Grasping Evil

Chapter 1058: Ancestor Thunderbird

Ancient country…

Ancient country again...

[Ancient Kingdom Destroying Aegis] was the first time Ning Fan heard this prefix, [Nine Serenity Ancient Kingdom Caught Well Formation Diagram] was the second time, and this time, it was the third time...

The word ancient country may really have some kind of actual meaning, rather than a general reference.

Looking at the mountains of gold and silver piled up in the storage bag, Ning Fan's eyes had an inexplicable look. His previous speculations seemed to be correct. There is a reason why Wu Laoba is so keen on the gold and silver of the Dabei clan.

I wanted to find a time to torture Wu Laoba to see what the mystery of these gold and silver is, but unexpectedly, Wu Laoba will take the initiative to explain everything...

"Tell me specifically what the ancient country trading formation is all about."

"Master, don't be in a hurry, listen to Xiaoba slowly."

Wu Laoba sorted out his thoughts and continued,

"My teacher, the ancestor of Heiyun, loved to collect treasures from all over the world. He has a lot of treasures from ancient and modern, and he has a lot of research on ancient and modern history. When my master was alive, he once told me this passage: The world is an egg, when the egg is broken into pieces Three pieces create the three real worlds. The primordial nothingness outside the eggshell is where countless illusions reside, in which all living beings are empty. However, before the egg of the three realms was born, and before the history of these three real realms, In fact, the world of the heavens is not divided into reality and illusion, and the heaven and earth are not as clear and turbid as they are today. If the current era of self-cultivation is called the "Three Realms Era", then before the Three Realms Era, there was another The era belongs to the ancient country, belongs to the ancient gods..."

"Master only told me these words. He didn't want to tell me more about other great secrets of heaven and earth. He said that knowing a lot is not necessarily a good thing. I asked Master what the ancient kingdom was and what the ancient gods were. Master suddenly became angry, severely punished, and ordered me not to explore those great secrets of heaven and earth..."

Ning Fan's eyes flashed slightly. The world is an egg... Before the Three Realms era, there was another era...

Ning Fan originally wanted to ask more questions, but then he thought about it, Wu Laoba's master didn't tell him too much, and he probably didn't know the specifics, so he gave up.

"...Later, Master accidentally got some strange gold and silver, and under great joy, in front of me, he set up a strange formation, and made an incredible transaction with that formation. That formation has bought a congenital magic weapon!"

"After the transaction was completed, the master handed me a jade slip. The jade slip recorded the arrangement of the ancient country's trading array, so I wrote it down."

"I looked at the jade slip. On the jade slip, there is not only a detailed diagram of the ancient country's trading formation, but also a brief introduction to the ancient country's trading formation. It is said that within the real world today, there is an ancient sect named Tongtian Sect. Unlike other sects, they are hidden from the world all the year round. Very few people in the three real worlds even know where the teaching site of this Tongtian Sect is. This Tongtian Sect does not care about common affairs. The last descendant of the ancient kingdom is self-identified. This sect lives up to its name. It has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth. It can make deals with the world of the heavens by means of a square formation. Whether it is a monk in the three real worlds or a monk in the fantasy world, as long as you hold the gold and silver of the heavenly way, And set up the ancient country trading array, you can cross the realm and make a deal with the Tongtian Sect... Of course, monks from different realms can actually make transactions across the plane with this array, but if they are not directly with the Tongtian Sect. For transactions, you need to pay extra costs, and there is a small chance of transaction failure..."

Speaking of which, Wu Lao Bayi turned his hand, took out a jade slip, and handed it to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan's spiritual sense broke the seal on the jade slip and checked the contents of the jade slip. It took half an hour to see it before he retracted his spiritual sense, with a strange look in his eyes.

Ancient Kingdom Trading Array!

There is such a strange formation in the world, which can cross the realm and make deals with other people!

Wu Laoba's master even used three taels of gold to buy a congenital magic weapon!

