Grasping Evil

Chapter 1048: The Secret of Hun Kun Sect

Ning Fan was slightly startled and replied, "What kind of power is the Holy Sect of Hun Kun... As for the Reincarnation Technique, do you mean my Celestial Fixation Technique?"

Today, it is not the first time that Ning Fan has heard the name Hun Kun Sect.

As early as the beginning of his cultivation, he had heard the word "Hun Kun". At that time, his cultivation base was still shallow, and his opponent's strength was quite strong, a monk who knew the 'power of true yang', and then Luo You passed on a formula to him. Once this formula came out, he actually counted the opponent's 'power of true yang'. swallow.

At that time, Ning Fan was still inexperienced and did not know that the so-called 'power of true yang' was actually just a cultivator's imitation of the power of extreme yang between heaven and earth.

And the power of the extreme yang is an indispensable thing for quasi-sage cultivation. The formulas passed on by Luo You seem to have... special restraint on the power of extreme yang...

Ning Fan will always keep that formula in his heart, and even in his future practice, he will occasionally study this formula. He just thinks that this formula is extremely broad and profound, but because of its incompleteness, it is difficult to understand...

Perhaps, this was the first time Ning Fan came into contact with the name Hun Kun, but at that time, it was far from possible for him to know what these simple two words represented.

Later, he soared to the East, and after many years of hard work, he entered the wild ancient realm to experience, and was involved in a huge storm.

In that turmoil, he gained a huge opportunity to become the tenth generation of the savage gods of the Daoman clan, and obtained one of the fragments of the heaven-opening tool, the Aegis Destroyer!

This was what the God-destroying Aegis said to him when he first saw the Ancient Kingdom's God-destroying Aegis.

The Aegis Destroyer Ning Fan possessed was actually only the sixth fragment left after the real Aegis Destroyer was broken.

The fourth shard seems to be the previous life of the Undying Emperor...

The Aegis of Destruction seems to belong to the Holy Sect of Hun Kun, but for some reason, it fell into the hands of the first-generation Barbarian God, Barbarian Mountain...

In that turmoil, Ning Fan came into contact with the Holy Sect of Hun Kun for the second time. And then, Ning Fan's Zhanyi Dao Sword was upgraded to a Sea-Defying Sword, and he was once again involved with the Holy Sect of Hun Kun.

Ning Fan still remembered that on the Daoist drawing of Ni Haijian, there was such a sentence left by the painter.

Along the way, how could Ning Fan not know that the so-called Hun Kun Sect is an extremely huge force among the three real worlds. As for how huge it is, Ning Fan doesn't have much conception, and he doesn't know much, so he will ask this question.

"You haven't heard of the Holy Sect of Hun Kun? You don't know what the reincarnation technique is?" Tu Huang was quite surprised.

"do not know…"

"Aren't you a descendant of the Eastern Demon Ancestor? Haven't your parents told you about this?"

"There are still descendants in the lineage of the Eastern Demon Ancestor? I am not a descendant of this lineage,

I haven't even heard any news about the descendants of the Eastern Demon Ancestor..."

"Then where did you learn your fixed reincarnation technique?"

"Because of some luck and chance, I learned the Dong Yaozu's body-fixing technique, prestige word formula, and potential character secret. After I mastered it, I became the true appearance of today's sky-setting technique. And I don't know, this is There is another name for the fixed sky technique, called the fixed reincarnation technique…”

"You don't know anything, you can figure out this technique on your own to what it looks like today, you are really a freak!"

Tu Huang was filled with emotion, and then he was relieved when he remembered that Ning Fan was one of the rare practitioners of the unity between heaven and earth. A cultivator like Ning Fan was originally a type of person with the highest comprehension between heaven and earth. It is not impossible for him to find out the sky-setting technique on his own by chance.

"I am a little concerned about what the girl said before. Why did the girl call my celestial fixation technique the fixed reincarnation technique? Why did she mention the name of the Holy Sect of Hun Kun? The girl also said that the celestial fixation technique of the Eastern Heavenly Ancestor was stolen. Learning...what does this mean..." Ning Fan asked with a frown.

"You have too many questions, I will answer them one by one. Let's talk about the Holy Sect of Hun Kun first, you should know that there are three real worlds, right? The real world is so huge that it is far from the fantasy world you are in. Compare. The Four Heavens and Nine Realms that you wait for the outsider to live in now, plus the Heavenly Demon Realm, the Ancient Demon Abyss, and many broken interfaces such as my Dabei Clan’s Jidan Sanctuary, together, it was the past. A complete fantasy world. In the past, when the fantasy world was complete, there was no passage blocking between the demons, demons, and gods, but they lived in a common world. Of course, in this common world, there are not only gods, demons, and demons. There are many ethnic groups, and there are many small ethnic groups. Like my Dabei clan, and like the various real world leftovers living in the cracks of the four heavens rivers..."

