Grasping Evil

Chapter 1022 intricate

The blood bee who had brought Ning Fan here before had no idea where it had gone.

Ning Fan stared at the sea of ​​​​blood for a long time, and suddenly jumped up and jumped onto the frozen sea of ​​​​blood. After a few flashes, he came to the bottom of the floating mysterious ice platform.

After shaking it again, his body moved like a ghost, but he didn't seem to have moved. When he opened his palm, there was already a drop of blue ice liquid in his palm.

It was a drop on the Xuanbing platform.

"This thing seems to suppress the torture ring in my body..."

This ice liquid clearly gives people a feeling of icy coldness, but it does not cause any frostbite, as if it only has a freezing effect on certain things.

Touching the ice liquid at close range, the eight punishment rings in Ning Fan's body changed significantly, and the power of the seal flowing in the punishment ring actually froze from the edge. After the seal was frozen, the blood robbery cultivation base that was originally in the sealed state was unsealed.

It was very little, but it was enough to surprise Ning Fan.

"I entered the Fierce Territory Continent that day. I have been to many ancient monks' cave dwellings, but there is a stone carving in the cave dwelling, which mentioned something called [Shixing Hanlu]. Shixing Hanlu is an ancient treasure from the Dabei clan, and it has frozen The magical effect of the power of sealing, there were some ancient monks who wanted to practice the way of ascetic monks, and asked Dabei sage to suppress their cultivation, and hone themselves. Don't use the moment of being sealed. At this time, the ascetic monks often do not break the punishment ring. It is said that the punishment ring has some unknown benefits, and they are reluctant to break it easily... Every time a crisis, they often Choose to take a little release Hanlu, so that you can temporarily restore some of the sealed cultivation bases without damaging the punishment ring. The length of time to restore the cultivation base, and the amount of it is related to the amount of cold dew served..."

Ning Fan recalled the stone carvings he had seen, and secretly guessed.

Could this drop of ice liquid be Shi Xing Han Lu? Judging from the suppression of the punishment ring by this drop of ice liquid, it is really possible that this is the thing. It's a pity that there are too few records of the stone carvings about the release of Hanlu, so that Ning Fan can't confirm the matter, and can only speculate.

The torture ring is a really annoying thing.

It's not that the punishment ring is not easy to break. If Ning Fan is willing, he can break the punishment ring at any time and restore his true cultivation. But the trouble is, the real meaning of the punishment ring is a restriction of the Dabei clan for external cultivation. Once this restriction is broken, it will be regarded as a violation of the criminal law of the Dabei clan, which will lead to the pursuit of the five emperors of Zhongzhou...

The torture ring cannot be broken.

Can't be broken, doesn't mean can't find another way to restore the cultivation base.

Obviously, this drop of ice liquid is such a trick. Even if this thing is not the release of Hanlu, it probably has a similar suppressing effect. Just holding this thing, you can freeze a little of the punishment ring seal. If you take some, and use that freezing power to directly suppress the punishment ring in the dantian, I am afraid the effect will be even better.

This thing can be used as another trump card in the second round of Seizing the Tomb! If he couldn't get the Nanhai spring water with his sealed cultivation base, Ning Fan would not mind taking a little ice liquid to participate in the second round with his unsealed cultivation base...

"If it was for the spring water of the South China Sea, Emperor Baihua would definitely not blame me for taking this thing, and I even had some doubts that the blood bee that brought me here was sent by Emperor Baihua, and many of them deliberately..."

Thinking of this, Ning Fan had a hint of caution in his eyes. He checked the ice liquid, but found nothing unusual, so he put it away.

Just as he was about to leave, a ray of blood shot out from the frozen sea of ​​blood, making a humming sound, coming towards Ning Fan.

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, and he was about to defend one or two, but the blood light suddenly stopped, and it appeared that it was the blood bee that attacked before. Only this time, the blood bee did not seem to have any intention of shooting, but fell toward the ice surface of the sea of ​​​​blood.

