Grasping Evil

Chapter 1029 Illusory Palm!

After the first round of screening, the 100 contestants with less than 10 losses here will be given a one-hour break, and then the second round will begin on the spot.

Following the ruling, the old man clapped his hands, and more than 500 platforms of life and death here rumbled back to the ground. Then the venue changed, and on the empty stone ground, hundreds of blood lotuses as large as the hood of a car suddenly grew out of the stone.

Ning Fan had inquired about the rules in advance. The blood force ranking battle had reached this stage, and after an hour's rest, the melee fighting was about to begin.

Once the melee begins, the blood lotus here will continue to generate lotus seeds over time. The melee monks here need to compete for these lotus seeds. After the melee is over, the number of lotus seeds will determine the final ranking of everyone.

Anyone who successfully ranks can get rewards from the Blood Martial Arena. The higher the ranking, the richer the reward. As for Ye Lingzhi, it will only be awarded to the person who ranks first.

There are as many as a hundred people participating in the final melee, but it is absolutely impossible for a hundred people to survive to the final ranking. This is a personal melee, but it does not limit the cultivators to form alliances and join forces. During this short rest period, many contestants have begun to secretly win over helpers, in order to better save their lives in the subsequent melee, and get better grades.

Ning Fan's current ranking is ninth, and there are many people who come to him to form an alliance, but most of them are some old monsters who are empty, and there are no broken thoughts level powerhouses to win him over.

Ning Fan naturally disliked the helper of Shekong Xiuwei, and refused all of them.

In the first round of screening, he did not encounter any Shattered Thought-level opponents, so although he was currently ranked ninth, he was considered by some Shattered Thoughts as a result of luck. In the eyes of those people, if Ning Fan was unlucky like Tu Huang, if he met the top eight people one after another, he might have to lose eight times.

After all, it is the first time for a newcomer to participate in the qualifying battle. Even if he has a good record, he will still be questioned.

Compared to Ning Fan, a newcomer, Xian Yuchun seemed to be more popular. Even though he didn't have the cultivation base of Shainian, he was invited by several old monsters of Shainian to form a team. It seems that Xian Yuchun is not the first time to participate in the qualifying battle, but a veteran who has participated in many times. The reputation of the ox has already spread, and he even fought with a young man in the last blood martial arts qualifying battle. Both lose and lose their reputation.

As a result, even though Xian Yuchun currently has a record of seven losses, he is much more popular than Ning Fan. After all, all the contestants know him well.

Most people are busy forming alliances, but there are also a few people who disdain to form gangs, but meditate in place without talking to anyone.

For example, the bronze sparrow fairy, who ranked first in the previous session, believed that his cultivation was strong in the later stage, and did not bother to form a team with anyone at all.

It was a long-haired man in silver armor. The heavy armor could not hide his graceful body. It could be vaguely seen that he was a woman, but his breath was cold and not at all gentle.

Another example is the sword corpse with a very heavy corpse energy. It also has a late stage of broken thoughts, and it also disdains to form a team. It has a fierce look that no strangers should enter. The small black sword, the supernatural power seems to be a combination of corpse and kendo, which is quite strange.

There are also some tyrannical mind-shattering old monsters, who also disdain to form a team.

And the Emperor Tu, who is also disdainful...

"This person asked me, Niugui Supreme, what's the meaning..."

Ning Fan was thinking, when a figure walked up to him, wearing a boxy horn mask, it was Xian Yuchun.

If Ning Fan is not mistaken, this Xian Yuchun seems to have rejected several invitations to form a team from the old minds, and now he ran to him, is it possible that he came to form a team?

"Are you... another master that I recognize? I'm sorry, the previous me has not received the recent memory of the other me, so I don't know your Excellency. I have offended you, I hope Haihan." Kind of guilty.

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed immediately... The other is Xian Yuchun, right? Sure enough, there are some doorways, and even through the mask here, he can recognize his identity.

It must be known that he can do this, relying on the pervasive and powerful rain thoughts, and the powerful breath perception of the unity of heaven and man. In addition to him, the Immortal Venerable Immortal King may not be able to ignore this mask.

And this Xian Yuchun can actually do this... Perception is quite terrifying.

"Sure enough, Xian Yuchun is an extremely rare person with two souls, and you are his other half soul." Ning Fan replied.

