Grasping Evil

Chapter 1190 Ant Lord

When beauty returns to the body, the wonderful feeling is indescribable in words. It is as if the glaciers of the ancient times melted into the sea, and the land that had dried up for countless epochs regained its moisture.

The murderous aura of the donkey puppet was originally earth-shattering, but as Ning Fan's aura rose steadily, its aura was gradually suppressed by Ning Fan's aura!

Two thousand calamities!

Three thousand kalpas!

Five thousand kalpas!

Eight thousand calamities!

A thousand calamities!

Ning Fan's mana was rising steadily, and in just an instant, it climbed all the way to the height of 14,200 calamities!

The donkey puppet was the closest to Ning Fan, and was the one who was most impacted by Ning Fan's aura. Unprepared, he was directly knocked back by Ning Fan's aura for more than ten steps, only to barely stabilize his body. Although there was no expression on the rigid puppet face, its puppet body was trembling slightly, and Ning Fan instinctively felt a great sense of danger.

Even the old man who was talking in a topsy-turvy manner was frightened by Ning Fan's sudden burst of aura, and was surprised.

"14,200 calamities? You can actually cultivate so much mana in the Immortal King Realm! This is not something that any god can do. It seems that this kid is more powerful than I thought... But My brother donkey is not so easy to deal with! Brother donkey, use the [Thirteen Chain Death Star Fist]!"

"As ordered!" The donkey puppet replied respectfully.

Ning Fan was a little speechless. What made him speechless was naturally the name of the enemy's move. He never thought that there would be someone in this world who could not name a name better than him...

It's a pity that Ning Fan didn't have much time to be speechless, because the donkey puppet attacked at the first time with an extremely dangerous physical technique!

The four hooves of this donkey puppet seem to have been meticulously remodeled, and above the fist transformed from the front hooves, there is a starlight shining with the mighty power of easily piercing the heavens and the earth.

The opponent attacked with his fists, and Ning Fan naturally responded with his fists. The ancient demon smashed the mountain and struck out. This time the ancient demon smashed the mountain with all his strength!

"Stupid! To dare to take Brother Donkey's Star Fist, this is a fist that even ordinary quasi-sages dare not take, even if your kid is a god, don't even think about it...what!"

The old man's expression changed!

In his astonished gaze, Ning Fan actually used his own fist to take over the punch of the donkey puppet!

Boom boom boom!

In just a short meeting, Ning Fan and the donkey puppet slammed dozens of punches, and the result was evenly matched!

"How is that possible! This child is only flesh and blood, yet he can actually withstand the impact of the stars! You must know that Brother Donkey's left fist is made of six cultivation stars, and his right fist uses seven cultivation stars... Donkey The power of any punch, brother, has a six-star or even seven-star impact, and this boy can block this level of impact so easily..." The old man seemed unable to believe the scene in front of him.

Did Ning Fan really easily block the attack of the donkey puppet? No, it's not easy.

Any punch would have the impact of six or seven cultivation stars, what kind of concept is this! Although Ning Fan and the donkey puppet were evenly matched, every time he punched each other, his fist bones felt like a bone fracture.

This donkey puppet is obviously just a half-holy puppet, but it seems... more powerful than many quasi-sages of the end of the law! The quasi-sacred puppet used by General Fei Tie with one hoof is the embodiment of its strength...

The strength of the ancient semi-sage... Ning Fan's eyes became serious, he knew that he must use all his strength.

Cross Halo, open!

Then the ancient demon's mountain-breaking combo hit like a torrential rain!

"What! That's the ring of saints! No, it's not! It's not! Genius's idea! This is really a genius's idea!" The old man looked at Ning Fan with even more fiery eyes!

Ning Fan, who was going all out, was naturally not something that a mere donkey puppet could resist. In the first few dozen punches, the donkey puppet was able to fight evenly with Ning Fan, but as the ancient demon's punches became more and more violent, the donkey puppet finally began to fall behind.

Three hundred hits!

Five hundred hits!

Eight hundred strikes!

One thousand five hundred strikes!

Three thousand hits!

When Ning Fan hit the three thousand ancient demons, the donkey puppet had already been beaten to pieces.

Not in human form, he is no longer Ning Fan's opponent.

His puppet was beaten to pieces, but the old man was not angry but happy, the green light in his eyes was so strong that it could devour the world!

"Genius! Absolute genius! The art of combo has existed since ancient times, but it is the first time I have seen a physical art that combines the characteristics of the ancient demon's crit and volcano sect's combo, which is carried by the ancient devil's way of destruction!"

"However, if this son wants to defeat Brother Donkey based on this technique alone, this old man has no choice but to say that he is delusional! Brother Donkey, use [I am the only one in the sky and the earth to refine the Starlight Armor for the Tenth Generation]!"

"As ordered!"