The woman's body was covered with rays of light, giving people a sense of sanctity. Beneath the three thousand blue silk was her almost perfect body, and her body was emitting a delicate fragrance like flowers and honey.

The only thing that was discordant was that her pair of delicate bare feet were locked with iron ropes, and when they walked, they made a tinkling sound, like a prisoner.

After the woman appeared, there seemed to be a hesitant look on her face, but she turned to a decision, and dragged the iron rope step by step, and bowed in front of Ning Fan.

"The sinner has seen the son, and I ask the son to forgive me for attacking the son before..."

Then, with a soft palm, streaks of blood light shot out, turning into a nearly transparent blood-colored honeycomb, covering the ten-meter range around Ning Fan within the honeycomb. There is no harm in the hive, except that the isolation of the divine sense is extremely strong. I am afraid that even the Immortal Emperor cannot easily break through the hive and see what is in it. Obviously, it is a very strong isolation magical power.

It seemed that this woman had something to say to Ning Fan, but she was worried about the treasure house owner, Emperor Bai Hua, so she deliberately covered it up...

"What's the meaning of this girl?" Ning Fan's eyes were calm, looking at the woman in front of him, secretly guessing the woman's intention.

The woman bowed again and pleaded, "Young master is a powerful monk, I beg you to save the little girl from the sea of ​​misery!"

"Save you from the sea of ​​misery? Are you referring to really saving your master demon soul from this sea of ​​blood?"

Ning Fan frowned.

This woman was transformed by the blood bee that attacked him before. Ning Fan didn't see it too clearly in the hurry before, but at this moment he realized that this woman did not have a physical body, but a wisp of a demon soul. And it is not the main ghost, but an existence similar to the second ghost.

The human race can cultivate the main spirit and the second spirit, and the demon cultivator can also cultivate the main demon and the second demon. The same is true.

With Ning Fan's rain technique perception, he could vaguely sense a deeply hidden demonic energy from under the blood sea ice layer, which seemed to be suppressed. It has been stronger than several times, and it is the main demon soul of this blood bee woman.

One master and one pair... This woman's secondary demon soul's cultivation has reached the pinnacle of broken thoughts. As for the main demon soul's cultivation... It seems to have reached the second immortal realm of eternal robbery...

This woman seems to have cultivated some kind of secret technique, and she can even cover up the whispering technique, so she can't get a glimpse of her heart...

It's not easy...

"Master Mingjian, the little girl was originally a bee monster. She was born in ancient times. Although she is a monster, she has never done any harm to anyone. Because of her admiration for Buddhism, she worshipped the first generation owner of Baihua Peak - Guhua Zhenren. , listened to the lectures, practiced hard, gradually gained a cultivation base, and became the guardian spirit beast of Baihua Peak. After that, the real Guhua failed to break through the seventh tribulation of the ages and died of a catastrophe. Thousands of years later When the second Hundred Flowers Master arrived, she still ordered a little girl as a guardian spirit beast. After the alternation of generations, the little girl has always practiced in Baihua Peak, and has never had any dissent, until the fourth generation Hundred Flowers Master, Ji Shiling's arrival…"

Speaking of the three words Ji Shiling, the blood bee woman hugged her head in pain, as if there was a ban in the demon soul, so she couldn't casually mention this name. After a while, the pain disappeared.

Ji Shiling?

Ning Fan was slightly surprised, this name is a bit unfamiliar.

"Ji Shiling is the common name of the Hundred Flower Emperor of this generation, and now I'm afraid I don't use it anymore..." The blood bee woman explained while enduring the prohibition.

"Why was the girl suppressed by Emperor Baihua?" Ning Fan thought for a while before asking.

"I angered Ji Shiling because of something..."

The blood bee woman seemed a little ashamed to open her mouth, and after a moment of hesitation, she continued,

"Actually, when Ji Shiling took over as the master of Hundred Flowers, he was good to me. However, one year later, Ji Shiling suddenly asked me to sacrifice my color to seduce a man, but what I admired is the orthodox Buddhism, which has always been self-cultivation and perseverance. , how can I commit myself to others and damage my Yuan Yin, so I strictly refuse this matter, and I can't do it. Unexpectedly, it angered Ji Shiling, destroying my body, pumping my demon soul, and suppressing my demon soul here. Under the sea of ​​blood..."