As early as the last registration, Ning Fan could see that Xian Yuchun was strange in his body. There are some special people in the world of comprehension who have dual souls. In the words of mortals, they have dual personalities.

Although there are not many people with dual souls, it is not rare. Some are born, and some are acquired. However, it is very rare that the two souls can cultivate separately and have different cultivation bases.

The half-hearted half is fresh Yuchun, and although the cultivation base is not high, the aptitude of Yu Yaohun is a once in ten thousand years.

And this half of Xian Yuchun, whose mind is not damaged, seems to be more qualified than the half Xian Yuchun...

"This matter is the biggest taboo in my body. It is another me, and I don't know my existence. Therefore, when Your Excellency mentioned the half-soul thing last time, I was a little rude. I hope Your Excellency is not surprised." Appropriately as a master, it seems that this one is fresh and pure, and does not recognize his status as a master.

"Everyone has a secret they don't want to be touched, I can understand that."

Ning Fan's answer made Xian Yuchun slightly relieved. For Ning Fan, he didn't have a lot of good feelings, but he didn't have any bad feelings either. However, from the memory of the other half of the soul, he felt the extreme admiration and admiration of the other half for Ning Fan, so he did not want the other half of the soul to have a rift with Ning Fan because of his offense.

After thinking about it, Xian Yuchun said again, "Can I call you Fellow Daoist Ning?"


"That's it, Fellow Daoist Ning, if possible, I hope you will withdraw from the Blood Martial Ranking Tournament immediately."


"If you die here, the other me will be sad. He has seen his close relative die in front of his eyes, because I was born... The meaning of my existence is to keep growing stronger and protect him. Such a me will never allow him to be sad. What happened again! With your cultivation level, you can protect yourself in the face of She Kong, but if you face the old monster of broken thoughts, you may not have a way to survive, and you have no eyes in the melee, so you might as well leave earlier!"

Ning Fan was slightly speechless.

It turned out that Xian Yuchun didn't come to find him to form a team, but to persuade him to retire... His strength seems to be underestimated by this half of Xian Yuchun.

"I won't retire. There is something I want here. If I don't give it a try, I won't leave." Ning Fan shook his head.

"If you need something, I can help you get it! Is it more than 20 Nirvana stone marrow! Or more than 15 Thunder Body Tempering Pills, or, you are just running here [Holy Blood Lotus Seeds] come..."

Ning Fan just smiled without saying a word, and had no intention of leaving, which made Xian Yuchun extremely helpless.

Seeing that Yu Chun was still trying to persuade him, Ning Fan suddenly changed his words, "At this moment, you probably haven't fully received another recent memory of you, right?"

"Yes, it is indeed not fully received."

If I receive all of them, I should know my strength, and I haven't fully received it yet...

"Xian Yuchun has been killed many times, but you have never appeared at a time of crisis. Before that, I never sensed your existence... Your appearance should have some restrictions, right?" Ning Fan asked again.


"Okay, I see, you go back to adjust your breath and prepare for the melee that follows."

Xian Yuchun wanted to say something, but Ning Fan waved his hand and sent him back. He felt even more helpless. He secretly thought that since this Ning Xiu was stubborn and insisted on staying here, he had no choice but to take care of this person on his behalf. Two.

An hour's rest time passed quickly, and the silent arena suddenly screamed into the sky.

With the palm of the hand of the old man slapped by the ruling, the hundreds of blood lotus plants on the stone ground immediately filled with blood, and the blood light shot into the sky.

"here we go!"

Figures jumped high and took the lotus seeds that flew out of the air into their hands and included them in the identity card. The blood martial identity card is actually a space magic weapon. When it comes to the melee, it can be used to store lotus seeds. Every time a lotus seed is collected, the blood light on the identity card will increase a bit.

These lotus seeds have a name called holy blood lotus seeds, which are said to be very beneficial for body refining. If the qualifying battle is over, the lotus seeds collected by everyone will be owned by everyone, which is also one of the rewards.

Ning Fan swayed, and rushed towards the place where several blood lights gathered, took away the lotus seeds in the blood lights, and stored them in the identity card around his waist.

Three holy blood lotus seeds are in hand!

Not far away, there were three old geeks who saw that Ning Fan got three lotus seeds in one go. , rushed towards Ning Fan.

