Grasping Evil

Chapter 1045 6 reincarnations without you...


Generally speaking, there are two sources of Dao fruit. One is to kill to get fruit, and the other is to cultivate artificially. The probability of the former is too low, the higher the Dao Fruit, the lower the probability of condensing after death.

The latter has a very high probability of obtaining the Dao Fruit. As long as it is cultivated properly, there will basically be a harvest.

There are many different ways of cultivating Dao fruit artificially: some people plant the Dao, like farmers planting fields; some people surround lakes to raise Dao, such as fishermen raise fish; some people set up a large array of gathering spirits to gather the power of heaven and earth to condense into Dao fruit …and the list goes on and on.

But in fact, there is a third source of Dao Fruit in this world.

There is also a kind of dao fruit, which is born and raised in the sky, with a tree as the root, without any human cultivation, and through the changes of spring and autumn, it can breed the dao fruit on its own.

This is the case with the ancient Buddha Taoism.

The fruit of ancient Buddhism is not cultivated by human beings, nor is it the fruit of killing people, but the fruit of an innate ancient tree.

This tree is called the ancient Buddha tree, which grows on the holy mountain and is said to be left by saints. This tree bears fruits every thousand years, and the number of fruits produced each time is limited, but only a hundred or so. Most of these fruits will be distributed to various sects in the holy mountain, and only a dozen or twenty will be kept for holding the ancient Buddhist meeting.

The threshold for participation in the Ancient Buddha Association is extremely high. Generally speaking, non-immortal monks cannot participate, and there are many other restrictions. Rao is so, every ancient Buddhist conference will attract strong people from all directions to come, and many people come here to taste the ancient Buddha Taoism, so that the number of participants in the previous ancient Buddha conferences has never been less than 100 people. .

Hundreds of people eat 10 or 20 ancient Buddhas and Dao Fruits, of course, it is not enough. When there are more monks and less porridge, one Dao fruit often needs to be cut into several pieces for several people to taste together.

There are not many ancient Buddha and Taoism fruits that everyone can eat.

Tu Huang originally thought that even if Ning Fan seized the ancient Buddha fruit, it was estimated that there would be one. If it is divided equally, one person eats half of it.

However, when Ning Fan took out six ancient Buddha Dao Fruits one after another, he couldn't help being a little surprised based on Tu Huang's experience. After being surprised, he frowned and asked.

"You said you got this ancient Buddha fruit from Hongzang's storage bag?"

"Yes, it's what's in the Hongzang storage bag."

"The ancient Buddha's dao fruit is of great value. With the identity of Hongzang, he is not qualified to have six dao fruits. Do you understand what I mean?"

Tu Huang thought for a while, Ning Fan probably didn't know the rarity of the ancient Buddha's fruit, so he told Ning Fan the origin of the ancient Buddha's fruit.


Ning Fan immediately frowned.

"What the girl means is that this fruit is not owned by Hongzang himself, but given to him by an existence with huge energy?"

"Well, at least they have to be at the level of the five emperors in Zhongzhou to be able to take out six ancient Buddhas and Dao Fruits at the same time, and even the immortal emperors of Zhongzhou will probably have to accumulate for many years before they can keep these stocks. After all, the holy mountain is distributed to everyone. There is only one case for the Zhongzhou Immortal Emperor every thousand years..."

"Could this Hongzang belong to a certain Zhongzhou emperor?"

"Behind it may be the Great Emperor of Zhongzhou or someone from the Holy Mountain, but these are just speculations. If these speculations are true, you killed Hongzang and took away the ancient Buddha's fruit, and this matter is very likely to be provoked again. A certain Immortal Emperor character."

"...If this is true, who is the person behind Hongzang?"

"...You ask me, how would I know? The mere fact that the newly promoted Immortal Venerable belongs to me is just a trivial matter. I would not have cared about it in the past." Tu Huang yawned and used this action. Silently said that she was no longer interested in the topic of Hongzang.

Ning Fan once again felt that it was a mistake that he did not search for Hongzang's soul in order to save trouble, but slashed it with one sword. In this way, he doesn't even know who is behind Hongzang, and he doesn't even know which Immortal Emperor Fang may have offended... I'm afraid he's not afraid, but he feels a little troublesome.

Fortunately, the cultivator has the ability to never forget. Ning Fan recalled the scenes of Hongzang's strength test. When Hongzang showed his magical powers, almost all the immortal emperors showed surprise, as if they did not understand Hongzang. Only the Buddha Weeping Emperor seemed to understand it in his chest, and seemed to know Hongzang very well...

