Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 979: Ordinary family Ogtavia

Chapter 979 of the Heroes of Invincibility Grand Master Chapter 759 The ordinary family Ogtavia Xu Zhi was previously suspected of sleeping ability, and now has become the envy of everyone.

This guy was not affected by the sensory effects of the side effects of the scientific research institute. He slept very well. Whether it was taking Jianti pills or medicine bath powder, Xu Zhi whispered and went to sleep after a while.

Xu Zhi doesn't worry about his physical condition in reality. His body is being strengthened in a hurry, and everything is going in a good direction.

What made him a little depressed was the suddenness of the war.

No one can stop this situation.

If it is a soldier, died in the battlefield, or a conflict of interests has caused a fight between the two sides, this kind of thing is commonplace and commonplace.

But Glick massacred nearly 30,000 civilians. Xu Zhi had seen the battlefield of 10,000 people. He knew how wide 10,000 people spread out.

Thirty thousand people, that's bigger than the line of miles between Yeliu City and the City of Death. The dense road can stand a few miles away, which is to kill pigs. .

This is just an ordinary person living in the city, implicated in the war, the other party's madness, how much can be implicated in him.

Holding the gambler card, Xu Zhi remembered something from time to time.

Xu Zhi summoned Otto Von Glick once, and there was a faint feeling in his heart to find no one else. This cold-faced death knight did not appear in front of him.

Grick is dead, there are no traces of him in the lower realm, and there is no more imprint of his immortal soul in the void.

A red-skinned demon with golden rounded corners emerged from the teleportation circle.

This is a very delicate demon, not tall, with chest muscles developed but not overall burly. While Xu Zhi looked at each other, the demon also looked at everything around him with interest.

Most of the information can be felt in the contract, and the other party does not have much interest in asking.

Xu Zhi stayed quietly, waiting for the other party to take a seat.

"You seem a little sad?"

The sound of the demon came, and Xu Zhi heard that the other party was a female demon, which was too different from Marys.

"I just remembered something. I was a little sad. Do I need to play a game?"

Xu Zhi waved his hand, thought for a moment, and then continued: "If you can, please bet on it and reserve your own resurrection to avoid urgent needs."

"I haven't played it for a long time, then relax." The female devil smiled, and the yellow light flickered in her eyes, as if thinking about her bet.

"What is the lower limit of your bet? One million void coins are enough."

For a long time, the female devil felt that she still asked first, she had understood the rules of the gambling in this tavern, but there was no provision for betting.

"One Million Void Gold Coins"

For the first time, Xu Zhi encountered a bet that could not be accepted. Seeing the female demon like this, he seemed to worry that the bet was not enough.

Where is this rich man from?

This is not the lower limit at all, it is the ceiling. Xu Zhi took out all but nothing but 60,000 void gold coins.

One million is easy, and the real bet will be.

People can't look, water can't be fought, the richness of the female devil makes Xu Zhi want to hug his thighs. Although he doesn't have much use for void gold coins, the numbers are also cool.

"You are a wealthy local tyrant."

"Local tyrant?" The female devil understood the adjective a little, and then said happily: "My family is average, just an ordinary family."

The big guys are right about everything. Xu Zhi took a look at his assets before trying to say, "I'm a poor man. If you want to be entertained, please bet on the area of ​​three thousand void gold coins to ten thousand void gold coins. between."

"So little, you are not as bold as the pub owner before."

"Is anyone else opening a tavern in the void?"

Xu Zhi was shocked. He had seen several immortal souls, including Somra, who had seen such a tavern in the void for the first time. Hearing this female devil's words, there was more than one place like him.

"Of course, but the time interval is too long. If it is not here today, I will soon forget this matter."

"Can you tell me about the boss then?"

Xu Zhi asked, he was curious about the situation of the Void Tavern before, maybe he could find a trace of his body information, whether it was for prevention or knowing that he would be at ease, he was very interested.

"I don’t know very well, I just gambled with him a few times. He wore black robes all over his body. I don’t know which immortal is so talented to condense in the void, yes, boss, you Is this pub selling?"

The female demon suddenly excited: "As long as you make a price, don't be afraid that I have no money."

"I can't sell it, and I don't know even the method of condensate."

Xu Zhi spread his hand. The formation of this tavern was only brought by the upgrade of the property panel. He only had the right to use and cheat, and he didn't know anything about it.

"What a pity, if I could have a home in the void, that would be great."

The female devil all regrets that as a rich man, she also has some troubles, and there are some things that cannot be solved by money.

"If you are interested, you can often come to my pub to play in the future."

The number of Xu Zhi gambler's cards is quite limited, so no matter how much such a big money is played, it will not go to the point of bankruptcy, and then do something unimaginable.

"No problem, I like to come together in By the way, what do you call it, talent?, you know, gambling is a boring act, except for a little money stimulation , Can no longer bring us any joy."

For a rich woman who has too much money to run out, Xu Zhi feels that the attraction of his little money is too low.

He now compares with Octavia much like street beggars and kings.

For the king, betting with the beggars one piece at a time is probably a bargain.

"I have a certain understanding of philosophy, I don't know if you are interested, such as the ancient sage script."

"Okay, I like you knowledgeable people. Unlike our family, there is no culture, so we know to kill, kill, and the poor only have money."

Oghtavia's rejoicing face, looking at her, seemed to be unreliable, and Xu Zhi felt relieved.

The origin of any civilization always has something in common. The sages interpreted various truths from some small stories, which are simple and intelligent.

In modern language, or Elasia language description, no matter what text is translated, it can get a trace of resonance.

The ancient sage text is the course of Xu Zhi's junior high school. There are a full set of twelve volumes. If Ogtavia is interested, Xu Zhi can recite most of the bridges for her.

Old antiques are extremely strict in this course, so that when they are in the third, second and third class students, no one loses points in this aspect of the exam, and each one of them can remember well.

"You are so easy to learn, then let's talk about learning the word, learning is the door to enlightenment, the foundation of the virtue, there is a saying: Learn while studying, not just talking about it."

Despite listening a bit ignorant, Ogtavia is still sitting upright and taking out some empty gold coins from time to time to reward. It can be seen that this female devil is quite happy.

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