The breath of these three people looked familiar to Ning Fan, and after thinking about it, it seemed that they were the three sea witches who had been deflated in his hands...

Oh, where in life do we not meet...


Ning Fan didn't say a word, but he was hit with an almost brutal punch, which caused the three heroes of the sea witch to vomit blood and fly upside down, but did not hurt the lives of the three.

The three of them suddenly had horror in their eyes. Obviously, they were familiar with Ning Fan's fist skills, so they turned around and ran away, not daring to fight Ning Fan.

Ning Fan was too lazy to chase after him, so he flicked around and went to collect other lotus seeds. In less than 20 breaths, he collected more than 20 lotus seeds.

After twenty breaths passed, the speed at which the blood lotus formed lotus seeds suddenly slowed down. Everyone was no longer busy collecting lotus seeds, but began to fight, snatch, and steal ready-made lotus seeds from others to increase their own achievements.

From the very beginning of the battle, it became intensified, and various screams continued to be heard, and corpses soon appeared on the ground.

Ning Fan, who has more than 20 lotus seeds, is currently ranked 33rd, which naturally aroused the attention of some people. An elephant-faced old monster who was ranked fifty-eighth stared at him.

This person's code name is Blind Elephant. He is an old monster in the early days of broken thoughts. He has a strong blood smell on his body. He has killed several people, but the number of lotus seeds is only eleven.

If he kills Ning Fan and steals Ning Fan's lotus seeds, his grades will skyrocket.

"In the early days of broken thoughts..."

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the ancient demon's fist of destruction slammed out, directly hitting the blind elephant old man until he vomited blood and flew upside down.

His hand has been merciful, but it was enough to shock the blind elephant old man. Obviously, he did not expect that Ning Fan's strength was so terrifying that he could hit him in the early stage of Feishinian with one blow.

Fortunately, he was not alone in attacking Ning Fan, and there were helpers to assist him. His expression recovered in a flash, and he shouted, "The two daoists don't make a move at this time, so when will they wait!"

But after the old blind elephant drank, two black shadows suddenly emerged from the shadow under Ning Fan's feet.

At the moment when the two got out, Ning Fan seemed to have been caught in the immobilization technique, and was fixed on the spot, and he was about to be stabbed by the two who got out with a sword.

His expression was calm. He had already noticed the fact that the two were ambushing in the shadows, and he was not afraid of the other party's mere immobilization magical power. With a shock of mana, he broke the immobilization, and with a big hand, he directly shook the two long swords. smashed, and beat the two to the point where they vomited blood and flew backwards, and their bodies collapsed in the back.

Those two people have the strength to step into the broken mind half a step. They are the helpers found by the blind elephant old man. Although the cultivation base has not really stepped into the broken mind realm, the sneak attack method is extremely clever. It is a sure-fire way to kill the two of them.

But it failed!

"He actually broke the Houtian Eight Nirvana Magic Treasure with his bare hands, this person is so strong!"

"However, this old man has seen the record of this person's fighting skills. This man has a soft heart and never kills his opponents. He must be a Buddhist cultivator who practices the Dharma of compassion! This is also his biggest weakness. If he kills me, he will damage the holy life. Heavy, I don't have to be afraid of him!"

"The physical body has been destroyed, if you return without success, how can you be willing to kill!"

The blind elephant old man and the two sneak attack people shocked Ning Fan's strength while laughing at Ning Fan's soft hand, which is why they dared to attack Ning Fan.

There is a type of Buddhist cultivator who doesn’t want to kill, but just doesn’t dare to kill. No matter how powerful this person is, it’s not scary! In their hearts, Ning Fan is such a person.

And what they love most is to kill this kind of Buddhist cultivator. If you succeed, you will profit. If you lose, you can save your life.

But unfortunately, they were completely wrong. Ning Fan was not a Buddhist cultivator, let alone a soft-hearted person. The previous fighting method was just unwilling to kill people as a monkey show, but it didn't mean that he would be soft on those who took the initiative to attack him.

In particular, the blind elephant old man and others have repeatedly attacked him with killing intentions. For comprehension, if they dare to kill, they must have the consciousness of being killed!

Need to die without complaint!


But seeing Ning Fan's figure flickering, he disappeared in an instant. Almost at the same time, the three blind elephant old men who rushed forward suddenly exploded as if they had been hit hard, and then the sky-shattering sound came out!