The donkey puppet summoned a star-studded armor, which was armed to the teeth in an instant.

The armor could not see the grade or material, but it deflected all of Ning Fan's attacks, and not a single punch could hit the donkey!

"What kind of armor is this, it can actually refract my ancient demon breaking the mountain... I can't see any flow of Dao power, this armor does not do this with Dao as the source, this is a magic weapon that I have never encountered. The type cannot even be defined by a simple magic weapon rank... This kind of refraction is very powerful, but it must have its limits. If I can hit an attack that this armor cannot withstand, this kind of refraction will be self-defeating..."

A flash of green light flashed in Ning Fan's eyes, and in just a few breaths of confrontation, he saw through the weakness of this armor.

His punches are even stronger!

His combos are on the rise!

It's a pity that the eight thousand ancient demons have attacked the mountain, but they still can't do anything about this armor!

The defensive ability of this armor, no, the refraction ability is too heaven-defying! As long as the donkey puppet wears this armor, I am afraid that even the second-order quasi-sage will not be able to do anything about it!

and many more! refraction!

Ning Fan suddenly flashed, and he had a guess!

He knew how to break through the armor of the donkey puppet!

Only relying on a single onslaught is not enough. Although this armor is against the sky, it is not without weaknesses. Its advantages are exactly its disadvantages!

"Is it light... Yes or not, you can tell by a try..."

The power of dark yin and yang was quietly activated by Ning Fan!

Ning Fan's next punch suddenly wrapped around the law of darkness!

Since the donkey puppet summoned the armor, the old man watched the fight calmly, thinking that Ning Fan would lose.

But when Ning Fan unleashed his dark power, the old man could no longer calm down, and his jaw almost dropped.

What surprised him was not that Ning Fan could use the Law of Darkness, but... Ning Fan could actually see through his armor design!


With the eight thousandth and one punch, Ning Fan successfully hit the donkey puppet, piercing the armor with one punch, piercing the donkey puppet's abdomen, and shattering the donkey puppet's puppet core.

The donkey puppet's eyes suddenly darkened, he lost control and fell to his knees, defeated.

"It really is light... The reason why this armor can refract attacks is that it incorporates the magic principle of light refraction. This integration is different from ordinary magic weapon creation, so I didn't see it through the first time. Dealing with light, darkness is the most important thing. A good choice, but if it is replaced by other people who have not practiced the law of darkness, it is almost impossible to break through this armor..."

Although he defeated the donkey puppet, Ning Fan did not feel any relief, because he was not too afraid of the donkey puppet from the beginning.

What he was afraid of was the old man from beginning to end!

For this mysterious old man, Ning Fan has no confidence in winning. The only thing he needs to consider is not how to win, but how to escape from this old man.

At the moment of defeating the donkey puppet, Ning Fan rolled up his sleeves, took the Black Demon, Aphrodite, and Mie Dao Lei Ying back to the Xuanyin Realm, turned around and left.

Seeing that Ning Fan fled as soon as he defeated the donkey and puppet, the old man was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"I've hit it! I know that the old man will be deceived by a junior immortal king! Hahaha! What a cunning boy, interesting, the old man likes it! It seems that he has noticed the fact that the old man is not flying fast since the old man appeared. That's why I didn't choose to escape immediately, but first smashed the old man's donkey brother, and then escaped..."

"Wise decision! As a Nascent Soul cultivator, this old man really doesn't fly very fast, but do you think that this old man is only a means of transportation by the donkey brother! The prey that this old man likes has never been able to escape! The donkey! Brother, come back and rest! Brother Sculpture, it's decided to be you!"

The old man cast a ray of light, took back the injured donkey puppet, and then summoned a golden eagle puppet.

This golden eagle puppet is only the Six Tribulations Immortal Emperor's cultivation base, and its combat power is not as high as that of a donkey puppet. Of course, this puppet is not a fighting puppet...

"Brother Sculpture, if you behave well, my brother will give you five [Puppet Crystals] this month!"


Ning Fan was galloping in the desert, almost flying away at the limit speed!

"Did you guess right, or, guessed wrong... Maybe that old guy is really not good at flying, or maybe it's just my illusion... Not good!"


After flying with all his strength, Ning Fan unfortunately collided with some ancient prohibition remaining between heaven and earth, and almost died.

Fortunately, Ning Fan's reaction was always fast enough to dodge most of the forbidden attacks at the last minute, without killing him.

Unfortunately, he was still severely injured by the ban. He was covered in blood, and the body of the gods was useless. He couldn't stop an attack of that level!

"Trouble, in this Guangzu Diyuan, you really can't fly around... If it is a linear flight, the probability of me hitting the ban here is too high, but if it is a point-type teleportation, the probability of hitting the ban should be very high. Low, but the interference here is too strong, and it will even interfere with the transmission path of the six portals. Using the six portals under such interference, it is very easy to fail the transmission. risk…"

Ning Fan took a few pills, and before he could even chew the pills, he flew forward again.