"The gold in your storage bag will not be less than 100,000 taels, and the silver will not be less than one million taels. I don't think it's all the gold and silver that you mentioned. It was traded in the ancient country. The exchange rate of gold and silver, I don't know,

Don't look at silver, just look at this gold. If the more than 100,000 taels of gold here are all Tiandao gold, then according to the ratio of three taels of gold to one innate magic weapon, wouldn’t it be possible to buy tens of thousands of innate magic weapons from the world of the heavens? "

Thousands of Innate Magical Treasures…

The limitations of the punishment ring are gone! With Ning Fan's strength comparable to the second robbery of all ages, if he holds tens of thousands of innate magic weapons and encounters Immortal Emperor Dabei, he doesn't even have to use his supernatural powers to directly detonate 10 or 20 innate magic weapons. hurt...

"Master is joking. Naturally, these gold and silver cannot be the real heavenly gold and silver, but only contain a very small amount of heavenly gold and silver. If it is properly refined, about one hundred thousand taels of gold can only be extracted for one or two days. Gold, if heaven is silver, it’s almost the same ratio…”

That is to say, the Dabei gold and silver here can only be extracted for one or two days of Taoist gold and one or twenty two days of Taoist silver?

And Wu Laoba also mentioned the words 'proper refining', that is to say, if the refining method is not so perfect, there will be losses, and the real gold and silver of heaven may not be as expected...

But what...

"I have three questions."

"Master, please, it's Xiaoba's supreme honor to be able to clear up the confusion for the master!"

"The first question, do all Dabei gold and silver contain the elements of heaven's gold and silver?"

"According to Xiaoba's investigation, all the gold and silver of the Dabei clan has the ingredients of heaven's gold and silver."

"Second question, do you think the strong men of the Dabei know that the currency circulating in the clan contains the elements of gold and silver from the heavens?"

"Ordinary people certainly don't know, and the powerhouses above the eternity are not necessarily. After all, the Dabei are the descendants of the saints in the real world. It is natural for some people in the clan to know the existence of the gold and silver of the heaven. There is only one possibility for the currency circulation of silver. Either they do not know the technique of refining the gold and silver of the Heavenly Dao, or they do not understand the formation method of the ancient country's trading array. My master once said that the refining of the gold and silver of the Heavenly Dao requires Arranging a special [Ancient Kingdom Refinement Formation], whether it is a formation formation or a trading formation, is a top secret between heaven and earth. Since the monks of this family let the gold and silver of the Heavenly Dao circulate in the hands of ordinary people, they must lack formation formations and transactions. Either one of them, or both…”

Wu Laoba's analysis was quite consistent with Ning Fan's guess, and he said after being silent for a while.

"The third question, do you have the formation diagram of the ancient kingdom?"

"There is an array diagram, but with Xiaoba's ability, it is a bit reluctant to set up this formation, and it is even more difficult to control. If the master wants to extract these gold and silver, it is better to do it yourself. If Xiaoba does it, it will inevitably be due to the skills. Improper, lost a lot of gold and silver."

Wu Laoba took out another jade slip and gave it to Ning Fan. In this jade slip, the ancient kingdom's formation was recorded.

Now that the formation and trading formations are in his hands, Ning Fan can use his own strength to extract the elements of heavenly gold and silver from Dabei's gold and silver.

"You gave me two array diagrams, as well as a large amount of Dabei gold and silver, which may be of great use to me. I have received this intention. We may have had festivals in the past, but these festivals will start from today. , a write-off. In return, I can promise you a condition as a reward. As long as it does not exceed my bottom line, any reward is fine, that is, to remove the prohibition in your body and return you to freedom! I have something to leave the valley. For a few days, you stay here, don't leave this valley if you have nothing to do. As for the reward, you can consider it slowly."

Ning Fan put away the storage bag full of gold and silver, and flew out of the valley.

Those magical beasts planted by him, after he left, forcibly broke free from the illusion in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, but unfortunately the illusion was too powerful, even the four-headed Immortal Venerable Warcraft here could not break free from the illusion. Where driven.

Wu Laoba was so surprised that he could not close his mouth.

He never thought that when he was soft-hearted for a while and offered a second treasure to Sha Xing, Sha Xing was so generous to give him a reward, that is, to release his bondage and restore his freedom, that's fine!

Freedom, what a miss, isn't that what he's been trying to get back? Unexpected gain!