The blood rained all over the sky, and the suffocating energy rushed into the sky and shocked the clouds. There were countless fanatical exclamations from the audience on all sides!

"This person... This person actually killed three strong people in an instant, two half-step broken thoughts, and one early broken thoughts!"

"It's a killing fox, this person is so strong!"

"Didn't he dare to kill! He still shot!"

"Physical training! This person's body refining attainments are terrifyingly high!"

"Kill the fox! Kill the fox! Kill the fox!"

More and more people began to shout out Ning Fan's code name for the ranking battle.

The two half-step broken thoughts had a total of 7 lotus seeds, plus the lotus seeds of the blind elephant old man, Ning Fan harvested 18 lotus seeds in the first battle, the number of lotus seeds reached 41, and the ranking rose to 27th!

More and more contestants began to pay attention to Ning Fan, and even that Tong Sparrow Immortal, Sword Corpse and others began to pay attention to Ning Fan.

Xian Yuchun, who was fighting hard with a broken mind in the early stage, was even more shocked. He thought that even if Ning Fan was powerful, his power was limited, and he couldn't compare to him who shot with all his strength, but it seems that Ning Fan is much stronger than him. A little bit, at most, he can only fight hard with the initial stage of Shainian, and the outcome is unpredictable, but Ning Fan can kill the early stage of Shainian in seconds, such strength is really terrible!

"With such strength, it is enough to be a master for another me..." Xian Yuchun said secretly, agreeing with this matter for the first time.

Killing the blind elephant old man was just a trivial matter for Ning Fan. With the power of murder, no one came to trouble him for a while, so he took the initiative to find someone to trouble him, and emptied the strong men one by one. The identity cards were forcibly smashed, and their lotus seeds were snatched away. In just a few hundred breaths, six or seven people were snatched away, and the number of lotus seeds also rose to 55.

The ranking dropped to 29th. Obviously, during this time, someone grabbed more lotus seeds than him and surpassed him in the ranking.

The huge battlefield gradually began to divide into two areas. One area was where those who only had one or two lotus seeds were fighting and killing each other.

The other battlefield is the Shattered Thought-level old monster fighting area, which is a place where those cultivators of Shekong are afraid to set foot!

In a short period of time, more than a dozen people have died, and more than 20 people were seriously injured and unable to fight again. They abandoned the competition and fled the battlefield.

There are still 63 people who can fight!

"Are you a killing fox, Jie Jie Jie, give your holy blood lotus seeds to the old man, the old man can open the net and leave you whole body!"

But seeing a flash of blood, a blood shadow with the breath of the middle stage of the broken thought appeared in front of Ning Fan.

It was an old man wearing a wine gourd mask, codenamed Wine General, who was said to be the fourth-ranked powerhouse in the previous session. In the first round, they also won the promotion, ranking ahead of Ning Fan.

With a wave of the old man's hand, several shadows of blood and fire rolled towards Ning Fan.

Ning Fan felt that the blood in his body was transpiring, and he was running around in the body, obviously being affected by the other party's blood dao technique.

This influence is enough to make the weaker Shainian die in the early stage of the broken thought directly. This old man is definitely a person with outstanding strength in the middle stage of Shainian!

"A powerhouse in the middle of the broken thoughts... The secret technique of blood, killing and wounding in blood, if it is not successful, facing the ancient demons, it is just a little Doyle."

The corner of Ning Fan's mouth twitched. He did not resist the transpiration in his blood, but instead used the demon blood in his body as the dominant force, making the blood transpiration even more violently.

Originally, the old man was attacking Ning Fan with blood, but gradually, the situation changed. I don't know from when, the old man's control over the blood in Ning Fan's body suddenly disappeared. Not only that, but his own blood became stronger. The feeling of being controlled by Ning Fan in turn!


When Ning Fan suddenly drank it, the old man was no longer able to control the blood in his body. Qi and blood exploded in his body, and his body exploded into a blood mist, but then the blood mist condensed into his body again. Compared with before, his breath was weaker. It's just a little bit, it seems to have been injured.

