Grasping Evil

Chapter 146: Rain in the Rain World

The country of Yue, Lihen Mountain, it is raining lightly today.

It is rainy in the rain world, and there is rain in Vietnam. It was originally a common thing.

Two years ago, there was an Acacia sect here, but this sect was destroyed overnight by Han Yuanji, the 'Yue Zun' of the Yue Kingdom!

Here, is the place where the unlucky disciple of the old demon died tragically, and it is also the place where the old demon and Ning Fan met.

This is the place where Ning Fan gathered for the female demon, and it was also the place where he first met Zhi He.

It's the beginning and it's the end.

Since the destruction of the Hehuan Sect, there are only ruins left here, the spiritual veins at the bottom of the mountain are also broken, the spiritual energy does not exist, and there are no monks to establish the sect again. Nowadays, only the woodcutter occasionally goes up the mountain to chop wood, and there are occasional mountain rumors in the mountains.

Amidst the rain, a young man in a white coat and a black cloak stood on the top of the mountain, listening to the song, his eyes slightly closed.

In his mind, scenes of memories revolved.

Around the body, before the raindrops wet the robe, it veered off the track strangely and did not fall on the young man.

The supernatural power that makes the raindrops deviate from the track is called the Divine Will of Rain!

"I deviate from fate here, so I am no longer me. The rain deviates from the track, but it is still rain... People are not as good as rain, too fickle..."

The young man opened his eyes, and a trace of vicissitudes flashed in his eyes.

The old devil is gone, Dugu is gone, Qimei is cold... There is rain in the rain world, and the Lihen Mountain is also cold.

As soon as the old demon leaves, after a hundred years, Emperor Nie may not threaten him. If he finds a place to hide, it will be easier to avoid the confrontation with Emperor Nie.

A hundred years of broken emptiness, difficult... A hundred years of victory over Nirvana, difficult... If you can escape, why not escape...

Why don't you run away, why are you still persistent, why are you still trying to improve your strength...

Cultivation of demons, why... Cultivation of Taoism, and for what?

In Ning Fan's heart, the inner demon is gradually rising. If this inner demon is not killed, he will not be able to form a pill for the rest of his life, and will be infested by it for the rest of his life.

"Perhaps, it is more secure to listen to the words of the master, give up the ideal of a hundred years of broken empty talk, give up fighting with Emperor Nirvana, and be safe and stable for a thousand years of broken empty..."

"But Han Nietian, he hurt Shizun! How can this hatred be counted!"

For a moment, Ning Fan's inner demon was suppressed, and Ning Fan suddenly opened his eyes. The rainwater in Lihen Mountain was suddenly given a strange charm. The world seems to stand still!

Let the rain stop falling, because the young man's rain god has been endowed with a hint of artistic conception - the heart of defying the sky!

This adversity causes the rain to hang upside down, and this adversity causes the inner demon to be suppressed. This disobedience is used by young people as the fundamental means of slaying the heart demon!

"It's not enough... If I rely on the divine will of the rain, I can make the sky drizzle and turn the sky backwards, then it is enough to go against the will. At that time, even if I don't cut my emotions, I can destroy the demon!"

The young man took all his expressions and took a last look at the ruins of the Hehuan Sect. After a moment of indifference, he teleported and disappeared into the light drizzle.

As soon as he left, the cause and effect of the Acacia sect was terminated.

The strange scene of the stillness of the mountain rain just now made several woodcutters who were chopping wood in the mountains tremble with fear.

"My God, this rain, why didn't it rain just now... Really... It's a hell of a day, this place is really evil,

Better go home soon..."


A day later, the rain stopped and the sky was bright.

On the ruins of Tianli Sect, a young man in white clothes and a black cloak appeared out of thin air with a flash of black light, without attracting anyone's attention.

Tianli was destroyed, the sect was destroyed, but there were still many half-destroyed medicinal herbs and magic weapons in the ruins, which attracted many monks to set up camps in the ruins and search for treasures in the ruins.

There are also many cultivators who are secretly hiding here. Once they find out which cultivator has found some good treasure from the ruins, it is very likely that they will take the cultivator for the treasure.

Ning Fan appeared on the ruins, his spiritual sense swept away thousands of miles, and he immediately understood everything that happened.