But... once he regains his freedom, he is no longer Ning Fan's servant, and he can no longer stay by Ning Fan's side. Hehe, Ning Fan is his lucky star, and it is the turning point of his bad luck. If he leaves Ning Fan, his bad luck will definitely follow, and his road to repair will definitely be difficult and bumpy, and the breakthrough of the second calamity is far away!

Wu Lao Ba Wei laughed again and again, he didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that he seemed a bit cheap, and he actually wanted to be a slave to Ning Fan.

Only for the benefits of following Ning Fan!

He couldn't bear to let go of Ning Fan's thick thighs, he hugged Ning Fan's thighs tightly, and he was expected to cultivate all the way to the realm of the Immortal Emperor and become the Great Emperor of Black Fortune!

In this way, he will not foolishly ask for any freedom as a reward. Well, think about it carefully and ask Sha Xing for some other reward. By the way, it is better to let Sha Xing collect other parts of the Emperor Fei Luck Suit for himself...

Wu Laoba thought about it secretly, and decided in his heart that being loyal to Ning Fan was the absolute right choice.

No, it is rare for him to be loyal once, and he will be rewarded, right?

Ning Fan flew away from the valley all the way, his spiritual sense turned into a drizzle, and dispersed to one fierce continent after another, and finally selected the most desolate continent and galloped away.

Fuyue and the others have their revenge, while Ning Fan has Ning Fan's plans.

He left Fuyue and the others in the valley of the beast's lair, and the surrounding of the valley even laid out formations to isolate cause and effect investigation. It would be very safe to leave them there, and he would have to take risks in this extreme core sanctuary alone.

During the period, they may confront Immortal Emperor-level powerhouses. In such a dangerous situation, it is naturally impossible to bring them with them.

Being calculated, the punishment ring was destroyed. As a result, Ning Fan would not be able to make public appearances in the Dabei clan, otherwise it might lead to a large-scale pursuit again.

"Immortal Emperor Dabei sensed the causal severing, and most of them thought I had already left the sacred sanctuary of the extreme core. Unfortunately, I didn't leave. I want to find the Jiuli Sacrificial Artifact! The innate soul nourishing elixir that is still lacking, I want to find it! I want the body that Yue needs! I will definitely go to the execution of Emperor Tu in half a year!"

"This status world is very restrictive to me, but if you want to forcibly open the Xuanyin world, it may not really be impossible..."

"The things that Wu Laoba presented are very useful. With the help of the ancient country's trading team, my previous plan is undoubtedly more convenient, and I can obtain a lot of materials very easily..."

With a snort, Ning Fan landed towards a desolate continent. As soon as he landed, several beasts lurking in this place attacked. Unfortunately, these beasts were too weak, and only a mere emptiness was cultivated. The demonic light in the left eye flashed, and the few beasts lost their eyes and became stupefied, and then they were invaded by illusions. They consciously retreated several miles away, with an extremely respectful attitude, and consciously patrolled and protected the surrounding area for Ning Fan. .

Ning Fan landed on a bald peak, looked up at the sky of the Dabei clan, and became solemn.

Next, he's going to do something crazy.

He wants to disobey the power of the realm in this realm and forcibly open the Xuanyin realm!

The process is very likely to be huge, so he chose to act here. He doesn't know if he can succeed, but half a year is really not enough! If you want to save Emperor Tu, no matter what the plan is, you need more time to prepare!

The Xuanyin Realm must be opened!

He must enter the Xuanyin Realm and use the Tower of Years in it!

If the power of this realm prevents him from acting, then why would he be the enemy of the entire interface of this realm!

Ning Fan opened his mouth and spit out a stream of light, which slowly appeared in front of his chest, turning into a magic weapon that looked like a jade lock, which was the yin and yang lock. The black hair was windless and automatic, raised his hand and pressed the jade lock in front of him, shouting,

"Xuanyin Realm, open!"

As soon as he drank, his figure immediately began to blur, and he began to inhale little by little into the Xuanyin world of the Yin-Yang lock, but unfortunately, at the moment when he wanted to forcibly enter the Xuanyin world, there were suddenly hundreds of millions of thunder lights in the sky. The flickering ripples of the avenue appeared, and there was a force of confinement with the vastness of the sky, falling from the sky, causing the half-opened Xuanyin realm to be forcibly closed.

Failed to open!