Is it possible that Hongzang is a person of Buddha Weeping Emperor?

Thinking about the previous events, Hongzang seems to want to join forces with Shi Dang to snatch Wu Yan's map and his own map. Both Ning Fan and Wu Yan belonged to Emperor Hundred Flowers. Hongzang wanted to ruin their phantom exam results, it seemed that he wanted to target Hundred Flowers Emperor...

Immortal Venerable aimed at the Immortal Emperor, if it wasn't for the instructions of a certain Immortal Emperor to give Hongzang 10,000 courage, he would not dare to do so.

If it is the Buddha Weeping Emperor... Does it mean that the Buddha Weeping Emperor does not want to see the Baihua Emperor's injury healed perfectly, so he wants to prevent the Baihua Emperor from getting the South China Sea spring water...

"Between the five emperors in Zhongzhou, the grievances are really complicated..." Ning Fan sighed.

"That's natural. Zhongzhou is no better than Sanyan or Sacred Mountain. There are limited resources for self-cultivation here. There are five Immortal Emperors at the same time, and there are always disputes between them. They won't be friends... Well, stop talking nonsense, let's eat the ancient Buddha fruit quickly! I'll teach you how to take it."

Taking the ancient Buddha Taoism requires extremely solemn rituals, fasting and bathing, burning incense and praying.

Fasting and bathing is nothing but a form of walking; the matter of burning incense is a key point. It is necessary to use the aroma of special Buddha incense to seal the medicinal power of the ancient Buddha, not just a form. This is very important. If not, the medicinal power of the ancient Buddha and Dao Fruit will leak out a lot, resulting in a great waste.

Tu Huang gave Ning Fan a brief explanation, then took out many items from the storage bag, placed incense tables and offerings on the vast open space, and then burned incense and candles, praying sincerely.

It was the first time that Ning Fan saw Emperor Tu in such a pious manner, with his hands clasped together, his beautiful eyes slightly closed, and under his bangs and eyelashes, there was an incomparably calm and peaceful face.

At this moment, Emperor Tu was acting like the most devout believer in the world.

"You also come to light some incense." Tu Huang finished his prayers, opened his eyes, and said to Ning Fan.

"Haven't you already lit incense, isn't it enough to seal the loss of the medicinal power of the ancient Buddha's fruit?"

"Enough is enough, but you ate the fruit left by the holy ancestor, shouldn't you give the holy ancestor an incense in return?"

"What you worship is the holy ancestor of your Dabei clan?"

"Of course. The holy ancestor left the ancient Buddha tree. This is the reason. You and I eat the ancient Buddha fruit. This is the fruit. This incense is not only to seal the loss of medicinal power, but also to pay off the cause and effect. Haha. , you are still young, you don't understand, the cause and effect of saints, but you can't mess around... Of course, even if it's just out of respect for ancestors, I should put this incense stick."

Naturally, Ning Fan did not have any respect for the Saint of Southern Medicine. However, since Emperor Tu mentioned the cause and effect of the saint, Ning Fan didn't mind burning an incense.

It is reasonable to eat human fruit and return incense. A cultivator, as it should be.

After the ceremony, the two finally began to share the fruits, six Dao fruits, three per person.

Emperor Tu's spiritual sense is very powerful, and taking the ancient Buddha's fruit is naturally very easy, and soon absorbs the medicinal power. Ning Fan is different. He refines the medicinal power very slowly, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry. He seems to be savoring and thinking about something.

His spiritual sense is not weak, but it is not too strong. It can only be regarded as the middle level of Immortal Venerable.

Among the four bloodlines, the ancient demon family is the least good at cultivating spiritual sense. The aptitude of Taicang Jieling for spiritual sense is only mediocre. thought is more appropriate.

However, Ning Fan's two strongest bloodlines are Jie Xue and Ancient Demon. As a result, even with the superposition of the four bloodlines, Ning Fan's spiritual sense can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, not so outstanding.

Of course, this was the result of not using the power of rain.

If the rain technique is used, Ning Fan's spiritual sense perception can be instantly elevated to an extremely terrifying realm. But that can only show that the rain technique is powerful, and it cannot be said that Ning Fan's spiritual sense itself is powerful.

The improvement of spiritual sense above Immortal Venerable requires not only an increase in the total amount, but also some kind of qualitative change. Ning Fan didn't know this before, but at this moment, he took the ancient Buddha's Dao Fruit, and he was surprised to find that while the total amount of spiritual sense increased greatly, it also ushered in some kind of qualitative change!