It didn't take long for it to fly, and it hit another ancient ban. With previous experience, Ning Fan's reaction was quicker this time, and he evaded more timely before the forbidden attack, but he was still hit by a few forbidden attacks.

"The perception is limited here. Here, I can't predict the location of the ancient prohibition in advance. The only thing I can rely on is the physical instinct that has been tempered by countless lives and deaths. With instinct, in the time interval between the triggering of the prohibition and the attack, dodge... This is This is the second time. If I encounter the ancient prohibition a few more times, I will be able to truly understand the triggering mechanism of the prohibition here, so that my body can remember the timing of the prohibition triggering. In this way, I can have a short interval before the prohibition attack comes. Dodge perfectly! The only trouble is that this adaptation requires the price of several hits and bans, and the injury is too heavy. Like the six-path teleportation, there are drawbacks..."

Ning Fan swallowed a few pills again, suppressed the injury, and forced forward.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time... After that, he hit the ancient prohibition five times in a row, and the injuries he suffered were less severe each time.

When he hit the ancient ban for the sixth time, he actually relied on his physical instinct to dodge the ban attack during the short ban trigger time!

This is not something ordinary people can do! The speed of this kind of bodily reflex has nothing to do with cultivation. It can only be exercised after life and death. It is a talent that those who cultivate in a peaceful environment will never be able to master it for a lifetime!

"It's terrible, it's terrible! This kid obviously doesn't know anything about the distribution of restrictions in this area, yet he still dares to fly so fast! Is this planning to kill this old man! This old man just wants to catch you for research, not to harm Your life, why can't you think about it!"

"A lunatic, really a lunatic! Even hitting the ancient bans again and again is deliberate, and you want to use your body memory to instinctively evade ban attacks. Is this really possible!"

"Impossible! He was banned from attacking, and his injuries were getting lighter every time!"

"Six times! Only six times can perfectly evade the forbidden attack here! This is the ban left by the old man's suppression of the [Ant Master]. This is ridiculous! He is just a little fairy king, not a saint! How could he do this!"

"Damn it! The speed of this kid flying with all his strength is so fast! The old man's eagle brother can't catch up! No! This kid has gone the wrong way! Can't go any further! Going forward is the [new] of [that monster]. nest】!"

Ning Fan felt a big headache. On the sixth floor, although his perception was limited, he could still feel that there was a spiritual sense behind him, locking him all the time.

The old man's spiritual thoughts are not restricted!

The old man's spiritual sense was still locked on him, and he was still chasing him!

Even though he was at full speed, he still couldn't get rid of the old man's pursuit!

"Would you like to take the risk of opening the six portals and teleporting directly out of Diyuan? Under the interference of this place, although this matter is risky, if it is successful, it is bound to get rid of this old lunatic in an instant... But Xiaoman is still here, I still Didn't find her location. Just leaving like this would leave Xiaoman alone in this dangerous place..."

"Sure enough, we still have to find Xiaoman first, and then leave together!"

There was a mysterious old man chasing him behind him, but Ning Fan dared to search for Bei Xiaoman in the sixth floor, which was really daring.

Seeing that the old man was getting closer and closer, Ning Fan felt even more headache. He flew over the desert, and inadvertently, flew to a huge hole in the ground.

This cave is not the entrance to the seventh floor.

This is actually a light ant's nest!

In this nest, there are hundreds of millions of light ant eggs that have not yet hatched. In the nest, there are also more than 100,000 light ants that have hatched, but since they were all just born, their cultivation bases are very low, and they cannot cause any trouble to Ning Fan at all.

Ning Fan was not interested in such a light ant nest, and was about to fly directly over the nest when suddenly, a mutation protruded!

Something deep in the lair seemed to sense Ning Fan's passing, and suddenly shot out hundreds of tentacles, entwining towards Ning Fan.

The speed of the tentacle attack was faster than the speed of the ancient forbidden attack here. With Ning Fan's physical instinct, he only avoided a few tentacle attacks, and was still entangled by most of the tentacles.

I don't know what kind of creature sent the tentacles. Ning Fan has already fully cultivated at this moment, but he can't stop earning these tentacles! The more he felt, the more shocked Ning Fan became. He actually felt an extremely strong... third-step aura from these tentacles!

The third step is breath, sage tentacles! There will be no saints in the age of the end of the law, but the degree of intractability of these tentacles is definitely beyond the second step!

"The hunting light ants, the old lunatic who is suspected of being a major repair in the ancient times, and the unknown tentacles that are suspected of being attacked by a saint... This Guangzu Diyuan is too dangerous, no wonder the dignified Guangzu can't do anything about it... So this time I found Xiaoman. , I must educate her well, don't run around in dangerous places!"