"Since the Dao of this world is blocking me, don't blame me for killing the soul of this world!"

With a wave of his hand, the Sea-Defying Sword was in his hand, and the weight of the seven stars gathered the sword beams of the Yin-Yang Five Swords and the Daoist Sword.

Countless avenues of ripples shattered in response, but in the next instant, the ripples were restored.

There are also countless thunder lights, converging into an ancient giant beast pupil, slowly opening on the top of the sky, staring coldly at Ning Fan below!

That is the gaze of the heavenly soul in this world!

Heaven has a soul, so after cultivating the supernatural power to draw the soul of the heaven, the monks can borrow power from the heaven. Because of the soul, the Great Dao of One Realm can function normally.

At this moment, the Taoist soul who is in charge of the Heavenly Dao of Extreme Pill Sanctuary, because of Ning Fan's resistance, opened his ancient eyes and stared at the small and humble figure below.

"Outside repair..."

The ancient sound of the avenue reverberated in the air.

"That being the case... Convicted of defying God's will... Kill!"

The ancient killing intent descended from the sky, and then there were thousands of angry thunders, slamming down from the sky, trying to smash Ning Fan into powder.

"The power exercised by the Heavenly Dao Soul in this world is really thunder..."

Ning Fan seemed to have confirmed a certain guess in his heart, and was more confident about resisting the Heavenly Dao Soul. He pointed to the sky a little, and a huge blood-red thunder map appeared in the air. There were many broken and cracks on the thunder map. , so that Lei Tuwei could not fully exert his energy, but he slowly opened it with Ning Fan's thoughts.

Wandao Tianlei slammed down from the sky, with the power enough to kill the immortals in a hurry, but that Leitu just sucked and took Wanlei away, making Tiandao's slaughter in vain.

"With the thunder power of the surrounding area...isn't it enough to kill you...that's the case...two-land thunderfall!"

But under the order of the ancient voice, the thousands of thunders that fell from the sky directly doubled, and the power increased greatly!

Originally, it was just a piece of the fierce continent where Ning Fan was at the moment, but at this moment, the thunder force of another surrounding continent gathered!

The thunder force of the two continents was still not enough to kill Ning Fan, and all the thunderbolts were taken away by Taisu Leitu and used for his own use.

"Sanlu Lei Luo!"

The thunder force of the third Fierce Territory Continent was also summoned, but it was useless!

"Four land thunder falls!"

Still useless!

"Jiulu Lei kills together!"

The Thunder Killing Tribulation, which is enough to kill the Second Tribulation Immortal Venerable, is still unable to break through the Thunder Map defense!

"Fifteen Lu and Lei kill together!"

"Twenty-two Lu Lei killed together!"

"Thirty-three land Leiyun Town!"

When the lightning power that had killed Ning Fan increased to the total of thirty-three pieces of the Fierce Territory Continent's lightning power, Ning Fan was finally struggling.

At this moment, the thunder calamity descended by the Heavenly Dao Soul is involved in the immortal king of the Three Tribulations, and it will also be severely damaged.

"Sure enough, you still need to use the Aegis of Destruction for defense..."

This idea had just arisen, but it was immediately smothered by Ning Fan.

There are two reasons.

First, Ning Fan discovered that in the process of continuously devouring the Thunder of Heavenly Tribulation, some of the cracks in his Taisu Lei Tu were repaired by themselves under the nourishment of the devoured thunder.

Most of those cracks were injured by the thunderstorm when protecting Xianluoli that day, but now they are repaired by swallowing the thunder force of this world. I have to say, this is an unexpected gain, and Ning Fan does not intend to be so soon. Abort this Raytu repair.

Second, Ning Fan found that every time Taisu Leitu devoured some Heavenly Tribulation Thunder, it would reduce the lightning element power of the entire realm of the Extreme Pill Sanctuary. The magnitude of the drop was so small that even Immortal Emperor Xian Xian could hardly notice it, but how perceptive Ning Fan was, he naturally captured the drop in Lei Yuan's power between heaven and earth.

This seems to be... a windfall as well!

According to the information he obtained, the Buddha of Light ordered more than 3,000 tribes of the Dabei tribe to sacrifice thunderbolts. Almost all the thunderbolts previously reserved by each tribe were donated, but it was still not enough for the needs of Buddha of Light.