After all, he ate three Ancient Buddha Dao Fruits in one go, which brought enormous benefits to his spiritual sense cultivation base!

"Oh? This kid has not yet become an Immortal King, has he touched the bottleneck of the 'Eternal Four Thoughts'..." Tu Huang, who was on the side, showed a slightly surprised look.

The Eternal Four Mind Realm is a spiritual realm that only the powerhouses above the Immortal King have the opportunity to achieve. Of course, it is only a chance. There are a lot of people who can't even reach the first realm of the four thoughts realm. This child can touch the bottleneck of the first realm of the four thoughts before entering the fairy king, but he is really capable.

The Four Realms of Eternal Thought refers to the four most profound realms of spirituality. From low to high, they are the four realms of , , and .

If you cultivate your thoughts like a waterfall, the spiritual thoughts of the Immortal King cultivators will be vented like a waterfall, and they will soar several times!

Cultivation of the mind is like a stream, and the control of the monk's mind will be raised to an unimaginable realm.

As for the specific magical effects of the latter two realms, Tu Huang did not know. So far, she has not cultivated her thoughts like dripping water.

For the Immortal King, it is rare for a person who can cultivate into a mind like a waterfall.

For immortal emperors, those who can cultivate to the second realm are often the kind of powerful immortal emperors who are almost invincible at the same level.

Because of the difficulty of practicing in the Four Minds Realm, Tu Huang was surprised that Ning Fan touched the bottleneck of the Four Minds Realm before he entered the Immortal King. This is not a realm that can be cultivated just by taking three ancient Buddhas! Absolutely not!

"This son's spiritual sense may be at the critical point of qualitative change... These three ancient Buddha and Dao fruits should only be a medicinal guide..." Tu Huang thought secretly in his heart and made a judgment.

She was right. For Ning Fan's fellow practitioners of the four faculties, Spiritual Mind is not only the total integration of the four faculties, but also brings about qualitative changes through the accumulation of the total amount.

In the past, the total amount of spiritual sense of the four elements was insufficient, so the qualitative change could not come.

However, at this moment, the three ancient Buddha Dao Fruits filled the total amount that Ning Fan lacked, and this qualitative change finally showed signs of it!

Think like a waterfall!

Ning Fan's face was slightly painful. In the sea of ​​​​knowledge, there was a constant burst of severe pain, and the spiritual sense was like a waterfall torrent, frantically surging in the sea of ​​​​knowledge!

Before taking the ancient Buddha fruit, Ning Fan's spiritual sense was at the middle level of immortals.

The medicinal power of the three ancient Buddha Dao Fruits directly made Ning Fan's spiritual sense travel from the middle of the Immortal Venerable all the way to the limit of Immortal Venerable!

After reaching the limit, Ning Fan's sea of ​​consciousness had a tendency to split and reorganize, as if a pair of invisible hands were tearing apart his sea of ​​consciousness piece by piece, and then put it back together again.

The process of tearing is naturally impossible without pain. And because the sea of ​​​​consciousness is the most sensitive part of the monk, any pain here will be magnified hundreds or thousands of times by the keen perception. With the determination of Ning Fan, he can't help but take a breath.

However, the benefits of this kind of tearing are also enormous! Ning Fan's spiritual sense has been raised to the limit of Immortal Venerable, but now, every time the spiritual sense is torn and reorganized, this limit will increase!

As the number of tears continued to accumulate, the limit of the sea of ​​consciousness increased, gradually reaching a terrifying level.

Double it!

three times!

Five times!

ten times!

Ning Fan was horrified. According to his estimation, if the Sea of ​​Consciousness was successfully reorganized, his spiritual sense would skyrocket tenfold again based on the limit of Immortal Venerable!

Immortal Venerable's limit of spiritual thoughts can be compared with some weak immortal kings.

If it skyrocketed tenfold on this basis, Ning Fan's spiritual sense would definitely surpass the vast majority of Immortal Kings in one fell swoop!

But unfortunately...the reorganization of the sea of ​​​​consciousness was only halfway through, and it failed. The limit of the sea of ​​​​knowledge that was constantly increasing, with the failure of the reorganization, shrank back a little...

Ning Fan opened his eyes with some regret and let out a long breath. This is an opportunity for the divine sense to skyrocket tenfold, yet he failed like this... No matter how firm his mind is, seeing the duck in his hand fly away, there are still some negative emotions bred. Fortunately, with his state of mind, these negative emotions were easily dissipated.