"Fortunately, the little girl is good at splitting the soul. Although she couldn't break through the sea of ​​blood to escape, she gradually cultivated a second demon soul, and secretly broke free from the sea of ​​blood with the body of splitting the soul. However, it is a pity that this splitting soul spins. Even if Ji Shiling finds out and is imprisoned here by her great means, compared to the main demon soul being suppressed at the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, although the little girl's second demon soul can gain a certain degree of freedom and is free from the sea of ​​blood, it cannot It’s too far away from the sea of ​​blood. And every few months, the tide of blood thoughts will appear in this sea of ​​blood. At that time, the little girl will suffer from the tides that fill her soul, and life is better than death…”

The blood bee woman's eyes flashed with hatred.

"So, do you want me to take the risk of offending Emperor Hundred Blossoms and save you from the suppression here?" Ning Fan frowned.

He just entered the treasury to find treasure, he didn't want to make extra troubles and provoke the Emperor Baihua for a woman he didn't know, which was unwise.

"Young Master is joking, the little girl and the young master are not related and not related, how dare you expect the young master to do this for a stranger like me. To be honest, the little girl is suppressed here, but there are some behind-the-scenes arrangements outside. The escape plan, the little girl has been brewing for a long time, although she needs the son's help one or two, but she does not need the son to do anything to offend Ji Shiling in the treasure house, and there is no risk of offending Ji Shiling. Don't worry. The little girl wants to beg the son, find someone in Zhongzhou, and give her something... As long as this can be done, the little girl will have 60-70% confidence and escape from here on her own. If the young master is willing to lend a helping hand, once the little girl escapes, the reward will definitely satisfy the young master!"

Are you getting paid after the fact...

Ning Fan calmly looked at the blood bee woman, but he was secretly thinking about it.

It seems that this blood bee woman already has an extremely perfect escape plan. All she needs is someone to help, find someone outside, and hand over something...

On the surface, this matter is just a little effort... But is there really no risk in this matter?

Is there a deeper reason for Emperor Hundred Flowers to suppress the blood bee woman here? Was it really what the blood bee woman said, she was suppressed because she refused to seduce a certain man?

In Ning Fan's eyes, Emperor Hundred Flowers was moody and gloomy, but he was not someone who didn't know how to restrain himself. On the contrary, it can be seen from the fact that she can endure Ning Fan's offending several times, this woman is the kind of person who is very forgiving and forbearing... This kind of person will really serve the master of hundreds of flowers for generations just for a moment of anger. The peak guardian spirit beast suppressed?

Ning Fan is more willing to believe that there is another reason for this matter, and it is even very likely that the reason is serious...

Another point is that Emperor Baihua is at a loss for the escape plan of the blood bee woman, or he has already noticed it; or, Emperor Baihua has a back-up plan and has already made a plan, and everything is under control. The bee woman escaped righteously, entered the game, and then closed the net to complete the plan...

Can't say there's no such possibility.

I can't blame Ning Fan for being so cautious, it's really the water of Baihua Peak, and it's a bit terrifying... The existence of the dignified Baihua Emperor may just be an illusion. Ning Fan couldn't help but think about it...

"It seems that you can't impress the son with just a verbal reward. The son is really a hard-hearted person..." The Blood Bee woman was silent for a while, and continued, "To be honest with the son, then Ji Shiling has actually harmed the son a lot. , it's a pity that the son hasn't noticed it yet."

"Hunt? What's wrong with this?"

Ning Fan didn't show any expression on his face, but his heart was about to come to Baihua Peak. He thought about it from beginning to end, and finally, he thought of that drop of ice liquid.

Could it be that something is wrong...

