Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 995: Wisdom wall

  Holy Crown City, except for several buildings where Somra extracted the magic hub, everything is as normal as before. Kuangsha Literature Network

   The whole city was dead, except for the snow and wind, which slowly melted away.

  The huge towering walls, some broken traces of battle, desolate and ruined, only two figures shuttle through the city.

   "Xu Zhi, what are you looking for here?"

   "Take a picture, come and focus together, oh yeah."

  Xu Zhi raised his phone and snapped a photo of the two. The library in the Holy Crown City was easy to find, but the wall of wisdom, Xu Zhi looked at the continuous wall, which one is true?

  You have to ask Somra about it.

   There are local indigenous people, so Xu Zhi will not look around.

   The stone walls on the left and right sides of the library are as long as 100 meters. He took a few photos and recorded a small video.

   "Hahaha, look, here, here, here, these are all walls of wisdom."

   "This is my original handwriting. It looks good. Among many people, I portray the most artistic."

   A bunch of abstract lines, like a messy graffiti. If it is not reminded by Somra, who can know that this is a very important wall of wisdom for the mages, containing knowledge of many magic symbols.

   "You look carefully, look carefully, and invest in it. When you go deep into it, you will find the mystery inside."

   "Okay, little cable."

   After the communication, Xu Zhimuran's eyes widened and looked at the various lines on the wall.

   He does not understand this kind of abstract art at all. Of course, the systems of cultivation on both sides are different, and few in the real world can understand, otherwise this piece of wisdom wall will become a noisy promotion point.

  Practitioners in northern Xinjiang are likely to regard this wall of wisdom as an ordinary graffiti wall.

   "...Are you in a daze?"

   looked at Xu Zhi who sat on the floor and looked at the wall. Yan Jinbai had a big head. What good thing did he think?

   "No, I'm comprehending art, and there are powerful artistic achievements on this wall."

   "This is also called art, and I can paint better than these things."

   refuted, refuted, Xu Zhi rarely did this kind of worthless thing, Yan Jinbai looked carefully, his hands touched the score on the wall, and began to speculate carefully.

   For a long time, some of the curves in the line of sight seemed to twist, Yan Jinbai felt a flower in his eyes, and the notch caught in his hand became extremely slippery, as if it could be placed on some patterns.

   His eyes looked from the wall. There seemed to be some patterns that were very similar, but there seemed to be dozens of patterns that could be marked with this score.

   When my thoughts were moving, I saw that scoring flew out and posted it where he thought it was best.

   The feeling of the mirror Huashuiyue broke, the wall was still the wall, the nicks were still the nicks, his hands didn't move, neither did people.

   Only thought seemed to move, and a sense of fatigue came from the spirit.

  Yan Jinbai took a breath and quickly released the wall.

   "There are weird, weird, this wall seems to devour my spiritual power."

   "This is the charm of art, Jin Bai."

  Hexis appreciates the plants and trees that art still engages in and yells. The extreme concentration of spirit makes people intoxicated and correspondingly very exhausting.

   It is not unreasonable that the wisdom wall can only be tested three times a day. If you want to enter it, it will inevitably cause mental loss and physical fatigue.

  Yan Jinbai's different performances made Xu Zhi clear that this guy probably found a way to enter, and then began to learn in a model-like manner.

   The spirit was placed on the wall, and Xu Zhi touched the lines for a while, only to realize that the countless lines above the plane were activated and twisted, and various broken magic symbols were reproduced in unison, constantly rotating.

  Xu Zhi looked at the score in his hand, like a fish out of water, twisting constantly in his hand.

   This is a nick that needs to be filled with missing magic symbols. Lose once and do not need to test the remaining two.

   recalled the seventy-six symbols drawn by Somra in his mind, Xu Zhi thought moved, and the score was gently pasted.

   On the plane of the wall, the lines changed again, dazzling, angle, position, direction, arrangement order, everything became a different look.

  The notch in the hand is different, and the present is different. This is the second recognition.

"You are the one"

  Xu Zhi gently put it on, with a flower in his eyes, these simple and abstract magic symbols began to become ambiguous.

   The lightness of the windy element, off-white,

   Flowing water element, light blue,

   fierce with fire element, fiery red,

   Thick with earth elements, orange.

   seems to step into the three-dimensional color world in one fell swoop from the world of black and white abstraction.

   These symbols are no longer mechanical, as if they had life.

   It's just that all magic symbols are incomplete. Xu Zhi didn't have much time to praise and sigh. There was a faint feeling in my mind, and this incomplete color world must be completed a little.

   Even a little bit can make this colorful world perfect.

  The notch in his hand fits up.

   Immediately, he saw the joy of the magic symbols, like a light, instantly illuminating the world of various magic symbols.

   Various broken magic symbols are constantly shaking, and the broken nicks scattered around all return to their original positions.

One after another, the complete magic symbols continue to appear in front of Xu Zhi's eyes. These symbols are the same as those that Somra painted in the elemental world. Xu Zhi can even call out their names, but they feel each other. completely different.

   It seems that there are sprouts in the heart, and the magic symbols are the seeds.

  The engravings of the magic symbols passed down in the ancient times seem to expand his brain a little bit. Xu Zhi vaguely felt that he was more agile in thinking, and some of the unclearness in practice seemed to be a little clearer.

   "What is added is the genus of knowledge."

  Xu Zhi took a long breath and continued to figure out the magic symbols, the test of the wisdom succeeded.

   has his own abilities, and it is more of Somra's constant characterization and analysis. With such a magician on the side, studying these magical symbols of the ancient times, he would be too relaxed.

   Some people may be aware of the situation, but these three tests are too low for those who do not understand the meaning.

   "Is there any gain?" Yan Jinbai asked with a low voice while looking at the satisfied Xu Zhi.

   "Slight experience."

   "Seek guidance, seek sharing, seek..."

   Yan Jinbai murmured, Xu Zhi came out with a thick stack of drawing paper in his hand.

   "I came out of the ice and snow cave for two years, and I drew these masterpieces of art. Now, at first glance, it is so true, as long as the mind resonates with the wall, you can get a purification of the mind."

  Xu Zhi was holding a thick drawing paper, and looked proud.

   "You don't seem to be able to draw such a wonderful pattern, the note below is yours."

   "I'm awesome, I'm good at painting, fonts, smearing, paint, precision, floral art, everything."

  Yan Jinbai said that Xu Zhi's face couldn't be hung. This was certainly not his painting. This was painted by Somra. Unexpectedly, Yan Jinbai saw it in a few eyes.

   "If you don't learn, you won't learn, and if you don't learn, I'll burn it all."

  Xu Zhihu's face, the castle of the Three Emperors was almost destroyed, and there was no wall of wisdom.

   This stack of drawing paper is not as useful as it might be. Perhaps it can only be used in ice and snow.

  Yan Jinbai honestly learned magic symbols here, so he had to look over the ice floe.

  Under the ice, there is a sunken temple, where there is a Titan giant component that Somra needs.

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