"I can't believe that your Excellency is actually an ancient demon. According to ancient books, the ancient demon is the ancestor of all demons, and the blood secret method is only the inferior of the magic art. In order to fight against the dignified ancient demon, it is not the old man's. Since it is an ancient demon, it is This old man's Ten Thousand Buddhas Slaying Demon Sword will take your life, sick!"

The old man's breath suddenly changed, and he actually changed from blood dharma practice to Buddhist dharma. The voice came out.

"It's the Ten Thousand Buddhas Slaughtering Demon Sword! It turns out that the true identity of this drunkard is not a magic cultivator, but the host of Xuantong Temple in Liuli City!" There was an exclamation from the audience, but it was a pity that the person who exclaimed was soon He was executed by a few shadows that flashed past.

Even the audience can't violate the rules of the blood martial arts arena and expose the identity of the contestants!

The golden sword glow is extremely terrifying, blessed with Buddhist magical powers, it seems that it is born with great lethality to ancient demons, and it is a natural demon-slaying weapon!

Ning Fan instinctively sensed a hint of danger from this sword glow, and subconsciously wanted to deploy the golden light defense of the Aegis Destroyer Shield, but immediately, this idea was overruled by the fanatical demonic thoughts of the ancient demon bloodline, which seemed to be endless. The bloodline magic sound roared in his body, constantly giving birth to a fanatical fighting spirit!

Can't go back! In the face of Buddhist cultivation, never retreat!


Ning Fan's demonic thoughts suddenly erupted, and the ancient demon's will to destroy the Dao was almost instantly deprived of his sanity, but he was instantly recaptured.

This is the proof that he has not fully grasped the will of the ancient demon's destruction, but at this moment, he is not allowed to think about it any more, so he has to obey this will and gradually gain something!


A loud bang came out, but Ning Fan directly slammed the sword edge of the golden sword light with his fist bone!

The moment the fist and sword touched, Ning Fan's body was directly smashed by the Buddha's magic power on the opponent's sword, and his entire arm was destroyed by the opponent's sword, slashing into blood mist!

Seeing this, the alcoholic old man laughed proudly and said disdainfully,

"A mere ancient demon, who dares to take over the treasure of the Buddhist family's demon-breaking, is really stupid! Die!"

With another finger, once again the golden sword beams slashed towards Ning Fan overwhelmingly.


In the face of the old man's ridicule, Ning Fan just showed a smile, a demonic sneer, the right arm's demon fire ignited, and immediately in front of everyone's eyes, the broken arm was reborn in an instant.

It is the Nirvana in Fire technique of Fengyi's veins!

"There is actually an ancient demon magical power! And this ancient demon magical power also combines astrology and a recovery technique that I can't see through..."

The alcoholic old man frowned slightly, but the sword light didn't stop. At this moment, Ning Fan, seeing the sword light as nothing, slammed the fist again, hit the sword, the fist and the sword clashed, the result was still Ning Fan flew out, but this time, his arm did not break, just The bones are broken, but the body is not broken.

The alcoholic old man frowned deeper, vaguely feeling that Ning Fan had a slight improvement in the two fights before and after, but he couldn't tell what the improvement was. However, he was not slow in his hand, and once again slashed with his sword, attacking Ning Fan.

Ning Fan, on the other hand, relied on the Nirvana Rebirth Technique to heal his injuries again and again, and again and again almost foolishly shook the blade of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Slaughtering Demon Sword!

Face to face time and time again, the injuries he suffered from the slashing sword of the Buddha became less and less severe. Gradually, he gradually began to be uninjured, and he received the attack of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Slaughtering Sword completely with his flesh!

For the power of the Buddha Dharma to break the devil in this sword, it gradually became resistant, and even gradually turned around, suppressing the Buddha sword, and in the last confrontation, an almost arrogant blow, with the palm of his hand. It shattered the opponent's Buddha sword!

"Impossible! It's unheard of for a monster to compete with the same level of Buddhism!"

A demonic breath that was enough to make him feel frightened suddenly leaked out from Ning Fan, and then, a powerful fist that was enough to distort the space was punched out by Ning Fan.

Suddenly there were countless visions of the collapse of the Buddha Peak!

This is the ancient demon supernatural power that Ning Fan has realized... The ancient demon breaks the mountain!

As soon as this punch came out, Ning Fan's power suddenly took a moment to take time out. The power of the fist can't be described. Even though the drunk old man used another Buddhist magic weapon to pick up the fist, he still smashed the magic weapon with one punch, and was beaten to the point of vomiting blood and flew out backwards. A panic!