"You don't know everything, the young lady attacked the young master today, not by accident, but under the order of Ji Shiling, so the little girl led the young master to come here, the purpose is to induce the young master to take this drop of release cold dew..."

Sure enough, it was the release of Hanlu, and it was arranged by Emperor Baihua in advance...

"If the little girl is not mistaken, the son should be an external cultivator, right? He must not know much about Shi Xing Hanlu. It's no wonder that even the Dabei Immortal King, few people really know about it. Yes. The little girl has served the real person of ancient flowers, and she has heard the real person talk about the disadvantages of this thing. The real person of ancient flower divides the herbs of the fairy family into dozens of subjects. This thing belongs to the family of papaveraceae. Those who take this thing , For example, if mortals eat opium poppy, a large amount will lead to drug addiction. After becoming addicted, they need to take this substance uninterruptedly. Day after day, the drug addiction will gradually deepen, which will gradually destroy the monk's moral foundation and make the monk's cultivation base. Regression day after day... In ancient times, there were ascetic monks who took this food without fear of their drug addiction, and often even used their addiction to sharpen their hearts. However, few people can really fight against the drug addiction, because the way is destroyed. someone here…"

"Ji Shiling gave this thing out of nowhere, but induced the son to steal it himself. First, he was afraid that if he told the truth, the son would refuse to take this thing, which would affect the calculation of obtaining the Nanhai spring water; Come on, I'm afraid I also want to secretly plant a drug addiction in the young master. If the young master takes this thing, and there is no solution to the drug addiction, he is afraid that he will be controlled by Ji Shiling because of the drug addiction. The young master will not like to be controlled by others. Bar?"

Ning Fan's eyes sank immediately.

This thing is comparable to the mortal poppy, isn't it?

If this is the case, even if this thing has the effect of freezing the seal of the punishment ring, it is impossible for Ning Fan to take this thing.

Too much risk!

There was even more anger in his heart. In order to compete for the spring water of the South China Sea, the Great Emperor Baihua actually calculated him with this thing. It is even very possible that there is a deeper calculation behind the addiction...

Hundred Flowers Emperor, something is over!

"I don't know if the little girl told this, the young master is willing to take some risks and help the little girl? Don't you want to take revenge on Ji Shiling one or two..." The blood bee woman gave Ning Fan a deep look and smiled.

The way of revenge, there is one in front of you: release the prisoners of Baihua Emperor, and let Baihua Emperor's many years of plans fail!

"This reason is not enough for me to help you!"

Ning Fan suddenly took a deep breath, and his heart returned to calm in an instant, where can he see that there was anger before.

If it is for the sake of the Great Emperor Chaos, he can endure this calculation for a while; even if it is true revenge, he will not choose it at the moment, but after the event is completed...

The blood bee woman gave Ning Fan a slightly surprised look, but she underestimated Ning Fan's patience, hesitated for a while, and then said, "Well, as long as the young master is willing to help one or two, the little girl will not only pay a lot of money afterwards, but also At this moment, you can also share some benefits with your son.”

"Benefits? What benefits?"

"Young master may wish to take a closer look, what exactly is this frozen sea of ​​blood."

The blood bee woman pointed to the frozen sea of ​​blood in front of her through the blood curtain that enveloped the place.

Ning Fan followed the point of the blood bee woman and carefully looked at the sea of ​​blood, his expression changed from serious at first, to solemn, and then slightly shocked.

"This sea of ​​blood... is actually the blood of the Immortal Emperor! It's just that this resentment is too heavy."

"Young master has good eyesight, the water in this sea of ​​blood is exactly the blood of the Immortal Emperor. Back then, when the real Gu Hua failed to break through the seven tribulations of the ages, he fell under the calamity of the tribulation, and the blood spilled into the river for thousands of miles. In the land of Baihua Buddha, it became a realm of great evil, and the spiritual veins were completely destroyed, so the disciples scattered nine out of ten. Until the arrival of the second Baihua master, it took a hundred years to resolve the resentment of the emperor's death, rebuild the spiritual veins, and restore the spiritual veins of the day. The blood spilled by the real person Guhua was recovered. Unfortunately, although the blood was the blood of the emperor, but because of the resentment, the golden light was lost, and it was unusable, so it was sealed in the treasure house by the second owner of Baihua, and it has been sealed since then. Until Ji Shi Ling became the fourth Hundred Flowers Master, so he took out the blood again and studied it repeatedly, but he didn't know what he was studying; later, the younger generation offended Ji Shiling, and Ji Shiling used the blood to suppress the little girl..."