Looking at the ruins, he closed his eyes slightly. He came here not to hunt for treasure, but to settle the remaining thoughts in his heart.

He closed his eyes, and for a long time, the sky was filled with rain.

Immediately, the light rain was like Su, and the light rain seemed to be led by Ning Fan's mind.

And Ning Fan closed his eyes and said to himself,

"Godfinch's rain will plant three thoughts in total, the first one is killing intent, the second one is fighting intent, and the third one is rebellious intent. By integrating these three thoughts, he has just obtained his own divine intent. I have bad intentions, although it is not enough, but I will be able to fully understand it in the future. I also have killing intentions. On the ruins of this day, my killing intentions are unbearable!"

In Ning Fan's mind, he recalled the damage Ning Gu suffered in Tianli Sect, and the bitterness of Ning Gu's lifelong inability to cultivate Taoism. His heart was wrapped in indifferent killing intent, and the killing intent was still rising!

The few pulse-diagnosing cultivators on the side obviously didn't know that young people were terrifying.

They have been hunting for treasures here for many days, but they only found some scraps of copper and iron. Naturally, they were irritable.

They were not interested in Ning Fan, and they were not even interested in the rain that fell out of nowhere.

But they were suddenly very interested in the treasure on Ning Fan!

"High-grade magic weapon?! Or is it the Jinxuan spirit outfit?! Or is it a three-turn pill?! Why is this compass flickering so violently!"

Among them, a rat-bearded man with a treasure hunt compass looked at Ning Fan with fiery eyes.

They are hunting for treasures here, naturally they are loose cultivators, and a few of them occasionally do the work of cultivating bandits.

The ruins of Tianli Zong have been searched by many monks. Among them, there are very few magical treasures, but Ning Fan in front of him seems to be a big fat sheep. I don't know how many treasures he has on him, and he can actually make the treasure hunt compass shake so violently.

The mouse-bearded man with some eyesight, even from Ning Fan's hair and wrist, saw the blue silk ribbon and the ancient beast wrist guard, each of which was a golden mysterious spirit outfit, which was very valuable.

Ning Fan, it really is a fat sheep! And it seems that Ning Fan, this fat sheep, is very young, and most of his cultivation bases are not very high.

Everyone couldn't see Ning Fan's cultivation base, so they regarded Ning Fan as a lowly cultivated son.

I don't know which young master went to Tianli Zong to watch the flowers and watch the rain. I really don't know whether to live or die. I don't know that there are many loose cultivators and cultivators here. Are they all desperados!


The rat-bearded man whispered an order to the big man on the seventh floor, and the big man immediately grinned, gearing up, and approaching Ning Fan.

Killing Ning Fan, in Dahan's opinion, is definitely no more difficult than squeezing an ant to death.

But the closer he got to Ning Fan, the more he realized that a sense of crisis of being stared at by beasts rose to his heart, causing him to gradually slow down.

And when he walked ten feet away from Ning Fan, a murderous intent like a wild beast made his blood surge, and he was horrified to find that it was difficult for him to get close to Ning Fan!

At this moment, no matter how stupid this big man is, he can see that Ning Fan is not a son or a fat sheep, but a hidden peerless master!

The rat-bearded man was even more pale. When he saw Ning Fan's eyelids moving, he immediately shouted,

"Brothers, run away!"

At this moment, Ning Fan opened his eyes, and within a hundred meters, a drop of rainwater suddenly turned into a sword-like force!

"It's too late!" Ning Fan's eyes turned cold, and within the rain curtain, the rat-bearded man and the others were directly drenched in a sieve by the rain, and blood splashed on the barren hills!

Ning Fan didn't use any mana at all to kill these meridian cultivators. He just used the divine intent of rain to combine killing intent... and that inviolable killing intent turned into a weapon to kill these loose cultivators.

That's not enough... The murderous aura in God's will is completely different from that of the Sparrow God Son... But Ning Fan, indeed, in the God's Will of Rain, incorporates the second artistic conception.

Reverse and kill... The third artistic conception of God Son Que is the will to fight, but Ning Fan is different from God Son Qu, he cultivates demons, not to dominate one side. He improved his strength, and it was not for the bloody battle of the world.

In essence, maybe he, like Ning Gu, like Zhihe, doesn't like to kill... but he has no choice.

