cavalry wielded a scimitar, continually shuttled in the battlefield, and kept falling. The magic of the ogre magician seemed to be empty, and he was heavy. The pace of the battle started with a huge staff.

In the sky, there are few eagle banshees. These noisy creatures have suffered heavy casualties. They can only see opportunities, dive down from time to time, and scratch the skulls of some creatures.

The great damage to Violet's side is the opposite cyclops. These giant creatures with a height of more than three to four meters can pick up the stones and throw them down. The stones of the size of the grinding disc fall down, often causing the death of several people.

Both sides are barbarians. In the battlefield, Violet's head is wrapped with red cloth, while the other side is tied with blue cloth to make a distinction.

In the chaotic battle, Xu Zhi was dazzled, and it became clear after a few seconds.

"Another big stone hit, quickly dodge."

A panic sounded, and the Centaurs ignored Violet's command and quickly jumped away one by one.


Xu Zhi did not care whether Bob agreed or not, and mentioned the old mage quickly retreating a few steps.


The round stone fell to the ground, breaking into pieces and splashing around, and Xu Zhi was smashed into a piece, only to feel a hot feeling coming from the body.

He had several layers of protective magic and wore power scale armor. He felt this way. If it were an ordinary creature, he would be seriously injured by the gravel.

"Hello, sir, you are finally here."

Bob yelled that he was close to the Centaurs to release the legion's magic. He was then stared at by the cyclops, and the long-range strike instantly struck.

"You hit terribly, Master, do you want me to take you to escape?"

Xu Zhi looked at the situation around him, Violet's side was slightly weak, and the result would be very bad.

"Don't, I still have the ability to turn the tide, sir, you have to believe my magic."

"Xing Xing Xing, your magic is the best, what magic will be released next."

Magic has great power, but the farther the casting distance is, the more the movement and chaos of the creatures make the difficulty of mental lock-in becomes greater. It is obviously extremely difficult for Bob to use magic to hit a sky.

Apparently someone pointed to the other party, staring at Bob's side, and once the old mage came close, he would suffer from the boulders.

"Creating Illusions"

Xu Zhi saw this old guy facing him a little, and an illusion suddenly appeared, and even the scales of power and the agile war halberd were copied playing the illusion, Xu Zhi did not expect that he was also being People played out.

Bob's repeated mantras not only make the illusion's duration longer, but also put Xu Zhi's illusion into several protective magic.

"Now we need to move forward more than fifty meters, as long as it reaches my casting distance, I can make the seven-headed cyclops dumb."

Bob cāo) lost his halberd in his hand as an illusion and picked up a wooden shield. He wanted to open the way with an illusion. Xu Zhi’s long-range protection was very strong. It was natural for Bob to have a certain idea about this.

He wanted to get into the cast range, first he had to rely on the illusion to withstand, and secondly he had to go straight to assist.

Among the Violet forces, there are few creatures that can resist the cyclops.

If Xu Zhi didn’t come, Bob would probably go to illusion an omnipotent magician. These strong mages can carry and can release magic. Their ability is very strong. The only drawback is that they are slow. It is very difficult to cooperate with tactics. .

Two tall green skins ran in front, and Bob murmured a spell in the back.

The distance of fifty meters is undoubtedly very short, but above the battlefield, this is the distance of life and death. It is extremely difficult to cross.

Xu Zhi and the illusion withstood several short spears. Seeing that the illusion was standing still, Xu Zhi stopped.

There was a wave of space in his back, and Bob had stepped over with teleportation magic and stood firmly behind.

A dull spell sounded, and leaning on the cover, Bob quickly released his magic.

"They are there, smashed."

On an elevated platform more than three hundred meters away, an elderly barbarian made a whimpering sound and pointed at two green skins.

The Cyclops held the rolling stones high above their hands, shaking their hands, and six giant stones were thrown out.

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