During the retreat, that fist strength was still climbing, like a volcanic eruption, it surpassed all his defenses in an instant, so that after his body protection spiritual suit was broken, his fleshly body collapsed directly in the retreat, and only the primordial spirit escaped by luck. , even if the mask is broken, it can no longer hide the identity!

One punch, the middle of the broken thought!

"So that's the case... The so-called Buddha's suppression of the devil is just a kind of will-level suppression, the suppression of the will of the devil by the will of the sky! Today, I cannot change the fate of the devil being lower than the Buddha, nor can I resist the will of the sky. But if it is only to suppress the will of the middle stage of the broken mind, it can still be done. As long as the will has the upper hand, it is not impossible for the devil to reverse the suppression of the Buddha, at least it can be done on this person!"

"What I can't think of is that the more times I fight with authentic Buddhism, the stronger my control over the ancient demon's destruction in my body, and the higher the degree of fit! I think that as long as there are enough fights, I will be able to Complete control of this power!"

Ning Fan felt the shattering will of the ancient demons in his body, and found that he had strengthened his control over this power. Obviously, it was the result of the battle with this old man, and he was immediately satisfied.

The alcoholic old man was crazy, and his identity was completely exposed, so he was unscrupulous, and he had to avenge the revenge of Ning Fan's destruction of his body! Some finale techniques that were reluctant to use, afraid of revealing their identities, finally gritted their teeth and used them.

"You are very strong! But what's the matter? I didn't intend to use this technique, but now I have to use it! The open fire is stacked, and the fire is burning!"

The alcoholic old man did not know what secret technique he used, and the entire Primordial Spirit suddenly shrank in a circle, as if the loss was enormous.

Suddenly there was a vision of a huge golden lamp in the sky. The golden lamp wick was originally extinguished, but as it suddenly ignited, a ray of blue flame light suddenly came out from the wick!

Just a faint ray of light!

But it has an indescribable power, as if just a ray of light can suppress all living beings and dispel all darkness. In the state of the alcoholic old man, it is enough to kill the middle stage of ordinary broken thoughts with one blow, but the power is terrifying!

"Open fire stacking technique! This, this is the unique skill of the disciples of Guangming Buddha! Run away!"

Some contestants who were close to Ning Fan immediately fled in horror, but unfortunately they still fled slowly. As the ray of light fluttered down, Ning Fan was standing within a hundred meters, and suddenly, in an instant, he turned into a Glittering world!

Hundreds of millions of filaments of light, within a hundred feet of Ning Fan, pierced through everything, emitting the sharp sound of thousands of birds, and six or seven people who were too late to get out of the air and broken thoughts directly died in it!

Below the Immortal Venerable, no one can clearly see what happened within that dazzling hundred zhang, only the wave of light of destruction, constantly radiating from that hundred zhang light!

"This killing fox, I'm afraid it won't survive..." In the audience, some people who were paying attention to Ning Fan shook their heads.

The alcoholic old man also thought so, laughing happily, this is the supernatural power he used to fight but the primordial spirit heavy damage, if he can't kill Ning Fan, he will really live in vain.

But the next moment, he couldn't laugh anymore.

The hundred zhang rays of light dissipated, revealing some cracked stone ground, and Ning Fan who was unscathed!

The well-known Zhongzhou underground rock has been damaged, but this killing fox is intact, this... how is it possible!

I do not believe!

The alcoholic old man's eyes widened, but he had no room for disbelief. Ning Fan's body flickered, and he directly bullied the seriously injured and sluggish alcoholic old man's Yuanshen. With five fingers, he indifferently killed the old man.

If you dare to kill, you must have the consciousness of being killed!

This is also because Ning Fan activated the Aegis Destroyer's defense, so that he could be unscathed. Otherwise, just relying on the ancient demon's body and the ancient demon's Nirvana supernatural power, he would not dare to take such powerful supernatural powers. After all, the ancient demon cultivation base alone, He is lower than this alcoholic old man, and he has already been in a leapfrog battle, so he has to use some means.

Silence, there was a moment of silence in the audience! Ning Fan's killing of an old alcoholic would not shock everyone so much, but being able to walk out of the open flames of high-level practitioners without injury was beyond everyone's expectations!

