Hua Jinan's gaze has been falling on Subei's body, his eyes are deep and gloomy, and he can't distinguish between happiness and anger.

She just leaned against the window of the car, against the cold glass, without letting him touch it.

He did not expect that a woman who has always been calm and gentle would suddenly change her mood today.

What she said was beating deeply on his heart, this woman, what would he do with her?

Seeing her not speaking for a long time, he dared to lean over.

Then, his brows tightened.

Reached out and hugged her carefully, letting her sleep in her arms.

As he expected, her hands were extremely cold.

He put her hand into his shirt, and the small curled hand opened when it encountered warmth and pressed tightly against his warm skin.

She has a tired face, her eyes are closed, she must be extremely tired.

The man stretched out his hand slowly, trying to smooth the furrow between her eyebrows.

As soon as the hand touched her, it could not be taken back.

The palm of her hand was on her cheek, her eyes filled with pity.

He said softly, "How can I let go of you like this!"

When the car arrived at Shandao Villa, Subei still did not wake up.

Hua Jinan leaned over and took her out of the car. When Wang Ma saw the situation, she was immediately surprised, "What's wrong with my wife?"

Hua Jinan whispered, "Don't make any noise, she just fell asleep."

Wang Ma quickly led the way and opened the bedroom door for Hua Jinan.

Hua Jinan put Subei on the bed, then sat on the side of the bed and looked at her without knowing what she was thinking.

Mother Wang said softly, "Sir, my wife didn't eat at night, did she eat out? Would you like me to do something more?"

Hua Jinan frowned, "No, she won't talk about it when she wakes up."

Mother Wang went down.

The room is filled with a faint fragrance, you belong to the taste of northern Jiangsu.

Su Bei was curled up in a blanket, frowning.

Hua Jinan reached out and touched her forehead, it was a little hot.

She looks cold and has a fever.

"Are you cold?" Hua Jinan asked softly.

Subei couldn't hear it at all, but shivered constantly.

Hua Jinan took out the phone and called the private doctor, "My wife seems to have a fever, can she take any medicine?... Will it not burn out if she doesn't take the medicine?... Physically cool down?... Okay, let me try. "

Hua Jinan got up and found a set of cotton pajamas, and then he paused.

He got up again and walked out. After a while, Wang Ma walked in and put on Subei's pajamas.

"Sir, let me take care of my wife, right?"

Wang Ma said.

Hua Jinan shook his head, "No, I'll do it."

Hua Jinan brought an ice pack to cool Subei. As soon as the ice pack was put on, Subei's expression immediately became ugly.

He took down the ice bag and put an ice on his head, then he put the ice bag aside.

No, the ice pack is too ice, what if the ice breaks?

So he changed to a cold towel.

Later, the fever in northern Jiangsu became higher and higher, and Hua Jinan stayed by her side, changing towels every three minutes.

Midway, Subei got up in a daze to find water.

Hua Jinan brought warm water to her mouth, but she tilted her head, "I want to drink ice water!"

Hua Jinan was a little bit dumbfounded, the firing was like this, and he was clamoring for ice water.

"No, you can't drink ice water when you have a fever. Be good, drink this warm water." Hua Jinan coaxed her and brought warm water to Subei's mouth again.

Subei kept his eyes closed and did not open them. Although he was not happy, he still drank into the cup.

After drinking the water, Subei lay down again to sleep.

She held herself in her hands and muttered coldly in her mouth.

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