Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 983: spearhead

The earth and earth vitality of the size of Wa Weng appeared in the center of the venue. Xu Zhi looked at it and took two bites on his stomach.

The barren land doesn't have to worry too much, it's not bad that 20 skeletons can get a bite.

The location of his falling point is very good, and the undead who can clean a small area by landing is undoubtedly good luck.

The area of ​​the ruins is not large, and it can’t bear the random location of each landing. Sometimes it explores even the place where the last six-inspector walked by. I still have some difficulties in finding a few dead places. I can only watch my luck. Run and walk.

If the technician awakened and landed normally, and the signal tower was successfully built, he and Ge Weidong each proceeded from one direction to perform separate clean-up operations. When encountering force majeure factors, they converged.

This is a technology that has only been available in recent years. Technology is changing the world, and it is also changing some of the previous ways to make actions more efficient.

"Sorry, Xu Liuyuan, the leg was scratched when landing, and it took some time. The signal tower has been built, can you hear it?"


A sound of awakening came from the communication equipment, Xu Zhi made a simple reply, and Ge Weidong on the other side also said it was received.

The communication between the three was successfully built.

"According to the display of the sensor, you should be about eight kilometers apart. Please move them back and forth, left and right, so I can give you directions.

After a short operation, Xu Zhi started running.

On the gray ground, there was an occasional sound of bone-breaking hands, and Xu Zhi held the flattened long iron gun in his hands, doing the repeated and clean-up work of the equipment.

Although there is little vitality in the world, but the accumulation of less and more, the effect will be very good. If you can visit this small ruin several times, they will enter the middle level of expert practitioners faster than ordinary people.

For Xu Zhi, he has almost no difficulty in killing these undeads. Skeleton-like gadgets are two times more scum, as long as he does not reach the level of the skull in the dream world, he can be easily killed.

Compared with the cautious entry into the ruins at the beginning, one by one, now he can directly open the group. The long iron guns of the ruins cooperate with the stick method.

The stick method is good at group fighting. When one stick hits, four or five skeletons fall down.

Xu Zhi had almost no weight, played fast, and ran fast. It took more than three hours for Ge Weidong to clean up two small areas, and he had swept five places.

The landing point of both of them is perfect, just right in the area with many undead creatures, it has not been cleaned up.

Some of these places will show a small group of heaven and earth, some of them don’t know where they are hidden, or they are not produced, and Xu Zhi can’t find out. There are no hiding places on the desolate ground, most of them are cleaned, and the ground is occasionally Then it came out a little, and then took a few breaths.

The main job is to clean up, and absorbing the vitality of the world is an incidental benefit.

In this regard, he can't distinguish between primary and secondary.

"Uh huh."

When Xu Zhigang arrived at a place, he saw a bone hand coming out, and a ghost wearing a tattered black dress all over his body emerged from the ground. Suddenly he heard Ge Weidong's dull sound.

"Ge Weidong?"

Xu Zhi shouted for a while, and ignored the new undead circle. The other party's voice was afraid of encountering some powerful undead.

"Xu Liuyuan, please turn right and go forty-five degrees to run. Lieutenant Ge did not reply. Someone entered in the ruins. I have cut off his ability to receive information. His liaison can only say, no. listen."

"Thinking well, be awake."

Prompted by the awakening, Xu Zhi remembered the entrant who had been ignored.

Compared with Ge Weidong's unexpected encounter with undead, Xu Zhi hopes that the other party will encounter the entrant.

The undead have no brains at all, and if they find the intruder, they will chase them without recklessness or endless death.

Forcible entrants have a three-point chance of staying. Breaking through the security ring is only a year’s imprisonment punishment for labor, but if you attack an official or kill someone, the crime will be very deep, even if there is an exempted guru, here Be extremely careful.

From the initial distance of about eight kilometers, to today, the two are only five kilometers apart, and Xu Zhi hurried past, very fast.

The wayfinding technique immediately turned on the body, and Xu Zhimeng ran up.

Compared with the beginning, when he entered the expert stage, his physical qualities more than doubled. The ground was covered with rolling dust. Occasionally, he was found to be unearthed. Climbing unearthed, the red light in his eyes flashed, and he was confused for a while before slowly chasing. Go up.

Even in the wild mountains and wild mountains, Xu Zhi can run out of the feeling of a flat concrete floor.

At five kilometers, he sprinted in just a few minutes now.

In the extreme distance, Xu Zhi saw a figure lying on the ground. Fortunately, there was no undead figure around him. When Xu Zhi was relieved in his heart, the vigilance was also placed at the highest level. When visiting around, he also brushed himself a few Road protection magic.

Ge Weidong was attacked by someone, and was directly knocked down. If he could shoot Ge Weidong, he might shoot him.

But I do not know why the other party took this hand, hatred, or interest.

Xu Zhi approached Ge Weidong lying on the ground and called Lao Ge. Seeing that the other party did not respond, he took out a spear and slightly instigated Ge Weidong, turning the other party over.

His actions are purely subconscious, and there are many poisonous techniques in southern Yunnan, which may be contaminated by close contact and touch. You have to be careful.

I saw Ge Weidong's teeth closed, his face white, his eyes closed, and Xu Zhigang wanted to step forward to find out what happened, and suddenly Ge Weidong's eyes suddenly opened, his hand overflowed, and he slapped him with a palm.

The two were very close. The speed of this palm was so fast that it was difficult to dodge. Xu Zhi only had time to mention Qi Qi. The cyan surface was mixed with a yellow brilliance, and Ge Weidong shouted with his wrist rolling.

His protective ability stems from the radiation of the dream world, and there are many magical protections. Even Yichuan’s spear can’t be broken. Recently he took Jianjian pills, medicine bath and strong powder, and his ability went further. How to focus on remote Ge Weidong's ability to strike As if hitting a pig iron, the huge anti-shock force broke Ge Weidong's hand, and Xu Zhi just shook his body backwards.

When the body is shaking, Xu Zhixin is warning, and the long iron gun of the relics is suddenly shot with a backhand. This is the three-level preemptive attack ability radiated. As long as it is not on the virtual counter platform, whether it is an attack or a counterattack, the total He can be one step ahead.

A long knife came behind him and was just caught by a long iron gun.

A figure wrapped in Tsing Yi appeared behind Xu Zhi's back, with pink light shining in his eyes.

"Underground skills, incense, ability to control abilities, good thief, openly set up an ambush to kill patrol officers, spare you."

Looking at the hole on the ground, the pink light in the other party's eyes, if there is a hint of low fragrance floating, Xu Zhi immediately understood Ge Weidong's abnormality.

This is the murder of the relics, the real target is him.

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