"But even the Dream World in its former complete state is just a grain of sand in the Ganges River compared to the Real World, which is really insignificant."

"The vastness of the real world is not something you can imagine. From what I saw in my dreams, even the powerhouses of the Immortal Emperor level are flying with all their strength without sleep and restless. "

"Because the real world is boundless and boundless, no second-step cultivator can know how many kinds of creatures and forces exist in a real world..."

"For me and other monks in the fantasy world, the third step saint is a legend, and the fourth step is an unimaginable existence. But you know, even if it is a saint, even if it is the vast majority of the fairy emperors in the real world. , do not dare to offend the Holy Sect of Hun Kun easily! Its overall power even surpasses the Zidou Immortal Domain in its heyday! There is also a legend that the peak powerhouse among the immortal emperors, the Zidou Immortal Emperor, is in Before Daocheng, he was subdued by the great master of the Holy Sect of Hun Kun, suppressed in Foshan for five hundred years of reincarnation, and was released after his sentence was completed..."

The Holy Sect of Hun Kun... A power that saints and most immortal emperors would not dare to offend... Legend has it that before the immortal emperor Zidou was established, he suppressed him for five hundred years of reincarnation...

Ning Fan seemed to be listening to a story with relish. On the one hand, he was shocked by the power of the Hun Kun Sect. On the other hand, he felt that the story told by Emperor Tu was too far away from himself, but it lacked a lot of realism. For this Hun Kun Sect, there was no How much awe.

"You're relaxed. I've said so much, so you're not nervous at all? Are you afraid?" Seeing that Ning Fan was listening with relish, Tu Huang couldn't help but feel speechless.

"What should I be nervous about? What should I be afraid of?" Ning Fan asked in surprise.

"If I tell you that there is a big problem with the sky-setting technique you have learned, and you may even be wiped out by the Holy Sect of Chaos due to this, aren't you afraid?"

"What do you mean! What's wrong with this sky-setting technique? Could it be..." Thinking of the words of 'stealing' that Tu Huang said before, Ning Fan couldn't help but have some guesses.

"As I said before, the Celestial Conditioning Technique of the Eastern Demon Ancestor is not just his own creation. In a dream, I heard some disciples of the Holy Sect of Hun Kun talking, and I heard them say that the Holy Sect of Hun Kun was talking. His signature supernatural power is the fixed reincarnation technique. The Eastern Demon Ancestor, who was once a named disciple of the Hun Kun Sect, was expelled from the Sacred Sect for stealing this technique. The Eastern Demon Ancestor did not learn it completely. He has only learned a little bit of the reincarnation technique, but his understanding is astonishing. He just relied on his own comprehension and combined the constellation technique he had learned secretly to create his own constellation technique... Do you know how the Eastern Demon Ancestor is? dead?"

"I have seen such a scene in a dream... A sage of the Holy Sect of Kun Kun, from a pool called the Karma Pond, crossed the distance between the real world and the dream world, fished out the demon soul of the Eastern Demon Ancestor, and Kill it in the Holy Sect!"

"The crime of killing the Eastern Demon Ancestor is precisely because of the Celestial Conditioning Technique! Back then, the Eastern Demon Ancestor did not succeed in stealing the Reincarnation Technique, and he was lucky enough to survive, but this time, he created the Celestial Conditioning Technique, and even made this technique a fixed reincarnation. Some rudiments of the technique, this violated the ban of the Holy Sect of Hun Kun, and he could not escape death after all! The sage then fished out many descendants of the Eastern Demon Ancestor from the Karma Pool! The descendants that were fished out were none With one exception, all those who have already learned the complete sky-setting technique will be wiped out! As for the descendants of the Eastern Demon Ancestor who have not yet learned it, they will feel pity and let them go... Now, you are not afraid! not nervous?"

Tu Huang glanced at Ning Fan with a slight sigh.

If the scene she saw in her dream is not false, then once Ning Fan has learned the complete sky-setting technique, it is very likely that one day in the future, he will be wiped out by the Hun Kun Holy Sect far away in the real world with the same great supernatural power. …

Even if this is the fantasy world created by Immortal Emperor Zidou, it is very far from the real world, and there is no possibility of life!

At this moment, Ning Fan finally changed color.

Crossing the countless distances between the real world and the fantasy world, killing the ancestors of the Eastern Demon and many of their descendants... Is this really possible!