Ning Fan's whole body suddenly burst out with the power of reincarnation, and relying on the power of reincarnation, he forcibly broke the tentacles wrapped around his body.

The only thing that can compete with the power of the third step is the power of the third step. Although the power of reincarnation in Ning Fan's body is not much, the unknown tentacles here are not really terrifying, and Ning Fan will not be weakened by these tentacles. fight back.

Chi Chi Chi!

More tentacles shot out from the depths of the nest. Although they wouldn't bind Ning Fan again, they blocked Ning Fan's path, making Ning Fan trapped in the sky above and unable to leave in a short time.

Because of this, for the first time, Ning Fan was caught up by a mysterious old man riding a golden eagle puppet!

"Trouble, can I only risk using the six portals..."

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, and he was about to open the six portals to teleport out of this area, but the old man took the first step.

The old man did not attack Ning Fan.

The old man was just attacking the countless tentacles that entangled Ning Fan, as well as a certain existence in the depths of the cave.

"Boy, this old man is blocking you here, go away! If this guy runs wild, you can't handle it, even your incompetent master Luan Gu is not his opponent, let alone you! The old man has suppressed this scorpion. In the tenth era of reincarnation, no one has a better understanding of it, and in this era of the end of the law, only this old man can master it!"

That mysterious old man was actually covering Ning Fan's retreat!

Ning Fan frowned. With his ability, he could also use the six portals to get out of trouble, but he would take a lot of risks...

If he was covered by this old man, he would owe karma for no reason, and it would be very troublesome to owe karma to the old monsters...

"Humph! Don't want to leave, are you afraid of owing the old man karma? The old man really misunderstood you. I didn't expect you to be a mediocre person who talks about the karma of bullshit all day long! Okay, you are afraid of karma, right? Don't be afraid, old man! Come, come, come and change the cause and effect that the old man owes you, don't leave, you stay and help the old man kill the ant master! I borrow this thing from you! When the old man says to kill, you will kill it!"

The old man impatiently took out something and threw it to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan was stunned for a moment, this thing is actually an innate high-grade magic weapon!

[Liangyi Protector Sword? Yang Sword? Good is not punishment]!

With the means to communicate with all things, Ning Fan knew the name of this sword in an instant!

But... what kind of second-hand name is this, he really can't complain!

The only certainty is that this sword is very strong, very strong! Just holding this sword, Ning Fan felt that his mana had soared by 20% out of thin air. It seems that for unknown reasons, this sword was highly compatible with his own Yin-Yang Transformation and Chaos Ring Art, so he added Ning Fan. 's cultivation!

Ning Fan can feel the great power contained in this sword even more! This is a rare innate high-grade magic weapon in the era of the end of the law! With this sword, Ning Fan even has the confidence to defeat a figure at the level of Chunyang Patriarch!

"Such a magic weapon, you can give it if you give it. Isn't this old man afraid that I will run away with the magic weapon? Is he looking down on me, or trusting me, or it doesn't matter..." Ning Fan frowned deeper.

It's not that he didn't have this idea of ​​stealing a magic weapon, but considering the strength gap between himself and the old man, he quickly gave up the idea.

So, how to choose...

Should I stay here to help the old man deal with the rogue [Ant Master], return the sword to the old man and leave by himself, or grab the sword and leave...

[Zhou Ming, Zhou Ming, I miss you so much, I miss you so much...]

Ning Fan suddenly heard a certain voice, coming from the depths of the light ant's nest!

That is, that is... Bei Xiaoman's voice! That's a name that only Bei Xiaoman can call out!

Zhou Ming!

Damn, is this crazy girl trapped in this lair! What was thinking in her mind, can she come to this kind of place casually!

The body's reaction rose faster than Ning Fan's anger!

Ning Fan walked along the way, and the evil energy accumulated for countless years rose into the sky in an instant, and the whole person turned into the real body of the ancients, like a peerless devil, holding the two-meter guardian sword, fierce flames rushed into the light ant nest below!

At this moment, in his mind, he no longer thinks about the old lunatic or the ant master!

He just wants to do one thing now, and that is to fish Bei Xiaoman out of the damn light ant nest, find a place where no one else is, and beat her ass!

Ning Fan really likes corporal punishment more than persuasion and education!

"What, what! Are you really crazy! How dare you rush directly into the ant master's nest! You, you, do you want to be digested by the ant master! With the personality of a chaotic old mother-in-law, she would actually accept you like this The lawless disciple, really, really... too much to the appetite of this old man! Evil brother, it is decided that it is you! We will also go in!"

[Liangyi Protecting Zong Sword? Yin Sword? Evil will be cut]!

The old man took out another innate high-grade sword, followed Ning Fan, and entered the light ant's nest...

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