"The resentment contained in this sea of ​​blood is extremely terrifying. Every few months, a tide of blood thoughts will form. The tide of blood thoughts will not harm people's lives, but it will disturb the hearts of monks. When it was first suppressed, every tide of blood thoughts appeared. , the little girl will lose her mind and fall into madness, and it will take several months to wake up, and then the next tide of blood will alternate continuously..."

"Xu Shi gradually got used to it. As the years passed, the time when the little girl fell into madness became shorter and shorter when facing the tide of blood thoughts. Although the tide came, it was still miserable, but she gradually gained some benefits from it. The resentment in the sea of ​​​​blood contains some memories of the real person Gu Hua before his death, including the scene where the real person Gu Hua failed to survive the calamity, and there are some mysterious magic techniques that were used by the real person before he died... There are several more. The hour is exactly the time when the next tide of blood thoughts arrives. If the little woman pays some price, she is confident to engrave the scene of the ancient flower real person's calamity and give it to the son... Only one can understand this sea of ​​blood. Most little girls can do it, but others can't."

Ning Fan showed a moving expression.

It's nothing more than the supernatural powers and secrets of Baihua Zhenren, Ning Fan may not put it into his eyes, but it is the memory of Baihua Zhenren's failure to overcome the calamity... This is something more precious than the magical powers of the Immortal Emperor!

The monks in the Eternal Realm divide their realm by the number of calamities they have passed. Naturally, that calamity is not an ordinary catastrophe, but a quantitative catastrophe, and its power is by no means comparable to large and small catastrophes such as bone age catastrophe.

For the ancient monks, it is not the most difficult thing to cultivate the mana to the limit, and it is the most difficult thing to lead down the calamity. If you can't lead the amount of calamity, you will be trapped in a bottleneck, and you will not be able to continue to improve.

And for the Immortal Emperor-level eternity powerhouse, it is not the most difficult thing to lead down the calamity, but successfully surviving the calamity is the most difficult thing...

The calamity of Immortal Venerable and Immortal King is not too dangerous. It is the sixth calamity to achieve the throne. As long as you are fully prepared and aptitude enough, the chance of passing through is not small.

However, once he becomes an emperor, the power of the calamity will increase several times and dozens of times. From the seventh calamity, only one-tenth of them can successfully transcend the calamity. countless.

The biggest difference between Immortal Emperor Quantity Tribulation and Immortal Venerable Immortal King's Quantity Tribulation is that there is only one chance to impact Quantity Tribulation. Once the calamity fails, no immortal emperor can save his life.

This has created a situation where most immortal emperors stay in the sixth calamity of the ages: some have insufficient opportunities to lead the calamity to break through the realm; among them, there are also many old monsters whose bottlenecks have been loosened and can lead to the seventh calamity at any time. The calamity, but because there is no certainty of successfully transcending the calamity, he stubbornly suppresses the calamity, and always stays at the sixth robbery, accumulating strength...

For those Immortal Emperors who are eager to transcend tribulation and advance, any experience related to transcending tribulation is precious and invaluable.

If you can observe the memories of other immortal emperors crossing the calamity, it will undoubtedly increase the understanding of the calamity, thereby increasing the success rate of crossing the calamity a little. It's a matter of life and death, so be careful.

It is a pity that the memory of Immortal Emperor Transcending Tribulation is so easy to observe. Those immortal emperors who succeeded in transcending the calamity basically succeeded in transcending the calamity by luck. When transcending the calamity, they often used all their magical powers. The memory of the calamity involves too many secrets, so naturally they are unwilling to do so. shared with others.