Therefore, each tribe can only send their headquarters Lei Xiu to artificially condense the thunder force between the heaven and the earth to create thunder. If the thunder element force between the heaven and the earth is reduced because of Ning Fan's action of swallowing the thunder, most of them will also respond to the thunder of those Lei Xiu. It has an impact, the speed of mine-making will definitely slow down a lot...

"I fought against the Heavenly Dao in order to forcefully open the Xuanyin Realm, but if I could swallow some Heavenly Dao Tribulation Thunder along the way, it would not be bad if the concentration of the Lightning Yuan Force in the entire Extreme Pill Sanctuary would decrease!"

"In this case, there is no need to rush to use the Aegis Destroyer. First, use the Thunder Map to devour the Thunder Power of the Extreme Pill Sanctuary!"

Ning Fan knew very well that with his current cultivation base, it would be difficult to contend with the combined lightning power of the thirty-three continents, but if he used the power of Jiu Li...

"Dark Demon, merge with me!"

"The master has his life, the black devil dare not refuse to obey!"

With an order, Jiu Li, who had not used it for a long time, was finally used by him again!

Originally, Ning Fan's ancient demon cultivation base had soared, and his overall cultivation base was already comparable to that of the Immortal Venerable Statue of the Second Tribulation of the Ancients. At this moment, the power of the nine raccoon Taoist soul is integrated. Ning Fan's aura suddenly rose steadily, all the way up to the level of the Immortal King of the Three Tribulations of the Ages!

This is... the power of the Immortal King!

Ning Fan's own cultivation has not reached the level of the Immortal King, but at this moment, with the help of the black devil, he has forcibly reached this level!

The aura on his body became stronger, and Lei Tu's power suddenly soared. After Ning Fan borrowed the power of the black devil, the huge beast pupils that were indifferent and ruthless on the dome suddenly became fearful. color.

The soul of heaven in this world recognized the nine raccoon aura on the black devil!

It seems that there is a monstrous hatred between it and the Jiuli clan. At this moment, when I suddenly see a Jiuli, the killing intent suddenly soars to an unprecedented level!

"Bailu Thunder Boom!"

In an instant, the thunder force of a hundred pieces of the Fierce Territory Continent was gathered in one place, and the power of the thunder tribulation was instantly increased to the level that was enough to kill the Immortal King of Five Tribulations!

This kind of thunder force gathered, the momentum was too huge, and on top of the dome, an ancient thunderbird condensed.

In the next instant, Thunderbird wrapped a hundred pieces of the total thunder force of the Fierce Domain Continent and slammed into Taisu Leitu.

The surging thunder force instantly exceeded the critical point of Taisu Leitu's endurance, causing Taisu Leitu to crack again in the sound of clicking.

"Is this the power of the Heavenly Dao Soul in this world? It really isn't comparable to the Rain World and the Wilderness..."

The soul of the Heavenly Dao in the rain world is Li Xiaoxiao, who was once bullied by Ning Fan.

The savage Heavenly Dao soul is a black cat and nine raccoons. Under the identity of Ning Fan's tenth generation of savage gods, he directly surrendered, and the process was extremely easy.

All kinds of experiences have made Ning Fan underestimate the Heavenly Dao Soul, but at this moment, seeing the power of the Heavenly Dao Soul of the Extreme Pill Sanctuary, Ning Fan has to admit that his actions against the Heavenly Dao in this realm and forcibly opening the Xuanyin Realm are a bit arrogant. .

But even if he is arrogant, he must open the Xuanyin Realm!

If Taisu Leitu can't deal with the soul of the heavens here, he doesn't mind taking the strongest attitude of destroying the shield to face the vast heavens!


Ning Fan was about to take back Leitu when suddenly, the voice of the black demon sounded in his mind.

"Master, don't take this Leitu back!"

"The black devil can't smell it wrong. This thunderbird has the breath of the ancestor thunderbird! The ancestor thunderbird is as delicious as the carp... ants!"

"Please use Lei Tu to contain the thunder incarnation of the ancestor Thunder Sparrow, and let the black devil... sneak attack on this sparrow! Catch it back and act as Turing of Lei Tu!" (To be continued.)

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