Isn't this the fantasy world created by Immortal Emperor Zidou!

Didn't the eyeball monster say that the coordinates of the fantasy world here are secret, and even the Taicang Jieling family can't find out the details!

However, the result was that the East Demon Ancestor was killed, and was killed by the saint of the Hun Kun Shengzong far away in the real world...

The charge is... having completed a complete confinement technique!

Ning Fan knew very well that his current sky-setting technique could only be regarded as a preliminary accomplishment. At present, he can only combine the body-fixing technique, the secret of the power word, and the powerful word technique, but compared with the complete fixation technique of the Eastern Demon Ancestor, there are actually some important things missing...

In the past, Ning Fan didn't know what was missing from his Celestial Conditioning Technique, but now he can guess that what is missing must be related to the word reincarnation. Some principles, and these principles related to reincarnation, Ning Fan's current sky-setting technique does not have.

It can be said that now, the celestial fixation technique he has learned is not a complete set of celestial fixation technique.

If one day, he learns this art completely and learns the essence of fixed reincarnation, does it mean that the obliteration of the Holy Sect of Hun Kun will follow?

If there is no reminder from Emperor Tu today, with his aptitude, he will most likely complete the reincarnation part of this sky-setting technique one day in the future. The consequences... I'm afraid it is inevitable to die.

That is the Holy Sect of the Kun Kun that even the vast majority of the Immortal Emperors of the True Realm are afraid of!

Thinking about it again, since he ascended to Dongtian, although he is secretive, it is absolutely impossible for him to not be known by any Dongtian Great Emperor.

Obviously such a powerful secret technique, but no great emperor has ever come to plot against him and seize this technique...

Perhaps, the great emperors of the East Heaven are better than each other, and the reason why they do not covet this technique is that they do not want to follow in the footsteps of the Eastern Demon Ancestor...

"This technique ends here, don't perfect it any more. Once you learn it completely, your death will come. Don't take chances. You should know what a serious crime it is to steal and tamper with a unique technique. No. Speaking of the Holy Sect of the Kun Kun, looking at the sects in the world, which one can tolerate the rumors of secret techniques." Tu Huang warned.

"I understand, I won't practice this technique until it is complete without the strength to compete with the Holy Sect of Hun Kun." Ning Fan replied after being silent for a while.

"Use as little as possible, and if possible, never use this technique again! After all, this technique involves the cause and effect of the Holy Sect of Hun Kun. Using this technique more will not benefit you at all!"

"I understand."

"It's good to understand. I'm also out of concern for my partner, so I will remind you one more thing. It's getting late, so I'll cut out one eye and give it to you."


It was the sound of nails piercing flesh! It's the sound of nails digging out eyeballs!

Emperor Tu buttoned his left eye out without anyone else, and strangely, there was not a drop of blood flowing out. Obviously, this eye-pulling thing is within his ability.

After pulling out his left eye, Tu Huang closed his left eye, only opened his right eye, and handed the warm left eye to Ning Fan's hand.

Ning Fan was slightly speechless, "You really don't care about your body."

First, she cut the meat to feed the Tiangu, and now she casually pulled out her left eye, as if she were playing... This woman doesn't know how to take care of herself. This is the conclusion that Ning Fan came to after summarizing the woman's deeds.

"The physical body is just a skin, and the primordial spirit is the foundation. It is enough to cherish the primordial spirit. You don't have to cherish a mere skin. Anyway, I won't damage the primordial spirit myself. .

"as long as you are happy…"

Ning Fan was too lazy to debate with Tu Huang about the importance of the body and the primordial spirit, so he closed Tu Huang's left eye and seriously asked how to use the pig face treasure box.

Then, he hit the pig face treasure box in his hand with a finger, and said something in his mouth, "Prajna Parami!"

This is the formula for the operation of this treasure box.

Following this formula, the pig face on the treasure box suddenly spit out millions of rays of moonlight and swept around.

About half of the incense passed, and the pig face opened his mouth to inhale, sucked the moonlight back into his mouth, and burped.

"In this way, the time point of this place is located by this treasure box. If you really have an accident, you can reverse the time and return to this place. But I want to remind you that the use of this treasure box is not unlimited. Yes, in one day, you can only be resurrected ten times, that is to say, you can only die ten times in the depths of this yellow spring at most. Remember?"


Recording the time, Ning Fan put the pig face treasure box in his arms, and then jumped from the boat into the Yellow Springs Sea.

After a stick of incense, a muffled groan came from the depths of the sea.

Then the whole world, the moonlight swept across the four directions, and everything began to turn back time...

Ning Fan died for the first time...

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