"Unfortunately, it's still too early for you to break through Nianru Waterfall... Don't be discouraged, there are still opportunities in the future, you can break through slowly. With my qualifications, I failed to break through Nianru Waterfall over a hundred times. , if you succeed in one fell swoop, I will have no face to live." Tu Huang comforted with a tone he had expected.

"Thinking like a waterfall?" Ning Fan was slightly surprised. It was the first time he had heard of this term. Did it refer to the reorganization of the sea of ​​​​consciousness he had just completed.

"You haven't heard of the Eternal Four Thoughts? It's interesting, it's really interesting. You haven't even heard of the Four Thoughts. You can actually touch the bottleneck of the waterfall. You are really a freak." Tu Huang sighed. .

Those immortal kings who have cultivated their thoughts like waterfalls, which one did not do this with painstaking preparations for many years.

Tu Huang originally thought that Ning Fan had been preparing for many years before taking the opportunity of the ancient Buddha and Taoism as an opportunity to bring about a qualitative change in spiritual sense cultivation. Now, it seems that this child is unprepared for the cultivation of these four realms of thought...

Hehe, if this can all break through successfully, it would be hell! Is it really a child's play to break through the four thoughts?

Emperor Tu briefly explained things related to the Four Immortal Realms, and Ning Fan sighed while listening.

Think like a waterfall...

The realm that most immortal kings cannot touch in this life...

He didn't enter the Immortal King, but he has already touched it! Could it be that this is the benefit brought about by the change of yin and yang? After all, according to his latest understanding, the essence of yin and yang changes, summed up in one sentence, is the transformation of millions of streams into the sea, which is a kind of unique learning from quantitative change to qualitative change. This time, the qualitative change came suddenly, but it seems... it is closely related to the rise in the understanding of Yin-Yang change.

Thinking of this, Ning Fan couldn't help but ponder.

Thinking about it again, even those immortal kings who have been preparing for many years often fail many times before they can break through this realm of spiritual sense. He failed once or twice, and he really shouldn't sigh.

There will be opportunities in the future, and you will make breakthroughs after you are fully prepared! Thinking like a waterfall, ten times the spiritual thought! The reason aside, since the opportunity for the qualitative change of the spiritual sense has already appeared, he will definitely seize the opportunity and make the spiritual sense truly breakthrough!

Counting the time, it took Ning Fan half a day to refine the ancient Buddha and Dao Fruit. Now it is the twenty-fifth day of the illusion test, and there is not much time left.

The two repaired here again, and then set off to enter the sixth floor, and Ning Fan was still walking with Tu Huang on his back.

Although Ning Fan failed to break through the waterfall, it still made the cultivation of spiritual sense improve a lot. From the middle reaches of Immortal Venerable to the limit of Immortal Venerable, it can be regarded as a very terrifying effort.

The sixth floor is different from the fifth floor. There are no guards. However, there are a large number of illusion traps. There are flowers and plants all over the place. All of them may be illusions. under attack.

It was also these illusion traps that made Ning Fan clearly feel the benefits of Divine Sense. Many of these illusion traps are at the level of low-grade Tai Xuan illusion. If the spiritual sense is not improved, Ning Fan can at most see through 30 or 40% of the illusion traps here.

Now that the spiritual sense has improved, Ning Fan has been able to see through more than 90% of the illusion traps here!

The remaining 10% are often those illusion traps that reach the middle-grade Taixuan level! The middle-grade Taixuan illusion technique is almost comparable to the ancient overhaul technique, and because this place is the Fire Soul Tower, not to mention that Ning Fan can't see through it, even if it is replaced by the Five Emperors of Zhongzhou, it is also a situation, and it is difficult to completely see through it!

"There are 360 ​​fierce places on the sixth floor, where are we going?" Ning Fan asked as he moved forward cautiously.

"I won't go anywhere. The good things on the sixth floor have been taken away by the powerful people of the Holy Mountain as early as countless years ago. Where can I get you and me? Only the first five floors are left for the contestants to obtain. It's just a treasure. You and I have only one destination, let's go to Liudao Huangquan!"

"Liu Dao Huangquan? Is there such a mark on the map?" Ning Fan asked in surprise.

"This place is not marked on the map, or even exists in the knowledge of the vast majority of holy mountain powerhouses. Without a certain degree of cultivation, it is impossible to understand the existence of this place, just like the existence of the five supreme beings cannot be understood. generally."

"What place is that?"

"It's a place...somewhere between the real and the unreal."

"You're too mysterious. That's all... What can I do for you? If it's too dangerous..."