It is the top secret of the forces of the great Immortal Emperors!

It is said that Dongtian Shenxu Pavilion has auctioned a memory crystal, in which the memory of a certain immortal emperor's successful transcendence is sealed with a great magical power. It is said that it was eventually taken away by a certain immortal emperor with a damaged innate magic weapon...

It's quite valuable.

The blood bee woman in front of her provided Ning Fan with an opportunity to observe the memory of the Immortal Emperor's Tribulation. Although it was only the memory of the failed Tribulation, it was very helpful for understanding the details of the Tribulation.

However, this benefit obviously still couldn't impress Ning Fan. Who told Ning Fan that he is still far away from becoming an emperor, and he is even farther away from crossing the seventh calamity, so he is not in a hurry to understand this.

"If it's just the memory of the failed tribulation, it's not enough!" Ning Fan shook his head.

"Hmph, for other Immortal Emperor Six Tribulations, for the memory of these failed tribulations, I'm afraid he would be extremely happy to help the little girl one or two. After all, it's just to help deliver something, it's not difficult. The son is still not satisfied, his appetite is really Not small! If it wasn't for the fact that among the people who have entered the treasure trove over the years, only the young master is a little trustworthy, and the little girl can go to other people to help, and there is no need to spend a lot of time with the son here!"

The blood bee woman was a little displeased, seeing Ning Fan's indifference, she couldn't help biting her silver teeth, "The little girl really doesn't have anything more to repay the son at the moment, if she can escape the danger, she will make up the reward in the future, its value is definitely more than this tribulation Memories are more precious, and this little girl can make a vow of a demon soul!"

Ning Fan shook his head slightly, "You don't need to swear by the demon soul. I have three doubts. As long as the girl can answer one or two, it's not impossible for me to help."

Hearing this, the blood bee woman's expression suddenly eased, and she smiled, "You can ask any doubts about your son. The little girl is very happy to answer one or two for the son."

"First, what is the real reason Baihua Emperor suppressed you!"

"This matter..." The blood bee woman was at a loss for words, knowing that Ning Fan had seen through her concealment, her pretty face was slightly sullen, but she did not defend.

"Second, besides the main demon soul and the second demon soul, you seem to have other sub-demon souls, right?"

"Not bad..." The blood bee woman pretended to be calm on the face, but she was secretly shocked. She did have a third demon soul, and the third demon soul was hidden elsewhere, but no one knew about this, it was Ji Shi Ling did not know, how did this man who met for the first time know about this?

"Third, do you guess your escape plan, does Emperor Baihua know?"


The blood bee woman's expression became more and more decadent and desperate.

Even this man who met for the first time saw through her hiding the third demon soul, whether Ji Shiling had seen through it, and even said... Did Ji Shiling already know the whereabouts of her third demon soul?

So is it necessary to continue this escape plan...

If you escape from one calculation, you will enter the next calculation...

"Sure enough, this woman has other sub-demon souls, I'm afraid the person I'm going to find is the other sub-demon souls she hides in the outside world..."

Ning Fan just guessed it casually. Seeing that the blood bee woman's expression was different, he knew that he had guessed the truth.

"I'm so busy, the son will not help..." The blood bee woman said with a wry smile.

"No help!"

Just kidding, why should Ning Fan help a woman who is hiding something from him?

What if she was tricked by her!

"Also, the little girl really needs to reconsider the matter of escaping. If the son doesn't help, he won't help... But considering how much the little girl has given the son of advice, can the son keep a secret for the little girl? Don't tell Ji Shiling about the little girl's intention to escape." The blood bee woman was not disappointed by Ning Fan's rejection, but returned to her calm face.

"Don't worry, I'm not a person with a long tongue. Although I won't help you escape, I won't harm you. And although I won't help you escape, I am very happy to help you in other ways. It is a reward for you to warn Xing Hanlu. something."