Above the ruins, other scattered cultivators realized that the place had changed, and immediately someone recognized Ning Fan's appearance.

"Ghost... Ghost Bird Ning Zun! A ruthless man who can even kill the old devil Ziyin! Why do these people come to the Tianli Ruins? Are they here to hunt for treasure?"

To these people's questions, Ning Fan didn't answer, he just disappeared and turned into an ice rainbow and left.

"Hehuan Sect, there is rebellion. Tianli Sect, there is killing. And Hanyue Mountain, there is... desolation and loneliness. I once obtained Hu Fengzi Xiu Dan, and promised him to protect the Hu family... After the Hu family, in the Yue Kingdom, There should be no more cause and effect..."

Ning Fan's escape light gradually disappeared in the rain, and the rain gradually stopped.

The monks breathed a sigh of relief after Ning Fan left.

And those who have a heart will wonder, what kind of magical power was Ning Fan's terrifying means of killing several loose cultivators with rain just now?

It's just that with their low realm, I'm afraid they won't be able to understand it for the rest of their lives.

The only conclusion that can be drawn is... Guique Ning Zun is indeed an extremely terrifying master.


The Hanyue Mountain in West Yue was once famous for the Moon Spring. The Hu family in Xiyue was once prosperous because of the ancestor Hu Fengzi.

But since Wang Yao came, all the elites of the Hu family died, and the ancestors died tragically after taking the Corpse Rot Pill. The Hu family fell, and the Yuehan Spring was also taken away by a powerful person.

Whoever took Yuehanquan away, the Hu family cultivators didn't say anything to the outside world, but those who had the heart still found out that this matter had a lot to do with Guique Ning Zun.

But now that Ning Fan is in full swing in the country of Yue, who would not open his eyes and make trouble with Ning Fan for the sake of a spiritual spring?

With the decline of the Hu family, less attention has been paid to the Hu family. Some of the cultivators who used to be close to the Hu family have cut off contact with the Hu family, and even many enemy families have come to provoke them.

And even the Purple Light Sect, whom they have always been friends with, peeped at the Hu family, and even asked the Hu family to merge into the Purple Light Sect!

Without him, in the battle of Moyue, Ziguang Sect suffered a lot of losses, and the head was seriously injured. Now it is really necessary to annex some minor cultivators to supplement their strength.

In the Hu family hall, the senior members of the Hu family are talking about Ziguangzong.

"Purple Light Sect, how can you be so deceiving?! Patriarch, why don't we ask Ning Zun for help." An elder of the Hu family in the early stage of fusion, persuaded.

"Ning Zun... It's better not to bother him about this matter. He made an agreement with the ancestors to protect the Hu family three times. If it's just for such trivial matters, please touch him..." Hu Ming, the young man in black that day, had already The head of the Chenghu family shook his head helplessly at the elder's suggestion.

The Hu family were all planted by Ning Fan... Hu Ming doesn't know about Ning Fan's personality, so it's better not to annoy Ning Fan. If Ning Fan was unwilling to help, instead, in a fit of rage, he activated the mind ban and wiped out all the cultivators of the Hu family, then the last bloodline of the Hu family would be ruined...

If you can't ask for help, then don't ask for help... Zi Guangzong's request, think of a way.

But at this moment, from the distant Hanyue Mountain, an ethereal voice, mixed with spiritual thoughts, suddenly sounded in the family hall.

"Don't worry, Ning will not go back on what he promised. This time, I will make a move for your Hu family. Hu Ming, come to Hanyueshan to see me."


On the top of the cold moon, Ning Fan stood in front of a grave without a monument, closing his eyes and saying nothing.

Hu Fengzi, for the survival of the clan, his soul is scattered, and he will never enter reincarnation, in exchange for Ning Fan's three shots...

Is this worth it?

A hint of rain gradually rose around him. On Hanyue Mountain, there seems to be Hu Fengzi's way, and that way, and Ning Fan's way, secretly match.

Is it worth it?

Cultivating demons along the way, trapped by love, burdened by grace, forced by hatred... Is everything worth it?

The patter of light rain fell on Hanyue Mountain.

There was a hint of confusion in the sound of the rain.

"I walked all the way, for what, and is it worth it... This rain is silent, what benefits does it end up, and is it worth it?"

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