"If it's too dangerous, you won't help me? There are huge benefits here. Have you heard about the quasi-sage opening his eyes?"

"Open your eyes! The girl is saying that these six yellow springs will actually help the quasi-sage open his eyes and make great progress in his cultivation!" Ning Fan was instantly moved.

He heard the legends about opening his eyes from Taoist Musong. Although he also led down the Yuanyuan Bridge during his trip to Musong Island, in the end, he did not open his eyes.

Tick, tick, tick...

In Ning Fan's ears, the sound of dripping water that he heard back then seemed to be echoing, and the gentle voice of the mysterious woman seemed to be echoing.

'Little Butterfly, don't sleep, wake up. ’

‘Little Butterfly, don’t sleep, don’t sleep. ’

'If I sleep again, I won't be able to catch up with the once-in-a-decade morning moon in the ancient mountains...'

If he had opened his eyes back then, he might have been able to figure out what was behind these things.

It's a pity that he couldn't do this... After all, it's too difficult to open his eyes, and many quasi-sages can't do this step. As a citizen of the Underworld of the Illusory Dream Realm, as a practitioner, it is countless times more difficult for Ning Fan to open his eyes, and it is reasonable to be unable to do this.

This matter, in the end, can only become a big confusion in his heart...

Wait, could it be said... The inner confusion that Tu Huang said is also a similar thing!

Is it the confusion that can only be solved by opening your eyes?

Ning Fan opened his mouth and wanted to ask a question, but then he felt a little inappropriate. Tu Huang didn't want to talk about the confusion in his heart, it must involve some secrets, otherwise he would have explained a thing or two to him long ago. Tu Huang didn't want to say, why should he ask.

"Oh? You've actually heard about opening your eyes, so I don't need to introduce any more. This place is called Liudao Huangquan. According to the Supreme Being, it seems to be a part of the real Liudao Huangquan. , is the boundary of all life and death, the illusory. The first time I made a deal with Niugui Supreme, I was brought there by him. He seems to be a frequent visitor there. There are six ancient mountains, and the ancient mountains float above the yellow spring. It is said that They are all left by the ancients. By the way, when I say this, let me remind you that one of the ancient mountains is very dangerous, because on the ancient mountain, there is a line of incomparably terrifying words... 'Six Dao Huangquan without you', huh, just six words. , However, the coercion is immortal, and it has been passed down to this day. It can be seen that the person who left the word is by no means easy, I am afraid it is the third step of cultivation... You, don't come within a thousand feet of that ancient mountain, otherwise, you will die!"

Ning Fan's expression froze slightly when he heard the words "Six Paths Yellow Spring without you".

Six Paths of Yellow Springs without you...

Six Paths of Yellow Springs...without you...

For some unknown reason, Ning Fan seemed to hear sadness, bitterness, and despair in these unremarkable words.

On the contrary, it was Emperor Tu's reminder, which was almost ignored by Ning Fan, so Emperor Tu reminded him again and felt relieved when he saw that Ning Fan really remembered the warning.

She didn't want her companion to be killed by ancient characters as soon as she went to Liudaohuangquan...

"...Six paths of yellow springs help quasi-holy monks to open their eyes, because that place has extreme yang. The yin there is extremely terrifying, almost reaching the limit that the extreme core sanctuary can bear, so the transformation of the cathode produces a small amount of it. Extreme Yang. But don't wishful thinking that you can harvest too much extreme Yang from there. The big head was taken away by the five supreme beings. After all, extreme Yang is an important material for quasi-sages to open their eyes. There is a small fraction found there, and whether it can be successfully collected depends on your ability..."

"As for me... I came here not for the extreme sun. I want you to help me enter the end of the illusory..."

Ning Fan said with black lines all over his head, "The end of the illusory... Isn't this statement too poetic?"

"No, this is not a metaphor, but a narrative. There is really the end of all illusions, you will know when you go there... Of course, if you are also confused in your heart, you may be able to see the truth behind the illusion there. Find the answer. The power of Liudao Huangquan can deduce all the past, present and future..."

Speaking of this, Tu Huang took a deep breath, clenched his fist into a fist, and pierced his nails into his flesh, causing pain in his heart.

Her delicate body trembled even more, as if she was afraid... The only thing she was afraid of was the answer within reach.

"You can resist the power of the five-fingered illusion. Your cultivation level has not exceeded the limit of the Six Paths of Huangquan. If it is will definitely be able to enter the depths of Huangquan, and you will definitely be able to help me find the answer! Ning Fan, please help me!"8

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