So, under the surprised gaze of the blood bee woman, Ning Fan easily broke open her isolated hive, waved his sleeves, and played golden drills, constantly changing the general situation here.

Gradually, the general trend between the sea of ​​​​blood has eased, and the original suppression has eased.

The blood bee woman covered her mouth in disbelief. She was suppressed by the main demon soul at the bottom of the sea of ​​blood. She would have suffered the pain of splitting souls all the time, but with Ning Fan's understatement changing the general situation here, the pain of splitting souls has subsided!

Although the main demon soul is still being suppressed, when it was suppressed, there was no more pain. Having endured the pain for millions of years, the pain suddenly disappeared. The kind of relief is obviously not something that ordinary people can experience, which made the blood bee woman groan directly and comfortably, and she felt comfortable all over.

Looking at Ning Fan's eyes, for the first time, there was a hint of complexity, and there was a deep sense of awe.

Being able to change the prohibition set by Ji Shiling at will... This external cultivator's formation skills are amazing!

Although he rejected the request of the blood bee woman, Ning Fan did not intend to leave early, but stayed here, waiting for the tide of blood thoughts from the blood bee woman's mouth.

It is absolutely impossible for this blood bee woman to pay the price to help him engrave the memory of Gu Hua Zhenren's tribulation.

If this woman didn't help, it didn't mean that Ning Fan couldn't try it on his own. If he could use his own strength to engrave some memories of tribulation from the tide, it would be a beautiful thing.

Four hours later, the tide of blood thoughts started.

Originally in the frozen sea of ​​​​blood, a green thunder suddenly rose. When the thunder light appeared, the blood bee woman suddenly changed color, hurriedly said goodbye, turned into a blood light and hid back to the bottom of the blood sea, but she did not dare to return to the sea. .

Then, the entire sea of ​​​​blood was submerged by the cyan thunder light.

Gradually, the azure thunder light weakened, but what followed was resentment enough to cover the sky, bursting out from under the azure thunder.

"I do not believe!"

"I do not believe!!!"

But it was a roar that echoed from ancient times to today, and resounding from that resentment, it was the roar of the ancient Huazheng before his death!

Ning Fan didn't dare to be neglected, he had already secretly activated the golden light of the Aegis of God's Extermination shield to isolate the grievances of the emperor's death to the sky a few feet away.

At the same time, in the depths of the sea of ​​​​blood, under the oppression of endless blood light, the blood bee woman was talking to a woman with the same appearance as her.

It is the main demon soul of the blood bee woman!

"Sorry, I didn't convince this person to shoot..."

"Hmph, count his fate, otherwise, for the third demon soul, this vast butterfly is a big supplement."

"This person is too careful, fortunately, even if this person doesn't come to the door, the third demon soul should also do it himself. For me and other spirit-eating bees, the smell of the vast butterfly can never be mistaken, nor can it be ignored. of!"

"But there is one thing, this vast butterfly is very reasonable. Ji Shiling must not know everything about our plan. I am afraid that she also wants to confirm some guesses through this matter. If she is not suspicious, why? Possibly imprisoning us here for so many years..."

"This vast butterfly seems to want to use its own power to engrave the memory of Gu Hua Zhenren's tribulation..."

"It's difficult, it's too difficult! Even if you and I work together, we still need to pay a huge price to do this. This person is sealed, and if he touches the memory of resentment, he will lose his mind... Hehe, even if this person is not A punishment that is willing to help, you and I will sit and watch this person, and hurt him under this resentment!"

At the same time, Emperor Hundred Flowers in the inner hall snorted coldly.

If she didn't perceive it wrong, the suppressed spirit-eating bee actually used its hive supernatural powers and had contact with Ning Fan.

Soul Eater seems to know the drawbacks of releasing Hanlu...

In this way, Ning Fan probably won't eat that release Hanlu.

"Hmph, if this person doesn't release the seal, if he wants to enter the top three in the second round, it's like a fool's dream! It seems that if you want to get the Nanhai spring water, you need to find another way, but you don't have to rely on this person's strength. ..." (To be continued.)

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