The number of lotus seeds increased to 129, ranking ninth! It's back to this ranking again, but this time, no one thinks that Ning Fan did it by luck!

Even if the Bronze Sparrow Immortal shot, it is impossible to kill the drunk old man so quickly. If Ning Fan's strength was placed in the previous session, it would be enough to compete for the first place. There is no doubt that Ning Fan is really the blood martial artist in this session. One of the dark horses of war!

"This person will be one of the obstacles in this qualifying competition, and it is necessary to eliminate it first!"

The sword corpse glanced coldly in the direction of Ning Fan, and suddenly it turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards Ning Fan. There were cheers in the audience immediately, obviously looking forward to the next battle between killing foxes and sword corpses.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the sword corpse turned into a yin wind, only to float halfway, and was stepped on the ground by a figure who was intercepted halfway.

"He's mine, you can't rob him."

The indifferent people who stepped on the head of the sword corpse were actually the Emperor Tu who was not noticed!

No matter how the sword corpse struggled, it could only lie on the ground like a dead dog, and could not climb out from the feet of Tu Huang!

Since the first round, Tu Huang's record has been consistent, and since he was the first to participate in the qualifying battle, he was not regarded as a powerful character by the audience. However, at this moment, the corpse of the sword, one of the dark horses of the ranking battle, could easily be stepped on under the feet, which really shocked everyone!

To easily subdue a Broken Thought late stage, this Emperor Tu... What is his cultivation base? Could it be that he is a powerhouse who has stepped into the realm of eternity in half a step!

"No, not half a step, this person, this person..."

An old monster who had been fighting hard with Cultivator Shekong suddenly slapped an opponent he couldn't defeat before he slapped him to death.

This old monster, who was in the air, is actually a half-step eternity, but with his cultivation base, looking at the emperor slaughter, there is still an unfathomable feeling!

That Emperor Tu is definitely the real Eternal Immortal Venerable, even higher!

With this person here, who can compete for the first place!

Just like this old monster, Banbu Wangu, who deliberately lowered his cultivation base among the crowd, and several others, all looked unexpected, and were frightened by the strength displayed by Tu Huang.


Tu Huang's eyes swept away lightly, and an indescribable power suddenly shocked the group of cultivators to retreat, clearing a huge open space, only to prepare for his duel with Ning Fan.

"Killing Fox, fight me!"

This voice had an indescribable majesty, reverberating between heaven and earth, and it didn't dissipate for a long time. It was heard in the ears of the group of repairers, and countless people were shocked with blood from their noses and mouths.

Not the power of the Immortal Venerable... but the Immortal King!

"I am not your opponent now."

Ning Fan frowned. He had been paying attention to Tu Huang for a long time, but he did not expect Tu Huang to be so powerful. With this person, it is undoubtedly an extravagant hope to win the first place.

"Indeed, you are not my opponent now, so, so!"

But seeing Tu Huang spread out his palm and swiped his five fingers in the direction of Ning Fan, the punishment ring in Ning Fan's body suddenly changed. For some unknown reason, under Tu Huang's supernatural power, it was a little illusory, a little...disappeared!

Has the ring been destroyed by this man? !

Ning Fan was both shocked and angry. What was shocked was that this person could destroy his punishment ring in the air. The strangeness of his magical powers was truly incredible.

He is angry, of course, because the punishment ring is destroyed, he will have no place in this Dabei clan, and there are so many unfinished business, he does not want to cause any disputes, he can not be chased by the five emperors of Zhongzhou, endure So much, what's the point!

"No, the punishment ring is not destroyed, this is... the power of the palm of the illusion! The disappearance of the punishment ring... turned out to be just an illusion!"

The opponent is not a fairy king! It is the Immortal Emperor, and he is still the Great Emperor!

The moment Ning Fan realized this, his long-sealed blood-robbery cultivation had disappeared due to the mystery of the punishment ring, and he recovered in no time!

An extremely strong aura that also reached the realm of eternity, like a gust of wind, surged out of him and swept across the entire arena, like King's Landing!

"Eternal Immortal Venerable! This killing fox... turned out to be Immortal Venerable Eternal!"

Countless audiences were shocked!

Then came the unparalleled fanatical cheers! (To be continued.)

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