Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 987: Who hunts who

Among the hills of Urudin, adventurers are the most indispensable. As long as they are willing to spend money, people will dare to do all kinds of things that decapitate.

  Heilong is a hot thing at first glance, and asking for a high price is a normal thing.

   Elita spent 30,000 gold coins and recruited a Tauren warrior known as the strongest iron shield. The opponent's combat defense ability is very powerful, which is exactly the role lacking in the team.

   "Minos, the strongest iron shield, the most trustworthy good assistant for your adventure, Moo."

   Tauren warriors like to make a buzzing nasal sound when talking. They are very strong, wearing fine steel armor all over their bodies, carrying a double-edged giant axe, and looking straight for a while, they couldn't find where the shield was.

   But the opponent's ability is really good, belongs to the silver-class creatures, and has the blocking expertise, 40% chance to completely defend the opponent's physical attacks.

   In the face of the black dragon's fire, he may not be able to carry it, and he has good defensive ability against the black dragon's physical biting and whipping.

   This is a character that Doug Woo has personally tried, and several people are very satisfied.

   The Black Dragon Cave is extremely remote, and it is difficult for ordinary people to reach above the cliff on the top of the mountain. Agrienier used to fly up on the griffin, but now it is more difficult to rely on legs, not to mention the priest Elita.

Xu Zhibai bored the Dragon Cave and the Elemental Realm twice, which made Minos Shaqima exceptionally envious. It was too troublesome to climb his hooves, but for the sake of money, endure one Fan seems to be nothing, as long as he survives, 30,000 gold coins are enough for his happy life for several years.

  Longxue Duobao through their detailed planning, for Xu Zhi, just follow the whole process, everyone runs together when running, do not fall behind when playing.

   "Sir, you will help me do more magic in a while, your magic is attached to my body, I am very psychological."

  Doug Wuger was obviously a little nervous. For the first time in his life, he was a black dragon. This requires not only ability but also courage.

   "It's a pity to die that day, and my scroll of compulsive summoning was lost" Agrienaire said, calling the praying mantis is a big trick, and it was used too early.

   "I hid the magic and hid it. In case you are injured, you rushed to me. In addition to healing magic, I will also have medical magic, which is particularly effective."

  Elita looked at the dark cave above, as if hiding deep sea giants inside, which made people scared.

   In fact, this feeling is also true. The black dragon is stronger than the deep sea behemoth. The brave men who challenge the dragon are successors and successes with very little success.

   In addition to the skeletons of large creatures, there are some human skulls near the Dragon Cave. There are not many weak people who can reach this place. This undoubtedly brings heavy psychological pressure to people.

   "Mr. Doug Wugg enters and provokes the Black Dragon. When the other party pursues Minos, you need to change hands to block and alternate."

   "Your Excellency Aigrenel sneaked aside and took the opportunity to enter to take out the treasure. Of course, the inconvenient items can be converted into contract items, so that you can take him back to the elemental world."

   "I will assist the attack on the flanks, trying to hit the black dragon and cause it a little trouble."

Allenville was the commander of this operation. Not only did he make tactical arrangements, he also used local materials on top of the Dragon Cliff and built a temporary refuge, which can at least face the impact of the Black Dragon once or twice, and can effectively fight for Some retreat time.

   "The **** dragon has been out for ten minutes. Let's start now."

   For a time, the magic light flickered, and the white light and green light continued to interweave.

   "I never felt so powerful, moo."

  The tauren waved his arms and felt the magical power on his body, which made him a little more sure about the fight against the black dragon.

   mentioning the Frost Warhammer, Doug Wooler shouted and strode into the cave.

  In addition to Elita, the others entered the Dragon Cave in order.

The entrance of the Black Dragon’s lair is only four or five meters wide and high, but the interior is extremely wide, almost like a square, and the two behemoths have a large place to live. Relying on the weak light, Xu Zhi and others saw the sleeping on the first glance Black Dragon Onick.

   "It's so big, so fierce."

   Minos's hoof is a little trembling. The closer you get, the clearer you can see. The effect of close viewing is completely different from that seen in the sky.

   The extremely muscular body was just a little cloth in front of the black dragon. The black dragon's eyes were as big as his head, and a faint breath of life came, and his chest jumped violently.

Among the mercenaries, although they are plain and coquettish, they can boast for nine days to catch the moon, they can go to the five oceans to catch turtles, kill dragons and destroy phoenixes. In fact, very few people have seen dragons and phoenixes.

  The first time Minos saw the Black Dragon, when his heart shook, he regretted it. The money was too hot, and he was afraid that it would be a nine-death life. Even if the other party is not just a snake, that is not something he can deal with.

  Onyek lying sideways blocked many gold and silver treasures and treasures behind him. If you want to get the treasures, you must blast the black dragon.

Doug Würg's face was calm, but his chest was up and down. He was quite upset in the face of the black dragon's powerful breath of life. With a frost warhammer, he crept close, and then hit a hammer on the black dragon. Above the big feet.

   "Get up, reptile."


  Onick's huge eyes suddenly opened, and there was a painful roar. The pain from her toes made her wake up from her sleep.

   The huge tail swept over unnecessarily, and the speed was stupefying. Doug Wugg had just lifted the firm shield in his hand, and was swept away by a tail several meters away.

   "Lao Tzu is about to run away, Niu Tau, the rest is up to you, please block me a few times."

  Doug Wurg had a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and it was obviously uncomfortable to bear this tail.

  The huge cave is as deep as 100 meters, and the speed of running out with full strength is very fast, but to overcome the faster-moving black dragon, someone must stop it.

   As a target that specifically attracts hatred, Doug Wuger made no mistakes.

Minotaur the tauren lifted his chest, and the double-edged axe spun wildly. With this move, he could block the external attack, and even the bow and arrow could not shoot his double-edged axe~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Come on, moo. "


  Onick's mouth flames spewed out.

   "It hurts, moo moo moo"

With the strong sulfur breath, Minos almost completely withstood the baptism of this wave of flames, the hair of the body was burnt, the skin was burnt, he wailed and just wanted to turn around and fled, Onyk took a paw. .

   A trace of blue light appeared on his body, and then the tauren was shot out like a fly.

   The flow is slightly abnormal, but Minos can still get up and run after falling to the ground.

   This Tauren's talent blocking ability is very powerful.

  Onick's body swayed, and a huge body drilled out like a shadow, quickly chasing these entrants, which made Xu Zhi and Agri Nelton see what was hidden behind each other.

  Egriner saw a pale yellow mandala, while Xu Zhi looked at a huge thick shield.

   is more than eight meters high and more than three meters long. This is a shield that the giants will use. Xu Zhi's heart beat violently.

  He just wanted to rush in with Agrienaire to see the truth and reality, and Allenville, who was guarding at the hole, shouted wildly.

   "Run fast, run fast, another black dragon flew back."

   "It's hiding on the other side of the cliff, it's hunting us."

  The sound of grunt came, and Allenville seemed to roll down the high **** of the hole.

   A huge black dragon roared and came down from the sky, with a huge body blocked at the mouth of the cave.

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